Vitek VT-1372: ENGLISH
ENGLISH: Vitek VT-1372

Vt-1372.qxd 21.01.05 17:30 Page 8
light, near heat sources or places
with high levels of humidity.
Only use the charging device that
Power supply 220V ~ 50Hz
came with the shaver.
Output voltage ~3.5V
Dry the shaver fully before con-
necting the charging device.
Keep the charger away from water
Power requirements 3Wt
and do not attempt to touch it with
wet hands.
The manufacturer reserves the right
Store the charger in a dry and safe
to change the device characteristics
place; protect it from damage.
without prior notice.
The external shaving screen is very
thin; it can be easily damaged if not
Service life - no less than 3 years.
cared for properly. To avoid injury,
do not use the shaver if he external
shaving screen or the internal cut-
Details regarding guarantee condi-
ting blocks are damaged.
tions can be obtained from the dealer
Wash the shaver under the tap. Do
from whom the appliance was pur-
not use salty or boiling water for
chased. The bill of sale or receipt must
this purpose. Do not using cleaners
be produced when making any claim
intended for plumbing and kitchen
under the terms of this guarantee.
use. Do not put the shaver in water
for long periods of time.
This product conforms to
Do not open the shaver body
the EMC-Requirements as
because you might ruin its water-
laid down by the Council
Directive 89/336/EEC and
If the shaver isn't working properly,
to the Low Voltage
take it to an authorized service cen-
Regulation (73/23 EEC)
Only use the shaver for the purpos-
es intended, as instructed in these
Do not use the charger in places
where it can accidentally get
bumped into the bathtub or sink.
This product is designed for domestic
use only.