Sony KV-29FQ85K: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting: Sony KV-29FQ85K
Here are some simple solutions to problems which may affect the picture and sound.
No picture (screen is dark) and no
• Check the aerial connection.
• Plug the TV in and press the button on the front of the TV.
• If the standby indicator is on, press TV button on
the remote control.
Poor or no picture (screen is dark), but
• Using the menu system, select the “Picture Adjustment” menu and select
good sound.
“Reset” to return to the factory settings (see page 11).
No picture or no menu information
• Check that the optional equipment is on and press the button
from equipment connected to the
repeatedly on the remote control until the correct input symbol is
Scart connector.
displayed on the screen (see page 23).
Good picture, no sound.
• Press the + button on the remote control.
• Check that “TV Speakers” is “On” in the “Sound Adjustment”
menu (see page 13).
• Check that headphones are not connected.
No colour on colour programmes.
• Using the menu system, select the “Picture Adjustment” menu and select
“Reset” to return to factory settings (see page 11).
When you switch on the TV the last
• This is not a malfunction. Press the number buttons on the remote control
channel you were watching before
to select the desired channel.
switching the TV off does not appear.
Distorted picture when changing
• Turn off any equipment connected to the Scart connector on the rear of the
programmes or selecting teletext.
Wrong characters appear when
• Use the menu system to enter the “Country” menu (see page 16) and select
viewing teletext.
the country in which you operate the TV set. For cyrillic languages, we
recommend selecting Russia country if your own country does not appear
in the list.
Wrong characters appear when
• Use the menu system to enter the “Language” menu (see page 16) and
viewing NexTView.
select the same language that NexTView is broadcast in.
Picture slanted.
• Using the menu system, select the “Picture Rotation” option in the
“Features” menu to correct the picture slant (see page 15).
Snowy picture when viewing a TV
• Using the menu system, select the “Manual Programme Preset” menu and
adjust Fine Tuning (AFT) to obtain better picture reception (see page 18).
• Using the menu system, select the “Noise Reduction” option in the “Picture
Adjustment” menu and select “Auto” to reduce the noise in the picture
(see page 11).
Additional Information
No unscrambled picture whilst
• Using the menu system, select the “Features” menu and set “AV3 Output”
viewing an unscrambled channel with
to “TV” (see page 14).
a decoder or a Set Top Box connected
• Check that the Decoder or the Set Top Box is not connected on the
through the Scart connector
scart 2/ 2.
3/ 3.
, B and b buttons do not work
• PAP navigation is only possible in TV mode, please check that Media
in PAP mode.
Selector is set to TV.
Images from the “Memory Stick” can
• This is not a malfunction of the TV. This is because you are using a non-
not be displayed or you can view the
Sony brand “Memory Stick” media.
image but some features are not
available (rotate..) and an error
message appears on the TV screen.
Remote control does not function.
• Check that the Media Selector on the remote control is set to the device
you are using (VCR, TV, DVD or AUX).
• If the remote control does not operate the VCR or DVD even when the
Media Selector has been set correctly. Enter the necessary code set as
explained on page 26.
• Replace the batteries.
The standby indicator on the TV
• Contact your nearest Sony service centre.
• If you continue to experience problems, have your TV serviced by qualified personnel.
• Never open the casing yourself.
Additional Information
Благодарим ви за избора на това изделие на Sony.
Преди да използвате този телевизор, прочетете внимателно това ръководство за употреба и го запазете за
бъдещи справки.
• Символи, използвани в ръководството:
• Важна информация.
• Бутоните, оцветени в бяло на дистанционното
управление, са тези, които трябва да натиснете, за
• Информация за характеристика.
да следвате последователността в инструкциите.
• 1,2... Последователност на инструкциите.
• Информира ви за резултата от инструкциите.
Въведение ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Информация за безопасността............................................................................................................................................ 4
Преглед и инсталиране
Проверка на доставените принадлежности ..................................................................................................................... 5
Поставяне на батериите в дистанционното управление ............................................................................................... 5
Преглед на бутоните на дистанционното управление ................................................................................................... 6
Преглед на бутоните на телевизора .................................................................................................................................. 7
Свързване на антената и видеото....................................................................................................................................... 7
Първо включване
Включване на телевизора и автоматично захващане.................................................................................................... 8
Функции на телевизора
Въведение и използване на системата от менюта ....................................................................................................... 10
Меню "Настройка на картината" .............................................................................................................................. 11
Меню "Настройка на звука"........................................................................................................................................ 12
Меню "Характеристики".............................................................................................................................................. 14
AV3 Изход ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Ръководство за свързване .................................................................................................................................... 15
Въртене на картината ........................................................................................................................................... 15
RGB център............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Меню "Инсталиране".................................................................................................................................................... 16
Език........................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Държава ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Автоматично захващане ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Подреждане на програми ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Надписване на програмите .................................................................................................................................. 17
Запаметени AV настройки .................................................................................................................................. 17
Програмa ръчeн избop.......................................................................................................................................... 18
Картина и картина (КИК) ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Телетекст .................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Допълнителна информация
Включване на апаратура към телевизора....................................................................................................................... 22
Гледане на картина от апаратура, свързана към телевизора .....................................................................................23
Научаване на функциите от други дистанционни бутони............................................................................................24
Конфигуриране на дистанционното управление за видео или DVD......................................................................... 26
Технически спецификации..................................................................................................................................................27
Отстраняване на неизправности........................................................................................................................................28
Как да се повдига телевизорът ....................................................................................................................Задна корица
- Introduction
- Safety Information
- Checking the Accessories supplied
- Overview of Remote Control Buttons
- Overview of the TV Buttons
- Switching On the TV and Automatically Tuning
- Introducing and Using the Menu System
- The Picture Adjustment Menu
- The Sound Adjustment Menu
- The Features Menu
- The Set Up Menu
- Teletext
- NexTView*
- Connecting Equipment to the TV
- Viewing pictures from equipment connected to the TV
- Learning functions from other Remote Controls
- Remote Control Configuration for VCR or DVD
- Technical Specifications
- Troubleshooting
- Инструкции за безопасност
- Úvod
- Bezpečnostní informace
- Kontrola dodávaného příslušenství
- Přehled tlačítek dálkového ovladače
- Přehled tlačítek televizoru
- Zapnutí televizoru a automatické ladění
- Jak používat nabídkový systém televizoru
- Nabídka nastavení obrazu
- Nabídka nastavení zvuku
- Nabídka funkce
- Nabídka instalace
- Teletext
- NexTView*
- Jak připojit zařízení k televizoru
- Sledování obrazu ze zařízení připojených k televizoru
- Funkce učení od jiných dálkových ovladačů
- Konfigurace dálkového ovladače pro videorekordér nebo DVD
- Technické údaje
- Jak odstranit závadu
- Bevezető
- Biztonsági előírások
- A mellékelt tartozékok ellenőrzése
- A távvezérlő gombjainak áttekintése
- A televízió gombjainak áttekintése
- A televízió bekapcsolása és automatikusa hangolása
- A menürendszer bemutatása és használata
- A Képbeállítás menü
- A Hangszabályozás menü
- A Jellemzők menü
- A Beállítás menü
- Teletext
- NexTView*
- Készülékek csatlakoztatása a televízióhoz
- A televízióhoz csatlakoztatott készülék képének nézése
- Funkciók tanulása más távvezérlőktől
- Műszaki adatok
- Hibaelhárítás
- Informacje dotyczące bezpieczeństwa
- Общие правила техники безопасности