AEG htd 5595: English
English: AEG htd 5595

General Safety Instructions
This warns you of dangers to your health and indicates pos-
Read the operating instructions carefully before putting the
sible injury risks.
appliance into operation and keep the instructions including
the warranty, the receipt and, if possible, the box with the in-
ternal packing. If you give this device to other people, please
This refers to possible hazards to the machine or other
also pass on the operating instructions.
• Theapplianceisdesignedexclusivelyforprivateuseand
for the envisaged purpose. This appliance is not fit for
commercial use. Do not use it outdoors. Keep it away
This highlights tips and information.
from sources of heat, direct sunlight, humidity (never dip
it into any liquid) and sharp edges. Do not use the ap-
Special safety instructions for this device
pliance with wet hands. If the appliance is humid or wet,
unplug it immediately.
Symbols on the Product
• Whencleaningorputtingitaway,switchofftheappli-
ance and always pull out the plug from the socket (pull
or provide information:
the plug itself, not the lead) if the appliance is not being
used and remove the attached accessories.
• Donot operate the machine without supervision. If you
Do not use this device near baths, wash basins or
leave the room you should always turn the device off.
other vessels containing water.
Remove the plug from the socket.
• Thedeviceandthemainsleadhavetobecheckedregu-
• Thenozzlesbecomehotduringoperation.
larly for signs of damage. If damage is found the device
• Ifthehairdryerisusedinthebathroom,removethe
must not be used.
mains plug after use as water represents a hazard. This
• Donottrytorepairtheapplianceonyourown.Always
also applies when the hair dryer is switched off.
contact an authorized technician. To avoid the exposure
• Donotputobjects,hairoryourhandsinfrontoftheair
to danger, always have a faulty cable be replaced only by
the manufacturer, by our customer service or by a quali-
fied person and with a cable of the same type.
• Pleaseensurethattheinletgrilleremainsfreeofuff
• Useonlyoriginalspareparts.
• Paycarefulattentiontothefollowing“SpecialSafety
As additional protection we recommend the installation of a
fault current protection device (RCD) with a rated current of
Children and Frail Individuals
not more than 30 mA in the wiring system of the bathroom.
Please contact an authorised electrician for advice.
• Inordertoensureyourchildren‘ssafety,pleasekeepall
packaging (plastic bags, boxes, polystyrene etc.) out of
their reach.
1. Attach a nozzle if necessary.
• Youcandrysinglehairlocksbyconcentratingthe
foil as there is a danger of suffocation!
flow of hot air with the hairdressing nozzle.
• Thediffuseristheidealsolutiontodrycurlyhair
• Thisdeviceisnotintendedtobeusedbyindividuals
without losing volume.
(including children) who have restricted physical, sensory
2. In order to replace the attachment, first remove the old
or mental abilities and/or insufficient knowledge and/or
attachment by pulling it off and then pushing on the new
experience, un-less they are supervised by an individual
one until it clicks into place.
who is responsible for their safety or have received
instructions on how to use the device.
Electrical Connection
• Childrenshouldbesupervisedatalltimesinorderto
• Beforeinsertingtheplugintothesocket.Makesurethat
ensure that they do not play with the device.
the mains voltage to be used matches that of the device.
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
• Connectthedevicetoadulyinstalled230V~,50
Important information for your safety is specially marked. It is
essential to comply with these instructions in order to avoid
accidents and prevent damage to the machine:
tive contact socket.