Sony KLV-23HR3: Installation and moving

Installation and moving: Sony KLV-23HR3

Installation and moving


Outdoor use

Never cover the ventilation holes in the

Do not install this TV set

cabinet. It may cause overheating and

outdoors. If the TV set is exposed

result in fire. Unless proper ventilation is

to rain, it may result in fire or

provided, the TV set may gather dust and

electric shock. If the TV set is

get dirty. For proper ventilation, observe

exposed to direct sunlight, the TV

the following:

set may heat up and it may

Do not install the TV set turned backward or sideways.

damage the TV set.

Do not install the TV set turned over or upside down.

Do not install the TV set on a shelf or in a closet.

Do not place the TV set on a rug or bed.

Do not cover the TV set with cloth, such as curtains, or

items such as news papers, etc.

Vehicle or ceiling

Ships and other vessels

Do not install this TV set in a vehicle.

Do not install this TV set in a ship

Bumping of the vehicle may cause the

or vessel. If the TV set is exposed

set to fall down and cause injury. Do

to seawater, it may cause fire or

not hang this TV set from the ceiling.

damage the TV set.

To prevent the TV set from falling


Do not open the cabinet. Entrust

Place the TV set on a secure, stable stand. Do not hang

the TV set to qualified service

anything on the TV set.

personnel only.

Moisture and flammable objects

Ventilation holes

Do not let this TV set get wet.

Do not insert anything in the ventilation

Never spill liquid of any kind on

holes. If metal or something flammable

the TV set. If any liquid or solid

enters, it may result in fire or electric shock.

object does fall through, do not

operate the TV set. It may result in electric shock or

damage to the TV set. Have it checked immediately by

qualified personnel.

To prevent fire, keep flammable objects or naked

lights (e.g. candles) away from the TV set.

Protruding location


Do not install the TV set in protruding locations. If you

Never place the TV set in hot,

install the TV set in the following locations, it may result

humid or excessively dusty places.

in injury.

Do not install the TV set where it

Do not install the TV set in a location where the TV set

may be exposed to mechanical

protrudes, such as on or behind pillar.


Do not install the TV set in a location where you might

bump your head on it.

Cleaning the Screen Surface

The screen surface is finished with a special coating to

prevent strong light reflections. Be sure to observe the


following precautions to avoid the damaging the finish.

Unplug the mains lead when cleaning this TV set. If not,

it may result in electric shock.

• To remove dust from the screen surface, wipe gently with

a soft cloth. If dust is persistent, wipe with a soft cloth

slightly moistened with a diluted mild detergent

Recommended place for the TV set

solution. You can wash and repeatedly use the soft cloth.

Place the TV Set on a stable, level

• Never use any type of abrasive path, alkaline/acid

surface. Otherwise, the TV set may fall

cleaner, scouring powder, or strong solvent such as

and cause injury.

alcohol, benzine or thinner.


Safety Information
