Sony KDL-32U2000: Precautions

Precautions: Sony KDL-32U2000

Lightning storms

Handling and cleaning the screen surface/cabinet of

For your own safety, do not touch any

the TV set

part of the TV set, mains lead, or

Be sure to unplug the mains lead connected to the TV set

aerial lead during lightning storms.

from mains socket before cleaning.

To avoid material degradation or screen coating degradation,

Broken pieces

observe the following precautions.

Do not throw anything at the TV set.

Do not push on the screen, scratch it with a hard object, or

The screen glass may break by the

throw anything at it. The screen may be damaged.

impact and cause serious injury.

Do not touch the display panel after operating the TV set

If the surface of the TV set cracks, do

continuously for a long period as the display panel

not touch it until you have unplugged

becomes hot.

the mains lead. Otherwise electric

We recommend that the screen surface be touched as little

shock may result.

as possible.

To remove dust from the screen surface/cabinet, wipe


gently with a soft cloth. If dust is persistent, wipe with a

Dangerously high Voltage are

soft cloth slightly moistened with a diluted mild detergent

present inside the TV set.


Do not open the cabinet. Entrust

Never use any type of abrasive pad, alkaline/acid cleaner,

the TV set to qualified service

scouring powder, or volatile solvent, such as alcohol,

personnel only.

benzene, thinner or insecticide. Using such materials or

maintaining prolonged contact with rubber or vinyl

Small accessories removal and fittable

materials may result in damage to the screen surface and

Keep small accessories out of children’s reach.

cabinet material.

The ventilation holes can accumulate dust over time. To

ensure proper ventilation, we recommend removing the


dust periodically (once a month) using a vacuum cleaner.

If the angle of the TV set is to be adjusted, steady the base

Viewing the TV

of the stand with your hand to prevent the TV set from

becoming separated from the stand. Be careful not to get

To view the TV comfortably, the recommended viewing

your fingers caught between the TV set and the stand.

position is from four to seven times the screen’s vertical

length away from the TV set.

Optional Equipments

To obtain a clear picture, do not expose the screen to direct

Do not install optional components too close to the TV set.

illumination or direct sunlight. If possible, use spot

Keep optional components at least 30 cm away from the

lighting directed down from the ceiling.

TV set. If a VCR is installed in front of the TV set or

View the TV in moderate light, as viewing the TV in poor

beside the TV set, the picture may become distorted.

light or during long period of time, strains your eyes.

Picture distortion and/or noisy sound may occur if the TV

Volume adjustment

set is positioned in close proximity to any equipment

emitting electromagnetic radiation.

Adjust the volume so as not to trouble your neighbours.

Sound carries very easily at night time. Therefore, closing

the windows or using headphones is suggested.

Disposal of the TV set

When using headphones, adjust the volume so as to avoid

excessive levels, as hearing damage may result.

Disposal of Old Electrical &

LCD Screen

Electronic Equipment

Although the LCD screen is made with high-precision

(Applicable in the European

technology and 99.99% or more of the pixels are effective,

Union and other European

black dots may appear or bright points of light (red, blue,

or green) may appear constantly on the LCD screen. This

countries with separate

is a structural property of the LCD screen and is not a

collection systems)


This symbol on the product or on

Do not push or scratch the front filter, or place objects on

its packaging indicates that this

top of this TV set. The image may be uneven or the LCD

product shall not be treated as

screen may be damaged.

household waste. Instead it shall

If this TV set is used in a cold place, a smear may occur in

be handed over to the applicable

the picture or the picture may become dark. This does not

collection point for the recycling

indicate a failure. These phenomena disappear as the

of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this

temperature rises.

product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent

Ghosting may occur when still pictures are displayed

potential negative consequences for the environment and

continuously. It may disappear after a few moments.

human health, which could otherwise be caused by

The screen and cabinet get warm when this TV set is in

inappropriate waste handling of this product. The recycling

use. This is not a malfunction.

of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more

The LCD screen contains a small amount of liquid crystal

detailed information about recycling of this product, please

and mercury. The fluorescent tube used in this TV set also

contact your local Civic Office, your household waste

contains mercury. Follow your local ordinances and

disposal service or the shop where you purchased the

regulations for disposal.
