Vitek VT-1656: инструкция
Характеристики, спецификации
Инструкция к Микроволновой Печи Vitek VT-1656

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Please acquaint yourself with these instructions
by themselves after they have been acquainted with
before using your microwave oven.
these instructions and understand the dangers associ
If these instructions are strictly adhered to, your
ated with operating a microwave oven.
microwave oven will serve you troublefree for many
• Use only microwavesafe dishes. Do not use metallic
dishes in the microwave oven as microwaves reflect
ed off the dish might cause sparks and fire.
Store these instructions in an easily accessible
• In order to avoid overheating and burning food, con
stantly supervise the microwave's operation if you
are heating food in disposable plastic, paper or
other similar containers or if the oven is heating only
a small amount of food.
• If you notice smoke coming from the oven, quickly
turn it off and unplug it from the power outlet.
• When heating any kind of liquid (water, coffee, milk,
1. Do not attempt to use the microwave oven with the
etc.), keep in mind that it can suddenly start to boil
door open, as you will risk exposure to harmful
and splash on your hands while you are removing it
microwave energy. It is very important that you do
from the oven. To avoid this, place a heat resistant
not damage the internal latches and door blocking
plastic spoon or glass mixer in the container and stir
the liquid before removing it from the oven.
2. Do not place foreign objects between the door and
• Infant feeding bottles and jars of baby food should
the front of the microwave oven and do not allow
be heating without lids or nipples. Their contents
food or cleaning liquid remnants to build up on the
should be mixed or periodically shaken. Test the
screening grill or on the inside of the door.
temperature of the food before feeding in order to
3. Do not use the microwave oven if it is damaged or
prevent burns.
malfunctioning. It is especially important that the
door always be closed and that the following parts
Important information
are not damaged:
• ALWAYS check to make sure the food is not too hot
• door (bent)
before giving it to a child. We recommend shaking
• hinges and latches (broken or weakened)
the bottle or jar to make sure the heat is distributed
• screening grill on the inside of the door
evenly throughout the volume of the container.
• Do not cook an egg in its shell or reheat an egg in its
shell in MICROWAVE mode as they can break from
the internal pressure.
WARNING: While the microwave oven is operating in
combination mode (MICROWAVE + GRILL) or being
operated by children, an adult should always be present
to supervise in order to prevent the children from burn
ing themselves.
1. Install the oven on a flat, stable surface. Choose a
WARNING: Do not use the microwave oven if the
place that will not be accessible to small children.
screening grill on the door is damaged.
2. Install the oven so that the distance between the wall
WARNING: Repairing a microwave oven always pres
and the back of the oven is no less than 78 cm and
ents danger to any person conducting the repairs if it is
the free space above the microwave is no less than
necessary to remove the metal housing that provides
30 cm.
protections from microwave radiation. Do not repair the
3. The microwave door is equipped with a blocking
microwave oven yourself.
system that turns off the power when it is open. Do
WARNING: Do not forget to open products packaged
not make changes to the operation of the door
in hermetic or vacuum packaging before heating or
blocking mechanism.
cooking. Otherwise, pressure could grow within the
4. Do not turn on the microwave while empty; operating
package and cause it to explode, regardless of whether
the oven with no food inside can lead to malfunction.
or not the food was prepared earlier.
5. Preparing foods with extremely small moisture con
WARNING: Children may only use the microwave oven
tents can lead to burning and fire.
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If a fire occurs:
laboratory or industrial use.
• Do not open the door.
8. Pay special attention when children are using the
• Turn off the microwave oven and disconnect the
microwave oven.
plug from the electrical outlet.
9. Do not use the microwave oven if the power cord or
6. When preparing bacon, do not place it directly on
plug are damaged, or if the oven has been damaged
the glass tray; localized overheating of the glass tray
or dropped.
can cause it to crack.
10. Repair of the microwave oven should only be con
7. Do not heat liquids in containers with narrow open
ducted by qualified specialists at an authorized serv
ice center.
8. Do not attempt to heat products to a welldone
11. Do not block the ventilation openings on the
microwave oven's housing.
9. Do not use the microwave for canning and preserv
12. Do not store or use the microwave oven outdoors.
ing food because there is no way of knowing if the
13. Do not use the microwave oven near water, immedi
contents of the jar reached boiling temperature.
ately near kitchen sinks, in damp basements or
10. In order to avoid prolonged rapid boiling of liquid
directly near swimming pools.
foods and drinks, and also to prevent burns, we rec
14. Do not submerse the power cord and plug in water.
ommend stirring the product before and in the mid
15. Avoid allowing the power cord and plug to come into
dle of the cooking process. To do this, start cooking,
contact with hot surfaces.
wait a while, remove the dish from the oven and stir,
16. Do not allow the power cord to hang off the edge of
then place it back in the oven to continue the cook
the table or counter.
ing process.
17. When cleaning the door and internal surfaces of the
11. Clean the microwave oven regularly. Irregular care
microwave oven, always use a soft, nonabrasive
for your oven can lead to poor outward appearance,
cleanser on a sponge or soft cloth.
negatively affects its operating ability, and also can
lead to danger during further exploitation.
Injury due to electric shock.
Rules that should always be remembered:
Touching the elements of the electrical circuits inside
1. Do not exceed product cooking times in the
the microwave oven can lead to serious trauma and
microwave oven. Always monitor the cooking
injury from electric shock. Do not take apart the
process when using dishes made from paper, plastic
microwave oven yourself.
and other flammable materials.
2. Never use the microwave oven to store things. Never
Grounding the Microwave Oven
store flammable materials and food in the
The microwave oven should be properly grounded. In
microwave like bread, cookies, paper packaging,
case of any kind of shortcircuit, grounding reduces the
etc., because during lightning storms, the
risk of electric shock, as the current will flow through the
microwave oven can turn on by itself.
ground wire.
3. Metal ties and wire handles must be removed from
The microwave oven uses a power cord with ground wire
paper and plastic bags and containers before plac
and a grounded plug. The plug should be connected to
ing them into the microwave oven.
an electrical outlet that also has a ground contact.
4. The microwave oven should be properly grounded.
WARNING: Connecting a grounded plug to an un
Only connect the microwave oven to an electrical
grounded outlet can lead to electric shock.
outlet that is properly grounded.
Consult with a qualified electrician if you do not under
5. Some food items, like eggs in their shells, liquid or
stand these grounding instructions or if you are not sure
hard fats, and also hermetically sealed jars and
that the microwave oven is properly grounded.
sealed glass containers can be explosive and should
• In order to avoid confusion, the microwave oven is
not be placed in your microwave oven.
equipped with a short power cord.
7. Use your microwave oven exclusively for the purpos
• If an extension cord is necessary, only use a 3wire
es for which it was designed and in strict adherence
extensions cord with ground contacts on the power
to the instructions explained herein.
plug and outlet(s).
8. The microwave oven in designed exclusively for
• The sectional markings on the microwave oven's power
heating and preparing food and is not designed for
cord should match those on the extension cord.
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• The extension cord should not hang off the edge of
Checking dishes before using them in the microwave
the table where children can pull on it; it should be
• Place the dish in the cooking chamber of the oven
placed where it will not be walked on.
(a plate, for example) and place a glass cup of water
Dishes for microwave ovens
in the center of the dish.
• Set the microwave to maximum power and heat for
Tightly sealed containers heated in a microwave can be
no more than one minute.
• Carefully touch the dish you are testing: if it heated
Sealed containers should be opened and plastic bags
up and the water in the cup is cold, than the dish
should be poked a few times with a fork in order to allow
should not be used in the microwave.
steam to escape before being placed in the microwave
• Avoid testing dishes for more than one minute.
If you are unsure about using a certain dish in the
microwave oven, then conduct a test.
Materials and dishes that are safe to use in your microwave oven
Aluminum Foil
Foil can only be used in grill mode. The distance between the foil and the walls of the
microwave oven should be no less than 2.5 cm.
Small pieces of foil can be used to cover thin pieces of meat or poultry to prevent over
In microwave mode, if the foil is placed too close to the cooking chamber walls,
arcing, burning out of the screening grill on the door and oven malfunction can
occur. In this case, you void your free warranty service and repair.
Dishes for frying
Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
The bottom of the dish for frying should be 5 mm thicker than the rotating glass tray.
Improper use of dishes for frying can lead to cracks in the dishes themselves and in
the glass tray.
Dinner plates
Only those designed for use in microwave ovens. Follow the manufacturer's instruc
tions. Do not use cracked or chipped plates.
Glass containers
Only containers made from heatresistant glass and designed for use in microwave
ovens. Make sure there are no metal rims. Do not use cracked or chipped containers.
Only containers made from heatresistant glass and designed for use in microwave
ovens. Make sure there are no metal rims. Do not use cracked or chipped containers.
The cooking process in
Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Do not close the bags, use metal ties or fas
microwave ovens using
teners. Several holes should be made in the bag to allow the release of steam.
special bags
Paper plates and cups
Use only for quick cooking/reheating. Do not leave the microwave oven unattended
during cooking/reheating in this type of container.
Paper towels
Food products may be covered with paper towels to keep warmth in and to prevent fat
from spraying out. Use only when supervised and only for quick cooking/reheating.
Parchment Paper
Use to prevent fat from spraying out or as a wrapper. Use only when supervised and
only for quick cooking/reheating.
Only those plastic products that are labeled "Microwave Safe." Follow the manufactur
er's instructions.
Some plastic containers can soften as a result of the heating of their contents.
Hermetically sealed plastic bags must be poked with a fork or cut as directed on the
bags themselves.
Plastic wrapper
Only those plastic products that are labeled "Microwave Safe." Food may be covered
to keep moisture in.
Wax paper
Use to prevent fat from spraying out and also to keep moisture in.
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Materials and dishes that are NOT safe for microwave use
Aluminum trays
Can cause arcing.
Use only microwave safe dishes.
Cardboard cups with metal
Can cause arcing.
Use only microwave safe dishes.
Metal dishes or dishes with
Metal reflects microwave energy. Metal rims can cause arcing.
metal rims or borders
Metal ties
Can cause arcing, and also start the packaging on fire during cooking/reheating.
Paper bags
Can cause fires in the microwave oven.
Soap can melt and make the cooking chamber dirty.
Wooden dishes can dryout, crack and break.
А) Control panel
1. "MICROWAVE" cooking mode symbol.
B) Rotating socket
2. "CONVECTION" mode symbol.
C) Roller base
3. "GRILL" mode symbol.
D) Glass tray
4. "DEFROST" mode symbol.
E) Looking window
5. Child lock activated symbol.
F) Emergency blocking system for disconnecting elec
6. Automatic cooking mode symbol.
tricity if the door is opened during oven operation
7. Temperature symbol.
G) Grill for grilling. Use only in "Grill" mode.
8. Food weight symbol.
9. Separation dots.
Control Panel
10. Temperature mode symbol.
1. Automatic food preparation functions/number but
Assembling the microwave oven
Remove the packing material and accessories from the
cooking chamber of the oven. Inspect the microwave
oven for any deformities. Pay special attention to the
2. "MICROWAVE" button to activate microwave mode
operation of the oven door. If any defects are found, do
and select power level.
not install the oven and do no turn it on.
3. "CONVECTION" button to activate convection
Protective covering
mode/set the temperature.
Housing: Remove the protective film (if any) from the
4. "CLOCK/PRESET" button to set the current
microwave housing.
time/to set the cook start time.
5. "REHEAT" button to select reheating mode.
Do not remove the lightgray micaceous plate from
6. "STOP/CLEAR" button to stop any cooking
the inside of the cooking chamber; it protects the
mode/to clear incorrectly entered information.
7. "GRILL" button to activate grill mode.
8. "COMBINATION" button to activate combination
Installing the glass tray
mode cooking.
9. "MEMORY" button to save into memory/recall from
1. Install the base for the rotating tray (В) into the open
memory one of three saved cooking programs.
ing located in the floor of the cooking chamber.
10. "DEFROST" button to activate defrost mode.
2. Install the rolling ring (С) onto the floor of the cooking
11. "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" button to start cook
ing/start quickcook mode/confirm programmed
3. Carefully install the glass tray (D), aligning its lip with
the grooves on the base. Never install the glass tray
• Do not block the rotation of the glass tray during the
cooking process.
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• During the cooking process, always use the glass
Instructions for using the microwave
tray, rolling ring and tray base.
• Food and cooking dishes must always be placed
only on the glass tray.
1. Setting the time
• The glass tray may rotate clockwise or counter
Upon connecting the microwave oven to power, it will
clockwise. This is normal.
beep and the display will show "0:00".
• Replace the tray immediately if it becomes cracked
You can set the time from 0:00 23:59;
or chipped.
For example: To set the time as 12:12.
• Press the (4) "CLOCK/PRESET" button; the dis
play will show the current time format of 24Н; press
the button again to choose a 12H format.
• Press the number buttons "1", "2", "1", "2".
• Press the (4) "CLOCK/PRESET" button to finish
setting the time. The display will show the set time of
12:12 and the separation dots (9) will blink.
• If the time is not set, the current time will not be
shown on the display.
• If the time is set incorrectly, press the (6)
"STOP/CLEAR" button to clear the setting and
repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
• Before connecting the microwave oven, make sure
2. Cooking in the microwave oven
that the operating voltage and power usage matches
Choose the power level and set the cooking time. Press
the parameters of your electrical system. Connect
the (2) "MICROWAVE" button several times to set the
the microwave oven to a grounded electrical outlet.
desired power level for the oven.
• Install the oven on a flat, stable surface. Choose a
location that will not be accessible to small children.
Number of key presses Display reading Oven power level
• Install the oven so that the distance between the wall
1 Р100 100%
and the back of the oven is no less than 78 cm and
2 Р80 80%
the free space above the microwave is no less than
3 Р50 50%
30 cm.
4 Р30 30%
• Do not remove the legs from the bottom of the
microwave oven.
• Do not block the ventilation openings on the
For example: To start the oven for 10 minutes at an 80%
microwave oven's housing.
power level, complete the following steps:
• The microwave oven should be installed away from
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
televisions and radios in order to prevent static inter
chamber, and then close the door.
ference of radio and television signals.
• Press the (2) "MICROWAVE" button; the indication
WARNING: Do not install the microwave oven on heat
"Р100" and symbol (1) will appear on the display.
ing surfaces (kitchen stoves) or other sources of heat
• Press the (4) "MICROWAVE" button again; the indi
cation "Р80" will appear on the display.
If the microwave oven malfunctions due to user error,
• Press the number buttons "1", "0", "0", "0"; the
the warranty for free service and repair is voided.
time "10:00" minutes will appear on the display.
• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
While operating, the top surface of the microwave oven
ton to begin cooking; the display will show the
and heat up significantly; avoid touching hot surfaces of
remaining cooking time as it counts down and the
the oven with bare skin in order to prevent burns.
symbol (1) will blink.
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
turn off and beep five times.
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2. Cooking in Grill mode
4. Convection cooking (Without preheating)
For example: To turn on the grill at 100% power for 35
For example: to set convection cooking at 140°С for 40
minutes, complete the following steps:
minutes, complete the following steps:
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
chamber, and then close the door.
chamber, and then close the door.
• Press the (7) "GRILL" button; the display will indi
• Press the (3) "CONVECTION " button once; the
cate "G1" and the symbol (3) will appear.
temperature, "140°С", will appear on the display
• Press the number buttons "3", "5", "0", "0"; the
along with the symbol (2) and the temperature mode
time "35:00" minutes will appear on the display.
symbol (10) at the bottom of the display.
• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
• Press the number buttons "4", "0", "0", "0" to set
ton to start cooking; the display will show the
the cooking time, the display will show the time
remaining cooking time as it counts down and the
symbol (3) will blink.
• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
Note: When cooking in "Grill" mode the temperature in
ton to begin the cooking process.
the cooking chamber cannot be set.
The display will show the remaining cooking time, the
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
blinking symbol (2) and the temperature mode symbol
turn off and beep five times.
(10) at the bottom of the display.
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
3. Convection cooking (with preheating)
turn off and beep five times.
For example: To set the convectioncooking mode for
Note: In "CONVECTION" mode both heating elements
180°С for 40 minutes, complete the following steps:
are activated to heat the cooking chamber, after which,
• Press the (3) "CONVECTION" button several times
to sustain the cooking temperature, the heating ele
to choose the desired temperature "180" degrees.
ments activate alternately.
• The display will show the temperature, 180°С, and
the symbol (2), and also the temperature cooking
Setting the "CONVECTION" mode temperature
mode symbol (10) at the bottom of the display.
Number of key presses Temperature indication Symbol (2)
• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
on the display
ton; while the oven preheats, the display will show
1 140°С
the temperature symbol (10) and the blinking symbol
2 150°С
(2); when the preset temperature has been reached,
3 160°С
the oven will beep twice to remind you to put the
4 170°С
food into the oven; the temperature indication will
5 180°С
6 190°С
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
7 200°С
chamber, and then close the door.
8 210°С
• Press the number buttons "4", "0", "0", "0" to set
9 220°С
the cooking time, the display will show the time
10 230°С
• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
5. "COMBINATION" Mode cooking
ton to begin the cooking process.
For example: To set combination mode cooking (С1)
The display will show the remaining cooking time, the
(see table) for 40 minutes, complete the following
blinking symbol (2) and the temperature mode symbol
(10) at the bottom of the display.
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
chamber, and then close the door.
turn off and beep five times.
• Press the (8) "COMBINATION" button once; the
Note: during the cooking process, the set temperature
display will show "С1" and the symbols (1 and 2).
will be maintained in the cooking chamber; the blinking
• Press the number buttons "4", "0", "0", "0" to set the
temperature symbol (10) at the bottom of the display
cooking time; the display will show the time
indicates that the oven is heating and the heating ele
ment is on.
• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
ton to begin the cooking process.
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The display will show the remaining cooking time and
• Press the "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" button to
the blinking symbols (1 and 2).
start cooking.
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
The reheating time will be determined automatically; the
turn off and beep five times.
display will show the remaining cooking time and the
symbols (1 and 6) will be shown.
"COMBINATION" cooking options
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
turn off and beep five times.
Number Display Microwave oven Grill Convection
of key presses indication power level
Table of reheating modes.
1 С1 50% 50%
Menu Weight (g) Display
2 С2 50% 50%
h1(auto reheat) 150 150
3 С3
250 250
4 С4
350 350
450 450
1. Setting the cook start time "CLOCK/PRESET"
600 600
For example: To start cooking at 12:12, complete the
h2 (small plate)
250 250
following programming steps:
350 350
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
450 450
chamber, and then close the door.
h3 (Coffee) 1 (approx 240g) 1
• Make sure that the current time is set properly and
2 (approx 480g) 2
then choose the cooking program that you desire.
3 (approx 720g) 3
• Press the (4) "CLOCK/PRESET" button; the indi
h4 (Roulette) 1 (approx 70g) 1
cation "0:00" will blink on the screen.
2 (approx 140g) 2
• Press the number keys "1", "2", "1", "2" to enter the
3 (approx 210g) 3
oven start time.
• Press the (4) "CLOCK/PRESET" button to confirm
8. Time defrost "d1"
your entry.
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
The cooking process will begin when the programmed
chamber, and then close the door.
start time matches the current time.
• Press the (10) "DEFROST" button once; the display
The display will show the remaining cooking time and
will show the mode "d1" time defrost and the sym
the corresponding cooking mode symbols.
bols (1, 4).
The programmed cook start time can be verified by
• Use the number keys to enter the desired defrost
pressing the (4) "CLOCK/PRESET" button.
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
turn off and beep five times.
ton to begin the defrosting process.
The screen will show the remaining defrost time and the
7. Reheating food
symbols (1, 4) will blink.
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
When the defrosting process has finished, the oven will
chamber, and then close the door.
turn off and beep five times.
• Press the (5) "REHEAT" button; the indication "h1"
will appear on the display. (Press the (5) "REHEAT"
9. Weight defrost "d2"
button several times to choose the reheating pro
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
gram that you desire). The symbols (1 and 6) will
chamber, and then close the door.
appear on the display.
• Press the (10) "DEFROST" button twice; the display
• Press the "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" button to
will show the mode "d2" weight defrost and the
confirm the chosen mode, the symbol of the chosen
symbols (1, 4).
mode will appear.
• Use the number keys to enter the weight of the food
• Press the "REHEAT" button; the display will indicate
to be defrosted. The weight must be between 100
"150 g"; press the "REHEAT" button repeatedly to
2000g. If the weight is entered incorrectly, the oven
set the weight of the food.
will not operate.
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• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
For example: To prepare 350g of vegetables:
ton to begin the weight defrost process.
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
The screen will show the remaining defrost time and
chamber, and then close the door.
the symbols (1, 4) will blink.
• Press the (1) "VEGETABLE" button; the symbols
When the defrosting process has finished, the oven
(1, 6) and the weight indication "150g" will appear on
will turn off and beep five times.
the display; press the (1) "VEGETABLE" button
again to set the desired product weight.
10. Defrosting meat "d3"
• Press the "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" button to
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
start the automatic cooking process.
chamber, and then close the door.
The cooking time will automatically be set; the display
• Press the (10) "DEFROST" button three times; the
will show the remaining cooking time and the symbols
display will show the mode "d3" meat defrost.
(1 and 6) will blink.
• Use the number keys to enter the weight of the food
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
to be defrosted. The weight must be between 100
turn off and beep five times.
2000g. If the weight is entered incorrectly, the oven
will not operate.
• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
ton to begin the defrosting process.
The screen will show the remaining defrost time and the
symbols (1, 4) will blink.
When the defrosting process has finished, the oven will
turn off and beep five times.
11. Defrosting seafood "d4"
• Open the oven door, place the food into the cooking
chamber, and then close the door.
• Press the (10) "DEFROST" button four times; the
display will show the mode "d4" seafood defrost.
• Use the number keys to enter the weight of the food
to be defrosted. The weight must be between 100
2000g. If the weight is entered incorrectly, the oven
will not operate.
• Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" but
ton to begin the defrosting process.
The screen will show the remaining defrost time and
the symbols (1, 4) will blink.
When the defrosting process has finished, the oven will
turn off and beep five times.
12. Automatic cooking process
The number keys 09 correspond to ten different food types:
1 Vegetables
2 Fish
3 Meat
4 Pasta
5 Potato
6 Soup
7 Fried chicken
8 Bread
9 Pie
0 Pizza
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Table of automatic cooking modes
Menu Weight (g) Number of key presses Indication on the display
VEGETABLE 150 Once 150
350 Twice 350
500 Three times 500
FISH 150 Once 150
250 Twice 250
350 Three times 350
450 Four times 450
650 Five times 650
MEAT 150 Once 150
300 Twice 300
450 Three times 450
600 Four times 600
PASTA 50 Once 50
100 Twice 100
150 Three times 150
POTATO 1 (approx 200g) Once 200
2 (approx 400g) Twice 400
3 (approx 600g) Three times 600
SOUP 200 ml Once 200
400 ml Twice 400
600 ml Three times 600
500 Once 250
750 Twice 450
1000 Three times 650
1200 Four times 850
BREAD 50 g Once 50
100 g Twice 100
150 g Three times 150
(9) CAKE 475 g Once 475
PIZZA 200g Once 200
300 g Twice 300
400 g Three times 400
Note: In automatic cook programs 7, 8, 9, and 0, combination cooking mode is used.
13. Memory
You can save three frequently used cooking programs into memory.
• Press the (9) "MEMORY" button to choose the program number "1", "2" or "3".
• Set the desired cooking program.
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• Press the (9) "MEMORY" button for confirmation.
18. Indications on the display
• To recall the desired program from memory, press
• In standby mode, the display shows the current time
the (9) "MEMORY" button and choose the program
and the separation dots (9) blink.
number "1", "2" or "3".
• While entering information, the screen will display
• Press the "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" button to
the corresponding information and symbols.
begin the cooking process.
• During the cooking process, the display will show
The display will show the remaining cooking time and
the remaining cooking time.
the corresponding symbols for set program.
• During the cooking process, the mode symbols will
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
blink; when stopped, the symbols will stop blinking.
turn off and beep five times.
Note: "DEFROST" mode is not a food preparation pro
19. Care and cleaning
gram and cannot be saved into memory.
• Turn off the oven and disconnect from electrical
power before cleaning.
14. Quick cooking mode
• Do not allow moisture to contact the control panel.
Press the (11) "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" button to
Clean it with a soft, lightly dampened paper towel.
begin cooking at full power for 30 seconds; each con
• Keep the oven's cooking chamber clean. If pieces of
secutive key press will add 30 seconds. The maximum
food or liquid sprays are left on the chamber walls,
time that can be set is 99 minutes and 99 seconds.
remove them with a damp paper towel.
Note: during the cooking process, time can be added
• A mild cleanser may be used if the chamber
by pressing the "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" button.
becomes exceptionally dirty.
When cooking food in multistage mode and automatic
• Do not use abrasive cleaning instruments or wire
mode time cannot be added.
brushes to clean the inside or outside of the oven.
When the cooking process has finished, the oven will
Make sure that no water or cleanser gets in any of
turn off and beep five times.
the ventilation or steam release openings on the top
of the microwave oven.
15. Viewing the current cooking mode
• Do not use ammoniabased cleansers.
• During singlestage cooking, press the (2)
• The outer surfaces should be cleaned with a damp
"MICROWAVE" button once; for 2 or 3 seconds the
paper towel.
display will show the current power level setting.
• The oven door should always be clean. Do not allow
• During singlestage cooking, press the (4)
crumbs of food to buildup between the door and
"CLOCK/PRESET" button to view the cook start
the front panel of the oven; this may prevent normal
time. For 2 or 3 seconds, the display will show the
closure of the door.
programmed cook start time.
• Clean the ventilation openings on top of the oven
housing regularly keep them free of dust and dirt.
16. Child lock function
• Regularly remove and wash the glass tray and its
To lock: press and hold the (6) "STOP/CLEAR" button
base wipe the oven chamber floor clean.
for 3 seconds; the oven will beep and the symbol (5) will
• Wash the glass tray and rotating drive mechanism in
appear on the display.
water with a neutral soap solution. These parts are
To unlock: While locked, press and hold the
dishwasher safe.
"STOP/CLEAR" button for 3 seconds; the oven will
• Do not submerse the glass tray in cold water if it is
beep and the symbol (5) will disappear.
still hot: the sudden drop in temperature can cause
the glass tray to break.
17. Auto power level reduction function
During the cooking process if the oven operates for
more than 30 minutes at maximum power, it automati
cally reduces the power level to 80% of maximum.
Automatic power level reduction is necessary in order to
prevent overheating of the magnetron.
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Eliminating malfunctions
Description of malfunction
Possible reason
Method of elimination
The oven will not turn on
The power plug is not securely con
Remove the plug from the outlet. After 10
nected to the electrical outlet.
seconds, insert the plug back into the out
Problem with electrical outlet
Try plugging another electrical device into
the same outlet to verify the problem
The oven does not heat
The door is not firmly closed
Close the door firmly
During operation, the glass
The rolling ring or oven floor is dirty
Remove the glass tray and rolling ring.
tray makes strange noises
Clean the rolling ring and the cooking
chamber floor.
Normal operation
The microwave oven causes Static interference in television and radio signals may occur while the oven is
static in television and radio operating. Similar static is caused by the operation of small electrical appliances like
signals. mixers, vacuum cleaners and hair dryers. This is a normal occurrence.
The backlight is very dim If the microwave is set to a low power level, then the backlight may be dim.
This is a normal occurrence.
Steam is collecting During the cooking process, steam may come from the food you are cooking.
on the door, hot air is venting Most of the steam will exit through the ventilation openings, but some may end up
from the ventilation openings. on the inside of the door. This is a normal occurrence.
The microwave oven was Turning on the microwave oven for a short period of time while empty will not result
turned on while empty in malfunction.Always make sure that there is something in the microwave before
turning it on.
Technical Characteristics
Power requirements: 220230 V ~50 Hz
Power usage in microwave mode: 1450 Wt
Nominal output power in microwave mode: 900 Wt
Operating frequency: 2450 MHz
Power usage in grill mode: 2500 Wt
Input power in convection mode: 3000 Wt
External dimensions: 520mm (H)x495mm (W)x355mm (D)
Oven volume: 28 l
Glass tray: 315mm
Weight: approx 20kg
The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the operational characteristics without prior notification.
Service life 5 years
Details regarding guarantee conditions can be obtained from the dealer from whom the appliance was purchased.
The bill of sale or receipt must be produced when making any claim under the terms of this guarantee.
This product conforms to the EMCRequirements as laid down by the Council Directive 89/336/EEC and to
the Low Voltage Regulation (23/73 EEC)
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