Vitek VT-1662: ENGLISH

ENGLISH: Vitek VT-1662


Materials and cookware not intended for usage in the microwave oven

Can cause sparkling.

Aluminum trays

Use cookware intended for usage in a microwave oven.

Cartoon cup with a

Can cause sparkling.

metal handle

Use cookware intended for usage in a microwave oven.

Metal cookware or

Metal shields microwave energy. Metal ring can cause

cookware with a metal



Can cause sparkling and burning of packaging during

Metal twists

cooking/heating of products.

Paper bags

Can cause burning in the microwave oven.

Soap can melt and cause pollution of the microwave oven




Wooden cookware can get dry, crack and flame out.


13. The “clock” button

1. Lockout system

Press this button to set the current time.

2. Viewing window

The current time will be displayed, except


Glass tray

cases when cooking process or defrost

4. Microwaves output

process are performed. While disconnect-

5. Control panel

ing the microwave oven, settings of the cur-

6. Roller ring with glass tray support

rent time will be reset – you should set them

7. Grille heating element


8. Grill rack (only for Grill mode)

14. The “preset” button


Press this button to set the time, upon the

9. Display

reach of which the cooking process will

On display the current time, the cooking

start. The “preset” (28) indication will be

time, the power level and operating modes

flashing till the preset time is reached.

indications are reflected.

Note: the current time should be set before

10. The “power” button

programming the “preset” function.

This button is used to set the power level.

Power level selection is performed in the

15. The “memory” button

following order: 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%,

This button is used to program the cooking

20%. To check the preset power level while

process, which consists of two stages: de-

cooking, press the “power” button.

frost, cooking products in the microwave,

combination mode or the grille mode.

11. The “grill” button

Press this button to select the grille mode.

16. The “combi. 1” button

Maximal cooking time is 99 min. 99 sec.

Press this button to set the time of the com-

bination cooking mode.

12. The “weight defrost” button

Press the button to select one of the three

17. The “start” button

products categories: meat, poultry, sea-

Press this button to start the cooking proc-

food. While selecting a category and the

ess or the defrost process according to the

product weight, the defrost time and the

preset program.

power level are set automatically.


1662.indd 51662.indd 5 24.06.2008 12:47:4624.06.2008 12:47:46