Vitek VT-2342: ENGLISH

ENGLISH: Vitek VT-2342


Selecting Speed

tor (11) are lighted it is required to replace

After switching the appliance on it starts

filters’ block. When using purifier in rooms

operating at low speed (default speed). You

with very contaminated air you can replace

can change the speed by pressing button

filters before all points of indicator (11)

“SPEED” (5) on control panel (1) or on re-

are lighted. After installation of new filters’

mote control (22). Every pressing switches

block press and hold button “SPEED” for 3

to operating mode according to the next

seconds, you will hear sound signal and all

sequence: noiseless operation, low speed,

points of indicator (11) will be deemed. This

middle speed, high speed, automatic

means the appliance is ready for the next


cycle of filters’ block usage.

Selected operating mode is indicated by

speed indicator (10) located on display

Dust and Smell Indicators

(7). If you have chosen noiseless operating

The more air is contaminated the more

mode first tree points of indicator are light-

number of points of the adequate indica-

ed, in case you have chosen low speed first

tors (12, 13) are lighted.

five points of indicator are lighted, in case

you have chosen middle speed first seven


points of indicator are lighted. In case you

Wipe the housing of the appliance by dry

have chosen high speed all points of indi-

cloth. It is forbidden to immerse the appli-

cator are lighted.

ance into water.

Clean air inlets by dry soft brush. Also you

Setting Timer

can use a vacuum cleaner with the ade-

Press button «TIMER» (4) on control panel

quate nozzle.

(1) or button (24) on remote control (22)

to change the time of appliance operation.

Cleaning Appliance

Every pressing increases time of appliance

Make sure the appliance is disconnected

operation for one hour. Selected time of

from the wall outlet before cleaning.

operation is indicated by timer (14). After

Take lower corners of the air inlets lid and

the set time of operating is over, the appli-

pull it towards yourself (Picture 2). Remove

ance will be switched off.

the lid (Picture 3). Take filters’ block out by

pulling the strips (Picture 4). Detach pre-

Switching On Ionization Mode

liminary cleaning filter (Picture 5). After

Press button “ION” (3) on control panel (1)

200-300 hours of operation the filter should

of button (26) on remote control (22) to

be washed and cleaned by vacuum cleaner.

switch on ionization mode. Icon (8) will be

After cleaning install preliminary filter into

lighted on display (7).

its position. Clean the lid with air inlets by

vacuum cleaner and wipe it by damp cloth.

Switching On UV-Lamp

Press button “UV” (2) on control panel (1)

Replacing Filters’ Block

or button (26) on remote control (22) to

In order to provide effective operation of

switch on UV-lamp, icon (9) will be lighted

the appliance it is recommended to replace

on display (7).

filters’ block every six months of continu-

ous operation.

Filters’ Block Replacement Indicator

Make sure the appliance is disconnected

While using air purifier the points of filters’

from the wall outlet before replacing filters’

block replacement indicator (11) are light-


ed one by one. When all points of indica-

Take lower corners of the air inlets lid and


2342.indd 62342.indd 6 02.08.2007 12:06:3702.08.2007 12:06:37