AEG mmr 4128: English

English: AEG mmr 4128



cable, do not operate the device any longer, but rather

Instruction Manual


Thank you for choosing our product. We hope you will enjoy

cable regularly for damage.

using the appliance.

• Forsafetyreasonsabrokenordamagedmainsleadmay

only be replaced by an equivalent lead from the manu-

Symbols in this user manual

facturer, our customer service department or a similary

Important notes for your safety are marked distinctively. Pay

qualified person.

absolute attention to them to avoid accidents and damage

• Ifthedeviceisnotusedforalongerperiod,removethe

to the device:

plug connector from the plug socket or take out the bat-



Warns of dangers for your health and indicates potential

These symbols may be found on the device and are intended

risks of injury.

as warnings:


The lightning flash is intended to alert the user

Indicates potential dangers for the device or other objects.

to the presence of dangerous voltage within the


NOTE: Highlights tips and information for you.

User to the presence of important operating

and maintenance instruction accompanying this


General Safety Guidelines

Before using this device, carefully read this user manual and

Children and disabled persons

keep it together with the Warranty Certificate, cashier receipt

• Forthesafetyofyourchildren,keepanypackingparts

and if possible, the original package inclusive its interior pack-

(plastic bags, cartilage, Styrofoam etc.) out of their reach.

ing. If you hand on the device to any third person, include the


user manual as well.

Don’t let small children play with foils for danger of

• Toavoidtheriskofreoranelectricshock,youshould



• Thisdeviceisnotintendedforusebypersons(includ-

do not use the device in the immediate vicinity of water

ing children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental



damp cellar.

unless they have been given supervision or instructions

• Usetheapplianceonlyfortheintended,privateuse.This

concerning the use of the device by a person responsible

appliance is not intended for commercial use.

for their safety.

• Thepoweradaptorisonlyintendedforuseindryenvi-

• Supervisechildrentoensuretheydonotplaywiththe



• Ensurethattheoutputvoltage,currencyandpolarityof

the power adaptor correspond to the nameplate specifi-


Special Safety Instructions

• Donottouchthepoweradaptorwithwethands!

• Donotusethedeviceinlocationsthatareextremelyhot,

• Unplugthepoweradaptorfromtheappliancewhen

cold, dusty or moist.

cleaning or if a fault occurs.

• Selectasuitablelocationfortheradiorecorder,suchasa

• Makesurethattheadaptorcableisnotbent,crushed,

dry, flat, non-slip surface on which it is easy to operate the

run over or does not come into contact with heat sources.


• Onlyconnectthedeviceataproperlyinstalledplug

• Ensurethattheradiorecorderissufcientlyventilated!

socket. Pay attention that the specified voltage corre-

• Donotcoveranyventilationslitswithobjectssuchas

sponds to the voltage of the plug socket.

magazines, tablecloths, curtains etc.

• Whenusingexternalmainssupply,payattentiontothe

• Nevertouchthemainsplugorleadwithwethands.

correct polarity and voltage. Always place the batteries in

• Keepthemainsleadawayfromheaters.

the correct direction.

• Neverputaheavyobjectontheelectriclead.

• Assemblethedeviceinsuchawaythattheavailable

• Keepthedeviceawayfromvases,baths,washbasinsetc.

ventilation openings are not covered.

If liquid enters the device this may cause serious damage.

• Neveropenthehousingofthedevice.Incorrectrepairs

can constitute a considerable risk for the user. Should the

device become damaged, in particular the mains supply