Vitek VT-3525 SR: ENGLISH
ENGLISH: Vitek VT-3525 SR

Time Setting mode
Set/reset current time
1. Press and hold the Set Time button
5. Press the Set Time button (12) (posi-
(12) (position 1) for 2 seconds to set
tion 1) to set hours (start flashing).
the week day (starts flashing).
6. Using the Volume Increase button
2. Using the Volume Increase button
(3) (position 3) and Volume Decrease
(3) (position 3) and Volume Decrease
button (4) (position 2), set the
button (4) (position 2), set the
week day.
7. Press the Set Time button (12) (posi-
3. Press the Set Time button (12) (posi-
tion 1) to set the minutes (start flash-
tion 1) to select 24/ 12- hour mode
(starts flashing).
8. Using the Volume Increase button
4. Using the Volume Increase button
(3) (position 3) and Volume Decrease
(3) (position 3) and Volume Decrease
button (4) (position 2), set the
button (4) (position 2), set 24-
hour or 12-hour mode.
Alarm 1 Setting mode
3525.indd 43525.indd 4 26.07.2006 11:45:0726.07.2006 11:45:07
Топ 10 инструкций
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