Karcher CV 60-2 RS Bp-: Operation
Operation: Karcher CV 60-2 RS Bp-

Remove the power plug from the charg-
er and hook the holder into the appli-
Open the lock.
Swivel the top of the appliance forward.
Tilt the back of the appliance toward the
Clamp off the minus pole of the battery.
Clamp off the remaining cables from the
Remove the batteries.
Dispose of the used batteries according
to the local provisions.
While standing, the device is protected
against rolling off with the help of an electri-
cal immobilising brake. To push the de-
vice, you need to first unlock the
immobilising brake.
Press the unlocking lever down to un-
lock the parking brake.
Risk of accident if the device rolls off. Apply
the immobilising brake again immediately
after finishing pushing the machine by
pushing the unlocking lever down.
Risk of damage. Never move the appliance
faster than 7 km/h.
Take the foot off the aceelerator pedal,
press the emergency-stop button to imme-
diately deactivate all functions and turn the
key switch to the "0" position.
Unscrew the wooden board from the
top side of the packaging (will be need-
ed as a ramp later).
Loosen the screws and remove the
wooden cage.
Cut plastic packing belt and remove foil.
Loosen the fixing at the wheels.
Place the wooden board at the back of
the appliance on the pallet as a ramp
and attach with screws.
Remove both blocks from behind the
rear wheels.
Remove the block underneath the suc-
tion bar.
Remove the cable ties from the suction
Loosen the flexible steering shaft from
the pallet.
Swivel the top part of the appliance for-
ward and remove the steering wheel
from the waste reservoir.
Remove the key from the steering
Remove the nut and the sleeve from the
upper end of the steering shaft.
Slide the top of the steering shaft
through the bore in the control panel
from the inside out.
Install the nut and the sleeve onto the
upper end of the steering shaft.
Slide the lower end of the steering shaft
onto the end of the rotary shaft on the
bottom of the appliance.
Remove the nut from the upper end of
the steering shaft.
Insert the steering wheel and straight-
align the front wheel.
Pull out the steering wheel, align and in-
sert back.
Fasten the steering wheel using en-
closed nut.
Insert the cover in the steering wheel.
Press the unlocking lever down to un-
lock the parking brake.
Slide the appliance backwards to re-
move it from the pallet.
Press the unlocking lever upward to un-
lock the parking brake.
Take the foot off the aceelerator pedal,
press the emergency-stop button to imme-
diately deactivate all functions and turn the
key switch to the "0" position.
Carry out maintenance jobs "Prior to
operation" (see section "Maintenance
and Care").
Danger of accident. The immobilizing brake
must always be checked first on an even
surface before starting the machine.
Set main switch to “0”.
Press emergency-stop button.
If the appliance can be moved by hand, the
parking brake is not engaged.
Pull up the reset lever of the parking
If the appliance can still be moved by hand,
the parking break is defective. Shut down
the appliance and call Customer Service.
Danger of accident. If the appliance cannot
brake adequately while going downhill,
press the emergency stop button.
Open the lock.
Swivel the top of the appliance forward.
Tilt the back of the appliance toward the
Pull the filter bag out of the storage con-
Swivel the back of the appliance back.
Unfold the filter bag.
Align the recess in the cardboard por-
tion of the filter bag with the centering
pin in the appliance.
Press the cardboard portion together
lightly (so that it bows out) and slide it
under the holders.
Carry out the initial trials in an open surface
so that you familiarise yourself with the ap-
Danger of tipping if gradient is too high.
The gradient in the direction of travel
should not exceed 10%.
Danger of tipping when driving round
bends at high speed.
Danger of slipping on wet floors.
Drive slowly when cornering.
Danger of tipping on unstable ground.
Only use the machine on sound surfac-
Danger of tipping with excessive sideways
The gradient perpendicular to the direc-
tion of travel should not exceed 10%.
Step on the standing platform.
Do not press the accelerator pedal.
Release emergency-stop button by
Set main switch to “1”.
Set the speed range on the programme
selection switch.
Set the drive direction using the drive
direction button at the operator console.
The driving direction switch is also used as
a safety switch. Therefore, this switch must
be pressed even if the desired driving di-
rection has already been set.
Press the accelerator carefully to drive.
The drive direction can also be changed
during the drive. You can thus clean very
dirty surfaces by driving back and forth a
couple of times.
In case of overloading, the drive motor au-
tomatically switches off after a certain peri-
Allow the appliance to cool down at
least for 5 minutes.
The brush drive is interrupted until further
movement if the appliance rests in one
place for more than 2 seconds.
While vacuuming bulky waste, remove
wires and threads from the area to be
vacuumed to avoid these getting stuck
in the brushes.
After charging
Removing the batteries
Pushing the device
Check immobilizing brake
Inserting a filter bag
15 EN
- Deutsch
- Bedien- und Funktionselemente
- Vor Inbetriebnahme
- Betrieb
- TransportLagerung Pflege und Wartung
- Störungen
- Technische Daten
- Ersatzteile Garantie EG-Konformitätserklärung
- English
- Operating and Functional Elements
- Before Commissioning
- Operation
- Transport Storage Maintenance and care
- Faults
- Specifications
- Spare parts Warranty EC Declaration of Conformity
- Français
- Eléments de commande
- Avant la mise en service
- Fonctionnement
- Transport Entreposage Entretien et maintenance
- Pannes
- Données techniques
- Pièces de rechange Garantie Déclaration de conformité CE
- Italiano
- Elementi di comando e di funzione
- Prima della messa in funzio- ne
- Funzionamento
- Trasporto Supporto Cura e manutenzione
- Guasti
- Dati tecnici
- Ricambi Garanzia Dichiarazione di conformità CE
- Nederlands
- Bediening- en werkingsonderdelen
- Voor ingebruikneming
- Gebruik
- Vervoer Opslag Zorg en onderhoud
- Storingen
- Technische gegevens
- Reserveonderdelen Garantie EG-conformiteitsverklaring
- Español
- Elementos de operación y funcionamiento
- Antes de la puesta en marcha
- Funcionamiento
- Transporte Almacenamiento Conservación y mantenimien- to
- Averías
- Datos técnicos
- Piezas de repuesto Garantía Declaración de conformidad CE
- Português
- Elementos de comando e de funcionamento
- Antes de colocar em funcio- namento
- Funcionamento
- Transporte Armazenamento Conservação e manutenção
- Avarias
- Dados técnicos
- Peças sobressalentes Garantia Declaração de conformidade CE
- Dansk
- Betjenings- og funktionselementer
- Inden idrifttagning
- Drift
- Transport Opbevaring Pleje og vedligeholdelse
- Fejl
- Tekniske data
- Reservedele Garanti EU-overensstemmelseserklæ- ring
- Norsk
- Betjenings- og funksjonsorganer
- Før igangsetting
- Drift
- Transport Lagring Pleie og vedlikehold
- Funksjonsfeil
- Tekniske data
- Reservedeler Garanti EU-samsvarserklæring
- Svenska
- Manövrerings- och funktionselement
- Före idrifttagandet
- Drift
- TransportFörvaring Skötsel och underhåll
- Störningar
- Tekniska data
- Reservdelar Garanti Försäkran om EU-överens- stämmelse
- Suomi
- Ohjaus- ja toimintaelementit
- Ennen käyttöönottoa
- Käyttö
- KuljetusSäilytys Hoito ja huolto
- Häiriöt
- Tekniset tiedot
- Varaosat Takuu EU-standardinmukaisuusto- distus
- Πίνακας περιεχομένων
- Στοιχεία χειρισμού και λειτουργίας
- Πριν την ενεργοποίηση
- Λειτουργία
- Μεταφορά Αποθήκευση Φροντίδα και συντήρηση
- Βλάβες
- Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά
- Ανταλλακτικά Εγγύηση Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης των Ε . Κ .
- Türkçe
- Kullan ı m ve çal ı ş ma elemanlar ı
- Cihaz ı çal ı ş t ı rmaya ba ş lama- dan önce
- Çal ı ş t ı rma
- Ta ş ı ma Depolama Koruma ve Bak ı m
- Ar ı zalar
- Teknik bilgiler
- Yedek parçalar Garanti AB uygunluk bildirisi
- Оглавление
- Описание элементов управления и рабочих узлов
- Перед началом работы
- Эксплуатация прибора
- Транспортировка Хранение Уход и техническое обслу - живание
- Неполадки
- Технические данные
- Запасные части Гарантия Заявление о соответствии ЕС
- Magyar
- Kezelési- és funkciós elemek
- Üzembevétel el ő tt
- Üzem
- Transport Tárolás Ápolás és karbantartás
- Üzemzavarok
- M ű szaki adatok
- Alkatrészek Garancia EK konformitási nyiltakozat
- eština
- Ovládací a funk č ní prvky
- Pokyny p ř ed uvedením p ř í- stroje do provozu
- Provoz
- P ř eprava Ukládání Ošet ř ování a údržba
- Poruchy
- Technické údaje
- Náhradní díly Záruka Prohlášení o shod ě pro ES
- Slovenšina
- Upravljalni in funkcijski elementi
- Pred zagonom
- Obratovanje
- Transport Skladiš č enje Nega in vzdrževanje
- Motnje
- Tehni č ni podatki
- Nadomestni deli Garancija ES-izjava o skladnosti
- Polski
- Elementy obs ł ugi urz ą dzenia
- Przed uruchomieniem
- Dzia ł anie
- Transport Przechowywanie Czyszczenie i konserwacja
- Zak ł ócenia
- Dane techniczne
- Cz ęś ci zamienne Gwarancja Deklaracja zgodno ś ci UE
- Românete
- Elemente de utilizare ş i func ţ ionale
- Înainte de punerea în func ţ iune
- Func ţ ionarea
- Transport Depozitarea Îngrijirea ş i între ţ inerea
- Defec ţ iuni
- Date tehnice
- Piese de schimb Garan ţ ie Declara ţ ie de conformitate CE
- Slovenina
- Ovládacie a funk č né prvky
- Pred uvedením do prevádzky
- Prevádzka
- Transport Uskladnenie Starostlivost' a údržba
- Poruchy
- Technické údaje
- Náhradné diely Záruka Vyhlásenie o zhode s norma- mi EÚ
- Hrvatski
- Komandni i funkcijski elementi
- Prije prve uporabe
- U radu
- Transport Skladištenje Njega i održavanje
- Smetnje
- Tehni č ki podaci
- Pri č uvni dijelovi Jamstvo EZ izjava o uskla đ enosti
- Srpski
- Komandni i funkcioni elementi
- Pre upotrebe
- Rad
- Transport Skladištenje Nega i održavanje
- Smetnje
- Tehni č ki podaci
- Rezervni delovi Garancija Izjava o uskla đ enosti sa propisima EZ
- Съдържание
- Обслужващи и функционални елементи
- Преди пускане в експлоата - ция
- Експлоатация
- T рансп o рт Съхранение Грижи и поддръжка
- Повреди
- Технически данни
- Резервни части Гаранция Декларация за съответствие на ЕО
- Eesti
- Teenindus- ja funktsioonielemendid
- Enne seadme kasutuselevõt- tu
- Käitamine
- Transport Hoiulepanek Korrashoid ja tehnohooldus
- Tehnilised andmed
- Varuosad Garantii EÜ vastavusdeklaratsioon
- Latviešu
- Vad ī bas sist ē mas un funkciju elementi
- Pirms ekspluat ā cijas s ā kuma
- Ekspluat ā cija
- Transport ē šana Glab ā šana Kopšana un tehnisk ā apkope
- Trauc ē jumi
- Tehniskie parametri
- Rezerves da ļ as Garantijas nosac ī jumi EK Atbilst ī bas deklar ā cija
- Lietuviškai
- Aptarnavimo ir funkciniai elementai
- Prieš pradedant naudoti
- Naudojimas
- Transportavimas Laikymas Technin ė prieži ū ra ir aptarna- vimas
- Gedimai
- Techniniai duomenys
- Atsargin ė s dalys Garantija EB atitikties deklaracija
- Зміст
- Елементи управління і функціональні вузли
- Перед введенням в експлуатацію
- Експлуатація
- Транспортування Зберігання Догляд та технічне обслуговування
- Неполадки
- Технічні дані
- Запасні частини Гарантія Заява при відповідність Європейського співтовариства