Panasonic TYEW3D3LE: инструкция

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Телевизор

Инструкция к Телевизору Panasonic TYEW3D3LE
























Before using this product, be sure to read “Safety

Precautions” and “Using Precautions” ( pages 2 - 5).

Before operating this product, please read the instructions

carefully, and save this manual for future use.

This 3D Eyewear can be used for Panasonic HDTVs

supporting 3D.

For the latest information on applicable models, visit

our web site.








Do not put 3D Eyewear in re, heat it or leave it in

places that can get hot.

3D Eyewear contains a lithium-ion polymer

rechargeable battery, so heating may result in

combustion or rupture that may cause burns or re.



Do not disassemble or modify the 3D Eyewear.

When disposing this product, refer “Disposal”


page 8) and disassemble properly for removing

the rechargeable battery.


Charge by connecting the included charging cable

to the USB terminal of a Panasonic TV supporting

3D. Charging with other devices may result in

battery leakage, heating or rupture.

Do not use the included charging cable for uses

other than charging 3D Eyewear.




Do not drop, exert pressure on, or step on the

3D Eyewear.

Be careful of the tips of the frame when putting on

the 3D Eyewear.

Always keep the 3D Eyewear in a cool, dry place.

Be careful not to trap a nger in the hinge section of

the 3D Eyewear.

Pay special attention when children are using this





Do not use the 3D Eyewear if you have a history of

over-sensitivity to light, heart problems, or have any

other existing medical conditions.

Stop using the 3D Eyewear immediately if you

feel tired, discomfort, or any other uncomfortable


Take an appropriate break after viewing a 3D


Take a break of between 30 - 60 minutes after

viewing 3D content on interactive devices such as

3D games or computers.

Be careful not to strike the television screen or other

people unintentionally. When using the 3D Eyewear

the distance between the user and screen can be


The 3D Eyewear must only be worn when viewing

3D content.

Do not tilt your head and/or the 3D Eyewear

while viewing 3D image. Keep your eyes and

the 3D Eyewear are on a horizontal level to the


If you suffer from any eyesight problems (short/

far-sighted, astigmatism, eyesight differences in

left and right), please ensure to correct your vision

before using the 3D Eyewear.

Stop using the 3D Eyewear if you can clearly see

double images when viewing 3D content.

(continued overleaf)


Do not use the 3D Eyewear at a distance less than

the recommended distance.

The recommended viewing distance is at least 3

times of image height.

When the top and bottom area of the screen is

blackened, such as movies, view the screen at a

distance at least 3 times of the height of the actual


( That makes the distance closer than above

recommended gure.)


3D Eyewear should not be used by children younger

than 5 - 6 years old, as a guideline.

All children must be fully supervised by parents or



guardians who must ensure their safety and health

throughout the using 3D Eyewear.

Before using the 3D Eyewear, ensure no breakable

objects surrounding the user to avoid any accidental

damage or injury.

Remove the 3D Eyewear before moving around to

avoid falling or accidental injury.

Use the 3D Eyewear only for the intended purpose

and nothing else.

Do not use if the 3D Eyewear is physically


Stop using the 3D Eyewear immediately if a

malfunction or fault occurs.

Stop using the 3D Eyewear immediately if you

experience any redness, pain, or skin irritation

around the nose or temples.

In rare cases, the materials used in the 3D Eyewear

may cause an allergic reaction.



Do not drop or bend the 3D Eyewear.

Do not apply pressure to or scratch the surface of

the liquid crystal shutter of the 3D Eyewear.

Do not soil the infra-red receiver section or attach

stickers etc. to it.

Do not use devices (such as mobile phones

or personal transceivers) that emit strong

electromagnetic waves near the 3D Eyewear as this

may cause the 3D Eyewear to malfunction.

Do not use 3D Eyewear outside the specied usage


temperature range (

page 13).


If the room is lit by uorescent lights (50 Hz) and

light appears to icker when using the 3D Eyewear,

switch off the uorescent light.

3D content will not be correctly visible if the

3D Eyewear is worn upside down or back-to-front.

Do not wear the 3D Eyewear when watching

anything other than 3D images. Other kinds of

displays (such as computer screens, digital clocks,

or calculators etc.) may be difcult to see while

wearing the 3D Eyewear.


Charging cable ·······················································<1>


< > indicates the quantity.










 Slide the tab to the ON/OFF position to

switch the power on/off.

 Slide the tab once to the 3D/2D position to

change the mode between 3D and 2D.

2D: View a 3D image in 2D.


Lights or  ashes during use or charging to show the status

of the rechargeable battery.


Receives infra-red signals from the television.

Do not soil the infra-red receiver section or attach stickers

etc. to it.


Connect the charging cable.

Charge by connecting the included charging cable.



 

Lights for 2 seconds when turned

Suf cient battery level


Flashes 5 times when turned on Low battery level

Flashes once every 2 seconds

3D mode is selected.

when in use

Flashes twice every 4 seconds

2D mode is selected.

when in use





Connect the 3D Eyewear with the included charging cable

to the television, then switch on the television.

When the indicator lamp turns off, charging is complete.

Approximately 30 minutes required.


Charge the 3D Eyewear before using the  rst time after purchase or

after long periods of disuse.

Be sure to turn the television power on when charging. The battery

will not be charged when the television power is off.


Clean using a soft, dry cloth.

Wiping the 3D Eyewear with a soft cloth that is covered in

dust or dirt may scratch the eyewear. Shake off any dust

from the cloth before use.

Do not use benzene, thinner, or wax on the 3D Eyewear,

as doing so may cause the paint to peel off.

Do not dunk the 3D Eyewear in liquid such as water when


Avoid storing the 3D Eyewear in hot or highly humid


During the long period of disuse, full charge the

3D Eyewear once every 6 months to keep the battery


As the liquid crystal shutters (lens) are fragile and easily

broken, be very careful when cleaning them.



A lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery is built in

to the 3D Eyewear. Please discard according to local


When disposing this product, disassemble properly by

following the procedure on the next page, and remove

the internal rechargeable battery.








Do not charge the removed battery.

Do not throw the battery in a re, or apply heat to it.

Do not pierce the battery with a nail, subject it to an

impact, or dismantle or modify it.

Do not let the wires touch any other metal or each other.

Do not carry or store the battery with a necklace, hair

pin, or the like.

Do not charge, use, or leave the battery in a hot location

such as near a re or under the hot sun.

Doing so may cause the battery to generate heat, ignite, or






Accidental swallowing of such an item may have an adverse

effect on the body.

In the event that you think such an item has been

swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.




Fluid entering into an eye may cause loss of eyesight.

Wash the eye with water immediately without rubbing it,


and then consult a doctor.


Fluid getting on your body or clothes may cause inammation

of the skin or injury.

Sufciently rinse with clean water, and then consult a



Disassemble this product after the battery has run out of







1. Remove the screws of the 3D Eyewear with a precision

Phillips (plus

) screwdriver.

(continued overleaf)


2. Bend the frame inwards and pull it off from the side cover.

If it is difcult to pull off, insert a at-blade (minus


screwdriver and pry open it.

3. Pull off the battery and separate it from the 3D Eyewear by

cutting off the wires, one by one, with scissors.

Insulate the wire parts of the removed battery with

cellophane tape.





Take sufcient care when performing this work so as not to injure


Do not damage or dismantle the battery.



Check the followings rst. If they do not solve the problem,

please contact the place of purchase.



Slide the tab once to the 3D/2D position to change the mode

between 3D and 2D.


Refer the television operating instructions and.





If the eyewear stops receiving infra-red signal from the television,

the power automatically switches off after 5 minutes.





Take the necessary steps (wearing glasses etc.) to correct your

eyesight before use.






If the eyewear stops receiving infra-red signal from the television,

the power automatically switches off after 5 minutes.




If the indicator lamp does not light at all, the battery is completely

at. Perform the battery charging operation.

(continued overleaf)





Make sure the charging cable is properly connected.


Switch the television power on, then charging will start.


If operation time is very short even when the battery is charged, the

battery has reached the end of its lifespan. Please consult with the

place of purchase.






0 °C - 40 °C (32°F - 104°F)


DC 5 V ( supplied by USB terminal of a Panasonic TV)


Lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery

DC 3,7 V, 40 mAh


Operation time*


Approx. 25 hours




Charging time*

: Approx. 30 minutes

Quick charge ( 2 minutes charge enables approx. 3 hours




Transmitter for 3D Eyewear

Within 3,2 m from front surface

(Within ± 35° horizontal, ± 20° vertical)


Main body: Resin

Lens section: Liquid crystal glass


   

 170,6 mm 167,7 mm 160,5 mm

 42,2 mm 42,2 mm 42,2 mm

 170,7 mm 170,7 mm 167,6 mm

 Approx. 27


Approx. 26


Approx. 26




Operation time/Charging time

The battery deteriorates after repeated use, and the operation time

eventually becomes short. The gures above are at shipping from

the factory, and are not a guarantee of performance.



Viewing range

The location of the 3D Eyewear transmitter differs depending on the

model of television.

There are differences in the viewing range of the 3D Eyewear

among individuals.

The 3D Eyewear may not operate correctly at the outside of the

viewing range.




This symbol on the products and/or

accompanying documents means that used

electrical and electronic products should not

be mixed with general household waste.

Please dispose of this item only in designated

national waste electronic collection schemes,

and not in the ordinary dust bin.


If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment,

please contact your dealer or supplier for further information.





This symbol is only valid in the European Union.

If you wish to discard this product, please contact your

local authorities or dealer and ask for the correct method of


Pursuant to the directive 2004/108/EC, article 9(2)

Panasonic Testing Centre

Panasonic Service Europe, a division of Panasonic Marketing

Europe GmbH

Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg, F.R. Germany

Panasonic Corporation

Web Site :

© Panasonic Corporation 2011








Før du bruger produktet, skal du læse ”Sikkerhedsforskrif-

ter” og ”Forsigtighedsregler ved brug” ( side 1 - 5).

Før du bruger produktet, skal du læse betjeningsvejlednin-

gen omhyggeligt og gemme denne manual til senere brug.


Disse 3D-briller kan bruges til Panasonic HDTV’er,


der understøtter 3D.

Besøg vores websted for at få de seneste oplysnin-

ger om tilgængelige modeller.






Smid ikke 3D-brillerne på ild og varm dem ikke op

eller efterlad dem på steder, der kan blive varme.

3D-brillerne har et polymerisk genopladeligt litium-

ion batteri, hvorfor opvarmning kan resultere i

forbrænding eller sprængning, som kan føre til

forbrændinger eller brand.

(fortsættes på næste side)




Undlad at skille 3D-brillerne ad eller at ændre dem.

Ved bortskaffelse af produktet skal du se under

“Bortskaffelse” (

side 8) og adskille produktet

korrekt for at fjerne det genopladelige batteri.


Oplades ved at slutte det medfølgende opladnings-

kabel til USB-terminalen på et Panasonic-tv, der

understøtter 3D. Opladning med andre enheder kan

resultere i batterilækage, opvarmning eller spræng-


Anvend ikke det medfølgende opladningskabel til



andre formål end opladning af 3D-brillerne.



Undlad at tabe, udøve tryk på eller træde på


Vær opmærksom på spidserne på stellet, når du

tager 3D-brillerne på.

Opbevar altid 3D-brillerne på et køligt, tørt sted.

Pas på ikke at få ngeren i klemme ved hængslerne

på 3D-brillerne.

Vær særligt opmærksom, når børn benytter produk-




Undlad at bruge 3D-brillerne, hvis du tidligere har

lidt af overfølsomhed over for lys, hjerteproblemer,

eller du har andre eksisterende lidelser.

Hold med det samme op med at bruge 3D-brillerne,

hvis du føler dig træt eller utilpas eller på anden vis

ikke har det godt.

Tag en passende pause, efter at du har set en


Tag en pause på mellem 30 og 60 minutter, efter at

du har set 3D-indhold på interaktive enheder som

f.eks. 3D-spil eller computere.

Pas på ikke at ramme tv-skærmen eller andre per-

soner ved en fejltagelse. Når du bruger 3D-brillerne,

kan du komme til at fejlbedømme afstanden mellem



dig selv og skærmen.

Du må kun bruge 3D-brillerne, når du ser 3D-


Undlad at vippe hovedet og/eller 3D-brillerne, når

du ser 3D-billeder. Hold øjnene og 3D-brillerne

vandret i forhold til tv’et.

Hvis du har problemer med synet (kort- eller lang-

synethed, bygningsfejl eller forskellig synsstyrke på

venstre og højre øje), skal du korrigere synet, før du

bruger 3D-brillerne.

Hold op med at bruge 3D-brillerne, hvis du tydeligt

ser dobbelt, når du ser 3D-indhold.

Du må ikke bruge 3D-brillerne på en afstand, der er

mindre end den anbefalede afstand.

Den anbefalede visningsafstand er 3 gange bil-


Når den øverste og nederste del af skærmen er

sort, f.eks. når du ser lm, skal du se på skærmen

i en afstand, der er 3 gange højden af det faktiske


( Derved bliver afstanden kortere end det ovenstå-

ende anbefalede tal.)

(fortsættes på næste side)



3D-briller bør som hovedregel ikke benyttes af børn

under 5 - 6 år.

Alle børn skal være under fuldt opsyn af forældre

eller værger, der skal sørge for deres sikkerhed og

sundhed, mens de bruger 3D-brillerne.

Før 3D-brillerne anvendes, skal du sikre dig, at der

ikke er genstande, som kan gå i stykker, i nærhe-

den af brugerne, for at undgå personskade eller

tingskade ved et uheld.

Tag 3D-brillerne af, før du bevæger dig omkring, for

at undgå, at du falder eller kommer til skade.

Brug kun 3D-brillerne til det beregnede formål, ikke

til noget andet.

Brug ikke 3D-brillerne, hvis de er fysisk beskadi-




Hold med det samme op med at bruge 3D-brillerne,

hvis der opstår fejlfunktion eller fejl i dem.

Hold med det samme op med at bruge 3D-brillerne,

hvis du oplever rødmen, smerte eller hudirritation

på næsen eller tindingerne.

Materialerne i 3D-brillerne kan i sjældne tilfælde

medføre en allergisk reaktion.




Undgå at tabe eller bøje 3D-brillerne.

Undgå at bruge magt på eller at ridse overaden af

den ydende krystallukker.

Undgå, at området omkring den infrarøde modtager

bliver snavset, og sæt ikke klistermærker osv. på


Undlad at bruge enheder (for eksempel mobiltele-

foner eller personlige transceivere), der udsender

kraftige elektromagnetiske signaler, i nærheden

af 3D-brillerne, da dette kan medføre fejlfunktion i




Brug ikke 3D-brillerne uden for det angivne anven-

delsestemperaturområde (

side 13).

Hvis værelset er oplyst ved hjælp af uorescerende

lys (50 Hz), og lyset virker, som om det blinker,

når du bruger 3D-brillerne, skal du slukke for det

uorescerende lys.

3D-indhold vises ikke korrekt, hvis du bærer 3D-

brillerne med bunden i vejret eller omvendt.

Brug ikke 3D-brillerne, når du ser andet end 3D-

billeder. Det kan være svært at andre slags display

(f.eks. computerskærme, digitalure eller lommereg-

nere osv.), når du bruger 3D-brillerne.


Opladningskabel ·····················································<1>


< > angiver antallet.












Skub tasten til positionen ON/OFF for at

tænde eller slukke for strømmen.

 Skub tasten én gang til positionen 3D/2D

for at skifte tilstand mellem 3D og 2D.

2D: Se 3D-billede i 2D.


Lyser eller blinker under anvendelse eller opladning for at

vise status for det genopladelige batteri.


Modtager infrarøde signaler fra tv’et.

Undgå, at området omkring den infrarøde modtager bliver

snavset, og sæt ikke klistermærker osv. på den.


Tilslutning af opladningskablet.

Oplad ved at tilslutte det medfølgende opladningskabel.


Аннотации для Телевизора Panasonic TYEW3D3LE в формате PDF