Sony KDL-40W4710: Precautions

Precautions: Sony KDL-40W4710

Disposal of the TV set


Disposal of Old Electrical &

Electronic Equipment

Viewing the TV

(Applicable in the European

s View the TV in moderate light, as viewing the TV in poor light

or during long period of time, strains your eyes.

Union and other European

s When using headphones, adjust the volume so as to avoid

countries with separate

excessive levels, as hearing damage may result.

collection systems)

LCD Screen

This symbol on the product or on its packaging

s Although the LCD screen is made with high-precision

indicates that this product shall not be treated

technology and 99.99% or more of the pixels are effective,

as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable

black dots may appear or bright points of light (red, blue, or

collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic

green) may appear constantly on the LCD screen. This is a

equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you

structural property of the LCD screen and is not a malfunction.

will help prevent potential negative consequences for the

s Do not push or scratch the front filter, or place objects on top of

environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused

this TV set. The image may be uneven or the LCD screen may

by inappropriate waste handling of this product. The recycling of

be damaged.

materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed

s If this TV set is used in a cold place, a smear may occur in the

information about recycling of this product, please contact your

picture or the picture may become dark. This does not indicate

local Civic Office, your household waste disposal service or the

a failure. These phenomena disappear as the temperature rises.

shop where you purchased the product.

s Ghosting may occur when still pictures are displayed

continuously. It may disappear after a few moments.

Disposal of waste batteries

s The screen and cabinet get warm when this TV set is in use.

This is not a malfunction.

(applicable in the European

s The LCD screen contains a small amount of liquid crystal.

Union and other European

Some fluorescent tubes used in this TV set also contain

countries with separate

mercury. Follow your local ordinances and regulations for


collection systems)

This symbol on the battery or on the packaging

Handling and cleaning the screen surface/

indicates that the battery provided with this

cabinet of the TV set

product shall not be treated as household

Be sure to unplug the mains lead connected to the TV set from

waste. By ensuring these batteries are disposed

mains socket before cleaning.

of correctly, you will help prevent potentially negative

consequences for the environment and human health which could

To avoid material degradation or screen coating degradation,

otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of the battery.

observe the following precautions.

The recycling of the materials will help to conserve natural

s To remove dust from the screen surface/cabinet, wipe gently

resources. In case of products that for safety, performance or data

with a soft cloth. If dust is persistent, wipe with a soft cloth

integrity reasons require a permanent connection with an

slightly moistened with a diluted mild detergent solution.

incorporated battery, this battery should be replaced by qualified

s Never use any type of abrasive pad, alkaline/acid cleaner,

service staff only. To ensure that the battery will be treated

scouring powder, or volatile solvent, such as alcohol, benzene,

properly, hand over the product at end-of-life to the applicable

thinner or insecticide. Using such materials or maintaining

collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic

prolonged contact with rubber or vinyl materials may result in

equipment. For all other batteries, please view the section on how

damage to the screen surface and cabinet material.

to remove the battery from the product safely. Hand the battery over

s Periodic vacuuming of the ventilation opening is recommended

to the applicable collection point for the recycling of waste

to ensure to proper ventilation.

batteries. For more detailed information about recycling of this

s When adjusting the angle of the TV set, move it slowly so as to

product or battery, please contact your local Civic Office, your

prevent the TV set from moving or slipping off from its table

household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased


the product.

Optional Equipment

Keep optional components or any equipment emitting

electromagnetic radiation away from the TV set. Otherwise picture

distortion and/or noisy sound may occur.



Remote and TV Controls/Indicators

Button Description


1 "/1 (TV

Turns the TV on and off from standby mode.


2 (Subtitles) Press to display the subtitles on current


programme if TV channels broadcast such

information (in digital mode only) (page 44).


3 AUDIO In analogue mode: Press to change the dual


sound mode (page 36).

In digital mode: Press to select the audio

language (page 44).


4 / (Input

In TV mode: Selects the input source from


equipment connected to the TV sockets



(page 25).


In Text mode (page 16): Holds the current



5 F/f/G/g/ Press F/f/G/g to move the on-screen cursor.

Press to select/confirm the highlighted


6 OPTIONS Enables you to access various viewing


options and change/make adjustments

according to the source and screen format.

7 HOME Displays the TV Home menu.


8 Coloured

When the coloured buttons are available, an


operation guide appears on the screen.

Follow the operation guide to perform a

selected operation.

9 Number

In TV mode: Selects channels. For channel


numbers 10 and above, enter the second and

third digit quickly.

In Text mode: Press to enter a page number.

0 (Favourite) Press to display the digital favourite list that

you have specified (page 21).




Button Description


qa PROG +/–/

In TV mode: Selects the next (+) or previous


(–) channel.


In Text mode (page 16): Selects the next ( )

or previous ( ) page.


qs (Previous

Returns to the previous channel watched (for


more than five seconds).


qd % (Mute the

Press to mute the sound. Press again to


restore the sound.



In standby mode, if you want to turn on the

TV without sound, press this button.


qf 2 +/–

Press to adjust the volume.


qg / (Text) Press to display text information (page 16).

qh /RETURN Returns to the previous screen of any

displayed menu.


Press to display the Digital Electronic


Programme Guide (EPG) (page 17, 20).

qk ANALOG Press to display the analogue channel that

was last viewed.


ql DIGITAL Press to display the digital channel that was

last viewed.



w; BRAVIA Sync You can operate the equipment connected to

the TV (page 29).

wa / (Info/

In digital mode: Displays details of the

Text reveal)

programme currently being watched.


In analogue mode: Each time you press /

, the information on the screen changes as

follows: Displays information such as current

channel number and screen format t Time

is displayed t Information is hidden.

In Text mode (page 16): Reveals hidden

information (e.g. answers to a quiz).

ws (Screen

Press to change the screen format (page 16).



The number 5, PROG +, AUDIO and buttons have tactile dots.

Use the tactile dots as references when operating the TV.

(Continu ed)




Button Description

1 (HOME) Displays the TV Home menu.

2 / (Input select/OK) In TV mode: Selects the input source from equipment connected to the

TV sockets (page 25).

In TV menu: Selects the menu or option, and confirms the setting.

3 2 +/–/ / In TV mode: Increases (+) or decreases (–) the volume.

In TV menu: Moves through the options right ( ) or left ( ).

4 PROG +/–/ / In TV mode: Selects the next (+) or previous (–) channel.

In TV menu: Moves through the options up ( ) or down ( ).

5 1 (Power) Turns the TV on or off.


To disconnect the TV completely, pull the plug from the mains.

6 Light Sensor Do not put anything over the sensor, as its function may be affected.

7 (Picture Off/Timer

Lights up in green when the picture is switched off (page 37).


Lights up in orange when the reminder is set (page 18, 20) or the timer is

set (page 38).

8 Remote control sensor Receives IR signals from the remote.

Do not put anything over the sensor, as its function may be affected.

9 1 (Standby indicator) Lights up in red when the TV is in standby mode.

0 " (Power indicator) Lights up in green when the TV is turned on.

Lights up in red when recording a current programme by SmartLink.


Make sure that the TV is completely turned off before unplugging the mains lead. Unplugging the mains lead

while the TV is turned on may cause the indicator to remain lit or may cause the TV to malfunction.

Do not put anything over the indicators as their functions may be affected.




12 3 4 5



Watching TV

1 Press 1 on the TV to switch on the TV.

Watching TV

When the TV is in standby mode (the 1

(standby) indicator on the TV (front) is

red), press "/1 on the remote to switch on


the TV.

2 Press DIGITAL to switch to digital mode

Watching TV

or ANALOG to switch to analogue mode.

The channels available vary depending on

the mode.

3 Press the number buttons or PROG +/– to

select a TV channel.

To select channel numbers 10 and above

using the number buttons, enter the

second and third digits within two


To select a digital channel using the


Guide, see page 17 or 20.

In digital mode


An information banner appears briefly.

The following icons may be indicated on

the banner.

*: Interactive service (MHEG Digital Text)

is available

*: Interactive service (MHEG Digital Text)

is currently disabled

: Radio service

: Scrambled/Subscription service

: Multiple audio languages available

: Subtitles available

: Subtitles available for the hearing



: Recommended minimum age for current

programme (from 4 to 18 years)

: Parental Lock

* Only for the United Kingdom.

Additional operations


To Do this

Turn on the TV from

Press %. Press 2 +/– to

standby mode

set the volume level.

without sound

Adjust the volume Press 2 + (increase)/


(Continu ed)



To access Digital Text


(Only for the United Kingdom)

Displays wide screen

Many broadcasters provide a Digital Text

(16:9) broadcasts in

service. Digital Text offers graphically rich

the correct

contents, compared to Analogue Text.


Select a digital channel which provides Digital

Text, then press /.


When a broadcaster provides a dedicated


Digital Text channel, select this channel to

cinemascopic (letter

access Digital Text.

box format)

To navigate through Digital Text, follow the

broadcasts in the

instructions on the screen.

correct proportions.

To exit Digital Text, press RETURN.


To move around, press F/f/G/g.

To select items, press and the number

Displays 14:9


broadcasts in the

To access shortcuts, press the coloured

correct proportions.


As a result, black

border areas are

To access Text

visible on the screen.

* Parts of the top and bottom of the picture may be cut off.

Press /. Each time you press /, the display

changes cyclically as follows:


Text t Text over the TV picture (mix mode)

Some characters and/or letters at the top and the

t No Text (exit the Text service)

bottom of the picture may not be visible in Smart

mode. In such a case, you can select “Vertical

To select a page, press the number buttons or

Size” using the “Screen Settings” (page 39) menu


and adjust vertical size to make it visible.

To hold a page, press / .


To reveal hidden information, press / .

When “Auto Format” is set to “On”, the TV will


automatically select the best mode to suit the

When four coloured items appear at the bottom of

broadcast (page 39).

the Text page, Fastext is available. Fastext allows

You can adjust the position of the picture when

you to access pages quickly and easily. Press the

selecting “Smart”, “14:9” or “Zoom.” Press F/f

corresponding coloured button to access the page.

to move up or down (e.g. to read subtitles).

To change the screen format manually

Using the Options menu

Press repeatedly to select the desired screen

Press OPTIONS to display the following


options when viewing a TV programme.


Option Description

Displays conventional

Picture Mode See page 35.

4:3 broadcasts with an

Sound Mode See page 36.

imitation wide screen

Surround See page 36.

effect. The 4:3 picture

is stretched to fill the

Speaker See page 41.


Motionflow See page 37.


Subtitle Setting (in

See page 44.

digital mode only)

Displays conventional

4:3 broadcasts (e.g.

Sleep Timer See page 38.

non-wide screen TV)

Power Saving See page 37.

in the correct

System Information

See page 45.


(in digital mode only)




Using GUIDE Plus+™ System

and the Digital Electronic


Programme Guide (EPG)

* Condition you can set-up this feature:

in UK, Italy, France, Germany or Spain.

you can receive digital broadcasting.

when “Antenna” is selected in step 7 of “ 5: Performing the initial set-up.”

** This function may not be available in some countries/regions.

GUIDE Plus+ works with full functionality only if GUIDE Plus+ data is available by digital feed.

Watching TV

Please check the GUIDE Plus+ website whether or not DTT Guide Plus+ is already available in

your country.


When you use GUIDE Plus+, it is recommended that you turn off your TV by using the standby button on the

remote, not the power button on your TV, in order to update the programme information.

Using GUIDE Plus+

Use GUIDE Plus+ system to find the show that you want to watch. The feature allows you to search

for shows by programme categories and by keyword. The GUIDE Plus+ programme provides up to

eight days of TV programming information. Be sure to complete the initial set-up on page 6 to use

this service.

GUIDE Plus+ System Components

GUIDE Plus+ logo

Branding partner logo


29-May 07:15

Go to AdRemind Top

Action bar


Arthur : Animation following the adventures of a young aardvark and his friends.


Buster discovers the joy of growing your own vegetables.


BBC2 8:00-8:30



Search My TV Schedule Set-up

Menu bar

Thu, 29 7:00 7:30 8:00






In the Night Garden Cbeebies Springwatch Arthur

GMTV Today

Freshly Squeezed Everybody loves Ray... Just Shoot Me


The Adve...

Rupert B...

Roary th... Make Wa... Fifi and t... Tomas ...

logo and

Spendaholics Greek


Emmerd... The Montel Williams Show

Sally Jessy Raphael


Anything Goes


Image shown above varies depending on country/region.

Information panels is not Sony provided, adverts from Branding Partner.

The function of action bar varies with cursor location and when in settings.

1 Press GUIDE.

2 Perform the desired operation as shown in the following table or displayed on the screen.

(Continu ed)



To Do this

View a programme Press F/f/G/g to select a programme, then press .


The programme information will appear in the information box.

Press / to access the extended information box for a long


You can use PROG +/– to page up/down through the listings.

Press BRAVIA sync m/M to go to the next day or one day back.

Turn off the TV Guide Press GUIDE to exit TV Guide.

Set a programme to be displayed

Press F/f/G/g to select a future programme you want to watch, then

automatically on the screen when it

press the green button.


– Reminder


To cancel a reminder, press the red button when “Reminder” is

highlighted or use “Schedule” on the menu bar.

If you switch the TV to standby mode, it will automatically turn

itself on when the programme is about to start.

Menu bar Press F repeatedly to access the menu bar.

Press G/g to select area. (“Grid”, “Search”, “My TV”, “Schedule”

and “Set-up”)

You can view a programme or set a reminder in “Grid” area.

Search a programme

You can quickly and easily find something of interest to watch or to

– Search

set a reminder by category (e.g. Sport) or subcategory (e.g. Football)

of a programme.

1 Highlight “Search” on the menu bar, then, press f only one


2 Press F/f/G/g to select a category or subcategory, then press


Search your own keyword

In addition to the standard categories and sub-categories, you can set

– My Choice

your own search keywords.

1 Highlight “My Choice” in the “Search” area on the menu bar.

2 Press yellow button to add a keyword, then the virtual keyboard


3 Use the virtual keyboard to enter your keyword.

4 Confirm with the green button.

5 Your personal keyword appears in the “My Choice.

6 Select your keyword and press to start a search according to

your personal keyword.



To Do this

Set a Profile and receive

The “My TV” area allows you to set up a personal profile.

recommendations according to your

You can define a personal profile by channels, categories and/or by



– My TV

The “My TV” area is making recommendations to you to quickly and

easily find something of interest to watch or to set a reminder.

How to set your profile:

1 Highlight “My TV” on the menu bar, press the green button to

set your profile.

2 Press F/f to select channels, categories or keywords.

Watching TV

3 Press the yellow button to add a channel, a category or a

keyword to your profile.

4 Press F/f/G/g to select a channel, a category or a keyword, then

press .

5 Repeat step 2 to 4 to add more items.

6 Press to activate your profile.


You can delete or edit with the red and green buttons.

Delete and edit reminder

1 Highlight “Schedule” on the menu bar.

– Schedule

2 Press F/f to delete or edit with the red and green buttons.


When no reminder is set, “No programmes” is displayed. Press g to

highlight “Frequency” (e.g.weekly) or “Timing” (e.g.reminder

timing:10 min early), you can change this settings by pressing

colour buttons.

Configure the GUIDE Plus+ system

1 Highlight “Set-up” on menu bar.

according to your personal situation

2 Press F/f for you to select below items you want to configure.

– Set-up

“Personal Preferences”: You can change the on screen language,

change reminder timing and set overnight download.

“Start Installation Sequence”: This feature provides an easy way to

restart your installation from scratch. This will delete all your current

TV listing data.

“Manual Data Download”: Update your TV listings immediately. If

the TV is switched off during several days, TV listings will not be

updated automatically. In this case, use this feature to update TV


“GUIDE Plus+ System Information” screen: Display GUIDE Plus+

system information. This screen is providing several values that are

helpful for troubleshooting.



Using the Digital Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) **

All Categories

Fri 16 Mar 11:35

1 In digital mode, press GUIDE.

To day

13: 0012: 3012: 0011: 30


Homes Under the Hammer Neighbours Afterlife

2 Perform the desired operation as shown in


Ready Steady Cook Extraordinary People: Britains Iden... CSI: Crime Scene Inv...

003 ITV1

Dancing On Ice Exclusive Cracker

the following table or displayed on the

004 Channel 4

Sign Zone: Ancient Rome: The Rise a... The Jeremy Kyle... Homes Under th...

005 Five

House Law and Order: Special Victims U... Worl...


006 ITV2

Crime Hour: Midsomer Murders Vodafone TBA: L...


BBC Learning Zone: Schools: World P... A Picture of Brit... Eastenders


ER Real Crime: The Truth About the... This is BBC FOUR

009 ITV3

Past Every

body Loves Raymond The Sharon Osb...


Racing from Chepstow and Ascot Baseball Wedne... Trans World Sport

Category30 min ViewNextPrevious

** This function may not be available in some countries/regions.

To switch the GUIDE (Sony Guide or GUIDE Plus+), see page 45.

To Do this

Watch a programme Press F/f/G/g to select the programme, then press .

Turn off the Guide Press GUIDE.

Sort the programme information by

1 Press the blue button.


2 Press F/f to select a category, then press .

– Category list

Set a programme to be displayed

1 Press F/f/G/g to select the future programme you want to

automatically on the screen when it

display, then press / .


2 Press F/f to select “Reminder”, then press .

– Reminder

A c symbol appears by that programme’s information. The

indicator on the TV front panel lights up in orange.


If you switch the TV to standby mode, it will automatically turn

itself on when the programme is about to start.

Cancel reminder

1 Press / .

– Cancel Timer

2 Press F/f to select “Timer list”, then press .

3 Press F/f to select the programme you want to cancel, then

press .

4 Press F/f to select “Cancel Timer”, then press .

A display appears to confirm that you want to cancel the


5 Press G/g to select “Yes”, then press to confirm.



Using the Digital Favourite List *

1 In digital mode, press .

2 Perform the desired operation as shown in

the following table or displayed on the


Homes Under the Hammer 10:30 - 11:00

Watching TV

Digital Favourite List

* This function may not be available in some countries/regions.

To Do this

Create your Favourite list for the first

1 Press to select “Yes.”


2 Press the yellow button to select the favourite list.

3 Press F/f to select the channel you want to add, then press .

A symbol appears next to channels that you have stored in

the favourite list.

Watch a channel

1 Press yellow key to navigate through favourite lists.

2 Press F/f to select the channel, then press .

Turn off the Favourite list Press RETURN.

Add or remove channels in the

1 Press the blue button.

currently edited Favourite list

2 Press the yellow button to choose the list you want to edit.

3 Press F/f/G/g to select the channel you want to add or remove,

then press .

Remove all channels from the current

1 Press the blue button.

Favourite list

2 Press the yellow button to select the favourite list you want to


3 Press the blue button.

4 Press G/g to select “Yes”, then press to confirm.



Using Optional Equipment

Connecting Chart

You can connect a wide range of optional equipment to your TV. Connecting cables are not


123 4 5 6










0.7A MAX













Connect to Input symbol on



1 /AV1 AV1 When you connect a decoder, the TV tuner outputs scrambled

signals to the decoder, and the decoder unscrambles the

signals before outputting them.

2 //

AV2 SmartLink is a direct link between the TV and a VCR/DVD




3 /

Component The component video sockets support the following video


inputs only: 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i and 1080p.

4 DMPORT DMPORT You can play audio or video (optional cable required) of a

portable audio player that is connected to the TV using a


Depending on the connected DIGITAL MEDIA PORT

adaptor, you can operate the connected equipment using the

TV as follows;

Using Optional Equipment

Using the remote of the TV: N/x/X/m/M/F/f/G/


Using the Options menu function: Press OPTIONS, and

select “Control Panel” or “Device Control (Menu).”


Do not connect or disconnect a DIGITAL MEDIA PORT

adapter while the TV is turned on.

The connected equipment is not charged when the TV is turned

off or in standby mode.

5 HDMI IN 1 or 2 HDMI 1 or

Digital video and audio signals are input from the connected



In addition, when you connect the equipment that is

qs HDMI 3 HDMI 3

compatible with control for HDMI, communication with the

connected equipment is supported. Refer to page 41 to set up

this communication.

If the equipment has a DVI socket, connect the DVI socket to

the HDMI IN socket through a DVI-HDMI adaptor interface

(not supplied), and connect the equipment’s audio out socket

to the audio in HDMI IN socket.


The HDMI sockets support the following video inputs only:

480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p and 1080/24p.

For PC video inputs, see page 50.

Be sure to use only an authorised HDMI cable bearing the

HDMI logo. We recommend that you use a Sony HDMI

cable (high speed type).

When connecting an audio system that is compatible with

control for HDMI, be sure to also connect it to the


6 LAN You can enjoy contents stored on DLNA-compatible devices

via a network (page 30).

7 /PC IN PC It is recommended to use a PC cable with ferrites, such as the

“Connector, D-sub 15” (ref. 1-793-504-11, available in Sony

Service Centre) or equivalent.


Connect to the audio output sockets to listen to the sound

L- -R

from the TV on Hi-Fi audio equipment.


Use an optical audio cable.



(Continu ed)



Connect to Input symbol on




To use Pay Per View services.


For details, refer to the instruction manual supplied with your

Access Module)

CAM. To use the CAM, remove the “dummy” card from the

CAM slot, then turn off the TV and insert your CAM card

into the slot. When you are not using the CAM, we

recommend that you keep the “dummy” card in the CAM



CAM is not supported in all countries. Please check with

your authorised dealer.

qa USB You can enjoy photo/music files stored in a Sony digital still

camera or camcorder through a USB cable or USB storage

device on your TV (page 26).

qd /L- -R

AV3 When connecting mono equipment, connect to the AV3


L socket.

qf i Headphones You can listen to TV sound through headphones.



Option Description

Viewing Pictures from

PIP (in PC input

See page 26.

Connected Equipment

mode only)

PAP (except PC input

See page 25.

Switch on the connected equipment, then

mode and DIGITAL

perform one of the following operation.



For equipment connected to the scart

Auto Adjustment (in

See page 39.

sockets using a fully-wired 21-pin scart lead

PC input mode only)

Start playback on the connected equipment.

Horizontal Shift (in

See page 39.

The picture from the connected equipment

PC input mode only)

appears on the screen.

Sleep Timer (except

See page 38.

PC input mode)

For an auto-tuned VCR/ DVD recorder

Power Saving See page 37.

In analogue mode, press PROG +/–, or the

Device Control

See page 23.

Using Optional Equipment

number buttons, to select the video channel.

(Menu) (in DIGITAL


For a USB device


See page 26.

Control Panel (in

See page 23.


For a Network device

PORT mode only)

See page 30.

Device Control (in

See page 29.

HDMI mode only)

For other connected equipment

Press / to display a list of connected

To view two pictures simultaneously

equipment. Press F/f to select the desired

– PAP (Picture and Picture)

input source, then press .

You can view two pictures (external input and

The highlighted item is automatically selected

TV programme) on the screen simultaneously.

if you do not perform any operation for two

Connect an optional equipment (page 22), and

seconds after pressing F/f.

make sure that images from the equipment

If you have set an input source to “Skip” in the

appear on the screen (page 25).

“AV Preset” menu (page 40), that input source


does not appear in the list.

This function is not available for a PC input and



To return to normal TV mode, press DIGITAL or

You cannot change the size of the pictures.


You cannot display analogue TV video in the TV

programme picture while displaying AV1, AV2 or

Using the Options menu

AV3 video in the external inputs picture.

Press OPTIONS to display the following

1 Press OPTIONS.

options when viewing pictures from connected

2 Press F/f to select “PAP”, then press .


The picture from the connected equipment

Option Description

is displayed on the left, and the TV

Picture Mode (except

See page 35.

programme is displayed on the right.

PC input mode)

3 Press the number buttons or PROG +/– to

Display Mode (in PC

See page 35.

select the TV channel.

input mode only)

To return to single picture mode

Sound Mode See page 36.


Surround See page 36.


Speaker See page 41.

The highlighted picture is audible. You can switch

Motionflow See page 37.

the audible picture by pressing G/g.

(Continu ed)



To view two pictures simultaneously

– PIP (Picture in Picture)

Playing Back Photo/Music

You can view two pictures (PC input and TV

via USB

programme) on the screen simultaneously.

You can enjoy photo/music files stored in a

Connect a PC (page 22), and make sure that

Sony digital still camera or camcorder through

image from a PC appears on the screen.

a USB cable or USB storage media on your

1 Press OPTIONS to display the Options



1 Connect a supported USB device to the

2 Press F/f to select “PIP”, then press .


The picture from the connected PC is

2 Press HOME.

displayed in full size, and the TV

3 Press G/g to select “Photo” or “Music.”

programme is displayed in the small


4 Press F/f to select a USB device, then

You can use F/f/G/g to move the TV

press .

programme screen position.

In “Music”, “List View” appears. In

3 Press number buttons or PROG +/– to

“Photo”, “Thumbnail View” appears.

select the TV channel.

Press the yellow button to switch between

To return to single picture mode

“List View” and “Thumbnail View.”


5 Press F/f/G/g to select a file or folder,


then press .

You can switch the audible picture by selecting

When you select a folder, select a file,

“Audio Swap” from the Options menu.

then press .

Playback starts.

Photo Playback Auto Start

The TV automatically starts photo playback

when the TV is turned on and a digital still

camera or other device storing photo files is

connected to the USB port and then turned on

(page 37).

(Photo) Available Options

Option Description

Picture Mode See page 35.

Sound Mode See page 36.

Surround See page 36.

Cropping Crops a photograph.

Display map Displays a map of the

location where a photo

was shot along with the

photo itself.

Show Options Allows you to set repeat/

shuffle for photo


Photo Set-up Sets how playback should

be performed and what

effects to use during


Rotate and Save Rotates and saves

unprotected files.



Option Description

RAW (ARW/ARW 2.0 format files with this

extension “.arw.”) For preview only.

Speaker See page 41.

When you connect a Sony digital still camera, set

Picture Frame Image Allows you to select a

the camera’s USB connection mode to Auto or

photograph to be

Mass Storage. For more information about USB

displayed as picture

connection mode, refer to the instructions supplied


with your digital camera.

Information Displays information

USB playback is supported for the following

about the device, folders,

music file formats:

and files.

MP3 (files with the extension “.mp3” that have

not been copyrighted)

(Music) Available Options

USB Photo Viewer supports FAT12, FAT16 and

FAT32 file systems.

Option Description

Depending on the exact file specifications, some

Sound Mode See page 36.

files, including those modified on a PC, cannot be

Surround See page 36.

played even if the file format is supported.

Check the website below for updated information

Using Optional Equipment

Add to Slideshow Registers the background

music to be played during

about compatible USB devices.

a slideshow using


Omit from Slideshow Cancels the registered

To display a photograph

background music.

— Picture Frame

Playback Options Allows music options to

You can display a photograph on the screen

be set for repeat, shuffle,

for a selected period of time. After that period,

or regular playback.

the TV automatically switches itself into

Speaker See page 41.

standby mode.

Information Displays information

1 Select a photograph.

about the device, folders,

and files.

You can select a photograph from the

connected USB device or preset picture


folder. For details on selecting a

Picture quality may appear coarse when using

photograph, see page 26.

(Photo) because images may be enlarged

depending on the file. Also, images may not fill

2 Press OPTIONS while the selected

the entire screen depending on the image size and

photograph is displayed, then press F/f to

aspect ratio.

select “Picture Frame Image” and press

Some photo files may take some time to be


displayed when using (Photo).

The file name and folder name support only

3 Press RETURN repeatedly to return


to the Home menu.

While the TV is accessing the data on the USB

4 Press G/g to select “Photo”, then select

device, observe the following:

Do not turn off the TV or connected USB

“Picture Frame” and press .


The TV is switched to Picture Frame

Do not disconnect the USB cable.

mode, and the selected photograph is

Do not remove the USB device.

displayed on the screen.

The data on the USB device may be damaged.

To set the duration of displaying a

Sony will not be held liable for any damage to, or


loss of, data on the recording media due to a

malfunction of any connected devices or the TV.

Press OPTIONS, then select “Duration”

Playback does not start automatically if the TV is

and press . Then, select the duration,

turned on after connecting the digital still camera

and press .

or other device to the USB port.

The counter appears on the screen.

USB playback is supported for the following

To return to the XMB™

photo file formats:


JPEG (JPEG format files with the extension

“.jpg” and conforming to DCF or Exif)

(Continu ed)




5 Select “Load GPS log files”, then press

If the photograph is selected from a USB device, it


must remain connected to the TV.

6 Select the following items using F/f and

If “Sleep Timer” is activated, the TV

automatically will switch into standby mode.

press , then press F/f to set.

–Time Zone

To display a photograph with the


location on the map

7 Select “OK”, then press .

When using an image capture device with GPS

The GPS log files are loaded.

function (digital still camera, etc.), it is

8 Disconnect the GPS unit and connect the

possible to display a photograph with a map of

the location where the photograph was taken

device on which the photograph is stored.

using a function of GPS for recording

9 Select a photograph (page 26).

longitude and latitude. Because map

10 Press the green/red buttons to zoom in/out

information is downloaded from the Internet

on the map.

online map service, the network connection

must be required and the TV has to be

connected to the network (page 30).

1 Select a photograph (page 26).

2 Press the green/red buttons to zoom in/out

on the map.

To change the display position of the map

on the TV screen, press the blue button



Because the Internet online map service is

provided by a third party, service may be changed

or terminated without prior notification to the


The position indicated on the map may differ

depending on the image capture device.

Only a large-scale map that cannot be zoomed in

or out is displayed if the TV is not connected to

the Internet or the Internet online map service is


You can also display a slideshow with the location

on the map. Set “Photo Set-up” to “Simple with

map” (page 26).


A map can be displayed in the case of

photograph’s EXIF data includes a date

information, and the associated longitude and

latitude information (“Log files”) has been

recorded using a Sony GPS unit. Follow the

procedure described below.

1 Connect the GPS unit to the USB port.

2 Press HOME.

3 Press G/g to select “Photo.”

4 Press F/f to select the GPS unit, then

press .



To make the control for HDMI settings

Using BRAVIA Sync with

The control for HDMI settings must be set on

Control for HDMI

both the TV side and connected equipment

side. See “HDMI Set-up” on page 41 for the

The control for HDMI function enables the TV

TV side settings. For settings on the connected

to communicate with the connected equipment

equipment, refer to the operating instructions

that is compatible with the function, using

for that equipment.

HDMI CEC (Consumer Electronics Control).

For example, by connecting Sony equipment

Buttons for using optional equipment

that is compatible with control for HDMI

(with HDMI cables), you can control them


Be sure to connect the equipment correctly,

and make the necessary settings.


Control for HDMI



Using Optional Equipment

Automatically turns the connected

equipment off when you switch the TV to

standby mode using the remote.

Automatically turns the TV on and

1 m/N/X/M/x: You can operate the

switches the input to the connected

BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment

equipment when the equipment starts to

that is connected to the TV.



If you turn on a connected audio system

You can set Theatre Mode on or off.

while the TV is on, the sound output

When Theatre Mode is set to on, the

switches from the TV speaker to the audio

optimum audio output (if the TV is


connected with an audio system using an

Adjusts the volume (2 +/–) and mutes the

HDMI cable) and picture quality for film-

sound (%) of a connected audio system.

based contents are automatically set.

You can operate the connected Sony


equipment that has the BRAVIA Sync logo

If you turn the TV off, Theatre Mode is also

by the TV remote by pressing:

turned off.

N/x/X/m/M to operate the connected

3 SYNC MENU: Displays the menu of

equipment directly.

SYNC MENU to display the menu of the connected

connected HDMI equipment. While

HDMI equipment on the screen.

viewing other input screens or TV

After displaying the menu, you can operate the

menu screen by using F/f/G/g and .

programmes, “HDMI Device Selection”

OPTIONS to display “Device Control”, then select

is displayed when the button is pressed.

options from “Menu”, “Options”, and “Content

List” to operate the equipment.

Refer to the instruction manual of the equipment for


available control.

Control for HDMI (BRAVIA Sync) is only

available with the connected Sony equipment that

To connect the equipment that is

has the BRAVIA Sync logo or is compatible with

compatible with control for HDMI

control for HDMI.

Connect the compatible equipment and the TV

with an HDMI cable. When connecting an

audio system, be sure to also connect the


of the TV and the audio system using an

optical audio cable. For details, see page 23.



Using Network Features

With this TV, you can enjoy contents stored on

DLNA-compatible devices on the home

Enjoying Photo/Music Files


via the Network

Devices that store and provide contents, such

as photo/music files, is called “server.” The

You can enjoy photo/music files on the server

TV receives the photo/music files from the

easily by selecting an icon on the Home menu

server via the network, and you can enjoy

of the TV.

them on the TV even in other rooms.

1 Press HOME.

To enjoy the home network, a DLNA-

2 Press G/g to select “Photo” or “Music.”

compatible device (VAIO, Cyber-shot, etc.) is

necessary as a server.

3 Press F/f to select a server, then press .

In “Music”, “List View” appears. In

“Photo”, “Thumbnail View” appears.

Connecting the TV to the

Press the yellow button to switch between


“List View” and “Thumbnail View.”

If network devices do not appear,


follow the steps on page 32.

4 Press F/f/G/g to select a file or folder,

then press .

When you select a folder, select a file,

then press .

Playback starts.


Network cable (not supplied)

A map can be displayed with a photograph in the

case of longitude and latitude information has

been recorded to photograph’s EXIF data

(page 28).

Broadband router


Depending on the network device, it may be

necessary to register the TV with the network

To network device


Picture quality may appear coarse when using

Network cable (not supplied)

(Photo) because images may be enlarged

depending on the file. Also, images may not fill

the entire screen depending on the image size and

aspect ratio.

DSL modem/

Cable modem

Some photo files may take some time to be

displayed when using (Photo).

The file name and folder name support only


To play the files which are received from a

network device, they need to have one of the

following file formats.


Still images: JPEG format

Music: MP3 format or linear PCM format

Depending on the network device, the file format

may be converted before transfer. In such cases,

the file format resulting after conversion is used

for playback. For details, see the instruction



manual for the network device being used. Even

(Music) Available Options

files conforming to one of the file formats given

above cannot be played in some cases.

Option Description

Sound Mode See page 36.

To enjoy photographs and music on

Surround See page 36.

the TV screen by operating other

Add to Slideshow Registers the background


music to be played during

– Renderer

a slideshow using


“Renderer” is a feature for playing photo files

and music files stored in other network devices

Omit from Slideshow Cancels the registered

background music.

(digital still camera, mobile phone, etc.) on the

TV by operating the controller device in

Playback Options Allows music options to

question. To use this feature, a renderer-

be set for repeat, shuffle,

or regular playback.

compatible device such as a digital still camera

or mobile phone is required as the controller.

Speaker See page 41.

Refer as well to the instruction manual

Information Displays information

supplied with the controller.

about the device, folders,

and files.

1 Set “Renderer Function”, “Renderer

Access Control” and “Renderer Set-up” in

“Network Settings” if necessary

Using Network Features

(page 46).

2 Play the file selected using the controller

on the TV.

The file is played on the TV over the

connected network.

Use the controller or the TV’s remote to

perform operations during playback.

(Photo) Available Options

Option Description

Picture Mode See page 35.

Sound Mode See page 36.

Surround See page 36.

Cropping Crops a photograph.

Display map Displays a map of the

location where a photo

was shot along with the

photo itself.

Show Options Allows you to set repeat/

shuffle for photo


Photo Set-up Sets how playback should

be performed and what

effects to use during


Rotate Rotates files.

Speaker See page 41.

Information Displays information

about the device, folders,

and files.




Checking the Network

If “Connection successful.” does not appear, see

“Troubleshooting” on page 51 and check the


connections and settings.

If your home network has a DHCP server, this

step can be skipped.

Enter the respective (alphanumeric) values for

your router. The items that need to be set may

differ, depending on the Internet service

provider or the router. For details, refer to the

instruction manuals that have been provided

by your Internet service provider or supplied

with the router.

1 Press HOME.

2 Press G/g to select “Settings.”

3 Press F/f to select “Network Settings”,

then press .

4 Select “Network”, then press .

5 Select “IP Address Settings”, then press


6 Select an item, and press .

When you select “DHCP (DNS


Go to step 7.

When you select “DHCP (DNS manual)”

Set “Primary DNS”/“Secondary DNS”

using F/f/g and the number buttons.

When you select “Manual”

Set the following items using F/f/g and

the number buttons.

•IP Address

Subnet Mask

Default Gateway

Primary DNS/Secondary DNS

If your ISP has a specific proxy server


Press OPTIONS, then press F/f to select

“Proxy Set-up” and press . Then enter

the settings.

7 Press .

8 Select “Test”, then press .

9 Select “Yes”, then press .

The network diagnostic starts.

When the message “Connection

successful.” appears, press RETURN

repeatedly to exit.



If you cannot connect to your home

Adjusting the Server


Display Settings

The TV can check if the server is being

correctly recognised.

You can select home network servers to be

displayed on the Home menu. Up to 10 servers

1 Press HOME.

can be displayed on the Home menu

2 Press G/g to select “Settings.”


3 Press F/f to select “Network Settings”,

1 Set the server to allow connections from

then press .

the TV.

4 Select “Server Diagnostics”, then press

For details on settings on the server, refer


to the Operating Instructions supplied

5 Select “Yes”, then press .

with the server.

The server diagnostic starts.

2 Press HOME.

When the server diagnostic is complete,

3 Press G/g to select “Settings.”

the diagnostic result list appears.

4 Press F/f to select “Network Settings”,

6 Select the server you want to confirm,

then press .

then press .

5 Select “Server Display Settings”, then

The diagnostic results of the selected

press .

server appear.

Using Network Features

6 Select the server you want to display on

If the diagnostic results indicate a failure,

the Home menu, then press .

look up the possible causes and what to

do, and check connections and settings.

7 Select “Yes”, then press .

For details, see “Troubleshooting” on

page 51.

To set the server not to be displayed on

the Home menu

In step 7, press F/f to select “No”, then press


Available Options (on the connected

server settings display)

Option Description

Delete All Deletes all connected


Update List Updates the server list to

the latest information.

Information Displays information

about the connected server

currently selected.

Delete Deletes the connected

server currently selected.



Using MENU Functions

Navigating through TV Home Menu (XMB™)

The XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) is a menu of BRAVIA features and input sources displayed on the

TV screen. The XMB™ is an easy way to select programming and adjust settings on your BRAVIA


1 Press HOME.

The TV Home menu appears on the screen.



Media Category Bar




Analogue Set-up

Digital Set-up

Category Object Bar

2 Press G/g to select the category.

Media category icon Description

Settings You can make advanced settings and adjustments. For details about

settings, see page 35.

Photo You can enjoy photo files via USB devices or the network (page 26, 30).

Music You can enjoy music files via USB devices or the network (page 26, 30).

Digital You can select a digital channel, favourite list (page 21), or Guide

(page 17, 20).

You can also select a channel using the number buttons or PROG +/–.

Analogue You can select an analogue channel.

You can also select a channel using the number buttons or PROG +/–.

To hide the list of analogue channels, set “Programme List Display” to

“Off” (page 42).

External Inputs You can select equipment connected to the TV.

To assign a label to an external input, see “AV Preset” (page 40).

3 Press F/f to select the item, then press .

4 Follow the instructions on the screen.

5 Press HOME to exit.


The options you can adjust vary depending on the situation.

Unavailable options are greyed out or not displayed.





Picture Mode Selects the picture mode except for PC input source. “Picture Mode” includes

options best suited for video and photographs, respectively. The options that can be

selected differ depending on the input source.

Vivid For enhanced picture contrast and sharpness.

Standard For standard picture. Recommended for home entertainment.

Cinema For viewing film-based content. Most suitable for viewing in

a theatre-like environment.

Photo-Vivid For viewing photographs. Enhances picture contrast and


Photo-Standard For viewing photographs. Provides the optimum picture

quality for viewing in the home.

Photo-Original For viewing photographs. Represents the picture quality used

when imaging developed photographs.

Display Mode (only in

Selects the display mode for PC input source.


Video For video images.


Text For text, charts or tables.

Reset Resets all picture settings except “Picture Mode” and “Display Mode” (only in PC

mode) to the factory settings.

Backlight Adjusts the brightness of the backlight.

Using MENU Functions

Contrast Increases or decreases picture contrast.

Brightness Brightens or darkens the picture.

Colour Increases or decreases colour intensity.

Hue Increases or decreases the green and red tones.


“Hue” can only be adjusted for an NTSC colour signal (e.g., U.S.A. video tapes).

Colour Temperature Adjusts the whiteness of the picture.

Cool Gives the white colours a blue tint.

Neutral Gives the white colours a neutral tint.

Warm 1/Warm 2 Gives white colours a red tint. “Warm 2” gives a redder tint

than “Warm 1.


“Warm 1” and “Warm 2” are not available when “Picture Mode” is set to “Vivid”

(or “Photo-Vivid”).

Sharpness Sharpens or softens the picture.

Noise Reduction Reduces the picture noise (snowy picture) in a weak broadcast signal.

Auto Automatically reduces the picture noise (in analogue mode



Modifies the effect of the noise reduction.


Off Turns off the “Noise Reduction” feature.

MPEG Noise

Reduces picture noise in MPEG-compressed videos. This is effective when


viewing a DVD or digital broadcast.

(Continu ed)



Advanced Settings Allows you to set “Picture” settings in more detail. These settings are not available

when “Picture Mode” is set to “Vivid”(or “Photo-Vivid”).

Adv. Contrast

Automatically adjusts “Backlight” and “Contrast” to the most


suitable settings judging from the brightness of the screen.

This setting is especially effective for dark images scenes. It

will increase the contrast distinction of the darker picture


Live Colour Makes colours more vivid.

Colour Space Changes the colour reproduction gamut. “Wide” reproduces

the vivid colour and “Standard” reproduces the standard



“Live Colour” is not available when “Colour Space” is set to “Standard.”

“Noise Reduction”, MPEG Noise Reduction” and “Advanced Settings” are not available for PC.


Sound Mode Selects the sound mode.

Dynamic Enhances the treble and bass sounds.

Standard For standard sounds.

Clear Voice Makes voice sound clearer.

Reset Resets all the sound settings to the factory settings excluding “Dual Sound.

Treble Adjusts higher-pitched sounds.

Bass Adjusts lower-pitched sounds.

Balance Emphasises left or right speaker balance.

Auto Volume Keeps a constant volume level even when volume level gaps occur (e.g., adverts

tend to be louder than programmes).

Volume Offset Adjusts the volume level of the current input relative to other inputs.

Surround S-FORCE Front

Provides a virtual surround sound experience made possible


using just two front speakers.

Off Selects for normal stereo or mono reception.

Voice Zoom Adjusts the sound level of human voices. For example, if the voice of a news

announcer is indistinct, you can turn up this setting to make the voice louder.

Conversely, if you are watching a sports programme, you can turn down this

setting to soften the voice of the commentator.

Sound Booster Produces a fuller sound for more impact, by emphasizing the treble and bass


Dual Sound Selects the sound from the speaker for a stereo or bilingual broadcast.

Stereo/Mono For a stereo broadcast.

A/B/Mono For a bilingual broadcast, select “A” for sound channel 1, “B”

for sound channel 2, or “Mono” for a mono channel, if



If you select other equipment connected to the TV, set “Dual Sound” to “Stereo”,

“A” or “B.”


“Treble”, “Bass”, “Balance” and “Auto Volume” are not available when “Speaker” is set to “Audio System”

and headphones are connected.




USB Auto Start Automatically starts photo playback when the TV is turned on and a digital still

camera or other device storing photo files is connected to the USB port and then

turned on.


Playback does not start automatically if the TV is turned on after connecting the

digital still camera or other device to the USB port.

Slideshow Select to view JPEG files as a slideshow.

Thumbnail View Select to view JPEG files as a thumbnail.

Off Select to disable this function.

Quick Start The TV turns on faster than usual within two hours after switching to standby

mode. However, power consumption in standby mode is 20 Watt higher than


Power Saving Selects the power saving mode to reduce the power consumption of the TV. When

“Picture Off” is selected, the picture is switched off and the (Picture Off)

indicator on the TV front panel lights up in green. The sound remains unchanged.

Standard Power Default settings.

Reduced Power Reduces the power consumption of the TV.

Picture Off Switches off the picture. You can listen to the sound with the

picture off.

Light Sensor On Automatically optimises the picture settings according to the

ambient light in the room.

Off Turns off the “Light Sensor” feature.


Using MENU Functions

Be sure not to put anything over the sensor, as its function may be affected. See

page 14 for the location of the light sensor.

Logo Illumination Lights up and turns off the Sony logo on the front of the TV.

Motionflow Provides smoother picture movement and reduces picture blur.

High Provides smoother picture movement such as for film-based


Standard Provides smooth picture movement. Use this setting for

standard use.

Off Use this setting when the “High” and “Standard” settings

result in noise.


Depending on the video, you may not see the effect visually, even if you have

changed the setting.

Film Mode Provides an improved picture quality which is optimised for film when playing

DVD images taken on film.

Auto 1/Auto 2 “Auto 1” provides smoother picture movement than the

original film-based content. “Auto 2” provides the original

film-based content as is.

Off Turns off the “Film Mode” feature.


If the image contains irregular signals or too much noise, “Film Mode” will be

automatically turned off even if “Auto 1”/“Auto 2” is selected.

“Film Mode” is not available when “Video/Photo” is set to “Photo” or when

photograph is detected if “Video-A” is set.

(Continu ed)



Game/Text Mode Provides the optimum screen for viewing images with fine lines and characters that

are input from video game equipment and PCs. Set to “On” for the sharp display of

fine lines or characters.

Video/Photo Provides suitable image quality by selecting the option depending on the input

source (video or photograph data).

Video-A Sets suitable image quality, depending on the input source,

video data or photograph data when directly connecting Sony

HDMI output-capable equipment that supports “Video-A”


Video Produces suitable image quality for moving pictures.

Photo Produces suitable image quality for still images.


The setting is fixed to “Video” when “Video-A” mode is not supported on the

connected equipment, even if “Video-A” is selected.

Only available for HDMI 1, HDMI 2, HDMI 3 and Component in format 1080i

or 1080p.

x.v.Colour Displays moving pictures that is more faithful to the original source by matching

the colour space of source.


The setting is fixed to “Normal” when the input signal is HDMI (RGB), even if

“x.v.Colour” is selected.

Only available for HDMI 1, HDMI 2, HDMI 3 and Component in format 720p,

1080i or 1080p.

Photo Colour Space Selects the option (sRGB, sYCC, Adobe RGB) to match the output colour space

within the output signal from the equipment connected to the HDMI, component

input jacks or USB.


Select “sYCC” when using the equipment that supports “x.v.Colour.

Only available for HDMI 1, HDMI 2, HDMI 3 and Component in format 1080i

or 1080p.

Not available when “Colour Space” is set to “Wide” (page 36).

Timer Settings Sets the timer to turn on/off the TV.

Sleep Timer Sets a period of time after which the TV automatically

switches itself into standby mode.

When the “Sleep Timer” is activated, the (Timer) indicator

on the TV front panel lights up in orange.


If you switch off the TV and switch it on again, “Sleep

Timer” is reset to “Off.”

A notification message appears on the screen one minute

before the TV switches to standby mode.

On Timer

On Timer Sets the timer to turn on the TV from


standby mode.

Timer Mode Sets the desired day(s) of the week you

want the timer to turn on the TV.

Time Sets the time to turn on the TV.

Duration Sets how long you want the TV to stay on

before switching to standby mode again.

Clock Set Allows you to adjust the clock manually. When the TV is

receiving digital channels, the clock cannot be adjusted

manually since it is set to the time code of the broadcasted





Auto Start-up Starts the initial set-up to select the language, country and location, and tune in all

available digital and analogue channels. Usually, you do not need to do this

operation because the language and country will have been selected and channels

already tuned when the TV was first installed (page 6). However, this option

allows you to repeat the process (e.g., to retune the TV after moving house, or to

search for new channels that have been launched by broadcasters).

Language Selects the language in which the menus are displayed.

Screen Settings Screen Format See “To change the screen format manually” on page 16.

Auto Format Automatically changes the screen format according to the

input signal. To keep your setting, select “Off.”

Display Area Adjusts the picture display area in 1080i/p and 720p sources

when “Screen Format” is set to “Wide.”

Auto During digital broadcasts, displays

pictures in accordance with the settings

recommended by the broadcast station.

Full Pixel Displays pictures in their original size.

Normal Displays pictures in their recommended


Horizontal Shift Adjusts the horizontal position of the picture.

Vertical Shift Adjusts the vertical position of the picture when “Screen

Format” is set to “Smart”, “Zoom” or “14:9.”

Vertical Size Adjusts the vertical size of the picture when “Screen Format”

is set to “Smart”, “Zoom” or “14:9.”

PC Settings Screen Format Selects a screen format for displaying input from your PC.

Using MENU Functions

Full 1 Enlarges the picture to fill the vertical

display area, keeping its original

horizontal-to-vertical aspect ratio.

Full 2 Enlarges the picture to fill the display


Reset Resets the PC screen settings to the factory settings.

Auto Adjustment Automatically adjusts the display position, phase and pitch of

the picture when the TV receives an input signal from the

connected PC.


“Auto Adjustment” may not work well with certain input

signals. In such cases, manually adjust “Phase”, “Pitch” and

“Horizontal Shift.”

Phase Adjusts the phase when the screen flickers.

Pitch Adjusts the pitch when the picture has unwanted vertical


Horizontal Shift Adjusts the horizontal position of the picture.


Switches the TV to standby mode if no signal is received for


30 seconds in the PC input.

(Continu ed)



AV Set-up AV Preset Assigns a name to any equipment connected to the side and

rear sockets. The name will be displayed briefly on the screen

when the equipment is selected. You can skip an input source

that is not connected to any equipment.

1 Press F/f to select the desired input source, then press


2 Press F/f to select the desired option below, then press



Uses one of the preset labels to assign a


name to connected equipment.




Edit Creates your own label.

1 Press F/f to select the desired letter

or number (“_” for a blank space),

then press g.

If you input a wrong character

Press G/g to select the wrong

character. Then, press F/f to select

the correct character.

2 Repeat the procedure in step 1 until

the name is completed.

3 Select “OK”, then press .

Skip Skips an input source that is not

connected to any equipment when you

press F/f to select the input source.

AV2 Input Sets a signal to be input through the socket labelled /

/ AV2 on the rear of the TV.

Auto Switches automatically among the signals

of RGB input, S Video input, Composite

video input depending on the input


RGB Inputs the RGB signal.

S Video Inputs the S Video signal.

Composite Inputs the Composite video signal.

AV2 Output Sets a signal to be output through the socket labelled /

/ AV2 on the rear of the TV. If you connect a

VCR/ DVD recorder or other recording equipment to the

/ / AV2 socket, you can then record from the

equipment connected to other sockets of the TV.

TV Outputs a broadcast.

Auto Outputs whatever is being viewed on the

screen (except signals from the HDMI IN

1, HDMI IN 2, HDMI IN 3, /





Speaker Turns on/off the TV’s internal speakers.

TV Speaker The TV speakers are turned on in order to

listen to the TV’s sound through the TV


Audio System The TV speakers are turned off in order

to listen to the TV’s sound only through

your external audio equipment connected

to the audio output sockets. When

connected with “Control for HDMI”

compatible equipment, you can turn the

connected equipment on interlocked with

the TV. This setting must be made after

connecting the equipment.

Audio Out Variable The audio output from your audio system

can be controlled by the TV’s remote.

Fixed The audio output of the TV is fixed. Use

your audio receiver’s volume control to

adjust the volume (and other audio

settings) through your audio system.


“Audio Out” is not available for audio system connected to the TV using the

HDMI sockets.

HDMI Set-up This is used to set the “Control for HDMI” compatible equipment connected to the

HDMI sockets. Note that the interlock setting must also be made on the connected

“Control for HDMI” compatible equipment side.

Control for HDMI This sets whether to interlock the “Control for HDMI”

compatible equipment and the TV. When set to “On”, the

following menu items can be performed. However, power

consumption in standby mode is higher than usual. If the

Using MENU Functions

specific Sony equipment that is compatible with “Control for

HDMI” is connected, this setting is applied to the connected

equipment automatically when the “Control for HDMI” is set

to “On” using the TV.

Auto Devices Off When this is set to “On”, the “Control for HDMI” compatible

equipment turns off when you switch the TV to standby mode

using the remote.

Auto TV On When this is set to “On” and if the connected “Control for

HDMI” compatible equipment is turned on, the TV

automatically turns on, and the displays the HDMI input from

the connected equipment.

Tuner Box

If set to “Advanced”, you can select a channel tuned by


connected equipment using the TV’s remote.

Device List

Creates or updates the “HDMI Device List.” Up to 14


“Control for HDMI” compatible equipment can be

connected, and up to 4 equipment can be connected to a

single socket. Be sure to update the “HDMI Device List”

when you change the “Control for HDMI” compatible

equipment connections or settings. Select them manually one

by one until getting a correct picture for several seconds.

HDMI Device List Displays the connected “Control for HDMI” compatible



You cannot use “Control for HDMI” if the TV operations

are linked to the operations of an audio system that is

compatible with control for HDMI.

Product Information Displays your TV’s product information.

(Continu ed)



All Reset Resets all settings to the factory settings and then displays the “Auto Start-up”



Be sure not to turn the TV off during this period (it takes about 30 seconds) or

press any buttons.

All settings, including digital favourite list, country, language, auto tuned

channels, etc. will be reset.

Analogue Set-up

Programme List

Select “Off” to hide the list of analogue channels from the XMB™



Auto Tuning Tunes in all the available analogue channels.

This option allows you to retune the TV after moving house, or to search for new

channels that have been launched by broadcasters.

Programme Sorting Changes the order in which the analogue channels are stored on the TV.

1 Press F/f to select the channel you want to move to a new position, then press


2 Press F/f to select the new position for your channel, then press .

Manual Programme

Before selecting “Label”/“AFT”/“Audio Filter”/“LNA”/“Skip”/“Decoder”, press


PROG +/– to select the programme number with the channel. You cannot select a

programme number that is set to “Skip” (page 40).

System/Channel Presets programme channels manually.

1 Press F/f to select the programme number you want to

manually tune (if tuning a VCR/ DVD recorder, select

channel 00), then press .

2 Press F/f to select “System”, then press .

3 Press F/f to select one of the following TV broadcast

systems, then press .

B/G: For western European countries/regions

I: For the United Kingdom

D/K: For eastern European countries/regions

L: For France

4 Press F/f to select “Channel”, then press .

5 Press F/f to select “S” (for cable channels) or “C” (for

terrestrial channels), then press g.


“S” is not available when “United Kingdom” is

selected for “Country” (page 6).

6 Tune the channels as follows:

If you do not know the channel number


Press F/f to search for the next available channel. When

a channel has been found, the search will stop. To

continue searching, press F/f.

If you know the channel number (frequency)

Press the number buttons to enter the channel number of

the broadcast you want or your VCR/DVD recorder

channel number.

7 Press to jump to “Confirm”, then press .

Your changes have been saved. Repeat the above

procedure to preset other channels manually.



Label Assigns a name of your choice, up to five letters or numbers,

to the selected channel. This name will be displayed briefly

on the screen when the channel is selected.

To input characters, follow steps 1 to 3 of “Edit” (page 40).

AFT Allows you to fine-tune the selected programme number

manually if you feel that a slight tuning adjustment will

improve the picture quality.

You can adjust the fine tuning over a range of –15 to +15.

When “On” is selected, the fine tuning is performed


Audio Filter Improves the sound for individual channels in the case of

distortion in mono broadcasts. Sometimes a non-standard

broadcast signal can cause sound distortion or intermittent

sound muting when watching mono programmes.

If you do not experience any sound distortion, we

recommend that you leave this option set to the factory

setting “Off.”


You cannot receive stereo or dual sound when “Low” or

“High” is selected.

LNA Improves the picture quality for individual channels in the

case of very weak broadcast signals (noisy picture).

If you cannot see any improvement in the picture quality even

if you set to “On”, set this option to “Off” (factory setting).

Skip Skips unused analogue channels when you press PROG +/–

to select channels. (You can still select a skipped channel

using the number buttons.)

Decoder Shows and records the scrambled channel selected when

using a decoder connected directly to scart connector /

Using MENU Functions

AV1, or to scart connector / / AV2 via a

VCR/DVD recorder.


Depending on the country selected for “Country” (page 6),

this option may not be available.

Confirm Saves changes made to the “Manual Programme Preset”


Digital Set-up

Digital Tuning Digital Auto

Tunes in the available digital channels.


This option allows you to retune the TV after moving house,

or to search for new channels that have been launched by

broadcasters. For details, see step 6 of “5: Performing the

initial set-up” (page 6).

(Continu ed)




Removes any unwanted digital channels stored on the TV,


and changes the order of the digital channels stored on the


1 Press F/f to select the channel you want to remove or

move to a new position.

You can also select a channel by pressing the number

buttons to enter its three-digit channel number.

2 Remove or change the order of the digital channels as


To remove the digital channel

Press . After a confirmation message appears, press G

to select “Yes”, then press .

To change the order of the digital channels

Press g, then press F/f to select the new position for the

channel and press G.

3 Press RETURN.

Digital Manual

Tunes the digital channels manually. This feature is available


when “Digital Auto Tuning” is set to “Antenna.”

1 Press the number button to select the channel number

you want to manually tune, then press F/f to tune the


2 When the available channels are found, press F/f to

select the channel you want to store, then press .

3 Press F/f to select the programme number where you

want to store the new channel, then press .

Repeat the above procedure to manually tune other channels.

Subtitle Set-up Subtitle Setting When “For Hard Of Hearing” is selected, some visual aids

may also be displayed with the subtitles (if TV channels

broadcast such information).


Allows you to select the language of the subtitles.


Audio Set-up Audio Type Switches to broadcast for the hearing impaired when “For

Hard Of Hearing” is selected.

Audio Language Selects the language used for a programme. Some digital

channels may broadcast several audio languages for a



Provides audio description (narration) of visual information if


TV channels broadcast such information.

Mixing Level* Adjusts the TV main audio and Audio Description output


Dynamic Range Compensates for differences in the audio level between

different channels. Note that this function may have no effect

for some channels.

Optical Out Selects the audio signal that is output from the DIGITAL

AUDIO OUT (OPTICAL) terminal on the rear of the TV. Set

to “Auto” when equipment compatible with Dolby Digital is

connected, and set to “PCM” when non-compatible

equipment is connected.


* This option is only available when “Audio Description” is set to “On.”

Radio Display Displays the screen wallpaper when you listen to a radio broadcast.

You can select the screen wallpaper colour, display a random colour or view a

slide show (page 26, 30).

To cancel the screen wallpaper display temporarily, press any button.



Parental Lock Sets an age restriction for programmes. Any programme that exceeds the age

restriction can only be watched after a PIN code is entered correctly.

1 Press the number buttons to enter your existing PIN code.

If you have not previously set a PIN, a PIN code entry screen appears. Follow

the instructions of “PIN Code” below.

2 Press F/f to select the age restriction or “None” (for unrestricted watching),

then press .

3 Press RETURN.

PIN Code To set your PIN for the first time

1 Press the number buttons to enter the new PIN code.

2 Press the number buttons to enter the PIN code entered in step 1.

3 Press RETURN.

To change your PIN

1 Press the number buttons to enter your existing PIN code.

2 Press the number buttons to enter the new PIN code.

3 Press the number buttons to enter the new PIN code entered in step 2.

4 Press RETURN.


PIN code 9999 is always accepted.

Technical Set-up Auto Service

Enables the TV to detect and store new digital services as


they become available.


For the service update to be able to take place the TV set

should be left in standby mode from time to time.

System Update Enables the TV to automatically receive software updates

free through your existing aerial/cable (when issued). We

Using MENU Functions

recommend that you leave the setting to “On” at all times.


For the software upgrade to be able to take place the TV set

should be left in standby mode from time to time.


Displays the current software version and the signal level.



If signal bar is red (no signal) or amber (low signal), check

the aerial/cable connection.

Time Zone Allows you to manually select the time zone you are in, if it is

not the same as the default time zone setting for your country/


Auto DST Sets whether or not to automatically switch between summer

time and winter time.

On Automatically switches between summer

time and winter time according to the


Off The time is displayed according to the

time difference set by “Time Zone.


You can switch GUIDE (Sony Guide or GUIDE Plus+). If


you change Sony Guide to GUIDE Plus+ programme, see

(only when GUIDE

page 17.

Plus+ is available)

Condition that this feature is displayed is following:

in UK, Italy, France, Germany or Spain.

you can receive digital broadcasting.

when “Antenna” is selected in step 7 of “ 5: Performing

the initial set-up” (page 6).

(Continu ed)



CA Module Set-up Allows you to access a pay TV service once you obtain a Conditional Access

Module (CAM) and a view card. See page 22 for the location of the

(PCMCIA) socket.

Network Settings

Network IP Address


Automatically acquires the network



settings through the Dynamic Host

Configuration Protocol server function of

the router or Internet service provider.


Automatically acquires the network


settings except for DNS server settings.

You can manually set the DNS settings.

Manual Allows you to set the network settings

according to your network environment.

Test Diagnoses whether the network is correctly connected.

IP Address/

You need to configure each item when “Manual” is selected

Subnet Mask/

in “IP Address Settings.”

Default Gateway/

When “DHCP (DNS manual)” is selected, be sure to enter

Primary DNS/

“Primary DNS” and “Secondary DNS” server addresses

Secondary DNS


MAC Address Displays the MAC address, which is a fixed, globally unique

identifier of the network device.

Server Display

Displays the connected server list and allows you to select the server you want to


display on the Home menu.

Server Diagnostics Diagnoses whether the TV can connect to each server on the home network.

Renderer Function Enables playback of photos or music on the TV through other control devices on

the network, such as a digital still camera or mobile phone.

Renderer Access

Allows you to specify the accessible controller to the TV. When this setting is set


to “On”, you can playback photos or music on the TV using the controller.

Renderer Set-up Automatic

Allows you to select whether to permit access to the TV


automatically when the network device accesses the TV for


the first time.

Renderer Name Allows you to set the name of the TV to be shown on the




Additional Information

Installing the Accessories (Wall-Mount Bracket)

To Customers:

For product protection and safety reasons, Sony strongly recommends that installing of your TV be

performed by Sony dealers or licensed contractors. Do not attempt to install it yourself.

To Sony Dealers and Contractors:

Provide full attention to safety during the installation, periodic maintenance and examination of this


Your TV can be installed using the Wall-Mount Bracket SU-WL500 (sold separately).

Refer to the Instructions supplied with the Wall-Mount Bracket to properly carry out the


Refer to “Detaching the Table-Top Stand from the TV” (page 8).

Refer to “TV installation dimensions table” (page 48).

Refer to “Screw and Hook locations diagram/table” (page 48).


Place the TV on the Table-Top Stand, when securing the Mounting Hook.

Screw (+PSW6 × 16)



Additional Information

Mounting Hook

Sufficient expertise is required for installing this product, especially to determine the strength of the wall for

withstanding the TV’s weight. Be sure to entrust the attachment of this product to the wall to Sony dealers

or licensed contractors and pay adequate attention to safety during the installation. Sony is not liable for any

damage or injury caused by mishandling or improper installation.

(Continu ed)



TV installation dimensions table

Screen centre point

Unit: mm

Length for each mounting angle

Display dimensions

Screen centre

Model Name


Angle (0°) Angle (20°)


KDL-52W47xx/KDL-52W4500 1,262 829 39 487 179 413 786 522

KDL-46W47xx/KDL-46W4500 1,120 742 84 487 175 380 704 521

KDL-40W47xx/KDL-40W4500 986 646 122 474 170 348 614 507

Figures in the above table may differ slightly depending on the installation.


The wall that the TV will be installed on should be capable of supporting a weight of at least four times that of

the TV. Refer to “Specifications” (page 49) for its weight.

Screw and Hook locations diagram/table

Model Name Screw location Hook location


d, g b


* Hook position “a, c” cannot be used for the models in the table above.

Screw location Hook location







Model name KDL-52W47xx/







Panel system

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel

TV system

Analogue: Depending on your country selection: B/G/H, D/K, L, I

Digital: DVB-T/DVB-C

Colour/video system

Analogue: PAL, SECAM NTSC 3.58/4.43 (only Video In)

Digital: MPEG-2 MP@ML/HL, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC HP@L4.0, MP@L3.0

Channel coverage

Analogue: VHF: E2–E12/UHF: E21–E69/CATV: S1–S20/HYPER: S21–S41

D/K: R1–R12, R21–R69/L: F2–F10, B–Q, F21–F69/I: UHF B21–B69

Digital: VHF/UHF

Sound output

10 W + 10 W

Input/Output jacks


75 ohm external terminal for VHF/UHF

/ AV1

21-pin Scart connector (CENELEC standard) including audio/video input, RGB input and TV

audio/video output.

/ / AV2

21-pin Scart connector (CENELEC standard) including audio/video input, RGB input, S Video


input, selectable audio/video output, and SMARTLINK interface.


Video input (phono jack)


Audio input (phono jacks)

DIGITAL AUDIO OUT (OPTICAL)(digital optical jack)/Audio output (phono jack)


Supported formats: 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 576p, 576i, 480p, 480i

Y: 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms, 0.3V negative sync

PB/CB: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms

PR/CR: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms

HDMI IN 1, 2, 3

Video: 1080/24p, 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 576p, 576i, 480p, 480i

Audio: Two channel linear PCM

32, 44.1 and 48 kHz, 16, 20 and 24 bits

PC Input (see page 50)

Analogue audio (minijack): 500 mVrms (HDMI IN 2 only)


PC Input (Dsub 15-pin)

G: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms, non Sync on Green

B: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms, non Sync on Green

R: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 ohms, non Sync on Green

HD: 1-5 Vp-p

Additional Information

VD: 1-5 Vp-p

PC audio input (minijack)


Headphones jack

CAM (Conditional Access Module) slot

USB port




10BASE-T/100BASE-TX connector (Depending on the operating environment of the network,

connection speed may differ. 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX communication rate and

communication quality is not guaranteed for this TV.)

Power and others

Power requirements

220–240 V AC, 50 Hz

Screen size (measured diagonally)

52 inches 46 inches 40 inches

Display resolution

1,920 dots (horizontal) × 1,080 lines (vertical)


in “Home”/

257 W 256 W 205 W


“Standard” mode

in “Shop”/“Vivid”

293 W 282 W 234 W


Standby power consumption*

0.2 W or less (20W when Quick Start is “On”)


with Table-Top

126.2 × 87.1 × 34.7 cm 112.0 × 78.2 × 30.7 cm 98.6 × 68.4 × 27.9 cm



(w × h × d)

without Table-Top

126.2 × 82.9 × 11.9 cm 112.0 × 74.2 × 11.5 cm 98.6 × 64.6 × 11.0 cm


(Continu ed)



Model name KDL-52W47xx/






Mass (Approx.) with Table-Top

39.5 kg 31.0 kg 23.0 kg


without Table-Top

33.0 kg 26.5 kg 19.5 kg


Supplied accessories

See “Before Use” on page 4.

Optional accessories

See “Installing the Accessories (Wall-Mount Bracket)” on page 47.

* Specified standby power is reached after the TV finishes necessary internal processes.

PC Input Signal Reference Chart for PC


Signals Horizontal

× Vertical (Line) Horizontal




frequency (kHz)

frequency (Hz)

VGA 640 × 480 31.5 60 VGA

640 × 480 37.5 75 VESA

720 × 400 31.5 70 VGA-T

SVGA 800 × 600 37.9 60 VESA Guidelines

800 × 600 46.9 75 VESA

XGA 1024 × 768 48.4 60 VESA Guidelines

1024 × 768 56.5 70 VESA

1024 × 768 60.0 75 VESA

WXGA 1280 × 768 47.4 60 VESA

1280 × 768 47.8 60 VESA

1280 × 768 60.3 75

1360 × 768 47.7 60 VESA

SXGA 1280 × 1024 64.0 60 VESA

This TV’s PC input does not support Sync on Green or Composite Sync.

This TV’s PC input does not support interlaced signals.

This TV’s PC input supports signals in the above chart with a 60 Hz vertical frequency.

PC Input Signal Reference Chart for HDMI IN 1, 2, 3


Signals Horizontal

× Vertical (Line) Horizontal




frequency (kHz)

frequency (Hz)

VGA 640 × 480 31.5 60 VGA

SVGA 800 × 600 37.9 60 VESA Guidelines

XGA 1024 × 768 48.4 60 VESA Guidelines

WXGA 1280 × 768 47.4 60 VESA

WXGA 1280 × 768 47.8 60 VESA

SXGA 1280 × 1024 64.0 60 VESA




Check whether the 1 (standby) indicator is flashing in red.

When it is flashing

The self-diagnosis function is activated.

1 Count how many 1 (standby) indicator flashes between each two second break.

For example, the indicator flashes three times, then there is a two second break, followed by

another three flashes, etc.

2 Press 1 on the top edge of the TV to turn it off, disconnect the mains lead, and inform your

dealer or Sony service centre of how the indicator flashes (number of flashes).

When it is not flashing

1 Check the items in the tables below.

2 If the problem still persists, have your TV serviced by qualified service personnel.

Condition Explanation/Solution


No picture (screen is dark) and

Check the aerial/cable connection.

no sound

Connect the TV to the mains, and press 1 on the top edge of the TV.

If the 1 (standby) indicator lights up in red, press "/1.

No picture or no menu

Press / to display the connected equipment list, then select the

information from equipment

desired input.

connected to the scart

Check the connection between the optional equipment and the TV.


Double images or ghosting

Check the aerial/cable connection.

(only in analogue mode)

Check the aerial location and direction.

Only snow and noise appear

Check if the aerial is broken or bent.

on the screen (only in

Check if the aerial has reached the end of its serviceable life (three to

analogue mode)

five years in normal use, one to two years at the seaside).

Additional Information

Picture or sound noise when

Adjust “AFT” (Automatic Fine Tuning) to obtain better picture

viewing a TV channel (only in

reception (page 43).

analogue mode)

Some tiny black points and/or

The picture of a display unit is composed of pixels. Tiny black points

bright points appear on the

and/or bright points (pixels) on the screen do not indicate a malfunction.


No colour on programmes Select “Reset” (page 35).

No colour or irregular colour

Check the connection of the / COMPONENT IN sockets and

when viewing a signal from

check if each sockets are firmly seated in their respective sockets.


IN sockets

Picture freezes or contains

Check signal level (page 45). If signal bar is red (no signal) or amber

blocks on the screen

(low signal), check the aerial/cable connection.

Remove the connected USB device. It can be damaged or not supported

by the TV.

Check the website below for updated information about compatible USB



No sound, but good picture Press 2 +/– or % (Mute).

Check if the “Speaker” is set to “TV Speaker” (page 41).

When using HDMI input with Super Audio CD or DVD-Audio,

DIGITAL AUDIO OUT (OPTICAL) may not output audio signals.

(Continu ed)



Condition Explanation/Solution

There is a significant

Adjust “Volume Offset” setting in the “Sound” menu (page 36).

difference in the output

volume level between


input and TV or other

equipment input

Connection Diagnostic Results

“Connection successful.”does

Check Connections

not appear

Use a straight cable for the LAN cable.

Check if the cable is connected firmly.

Check the connection between the TV and the broadband router.

Check Settings

Change the IP address for the DNS server (see “Checking the Network

Connection” on page 32) while referring to the following.

Contact your Internet service provider.

Specify the IP address of the router if you do not know the DNS of

your Internet service provider.

Home Network

The server cannot be found, a

Once server settings are changed, turn the TV off and on by pressing 1

list cannot be retrieved, and

on the TV.

playback fails

Execute “Server Diagnostics” (page 33).

When using a PC as the server

Check if the PC is turned on. Do not turn off the PC while accessing.

If security software is installed on the server, be sure to allow

connections from external devices. For details, see the manual supplied

with your security software.

The load on the PC may be too high or the server application may

become unstable. Try the following:

Stop the server application and restart it.

Restart the PC.

Reduce the number of applications running on the PC.

Reduce the amount of content.

Changes on the server are not

Sometimes changes are not applied to displays on the TV even though

being applied or displayed

content has been added and/or deleted on the server. If this happens, go

content differs from content

back up one level and try opening the folder or server again.

on the server

Photo and/or music files do

Preliminary Check

not appear or icons are not

Check that the connected device supports DLNA.


Operations are not guaranteed for all servers. Also, operations differ

depending on the features of the server and the content in question.

Turn the connected device on.

Check Connections

Check that the LAN cable and/or mains lead of the server has not

become disconnected.

Check Settings

Check that the connected device is registered under “Server Display

Settings” (page 33).

Check that the server is correctly configured.

Check that the selected equipment is connected to the network and can

be accessed.

If the “IP Address Settings” in “Network” under “Network Settings” is

set to “DHCP (DNS automatic)” or “DHCP (DNS manual)”, it may take

some time to recognise a device if there is no DHCP server. Execute

“Server Diagnostics” (page 33).



Condition Explanation/Solution

The TV cannot be found from

Check Connections


Check that the LAN cable and/or mains lead of the server has not

equipment (the controller)

become disconnected.

Check Settings

Check if the “Renderer Function” is activated (page 46).

Check that the connected device is registered under “Renderer Access

Control” (page 46).


The desired channel cannot be

Switch between digital and analogue mode and select the desired digital/


analogue channel.

Some channels are blank Scrambled/Subscription only channel. Subscribe to the pay TV service.

Channel is used only for data (no picture or sound).

Contact the broadcaster for transmission details.

Digital channels are not

Contact a local installer to find out if digital transmissions are provided


in your area.

Upgrade to a higher gain aerial.


Distorted picture and/or sound Keep the TV away from electrical noise sources such as cars,

motorcycles, hair-dryers or optical equipment.

When installing optional equipment, leave some space between the

optional equipment and the TV.

Check the aerial/cable connection.

Keep the aerial/cable TV cable away from other connecting cables.

The TV turns off

Check if the “Sleep Timer” is activated, or confirm the “Duration”

automatically (the TV enters

setting of “On Timer Settings” (page 38).

standby mode)

If no signal is received and no operation is performed in the TV mode

for 10 minutes, the TV automatically switches to standby mode.

The TV turns on automatically Check if the “On Timer” is activated (page 38).

Some input sources cannot be

Select “AV Preset” and cancel “Skip” of the input source (page 40).


The remote does not function Replace the batteries.

A channel cannot be added to

Up to 999 channels can be stored in the favourite list.

the Favourite list

Additional Information

You have a blank TV listings

Check the aerial/cable connection.

in the GUIDE Plus+ system

Your cabling and set-up is OK, but your GUIDE Plus+ system was not

connected for enough time to receive TV listings data. Leave the TV

“STANDBY” overnight (24 hours) or use “Manual Data Download”

(page 19).

You live in a country/region where the GUIDE Plus+ system is not yet

available. Check the list of countries to see if you are in a region that is



HDMI equipment does not

Check that your equipment is “Control for HDMI” compatible

appear on “HDMI Device



Not all channels are tuned Check support web site for cable provide information.

You cannot select “Off” in

If any “Control for HDMI” compatible audio equipment is connected to

“Control for HDMI”

the TV, you cannot select “Off” in this menu. If you want to change the

audio output to the TV speaker, select “TV Speaker” in the “Speaker”

menu (page 41).




Informacje dot. znaków towarowych

Dziękujemy, że wybrali Państwo produkt firmy Sony.

s jest zastrzeżonym znakiem towarowym projektu


Przed przystąpieniem do eksploatacji telewizora należy

dokładnie zapoznać się z treścią niniejszej instrukcji oraz

s DLNA i DLNA CERTIFIED są znakami towarowymi

zachować ją do wykorzystania w przyszłości.

i/lub znakami usługowymi firmy Digital Living Network


s GUIDE Plus+ jest (1) zastrzeżonym znakiem handlowym

Producentem tego produktu jest Sony Corporation, 1-7-

lub znakiem handlowym, (2) jest produkowany na licencji

1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Japonia.

i (3) jest chroniony różnorodnymi patentami

Upoważnionym przedstawicielem producenta w Unii

międzynarodowymi i wnioskami patentowymi, których

Europejskiej, uprawnionym do dokonywania i

właścicielem jest lub na które licencję posiada firma

potwierdzania oceny zgodności z wymaganiami

Gemstar-TV Guide International, Inc. lub powiązane z nią

zasadniczymi, jest Sony Deutschland GmbH,


Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327 Stuttgart, Niemcy. Nadzór

nad dystrybucją na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej


sprawuje Sony Poland, 00-876 Warszawa, ul. Ogrodowa


58. W sprawach serwisowych i gwarancyjnych należy


kontaktować się z podmiotami, których adresy podano


w osobnych dokumentach gwarancyjnych lub


serwisowych, lub z najbliższym sprzedawcą produktów






Informacja dotycząca funkcji Telewizji





s Wszystkie funkcje dotyczące Telewizji Cyfrowej ( )


dostępne są tylko w krajach lub na obszarach, gdzie


nadawane są sygnały cyfrowej telewizji naziemnej DVB-T


(MPEG2 i MPEG4 AVC) lub w miejscach, w których


istnieje dostęp do kompatybilnych z urządzeniem


sygnałów kablowych DVB-C (MPEG2 i MPEG4 AVC).

s Wyprodukowano na licencji Dolby Laboratories. Nazwa

Prosimy skontaktować się z lokalnym sprzedawcą, aby

Dolby i symbol podwójnej litery D są znakami

ustalić, czy w miejscu Państwa zamieszkania można

towarowymi firmy Dolby Laboratories.

odbierać sygnały DVB-T lub zwrócić się do dostawcy usług

s Nazwa HDMI, logo HDMI oraz High-Definition

kablowych o informacje, czy oferowane przez niego usługi

Multimedia Interface są znakami towarowymi lub

DVB-C będą dostępne w zakupionym odbiorniku TV.

zastrzeżonymi znakami towarowymi firmy HDMI

s Dostawca usług kablowych może doliczyć dodatko

Licensing LLC.

opłatę za takie usługi oraz poprosić użytkownika o

s „BRAVIA” i są znakami towarowymi Sony

podpisanie stosownej umowy.


s Choć zakupiony model telewizora jest dostosowany do

s „XMB” i „xross media bar” są znakami towarowymi firm

odbioru sygnałów telewizji naziemnej DVB-T oraz

Sony Corporation i Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

kablowej DVB-C, nie można zagwarantować jego

s Symbol „xx”, który pojawia się w nazwie modelu,

kompatybilności z tworzonymi w przyszłości programami

odpowiada dwóm znakom numerycznym opisującym

w formacie DVB-T lub DVB-C.


s W niektórych krajach lub regionach pewne funkcje

Telewizji Cyfrowej lub kablowej DVB-C mogą być


s Szczegółowe informacje na temat funkcji DVB-C znajdują

się na naszej stronie dotyczącej sygnałów przesyłanych

drogą kablową:



Spis treści

Instrukcja podłączenia i programowania 4

Informacje dotyczące bezpieczeństwa.......................................................................................... 9

Środki ostrożności ......................................................................................................................... 11

Pilot oraz elementy sterujące i wskaźniki telewizora ................................................................. 12

Odbiór audycji telewizyjnych

Odbiór audycji telewizyjnych ........................................................................................................ 16

Korzystanie z systemu GUIDE Plus+™ oraz cyfrowego przewodnika po programach EPG

(Digital Electronic Programme Guide) .......................................................................... 19

Korzystanie z listy Ulubionych kanałów cyfrowych .......................................................... 23

Korzystanie z dodatkowego sprzętu

Schemat połączeń.......................................................................................................................... 24

Oglądanie obrazów z podłączonych urządzeń............................................................................ 27

Odtwarzanie zdjęć/muzyki poprzez USB..................................................................................... 29

Korzystanie z BRAVIA Sync ze Sterowaniem przez HDMI......................................................... 32

Korzystanie z funkcji sieciowych

Podłączanie odbiornika TV do sieci ............................................................................................. 34

Korzystanie z plików graficznych/muzycznych poprzez sieć.................................................... 34

Sprawdzanie połączenia sieciowego ........................................................................................... 36

Konfigurowanie ustawień wyświetlania serwerów..................................................................... 37

Korzystanie z funkcji Menu

Nawigowanie w menu Dom odbiornika TV (XMB™)................................................................... 38

Ustawienia....................................................................................................................................... 39

Informacje dodatkowe

Instalowanie elementów dodatkowych (uchwyt ścienny).......................................................... 53


Dane techniczne............................................................................................................................. 55

Rozwiązywanie problemów........................................................................................................... 57

: tylko w przypadku kanałów cyfrowych

Przed rozpoczęciem eksploatacji telewizora należy zapoznać się z treścią rozdziału „Informacje dotyczące

bezpieczeństwa” niniejszej instrukcji.

Zachować instrukcję do wykorzystania w przyszłości.



Instrukcja podłączenia i programowania

Należy ostrożnie obchodzić się z pilotem. Nie

Przed rozpoczęciem

należy nim rzucać, chodzić po nim, ani

wylewać na niego żadnych płynów.


Nie należy kłaść pilota w pobliżu źródeł ciepła

Sprawdzić akcesoria

lub w miejscach narażonych na bezpośrednie

działanie promieni słonecznych. Chronić je

Przewód zasilający (typ C) (1)

przed wilgocią.

1: Mocowanie stojaka


(dla KDL-46W47xx/KDL-

Tego przewodu zasilającego należy używać w

wypadku korzystania z odbiornika TV poza


Wielką Brytanią.


Przewód zasilający (typ BF) (1)

1 Otworzyć pudło kartonowe i wyjąć

(tylko KDL-52W47xx/KDL-46W47xx/


stojak oraz śruby.

2 Umieścić odbiornik TV na stojaku.

Należy uważać, aby nie uszkodzić



Tego przewodu zasilającego należy używać w

wypadku korzystania z odbiornika TV w

Wielkiej Brytanii.

Pilot zdalnego sterowania RM-ED011 (1)

Baterie AA (typu R6) (2)

Stojak (1) oraz śruby mocujące stojaka (4)

(tylko KDL-46W47xx/KDL-40W47xx/


Włożyć baterie do pilota

Aby otworzyć, nacisnąć i podnieść pokrywę.

3 Zamocować odbiornik TV do stojaka

zgodnie z oznaczeniem strzałkami

przeprowadzając dostarczane śruby

przez otwory montażowe.


Przy wkładaniu baterii do pilota zachować

właściwą biegunowość.

Nie należy używać różnych typów baterii

jednocześnie ani łączyć starych baterii z


Zużyte baterie należy utylizować w sposób

nieszkodliwy dla środowiska naturalnego. W

niektórych regionach sposób utylizacji


zużytych baterii mogą regulować stosowne

Jeśli pracuje się ze śrubokrętem elektrycznym,

przepisy. Należy skontaktować się w tej

należy ustawić moment obrotowy na ok.

sprawie z lokalnymi władzami.

1,5 N·m {15 kgf·cm}.



2: Podłączanie anteny/

3: Zabezpieczenie

urządzenia STB /nagrywarki

telewizora przed

(np. nagrywarki DVD)


Instrukcja podłączenia i programowania

Podłączanie urządzenia STB/nagrywarki

(np. nagrywarki DVD) ze złączem SCART




Przewód Scart

Urządzenie STB dla TV kablowej/nagrywarki

(np. nagrywarki DVD)

1 Wkręć wkręt do drewna (średnica

Podłączanie urządzenia STB/nagrywarki

4 mm, nie należy do wyposażenia) w

(np. nagrywarki DVD) ze złączem HDMI

podstawkę pod telewizor.

2 Wkręć śrubę (M6 × 12, nie należy do

wyposażenia) w otwór montażowy w


3 Połącz wkręt do drewna i śrubę przy

pomocy mocnej linki.

Urządzenie STB dla TV kablowej/nagrywarki

(np. nagrywarki DVD)



2 Nacisnąć 1 na odbiorniku TV.

4: Formowanie wiązki

Przy pierwszym włączeniu telewizora


na ekranie pojawia się menu język.

3 Za pomocą przycisków F/f/G/g


wybrać język wyświetlany na ekranach

menu, a następnie nacisnąć .

























4 W celu dokonania wyboru kraju w

Nie należy prowadzić przewodu zasilającego w

którym używany będzie odbiornik TV,

jednej wiązce z innymi przewodami.

nacisnąć F/f, a następnie .


5: Wykonywanie

Wybierz kraj.

początkowej konfiguracji


United Kingdom









Jeśli kraju, w którym odbiornik będzie

używany, nie ma na liście, zamiast


nazwy kraju należy wybrać „-”.

5 W celu dokonania wyboru rodzaju

lokalizacji, w którym używany będzie

odbiornik TV, nacisnąć F/f, a

następnie .


Wybrać „Dom”, aby uzyskać najlepsze

ustawienia do użytkowania odbiornika

TV w domu.


Wybierz lokalizację.




1 Podłączyć odbiornik TV do gniazdka

sieciowego (220-240V AC, 50Hz).



6 Wybrać „Tak” i nacisnąć .

Szczegółowe informacje, patrz strona




Sterowanie przez HDMI

Instrukcja podłączenia i programowania

Czy chcesz rozpocząć Autoprogramowanie?

Czy chcesz włączyć sterowanie urządz

zgodnych z systeme m sterowania przez HDM I?

Tak Nie

Wybór "Tak" spowoduje zwiekszone

zużycie ener gii w trybie gotowosci.

Ta k Nie

7 Nacisnąć F/f, aby wybrać „Naziemna”

lub „Kablowa”, a następnie nacisnąć

Szczegółowe informacje, patrz strona



Po wybraniu „Kablowa”, pojawi się

Po wykonaniu tego kroku, ekran

ekran wyboru rodzaju przeszukiwania.

ustawień GUIDE Plus+ jest

Patrz „Aby dostroić odbiornik TV do

wyświetlany tylko wtedy, gdy GUIDE

odbioru telewizji kablowej” (strona 7).

Plus+ jest dostępny.

Odbiornik TV rozpoczyna

11 Nacisnąć .

wyszukiwanie wszystkich dostępnych

kanałów cyfrowych, a następnie

Odbiornik TV jest teraz dostrojony do

analogowych. Procedura ta zajmuje

wszystkich dostępnych kanałów.

nieco czasu, należy więc cierpliwie


czekać i nie naciskać jakichkolwiek

Gdy nie można odbierać sygnału kanałów

przycisków odbiornika TV lub pilota.

cyfrowych lub gdy w kroku 4 wybrano kraj, w

Jeśli zostanie wyświetlony komunikat

którym brak kanałów cyfrowych, to po

żądający potwierdzenia podłączenia

wykonaniu kroku 8 należy ustawić czas.


Nie znaleziono żadnych kanałów

Aby dostroić odbiornik TV do odbioru

cyfrowych lub analogowych. Sprawdzić

telewizji kablowej

wszystkie połączenia antenowe/

1 Nacisnąć .

telewizji kablowej, a następnie

2 Nacisnąć F/f, aby wybrać

nacisnąć , aby ponownie rozpocząć

„Przeszukiwanie szybkie” lub


„Przeszukiwanie pełne”, a następnie

8 Gdy na ekranie zostanie wyświetlone

nacisnąć .

menu „Sortowanie programów”,

należy postępować zgodnie z

„Przeszukiwanie szybkie”: kanały są

programowane zgodnie z informacją

czynnościami opisanymi w rozdziale

operatora telewizji kablowej zawartą w

„Sortowanie programów” (strona 47).

nadawanym sygnale.

Jeśli kolejność zachowanych w

Zalecanym ustawieniem

telewizorze kanałów analogowych ma

„Częstotliwość”, „Identyfikator sieci

pozostać niezmieniona, nacisnąć

oraz „Szybkość transmisji symb.” jest

przycisk RETURN, aby przejść do


punktu 9.

Opcja ta jest polecana przy usłudze


szybkiego strojenia, jeśli jest ona

Szybki start

oferowana przez operatora telewizji


Jeżeli „Przeszukiwanie szybkie” nie

Czy chcesz włączyć opcję Szybki start?

Zapewnia ona szybsze włączanie TV, ale powoduje większe zużycie prądu w trybie gotowości.

zdoła zaprogramować kanałów, należy

skorzystać z metody „Przeszukiwanie

Ta k Nie

pełne” opisanej poniżej.




„Przeszukiwanie pełne”: Wszystkie

3 Pobieranie danych GUIDE Plus+.

dostępne kanały zostaną

Początkowe pobieranie zajmuje nieco

zaprogramowane i zapamiętane.

czasu, należy więc cierpliwie czekać i

Procedura ta zajmuje nieco czasu.

nie naciskać jakichkolwiek przycisków

Opcja ta jest polecana wtedy, gdy

odbiornika TV lub pilota. Po pobraniu

operator telewizji kablowej nie oferuje

pierwszej partii danych listy

usługi „Przeszukiwanie szybkie”.

programów TV, kolejne pobieranie

Aby uzyskać dalsze informacje o

będą dokonywane automatycznie.

polecanych operatorach telewizji

kablowej, patrz strona internetowa:

Regulowanie kąta


oglądania TV

3 Nacisnąć f, aby wybrać „Rozpocznij”,

a następnie nacisnąć .

Ten odbiornik TV można regulować w

zakresie kątów przedstawionym poniżej.

Odbiornik TV rozpoczyna

wyszukiwanie kanałów. Nie naciskać

Regulowanie kąta lewego i prawego


żadnych przycisków na odbiorniku TV

Widok górny

ani na pilocie.




Niektórzy operatorzy telewizji kablowej nie



świadczą usługi „Przeszukiwanie szybkie”.


Jeśli „Przeszukiwanie szybkie” nie wykryje

żadnych kanałów, przeprowadzić


„Przeszukiwanie pełne”.

Podczas regulowania kąta, przytrzymywać

stojak odbiornika jedną ręką, aby uniknąć

Aby ustawić system GUIDE Plus+ (tylko

ześlizgiwania się lub przechylania odbiornika

wtedy, gdy system GUIDE Plus+ jest



* Warunkiem ustawienia tej funkcji jest:

przebywanie w Wielkiej Brytanii, Włoszech,

Odkręcanie stojaka od

Niemczech lub Hiszpanii.

odbiornika TV

możliwość odbierania sygnału kanałów



jeśli w kroku 7 punkcie „5: Wykonywanie

Odkręcić śruby wskazywane strzałkami od

początkowej konfiguracji ustawień”

odbiornika TV.

wybrano opcję „Naziemna”.

Stojak można odkręcić od odbiornika TV

1 Wprowadź kod pocztowy regionu w

jedynie w poniższych wypadkach.

Jeśli odbiornik TV ma być zamontowany na

którym mieszkasz używając w tym celu


klawiszy F/f/G/g/+.

Jeśli po zakupie odbiornik TV ma być

włożony do kartonu (tylko KDL-46W47xx/


Wprowadź od lewej, jeśli liczba cyfr w


kodzie pocztowym jest mniejsza niż



2 Wybierz język stosowany z GUIDE


Ten punkt zostanie pominięty, jeśli w

kroku 3 w punkcie „5: Wykonywanie

początkowej konfiguracji ustawień”:

„English”, „Deutsch”, „Español”,

„Italiano”, „Françaislub
