Vitek VT-1505: инструкция
Характеристики, спецификации
Инструкция к Кофеварке Vitek VT-1505

MOD. VT-1505
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• Please read these instructions carefully before using the
• Ïåðåä ÷èñòêîé ïðèáîðà îòñîåäèíèòå åãî îò ñåòè.
• Íèêîãäà íå ïîãðóæàéòå ïðèáîð â âîäó. Ïðîòèðàéòå åãî
• Check that your mains voltage corresponds to that stated on
âëàæíîé òêàíüþ.
the appliance.
• Ñúåìíûå ÷àñòè êîôåâàðêè âûìîéòå òåïëîé âîäîé. Íå
• Never leave the appliance unsupervised when in use. Keep
ìîéòå ñòåêëÿííóþ åìêîñòü â ïîñóäîìîå÷íîé ìàøèíå.
out of reach of children or incompetent persons.
• Ðåãóëÿðíî î÷èùàéòå ðåçåðâóàð îò íàêèïè.
• From time to time check the cord for damages. Never use
Íàïîëíèòå ðåçåðâóàð ðàñòâîðîì óêñóñà ñ âîäîé è
the appliance if cord of appliance show any signs of dam-
âêëþ÷èòå êîôåâàðêó, ïîñëå ÷åãî âûëåéòå ñìåñü, ñíîâà
íàïîëíèòå ïðèáîð ÷èñòîé âîäîé äî ìàêñèìàëüíîãî
• Only use the appliance for domestic purposes and in the
óðîâíÿ è ïðîêèïÿòèòå.
way indicated in these instructions.
• Never immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid for
any reason whatsoever. Never place it into the dishwasher.
• Never use the appliance near hot surfaces.
• Should the cord be damaged, it must be replaced by a com-
petent qualified electrician.
• Before cleaning, always unplug the appliance from the
power supply.
• All repairs should be made by a competent qualified electri-
• Never use the appliance outside and always place it in a dry
• Never use accessories which are not recommended by the
producer. They could constitute a danger to the user and
risk to damage the appliance.
• Never move the appliance by pulling the cord. Make sure the
cord cannot get caught in any way. Do not wind the cord
around the appliance and do not bend it.
• Stand the appliance on a table or flat surface.
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• Íå äîïóñêàéòå ñîïðèêîñíîâåíèÿ øíóðà ñ ãîðÿ÷èìè
• Only use fresh (potable) and cold (moderate) water. Do not
÷àñòÿìè ïðèáîðà.
use water contained in bathtubs, washbasing or other recip-
• Íå êàñàéòåñü ãîðÿ÷èõ ÷àñòåé ïðèáîðà è ñîáëþäàéòå
îñòîðîæíîñòü, ÷òîáû íå îáæå÷üñÿ ïàðîì.
• Never use the appliance if the jug shows any signs of cracks.
• Ïðè óäàëåíèè íàêèïè èñïîëüçóéòå óêñóñ èëè
Only use the jug with this appliance. Handle with care as the
ñïåöèàëüíîå ñðåäñòâî. Íå ïðèìåíÿéòå äëÿ ýòîãî
glass is very fragile.
àììèàê èëè äðóãèå âåùåñòâà, êîòîðûå ìîãóò ïðè÷èíèòü
• Make sure the appliance has cooled down before cleaning,
âðåä Âàøåìó çäîðîâüþ.
storing or filling it. The appliance has to be switched off
• Íå âêëþ÷àéòå êîôåâàðêó, åñëè â åìêîñòè íåò âîäû.
before filling it with water.
• Make sure never to overfill.
• Make sure the cord never comes into contact with the hot
• Ïðè ïåðâîì èñïîëüçîâàíèè íàïîëíèòå ðåçåðâóàð âîäîé
parts of the appliance.
è âêëþ÷èòå ïðèáîð, íî êîôå íå äîáàâëÿéòå.
• Never touch the hot parts of the appliance (be careful, also
• Êàê òîëüêî âñÿ âîäà âûòå÷åò, âûêëþ÷èòå ïðèáîð è äàéòå
the warming plate is a hot part), only touch the plastic parts
åìó îñòûòü â òå÷åíèå 5 ìèíóò. Çàòåì ïîâòîðèòå
and take the jug by the handle.
• Be careful not to get burned by the steam evaporating from
• Íàïîëíèòå ðåçåðâóàð âîäîé äî íóæíîãî óðîâíÿ.
the coffee filter.
• Âëîæèòå ôèëüòð â êîíóñ è ïîëîæèòå â íåãî
• When removing lime scale, only use vinegar or a special
ñîîòâåòñòâóþùåå êîëè÷åñòâî ìîëîòîãî êîôå.
product for the removal of lime scale. Never use ammonia or
• Çàêðîéòå êðûøêó êîôåâàðêè.
any other substance that might damage your health.
• Âêëþ÷èòå ïðèáîð â ñåòü è ïåðåâåäèòå âûêëþ÷àòåëü â
• Only put ground coffee in the filter.
ïîëîæåíèå “I”.
• Never use your coffee machine without water in it.
• Ïðè óäàëåíèè ñòåêëÿííîé åìêîñòè ñïåöèàëüíûé êëàïàí
çàêðûâàåòñÿ, ïðåïÿòñòâóÿ âûòåêàíèþ êîôå. Êîãäà Âû
ïîñòàâèòå åìêîñòü íà ìåñòî, êëàïàí àâòîìàòè÷åñêè
• For a perfect taste, carry out 2 or boil-processes with fresh
îòêðîåòñÿ è äàñò âîçìîæíîñòü êîôå ñòåêàòü â åìêîñòü.
water (without coffee).
• Ñâàðèâ êîôå, âûêëþ÷èòå ïðèáîð.
• Once all the water has passed through, switch the appliance
off and let it cool down. Then repeat the process with fresh
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• Pour the desired volume of water into the receptable. The
• Ïåðåä èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ïðèáîðà âíèìàòåëüíî
number of cups can be read off the water level indicator.
ïðî÷èòàéòå èíñòðóêöèþ.
• Insert filter paper (1 x 4) in the filter holder and add the
• Ïåðåä âêëþ÷åíèåì ïðèáîðà óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî íàïðÿæåíèå
desired quantity of ground coffee.
ñåòè â Âàøåì äîìå ñîîòâåòñòâóåò íàïðÿæåíèþ,
Replace the filter cone, making sure it is placed correctly.
óêàçàííîìó íà ìàðêèðîâêå ïðèáîðà.
• Do never forget to close the lid before using your coffee
• Íå îñòàâëÿéòå âêëþ÷åííûé ïðèáîð áåç íàáëþäåíèÿ.
Äåðæèòå åãî âíå äîñÿãàåìîñòè äåòåé.
• When you remove the carafe from the appliance, a non-drip
• Íèêîãäà íå èñïîëüçóéòå ïðèáîð, åñëè øíóð ïîâðåæäåí.
valve will automatically operate to stop any drops of coffee
• Èñïîëüçóéòå ïðèáîð òîëüêî äëÿ öåëåé , óêàçàííûõ â
dripping onto the hotplate. Replacement of the carafe auto-
ýòîé èíñòðóêöèè.
matically opens the non-drip valve and allows remaining
• Íèêîãäà íå ïîãðóæàéòå ïðèáîð â âîäó èëè ëþáóþ äðóãóþ
coffee to filter through into the carafe.
æèäêîñòü. Íå ïîìåùàéòå ïðèáîð â ïîñóäîìîå÷íóþ
• Wait untill the brewing process is finished and the filter has
run empty.
• Íå ñòàâüòå ïðèáîð íà ãîðÿ÷óþ ïîâåðõíîñòü.
• Åñëè øíóð ïîâðåæäåí, îí äîëæåí áûòü çàìåíåí
êâàëèôèöèðîâàííûì ýëåêòðèêîì.
• Always remove the plug from the mains outlet before clean-
• Ïåðåä ÷èñòêîé âñåãäà îòêëþ÷àéòå ïðèáîð îò ñåòè.
ing the appliance.
• Íå èñïîëüçóéòå ïðèáîð âíå ïîìåùåíèÿ.
• Never immerse the appliance in water. You can clean it with
• Íå èñïîëüçóéòå àðìàòóðó, êîòîðàÿ íå ðåêîìåíäîâàíà
a damp cloth.
ïðîèçâîäèòåëåì. Îíà ìîæåò ïðåäñòàâëÿòü îïàñíîñòü
• The removable items can be washed in hot spray water (or
äëÿ ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ è âûçâàòü ïîâðåæäåíèå ïðèáîðà.
in a-dishwasher). Rinse with clean hot water and dry.
• Íå ïûòàéòåñü ïåðåìåùàòü ïðèáîð, äåðæàñü çà øíóð. Íå
• Descale your appliance regularly.
íàìàòûâàéòå øíóð âîêðóã ïðèáîðà.
• Operate the appliance two times. However, now use ordi-
• Ñòàâüòå ïðèáîð íà ðîâíóþ óñòîé÷èâóþ ïîâåðõíîñòü.
nary vinegar to fill the water tank and do not fill the perma-
• Èñïîëüçóéòå ñâåæóþ õîëîäíóþ âîäó (èëè êîìíàòíîé
nent coffee filter with ground coffee. ( You can use the same
vinegar twice ).
• Íèêîãäà íå èñïîëüçóéòå ïðèáîð ñ ïîâðåæäåííîé
• After decalling, let the appliance work twice more with only
åìêîñòüþ. Îáðàùàéòåñü ñ íåé îñòîðîæíî.
water to rinse away the vinegar and scale remainders.
• Ïåðåä ÷èñòêîé ïðèáîðà óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî îí îñòûë.
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