Vitek VT-3525 SR: ENGLISH
ENGLISH: Vitek VT-3525 SR

Activation of the Switch Off By Timer
simply press the Power On/Off / Alarm
On/Off button (14).
When radio is on, press the Alarm Tempo-
rary Switch Off/ Switch Off By Timer but-
Using radio
ton (16). The display will show “Switching
- Press the Power On/Off button (14) to
off by timer 90”, and with each pressing
turn the radio on.
on the button (16) the 90-minute timer in-
- Select the AM or FM broadcast with
dication will be decreased by 2 minutes.
the band switch (2).
Figure 4.
- Select the station using the setting
NOTE: Press the Power On/Off button
wheel (8)
(14) to disable the function of delayed
- Using the volume control buttons (3)/
switch off.
(4) set the desired volume level.
Press the Power On/Off button (14) to
Alarm Temporary Switch Off func-
turn the radio off.
1. Press the Alarm Temporary Switch Off/
Switch Off By Timer button (16), to
- For receiving AM broadcast, an inter-
temporary deactivate the alarm signal
nal directional antenna is used. To ob-
while it is on; the sound signal or radio
tain better reception, rotate the radio.
will be switched off.
- Make sure that the FM antenna cord
2. The alarm temporary deactivation lasts
(7) is fully extended and directed for
for 9 minutes.
the best reception of FM signal.
Connecting the sound signal source
1. Using the connection cable (not in-
The Reset button (17) is located at the
cluded), connect the sound signal
device bottom. Press on it using the ball-
source to the main device.
point pen when replacing the battery or
2. Adjust the sound volume of the source,
when the device does not function cor-
to obtain better amplification.
rectly. All setting will be reset to the de-
fault values and all memorized data will
NOTE: Do not set the sound volume too
be lost (alarm and time settings).
high, to avoid overloading. When a sound
signal source is connected to the audio
input jack (15), the sound issued by the
- No naked flame sources, such as
device itself will be off. The device sound
lighted candles, should be placed on
will switch on again as soon as the con-
the apparatus.
nection cable is removed from the audio
- Do not put the device into closed
input jack.
bookcases or shelves without suffi-
cient ventilation.
When the Sound Source function is acti-
To prevent fire or electric shock haz-
vated, the alarm sound will turn on at the
ard, do not expose the device to mois-
set time and will sound together with the
ture or water.
music. To deactivate the alarm sound,
- Do not expose the device to direct
3525.indd 83525.indd 8 26.07.2006 11:45:0926.07.2006 11:45:09
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