Karcher Autolaveuse B 90 R Confort Bp Pack: English
English: Karcher Autolaveuse B 90 R Confort Bp Pack

Please read and comply with
these original instructions prior
to the initial operation of your appliance and
store them for later use or subsequent own-
Before using the appliance for the first time,
read and observe these operating instruc-
tions and the accompanying brochure:
Safety information for brush cleaning units
and spray-extraction units, 5.956-251.
The machine has been approved for use on
surfaces with gradients of up to 10%.
Safety devices serve to protect the user
and must not be rendered inoperational or
their functions bypassed.
To put all functions out of operation imme-
diately: Press emergency-stop button.
The machine comes to a sudden halt
when you press the emergency-stop
The emergency-stop has a direct effect
on all machine functions.
The display continues.
Switches off the drive motor after a short
delay, if the operator leaves the operator
seat during operation or while moving.
Immediate danger that can cause severe
injury or even death.
Possible hazardous situation that could
lead to severe injury or even death.
Possible hazardous situation that could
lead to mild injury to persons or damage to
The scrubber vacuum is used for wet
cleaning or polishing of level floors.
You can adjust the machine to suit the
cleaning task by modifying the settings for
water quantity, contact pressure of the
brushes, detergent quantity and driving
Use this appliance only as directed in these
operating instructions.
The appliance may only be used for the
cleaning of hard surfaces that are not
sensitive to moisture and polishing op-
This appliance is intended for inside
The application temperature ranges
from +5°C to +40°C.
The appliance is not suited for the
cleaning of frozen grounds (e.g. in cold
The appliance is suitable for a max. wa-
ter depth of 1 cm. Do not drive into an
area where there is a risk of this max.
water height being exceeded.
The appliance may only be equipped
with original accessories and spare
The appliance is not intended for the
cleaning of public traffic routes.
The machine should not be used on
surfaces that are sensitive to pressure.
Please consider the allowed load per
surface unit of the floor. Details of load
per surface unit can be found in the
technical data.
The appliance is not suited for the use
in potentially explosive environments.
The machine should not be used to
suck in inflammable gases, undiluted
acids or solvents.
This includes petrol, thinning agents or
hot oil that can form an explosive mix-
ture when it comes in contact with
sucked air. Do not use acetone, undi-
luted acids and solvents as they are ag-
gressive towards the materials from
which the appliance is made.
Notes about the ingredients (REACH)
You will find current information about the
ingredients at:
Figure 1, see cover page
1 Wiping flap *
2 Cleaning head *
3 Detergent bottle (only Dose model)
4 Suction hose for detergent (only Dose
5 Lever to raise and lower the vacuum
6 Water quantity regulator
7 Operating field
8 Dirt water reservoir
9 Cover dirt water reservoir
10 Vacuum bar *
11 Wing nuts for tilting the vacuum bar
12 Wing nuts for fastening the vacuum bar
13 Suction hose
14 Float
15 Power cord for charger (only Pack mod-
16 Safety support
17 Battery plug (not with Pack model)
18 Battery
19 Seat (with seat contact button)
20 Steering wheel
21 Fresh water tank cover
22 Lever for brush contact pressure (only
with the Adv model)
23 Fresh water filter
24 Pedal for raising/ lowering the cleaning
25 Flat fold filter
26 Waste container (only with R cleaning
head) *
27 Dosing equipment for dirt water
28 Dirt water discharge hose
29 Warning lamp for reverse movement *
30 Filling system *
31 Right step platform
32 Drive pedal
33 Adjustment wheel for wiping flap *
34 Pedal for brush exchange (only with D
cleaning head) *
* not included in the delivery
Figure 2, see cover page
1 Drive direction switch
2 Program switch
3 Horn
4 Key switch
5 Emergency-stop button
6 Switch for detergent dosing (only with
Dose model)
7 Switch for warning lamp for reverse
movement *
8 Info button (only Adv. model)
9 Display
10 Indicator lamp - service
11 Indicator lamp - automatic immobilizing
brake active
12 Indicator lamp - battery monitoring
13 Indicator lamp - fault
14 Indicator lamp - Dirt water tank full
15 Indicator lamp - brush overload
Safety instructions . . . . . . .
EN . . 1
Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN . . 1
Proper use . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN . . 1
Environmental protection . .
EN . . 1
Control elements. . . . . . . . .
EN . . 1
Before Startup. . . . . . . . . . .
EN . . 2
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN . . 3
Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN . . 5
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN . . 5
Maintenance and care . . . .
EN . . 5
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . .
EN . . 6
Technical specifications . . .
EN . . 8
Accessories and Spare Parts
EN . . 9
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN . . 9
EC Declaration of Conformity
EN . . 9
Safety instructions
Safety Devices
Emergency-stop button
Safety button
Symbols in the operating instruc-
Function Proper use Environmental protection
The packaging materials are
recyclable. Please do not throw
packaging in the domestic
waste but pass it on for recy-
Old units contain valuable recy-
clable materials. Batteries, oil
and similar substances may
not be released into the envi-
ronment. Therefore please dis-
pose of old units through
suitable collection systems.
Control elements
Operator console
15 EN
- Deutsch
- Vor Inbetriebnahme
- Betrieb
- Transport
- Hilfe bei Störungen
- Technische Daten
- Zubehör und Ersatzteile Garantie EG-Konformitätserklärung
- English
- Before Startup
- Operation
- Transport
- Troubleshooting
- Technical specifications
- Accessories and Spare Parts Warranty EC Declaration of Conformity
- Français
- Avant la mise en service
- Fonctionnement
- Transport
- Assistance en cas de panne
- Caractéristiques techniques
- Accessoires et pièces de re- change Garantie Déclaration de conformité CE
- Italiano
- Prima della messa in funzio- ne
- Funzionamento
- Trasporto
- Guida alla risoluzione dei guasti
- Dati tecnici
- Accessori e ricambi Garanzia Dichiarazione di conformità CE
- Nederlands
- Voor de inbedrijfstelling
- Werking
- Transport
- Hulp bij storingen
- Technische gegevens
- Toebehoren en reserveonder- delen Garantie EG-conformiteitsverklaring
- Español
- Antes de la puesta en marcha
- Funcionamiento
- Transporte
- Ayuda en caso de avería
- Datos técnicos
- Accesorios y piezas de re- puesto Garantía Declaración de conformidad CE
- Português
- Antes de colocar em funcio- namento
- Funcionamento
- Transporte
- Conservação e manutenção
- Ajuda em caso de avarias
- Dados técnicos
- Acessórios e peças sobres- salentesGarantia Declaração de conformidade CE
- Dansk
- Inden ibrugtagning
- Drift
- Transport
- Hjælp ved fejl
- Tekniske data
- Tilbehør og reservedele Garanti EU-overensstemmelseser- klæring
- Norsk
- Før den tas i bruk
- Drift
- Transport
- Feilretting
- Tekniske data
- Tilbehør og reservedeler Garanti EU-samsvarserklæring
- Svenska
- Före ibruktagande
- Drift
- Transport
- Åtgärder vid störningar
- Tekniska data
- Tillbehör och reservdelar Garanti Försäkran om EU-överens- stämmelse
- Suomi
- Ennen käyttöönottoa
- Käyttö
- Kuljetus
- Häiriöapu
- Tekniset tiedot
- Varusteet ja varaosat Takuu EU-standardinmukaisuusto- distus
- Πίνακας περιεχομένων
- Πριν τη θέση σε λειτουργία
- Λειτουργία
- Μεταφορά
- Αντιμετώπιση βλαβών
- Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά
- Εξαρτήματα και ανταλλακτικά Εγγύηση Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης των Ε . Κ .
- Türkçe
- Cihaz ı çal ı ş t ı rmaya ba ş lama- dan önce
- Çal ı ş t ı rma
- Ta ş ı ma
- Ar ı zalarda yard ı m
- Teknik Bilgiler
- Aksesuarlar ve yedek parça- lar Garanti AB uygunluk bildirisi
- Оглавление
- Перед началом работы
- Эксплуатация
- Транспортировка
- Помощь в случае непола - док
- Технические данные
- Принадлежности и запас - ные детали Гарантия Заявление о соответствии ЕС
- Magyar
- Üzembevétel el ő tt
- Üzem
- Szállítás
- Segítség üzemzavar esetén
- M ű szaki adatok
- Tartozékok és alkatrészek Garancia EK konformitási nyiltakozat
- eština
- P ř ed uvedením do provozu
- Provoz
- P ř eprava
- Pomoc p ř i poruchách
- Technické údaje
- P ř íslušenství a náhradní díly Záruka Prohlášení o shod ě pro ES
- Slovenšina
- Pred zagonom
- Obratovanje
- Transport
- Pomo č pri motnjah
- Tehni č ni podatki
- Pribor in nadomestni deli Garancija ES-izjava o skladnosti
- Polski
- Przed pierwszym uruchomie- niem
- Dzia ł anie
- Transport
- Czyszczenie i konserwacja
- Usuwanie usterek
- Dane techniczne
- Wyposa ż enie dodatkowe i cz ęś ci zamienne Gwarancja Deklaracja zgodno ś ci UE
- Românete
- Înainte de punerea în func ţ iu- ne
- Func ţ ionarea
- Transportul
- Remedierea defec ţ iunilor
- Date tehnice
- Accesorii ş i piese de schimb Garan ţ ie Declara ţ ie de conformitate CE
- Slovenina
- Pred uvedením do prevádzky
- Prevádzka
- Preprava
- Pomoc pri poruchách
- Technické údaje
- Príslušenstvo a náhradné die- ly Záruka Vyhlásenie o zhode s norma- mi EÚ
- Hrvatski
- Prije prve uporabe
- U radu
- Transport
- Otklanjanje smetnji
- Tehni č ki podaci
- Pribor i pri č uvni dijelovi Jamstvo EZ izjava o uskla đ enosti
- Srpski
- Pre upotrebe
- Rad
- Transport
- Otklanjanje smetnji
- Tehni č ki podaci
- Pribor i rezervni delovi Garancija Izjava o uskla đ enosti sa propisima EZ
- Съдържание
- Преди пускане в експлоата - ция
- Експлоатация
- Транспорт
- Помощ при неизправности
- Технически данни
- Принадлежности и резерв - ни части Гаранция Декларация за съответ - ствие на ЕО
- Eesti
- Enne seadme kasutuselevõttu
- Käitamine
- Transport
- Abi häirete korral
- Tehnilised andmed
- Lisavarustus ja varuosad Garantii EÜ vastavusdeklaratsioon
- Latviešu
- Pirms ekspluat ā cijas uzs ā k- šanas
- Darb ī ba
- Apar ā ta p ā rvietošana
- Pal ī dz ī ba darb ī bas trauc ē ju- mu gad ī jum ā
- Tehniskie dati
- Piederumi un rezerves da ļ as Garantija EK Atbilst ī bas deklar ā cija
- Lietuviškai
- Prieš pradedant naudoti
- Naudojimas
- Transportavimas
- Pagalba gedim ų atveju
- Techniniai duomenys
- Priedai ir atsargin ė s dalys Garantija EB atitikties deklaracija
- Зміст
- Перед початком роботи
- Експлуатація
- Транспортування
- Допомога у випадку неполадок
- Технічні характеристики
- Приладдя й запасні деталі Гарантія Заява при відповідність Європейського співтовариства