AEG fu 4002p: English

English: AEG fu 4002p



These symbols may be found on the machine and are intended to indicate the following:

The lightning symbol should advise the user of parts in the inside of the device

which carry dangerously high voltage levels.


operation or maintenance instructions in the accompanying documentation.

Children and Frail Individuals

• Inordertoensureyourchildren’ssafety,pleasekeepallpackaging(plasticbags,boxes,

polystyrene etc.) out of their reach.


Caution! Do not allow small children to play with the foil as there is a danger of suf-


• Thisdeviceisnotintendedtobeusedbyindividuals(includingchildren)whohave

restricted physical, sensory or mental abilities and/or insufficient knowledge and/or


safety or have received instructions on how to use the device.

• Childrenshouldbesupervisedatalltimesinordertoensurethattheydonotplaywith

the device.

Special Safety Instructions

• Donotusethedeviceinlocationsthatareextremelyhot,cold,dustyormoist.

• Ensurethatthedeviceissufcientlyventilated!

• Donotcoveranyventilationslitswithobjectssuchasmagazines,tablecloths,curtains


• Keepthedeviceawayfromvases,baths,washbasinsetc.Ifliquidentersthedevicethis

may cause serious damage.

Overview of the Components

1 SNZ LIGHT button (Snooze/Light)

2 LCD display

3 ALM SET button (alarm time)

4 Lens

5 Rotatable projector (time)

6 RCC button (radio signal on/off)