AEG mc 4459 bt: English
English: AEG mc 4459 bt

• Neveropenthedevice’scase.Improperrepairscancause
Instruction Manual
severe danger to the user. If the device or particularly the
Thank you for choosing our product. We hope you will enjoy
power cord is damaged, don’t use the device any further
using the appliance.
and have it repaired by a qualified specialist. Check the
power cord regularly for damages.
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
• Toavoidanydanger,adamagedpowercordmustbe
replaced only by the producer, its customer service or a
Important information for your safety is specially marked. It is
similarly qualified person with an equal cord.
essential to comply with these instructions in order to avoid
• Ifthedevicewon’tbeusedoveranextendedperiodof
accidents and prevent damage to the machine:
time, disconnect the power cord and remove the batter-
This warns you of dangers to your health and indicates pos-
These symbols may be found on the machine and are
sible injury risks.
intended to indicate the following:
The lightning symbol should advise the user
This refers to possible hazards to the machine or other
of parts in the inside of the device which carry
dangerously high voltage levels.
NOTE: This highlights tips and information.
advise the user of important operation or
maintenance instructions in the accompanying
General Safety Instructions
Devices bearing this symbol work with a
“class 1 laser” for tracing the CD. The built-in
appliance into operation and keep the instructions including
safety switches should prevent the user being
ternal packing. If you give this device to other people, please
ible to the human eye, when the CD compart-
also pass on the operating instructions.
ment is opened.
• Toavoidtheriskofreorelectricshock,youshouldnot
Under no circumstances should these safety switches be
bypassed or manipulated, as this could result in a danger of
device near water (e.g. bathroom, swimming pool, humid
• Donotusetheunitinextremelyhot,cold,dusty,ordamp
Children and Frail Individuals
• Inordertoensureyourchildren‘ssafety,pleasekeepall
• Theunitisdesignedsolelyforprivateuseanditsin-
tended purpose. This unit is not designed for commercial
their reach.
• Makesurethatthepowercableisnotbent,pinched,or
comes into contact with heat sources.
Caution! Do not allow small children to play with the
• Makesurethatthepowercableisnotatrippinghazard.
foil as there is a danger of suffocation!
• Nevertouchthemainsplugorthecordwithwethands.
• Thisdeviceisnotintendedtobeusedbyindividuals
• Alwaysconnecttheunittoaproperlyinstalledplug
(including children) who have restricted physical, sensory
socket. Be sure the device voltage corresponds to the
or mental abilities and/or insufficient knowledge and/or
grid voltage.
• Themainsplugmustalwaysbeeasilyaccessible.
who is responsible for their safety or have received
• Alwaysinstallbatteriesinthecorrectdirection.
instructions on how to use the device.
• Avoidcoveringthedevice’sventopenings.
• Childrenshouldbesupervisedatalltimesinorderto
• Nevercovertheventholeswithobjects,suchasmaga-
ensure that they do not play with the device.
zines, tablecloths, curtains etc.
• Thisapplianceshallnotbeexposedtodrippingor
Special safety information
splashing water and that no object filled with liquids such
as vases shall be placed on apparatus.
• Opensourcesofre,suchase.g.burningcandlesmay
This device works with a class 1 laser.
not be placed onto the unit.
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