Vitek VT-1508 R: ENGLISH

ENGLISH: Vitek VT-1508 R


Attention! Do not detach or install the noz-

sition and fasten the screw (a) (see Pic.

zle (6) from/at the steam pipe (5) when it


is hot, wait until the steam supply pipe (5)

Cleaning the detachable tray for col-

is cooled down completely (see Pic. 7). You

lecting the drops (11):

can wash the nozzle (6) under the water

- When the tray is filled with water com-


pletely, the indicator (10) is lighted. De-

tach the tray (11), remove the grill and

How to make tea or to warm up bever-

pour the water out.


- Wash the grill and the tray with warm wa-

Fill the tank (4) with water and install it


into the proper position (see Pic. 1)

- Install the tray into its former position.

Install filter (8) (the filter should be free

from coffee powder) into the holder (9).

Removing the scale

Put the cup of the appropriate high on the

To keep the faultless quality of your coffee

tray (11).

machine operations (specially, in the areas

Switch the coffee machine on by press-

where the water is hard) it is recommend-

ing the button (14), and wait until the indi-

ed to remove the scale periodically by the

cator (12) is deemed.

citric acid solution (1/3 tea spoon per one

Turn the steam supply control handle (3)

glass of water).

upwards, fill the cup with hot water, and

Normal water: once per 6-8 months

afterwards turn the handle (3) into OFF

Hard water: once per 6 months

position (see Pic. 4).

Very hard water: once per 3 months

You can warm up beverages by steam

going out of the nozzle (5) using instruc-

Remove the scale from the mesh filter

tions for making cappuccino coffee.

installed inside the housing of the coffee

machine and put it into the former posi-


tion (see description above).

Cleaning filter (8):

Pour the citric acid solution into the water

- If the holes of the filter (8) are blocked

tank (4).

with coffee powder deposit, you can

Insert the filter (8) into the holder (9) and

clean it by small brush (see Pic. 8).

install it into the appropriate position (see

Cleaning the mesh filter installed in-

Pic. 2).

side the housing of the coffee ma-

Install the appropriate cup on the tray

chine (at the filter 7 holder installa-


tion place):

Turn the coffee machine on by the switch-

- You can remove the coffee powder rem-

er (14).

nants out of the filter holes by the tooth-

After the coffee machine has been


warned up turn the steam supply control

- Remove the mesh filter if required. Turn

handle (3) upwards, fill the cup and turn

off the fastening screw (a) by a screw-

the control handle (3) into OFF position.

driver rotating it anticlockwise, detach

Pour the liquid out of the cup. Repeat the

the mesh filter (b), and clean the filter

procedure several times.

holes by toothpick or needle.

While the last procedure put the cup un-

- Second way: remove mesh filter (b) and

der the steam pipe (5) to clean it. Turn

immerse it into the vinegar or citric acid

on the steam supply rotating the control

(1/3 tea spoon per one glass of water).

handle (3) downwards. Afterwards turn

- Install the mesh filter into the proper po-

the control handle (3) into OFF position.


1508.indd 61508.indd 6 15.05.2007 9:57:0915.05.2007 9:57:09