AEG mrc 4132 bt: English
English: AEG mrc 4132 bt

• Neveropenthedevice’scase.Improperrepairscancause
Instruction Manual
severe danger to the user. If the device or particularly the
Thank you for choosing our product. We hope you will enjoy
power cord is damaged, don’t use the device any further
using the appliance.
and have it repaired by a qualified specialist. Check the
power cord regularly for damage.
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
• Ifyoudonotusethedeviceforalongperiodoftime,
pull the power supply unit from the wall socket and/or
remove the batteries.
Warns of dangers for your health and indicates potential
These symbols may be found on the device and shall indicate
risks of injury.
the following:
The lightning symbol warns the user of dan-
Indicates potential dangers for the device or other objects.
gerously high voltages inside the case.
Highlights tips and information for you.
important instruction or maintenance remarks
in the accompanying guidelines.
General Safety Guidelines
Before using this device, carefully read this user manual and
Children and disabled persons
keep it together with the Warranty Certificate, cashier receipt
• Forthesafetyofyourchildren,keepanypackingparts
and if possible, the original package inclusive its interior pack-
(plastic bags, cartilage, Styrofoam etc.) out of their reach.
ing. If you hand on the device to any third person, include the
user manual as well.
Don’t let small children play with foils for Danger of
• Toavoidtheriskofreorelectricshock,youshouldnot
device near water (e.g. bathroom, swimming pool, humid
• Thisdeviceisnotintendedforusebypersons(includ-
ing children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
• Donotusetheunitinextremelyhot,cold,dusty,ordamp
unless they have been given supervision or instructions
• Theunitisdesignedsolelyforprivateuseanditsin-
concerning the use of the device by a person responsible
tended purpose. This unit is not designed for commercial
for their safety.
• Supervisechildrentoensuretheydonotplaywiththe
• Makesurethatthepowercableisnotbent,pinched,or
comes into contact with heat sources.
• Makesurethatthepowercableisnotatrippinghazard.
Location of Controls
• Thepowersupplyunitisonlysuitableforuseindry
1 POWER/FUNCTION button (On/ Operational readiness/
• Nevertouchthepowersupplyunitorthecablewithwet
Select source)
2 MEMORY/SET button
• Onlyconnectthepowersupplyunittoaproperlyin-
3 USB charging connector for Smartphones
stalled wall outlet. Ensure that the listed voltage matches
4 MIC (Microphone)
the voltage of the wall outlet. Also ensure that the output
5 / buttons
current, voltage and the polarity of the power supply unit
6 VOLUME- / AL2 button (reduce volume / alarm time 2)
match the information on the connected device.
7 VOLUME+ / AL1 button (increase volume/ alarm time 1)
• Alwaysinstallbatteriesinthecorrectdirection.
8 Loudspeaker
• Avoidcoveringthedevice’sventopenings.
9 Display
• Nevercovertheventholeswithobjects,suchasmaga-
zines, tablecloths, curtains etc.
11 / /MO/ST button (replay/ pause /accept call/ mono/
• Thisapplianceshallnotbeexposedtodrippingor
stereo switch)
splashing water and that no object filled with liquids such
12 CH MODE button
as vases shall be placed on apparatus.
• Opensourcesofre,suchase.g.burningcandlesmay
Back side (not shown)
not be placed onto the unit.
DC IN 5 V 2 A
power supply connection
AUX IN jack (3.5 mm stereo jack)
FM ANT dipole antenna
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