Sony DSC-T99 Black: Precautions
Precautions: Sony DSC-T99 Black

Do not use/store the camera in the following places
• In an extremely hot, cold or humid place
In places such as in a car parked in the sun, the camera body may become
deformed and this may cause a malfunction.
• Under direct sunlight or near a heater
The camera body may become discolored or deformed, and this may cause a
• In a location subject to rocking vibration
• Near strong magnetic place
• In sandy or dusty places
Be careful not to let sand or dust get into the camera. This may cause the camera to
malfunction, and in some cases this malfunction cannot be repaired.
On carrying
Do not sit down in a chair or other place with the camera in the back pocket of your
trousers or skirt, as this may cause malfunction or damage the camera.
On cleaning
Cleaning the LCD screen
Wipe the screen surface with an LCD cleaning kit (sold separately) to remove
fingerprints, dust, etc.
Cleaning the lens
Wipe the lens with a soft cloth to remove fingerprints, dust, etc.
Cleaning the camera surface
Clean the camera surface with a soft cloth slightly moistened with water, then wipe
the surface with a dry cloth. To prevent damage to the finish or casing:
– Do not expose the camera to chemical products such as thinner, benzine, alcohol,
disposable cloths, insect repellent, sunscreen or insecticide.
– Do not touch the camera with any of the above on your hand.
– Do not leave the camera in contact with rubber or vinyl for a long time.
On operating temperatures
Your camera is designed for use under the temperatures between 0°C and 40°C
(32°F and 104°F). Shooting in extremely cold or hot places that exceed this range is
not recommended.
On the internal rechargeable backup battery
This camera has an internal rechargeable battery for maintaining the date and time
and other settings regardless of whether the power is on or off.
This rechargeable battery is continually charged as long as you are using the camera.
However, if you use the camera for only short periods, it discharges gradually, and if
you do not use the camera at all for about one month it becomes completely
discharged. In this case, be sure to charge this rechargeable battery before using the
However, even if this rechargeable battery is not charged, you can still use the
camera, but the date and time will not be indicated.
Charging method of the internal rechargeable backup battery
Insert charged battery pack in the camera, and then leave the camera for 24 hours or
more with the power off.
Eye-Fi card
As of March 2010, Eye-Fi cards are sold in the U.S.A., Canada, Japan and some
countries in the European Union.
– For more information on the Eye-Fi card, contact the manufacturer or seller of
Eye-Fi card directly.
– Eye-Fi cards are permitted only in the countries and regions in which they were
purchased. You may be held liable due to local restrictions.
- Table of contents
- Refer to “Cyber-shot Handbook” (PDF) on supplied CD-ROM
- Identifying parts
- Battery charging and the number of images/time that can be recorded
- Inserting the battery pack/a memory card (sold separately)
- Setting the date and time/display color
- Shooting still images
- Shooting movies
- Viewing images
- Learning more about the camera (“Cyber-shot Handbook”)
- List of icons displayed on the screen
- Number of still images and recordable time of movies
- Precautions
- Specifications
- Оглавление
- Обратитесь к справке “Руководство по Cyber-shot” (PDF) на прилагаемом диске CD-ROM
- Обозначение частей
- Зарядка батареи и количество изображений/доступное время записи
- Установка батарейного блока/карты памяти (продается отдельно)
- Установка даты и времени/цвета индикаторов
- Фотосъемка
- Выполнение видеосъемки
- Просмотр изображений
- Получение дополнительных сведений о фотоаппарате (“Руководство по Cyber-shot”)
- Список значков, отображаемых на экране
- Количество фотоснимков и время видеозаписи
- Меры предосторожности
- Технические характеристики
- Зміст
- Додаткова інформація у «Посібник із Cyber-shot» (PDF) на компакт- диску, що додається
- Визначення частин
- Заряджання батареї і кількість зображень/тривалість відео для запису
- Встановлення батарейного блока/ карти пам’яті (продається окремо)
- Налаштування часу і дати/кольору дисплея
- Фотозйомка
- Відеозйомка
- Перегляд зображень
- Докладніше про фотоапарат («Посібник із Cyber-shot»)
- Список піктограм, які відображаються на екрані
- Кількість фотознімків і тривалість відеозапису
- Застереження
- Технічні характеристики