Sony DSC-H70 Black: Specifications
Specifications: Sony DSC-H70 Black

[Input and Output connectors]
Multi use terminal Type3a
(AV-out (SD/HD Component)/
Image device: 7.75 mm (1/2.3 type)
color CCD, Primary color filter
Video output
Total pixel number of camera:
Audio output (Monaural)
Approx. 16.4 Megapixels
USB communication
Effective pixel number of camera:
USB communication: Hi-Speed USB
Approx. 16.1 Megapixels
(USB 2.0)
Lens: Sony G 10× zoom lens
f = 4.25 mm – 42.5 mm (25 mm –
[LCD screen]
250 mm (35 mm film equivalent))
LCD panel:
F3.5 (W) – F5.5 (T)
7.5 cm (3.0 type) TFT drive
While shooting movies (16:9):
Total number of dots: 230 400 (960 ×
30 mm – 300 mm
240) dots
While shooting movies (4:3):
37 mm – 370 mm
[Power, general]
SteadyShot: Optical
Power: Rechargeable battery pack
Exposure control: Automatic exposure,
NP-BG1, 3.6 V
Manual exposure, Scene Selection
NP-FG1 (sold separately), 3.6 V
(12 modes)
AC-LS5 AC Adaptor (sold
White balance: Automatic, Daylight,
separately), 4.2 V
Cloudy, Fluorescent 1/2/3,
Power consumption (during shooting):
Incandescent, Flash, One Push
1.2 W
Recording interval for Burst mode:
Operating temperature: 0°C to 40°C
Approx. 0.96 second
(32°F to 104°F)
File format:
Storage temperature: –20°C to +60°C
Still images: JPEG (DCF Ver. 2.0,
(–4°F to +140°F)
Exif Ver. 2.3, MPF Baseline)
Dimensions (CIPA compliant):
compliant, DPOF compatible
101.6 mm × 57.6 mm × 28.6 mm
Movies: MPEG-4 Visual
(4 inches × 2 3/8 inches ×
Recording media: Internal Memory
1 3/16 inches) (W/H/D)
(Approx. 27 MB), “Memory Stick
Mass (CIPA compliant) (including NP-
Duo” media, SD cards
BG1 battery pack, “Memory Stick
Flash: Flash range (ISO sensitivity
Duo” media):
(Recommended Exposure Index)
Approx. 194 g (6.8 oz)
set to Auto):
Microphone: Monaural
Approx. 0.25 m to 3.6 m (W)
Speaker: Monaural
(9 7/8 inches to 11 feet 9 3/4 inches)
Exif Print: Compatible
Approx. 1.0 m to 2.3 m (T) (3 feet
PRINT Image Matching III:
3 3/8 inches to 7 feet 6 5/8 inches)

BC-CSGD battery charger
• The following marks are trademarks
Power requirements: AC 100 V to
of Sony Corporation.
240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz, 2.0 W
, “Cyber-shot,”
Output voltage: DC 4.2 V, 0.25 A
“Memory Stick PRO Duo,”
Operating temperature: 0°C to 40°C
“Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo,”
(32°F to 104°F)
“Memory Stick Duo”, TransferJet
Storage temperature: –20°C to +60°C
and the TransferJet logo
(–4°F to +140°F)
• Windows is registered trademark of
Dimensions: Approx. 55 mm × 24 mm
Microsoft Corporation in the United
× 83 mm (2 1/4 inches × 31/
States and/or other countries.
32 inches × 3 3/8 inches)
• Macintosh is registered trademark of
Apple Inc.
Mass: Approx. 55 g (1.9 oz)
• SDXC logo is a trademark of SD-3C,
Rechargeable battery pack
• In addition, system and product
names used in this manual are, in
Used battery: Lithium-ion battery
general, trademarks or registered
Maximum voltage: DC 4.2 V
trademarks of their respective
Nominal voltage: DC 3.6 V
developers or manufacturers.
Maximum charge voltage: DC 4.2 V
However, the ™ or ® marks are not
Maximum charge current: 1.44 A
used in all cases in this manual.
typical: 3.4 Wh (960 mAh)
Additional information on this
minimum: 3.3 Wh (910 mAh)
product and answers to frequently
asked questions can be found at
Design and specifications are subject to
our Customer Support Website.
change without notice.
Printed using VOC (Volatile Organic
Compound)-free vegetable oil based
- English
- For Customers in the U.S.A. and Canada
- For Customers in the U.S.A.
- For Customers in Europe
- Notice for customers in the United Kingdom
- Refer to “Cyber-shot User Guide” (HTML) on supplied CD-ROM
- Identifying parts
- Charging the battery pack
- Inserting the battery pack/a memory card (sold separately)
- Setting the clock
- Shooting still images/movies
- Viewing images
- In-Camera Guide
- Introduction of other functions
- Number of still images and recordable time of movies
- Notes on using the camera
- Specifications
- Для покупателей в Европе
- Обратитесь к справке “Руководство пользователя Cyber-shot” (HTML) на прилагаемом диске CD-ROM
- Обозначение частей
- Зарядка батарейного блока
- Установка батарейного блока/карты памяти (продается отдельно)
- Установка часов
- Фотосъемка/видеосъемка
- Просмотр изображений
- Встроенная справка
- Введение в другие функции
- Количество фотоснимков и время видеозаписи
- Примечания по использованию фотоаппарата
- Технические характеристики
- Для споживачів з Європи
- Додаткова інформація у «Посібник користувача Cyber-shot» (HTML) на компакт- диску, що додається
- Визначення частин
- Заряджання батареї
- Встановлення батарейного блока/карти пам’яті (продається окремо)
- Налаштування годинника
- Фото- та відеозйомка
- Перегляд зображень
- Довідн. функ. фотоап.
- Знайомство з іншими функціями
- Кількість фотознімків і тривалість відеозапису
- Примітки щодо використання фотоапарата
- Технічні характеристики