Sony MPK-THA: 3 Inspect the O-ring groove.


3 Inspect the O-ring groove.: Sony MPK-THA

3 Inspect the O-ring groove.

Carefully remove any grains of sand or hardened salt that get into the


4 Inspect the contact surface on the other side of the O-ring in

the same way.

5 Apply the special grease supplied to the O-ring.

Use your fingertips to thinly coat the entire surface of the O-ring with a

small drop of grease, as illustrated above.

Make sure there is always a thin coating of grease on the surface of the

O-ring. Grease protects the O-ring and prevents wear.


Only use the grease supplied. Other kinds of grease will damage the O-

ring and cause water leakage.

6 Fit the O-ring into the groove of the Marine Pack.

Fit the O-ring evenly into the groove paying attention to the following


– Check for dirt on the O-ring.

– Check the O-ring is not twisted or protruding.

– Do not pull the O-ring.

Bad example Good example


Handling the O-ring (continued)

Final check

Check the O-ring again for any dirt, cracks or twisting, etc.

How to check for water leakage

Before installing the equipment, always close the marine pack and

immerse it in water to a depth of about 15 cm for about three minutes to

make sure no water leaks in.


After taking photos near a sandy sea bottom or placing the camera on the

sand, remove the O-ring and inspect it.

Be sure to take a spare O-ring with you.

You can replace the fitted O-ring on location if

something goes wrong with it.

O-ring life

Replace each O-ring with a new one after one year of use.

Even if the O-ring is not cracked or scratched, deformation or wear

reduces its waterproof qualities.



* Votre caisson marin n’a pas forcément le même aspect que celui qui est

représenté sur les illustrations.

Qu’est-ce qu’un joint torique ?

Le joint torique est important car c’est lui qui garantit l’étanchéité du

caisson étanche et de l’appareil qu’il contient.

Joint torique

L’entretien du joint torique est donc très

important. Si vous ne suivez pas les consignes

d’entretien du joint torique, de l’eau peut

s’infiltrer dans le caisson étanche, qui risque alors

de tomber.
