Vitek VT-1374: ENGLISH

ENGLISH: Vitek VT-1374


It is recommended to clean the

hair clipper oil to the trimmer every

shaving heads once every two

six months.

months (Pic. 6, 7, 8)

- Turn off the electric shaver.

Replacing the shaving heads (Pic.

- Press the locking button (5).

6, 7, 8)

- Pull up on and remove the shaving

To achieve optimal results from your


shaver, replace the shaving blocks

- Turn the ring counter-clockwise and

every 2 years.

remove the locking frame.

- Turn off the electric shaver.

- Remove and clean the shaving

- Press the locking button (5) and

heads (separately rotating and non-

remove the shaving block.

moving blades). Do not confuse the

- Turn the ring counter-clockwise and

rotating and non-moving blades.

remove the locking frame.

This is important because the rotat-

- Replace the shaving heads, install

ing and non-moving blades of each

the locking frame and turn the ring

head adjust to one-another, which


guarantees the optimal operating

- Turn the non-moving blades clock-

characteristics of each pair of

wise/counter-clockwise to lock


their plastic frame.

If you accidentally confuse a blade

- Re-install the shaving block onto

block, it may take several weeks to

the shaver.

restore optimal shaving characteris-



- Clean the rotating blade with the

This shaver contains rechargeable

brush. Use the side of the brush

batteries. Before disposing of the

with the short bristles.

expired electric shaver, remove the

- Clean the non-moving blades with

batteries and dispose of them accord-

the brush.

ing to the laws of your country for dis-

- Replace the shaving heads onto the

posal of harmful waste.

shaving block, install the locking

Do not throw the shaver away until you

frame and turn the ring clockwise.

remove the built-in rechargeable bat-

- Turn the non-moving blades clock-


wise/counter-clockwise to lock

their plastic frame.


- Re-install the shaving block onto

Do not charge the batteries in

the shaver.

places where the temperature is

lower than 0°Ñ or higher than 40°Ñ,


or they are exposed to direct sun-

- Clean the trimmer after each use.

light, near heat sources or places

- Turn off the electric shaver.

with high levels of humidity.

- Clean the trimmer using the brush

Only use the charging device that

(10) included in the package.

came with the shaver.

- Apply drops of sewing machine or

Keep the charger away from water


Vt-1374.qxd 24.01.05 12:47 Page 7