AEG HT 5608: Special safety instructions for this device
Special safety instructions for this device: AEG HT 5608

Do not use it outdoors. Keep it away from sources of
Instruction Manual
heat, direct sunlight, humidity (never dip it into any liquid)
Thank you for choosing our product. We hope you will enjoy
and sharp edges. Do not use the appliance with wet
using the appliance.
hands. If the appliance is humid or wet, unplug it immedi-
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
• Whencleaningorputtingitaway,switchofftheappli-
Important information for your safety is specially marked. It is
ance and always pull out the plug from the socket (pull
essential to comply with these instructions in order to avoid
the plug itself, not the lead) if the appliance is not being
accidents and prevent damage to the machine:
used and remove the attached accessories.
• Donot operate the machine without supervision. If you
leave the room you should always turn the device off.
This warns you of dangers to your health and indicates pos-
Remove the plug from the socket.
sible injury risks.
• Thedeviceandthemainsleadhavetobecheckedregu-
larly for signs of damage. If damage is found the device
must not be used.
This refers to possible hazards to the machine or other
• Donottrytorepairtheapplianceonyourown.Always
to danger, always have faulty cable be replaced only by
the manufacturer, by our customer service or by qualified
This highlights tips and information.
person and with a cable of the same type.
• Useonlyoriginalspareparts.
General Safety Instructions
• Inordertoensureyourchildren’ssafety,pleasekeepall
Read the operating instructions carefully before putting the
their reach.
appliance into operation and keep the instructions including
ternal packing. If you give this device to other people, please
Caution! Do not allow small children to play with the
also pass on the operating instructions.
foil as there is a danger of suffocation!
• Theapplianceisdesignedexclusivelyforprivateuseand
• Paycarefulattentiontothefollowing“SpecialSafety
for the envisaged purpose. This appliance is not fit for
commercial use.
Special safety instructions for this device
Symbols on the Product
On the products you will find symbols that indicate warnings or pro-
vide information:
Do not use this device near baths, wash basins or other vessels
containing water.

• Thisappliancemaybeusedbychildrenagedfrom8yearsup
and by persons with reduced physical, sensory, or mental ca-
do so under supervision or have been given instructions on
how touse the appliance safelyand understand the hazards
• Children must not play with the appliance.
• Cleaninganduser maintenance must not be carried out by
children, unless they are supervised.
• Thenozzlesbecomehotduringoperation!
• Ifthehairdryerisusedinthebathroom,disconnectitfromthe
mains after use as nearby water presents a hazard. This also ap-
plies if the appliance is switched off.
• Pleaseensurethattheinletgrilleremainsfreeofuffandhairs.
Danger of fire!
• Asadditionalprotectionwerecommendtheinstallationofa
fault current protection device (FI/RCD) with a rated current of
not more than 30 mA in the wiring system of the bathroom.
Please contact an authorised electrician for advice.
Supplied parts
Ensure that no electrical cables or water pipes are located
1 Hair dryer
at the point in the wall where you want to mount the
1 Wall bracket
2 Screws
2 Plugs
• Measurethedistancebetweenthetwoholesonthe
1 Washer
bracket and drill two holes at this distance into the wall.
• Inserttheplugintothewall.
• Mountthebracketwiththescrews.Thewasherispro-
Wall bracket
vided for the top screw.
The bracket is designed to be mounted on the wall. Check
• Placethehairdryerintothewallbracket.Thedryermust
click into place.
• Toremovethehairdryer,pressatthesametimewith
both fingers on the side buttons of the bracket.

Air Intake Grill
Unwind the mains cable completely.
Please clean the grill on the air intake side of the hairdryer
Electrical Connection
result of heat accumulation.
• Beforeinsertingtheplugintothesocket.Makesurethat
the mains voltage to be used matches that of the device.
• Removeanydirtthatispresent.
You can find this information on the nameplate.
• Ifnecessary,anebrushcanbeused.
• Connecttheappliancetoaproperlyinstalledsafety
Noise development
The sound pressure level in the ear of an operator (LpA) was
measured according to DIN EN ISO 3744.
Switch the selector on the handle to the desired heat/blower
Sound pressure level detected: 78 dB(A) (no limit)
Technical Data
Position : off
Position I: gentle air flow and medium temperature
Model: ...................................................................................HT 5608
Position II: strong air flow and high temperature
Power supply: .............................................................230 V~; 50 Hz
Power consumption:............................................................ 1200 W
Protection class: ................................................................................ II
After use, switch the selector to “
Net weight: .............................................................................0.35 kg
mains plug.
This de
vice has been tested according to all relevant current
The wall bracket has a contact switch. If you hang up the
CE guid
elines, such as electromagnetic compatibility and low
appliance when switched on, it will automatically switch off.
voltage directives, and has been constructed in accordance
with the latest safety regulations.
• Leavethedevicetocoolbeforeputtingitaway!Todoso,
lay the appliance on one side of its housing.
• Youcanalsohangitonthewallbracketyoumounted
Mains Cable
• Whenrestingtheapplianceonitsside,simplycoilupthe
Meaning of the “Dustbin” Symbol
power cord loosely.
Protect our environment: do not dispose of electrical equip-
• Nevertiethecabletightlyroundthedevice,asovertime
ment in the domestic waste.
this may result in the cable breaking.
Please return any electrical equipment that you will no longer
• Checkthemainscableregularlyfordamage.
use to the collection points provided for their disposal.
This helps avoid the potential effects of incorrect disposal on
Maintenance and care
the environment and human health.
This will contribute to the recycling and other forms of reutili-
sation of electrical and electronic equipment.
• Beforecleaningremovethemainsleadfromthe
Information concerning where the equipment can be dis-
• Undernocircumstancesshouldyouimmersethe
posed of can be obtained from your local authority.
device in water for cleaning purposes. Otherwise this
might result in an electric shock or fire.
• Donotuseawirebrushoranyabrasiveitems.
• Donotuseanyacidicorabrasivedetergents.
Clean the housing with a soft, dry cloth without additives.
- Spezielle Sicherheitshinweise für dieses Gerät
- Speciale veiligheidsinstructies voor dit apparaat
- Consignes de sécurité spéciales pour cet appareil
- Indicaciones especiales para su seguridad referentes a este aparato
- Avvertenze speciali di sicurezza per questo apparecchio
- Special safety instructions for this device
- Specjalne wskazówki związane z bezpieczną obsługą tego urządzenia
- Speciális biztonsági figyelmeztetés a készülékhez
- Спеціальна інструкція з безпеки для цього приладу
- Особые указания по технике безопасности для этого устройства