Pioneer DEH-200MP: Operating this unit
Operating this unit: Pioneer DEH-200MP

Operating this unit
L.CLASS Light classical music
! Sound may be temporarily interrupted by an-
CLASSIC Classical music
other program during an AF frequency
EDUCATE Educational programs
DRAMA Radio plays and serials
! AF can be turned on or off independently for
CULTURE National or regional culture
each FM band.
SCIENCE Nature, science and technology
VARIED Light entertainment
CHILDREN Children’s
Using PI Seek
SOCIAL Social affairs
RELIGION Religious affairs or services
If the tuner can’t find a suitable station, or re-
PHONE IN Phone in
ception status becomes bad, the unit will auto-
TOURING Travel programs; not for traffic an-
matically search for a different station with a
same programming. During the search,
LEISURE Hobbies and recreational activities
PI SEEK is displayed and the output is muted.
DOCUMENT Docu mentaries
Using Auto PI Seek for preset stations
Receiving PTY alarm broadcasts
When preset stations cannot be recalled, as
When the emergency PTY code broadcasts,
when travelling long distances, the unit can
the unit receives it automatically (ALARM ap-
be set to perform PI Seek during preset recall.
pears). When the broadcasting ends, the sys-
! The default setting for Auto PI Seek is off.
tem returns to the previous source.
See Switching Auto PI Seek on page 13.
! An emergency announcement can be can-
celed by pressing TA.
Limiting stations to regional
When AF is used, the regional function limits
Selecting alternative frequencies
the selection of stations broadcasting regional
When the tuner can’t get good reception, the
unit automatically search for a different sta-
tion in a same network.
1 Press FUNCTION to select REG.
% Press and hold TA repeatedly to turn AF
2 Press a or b to turn the regional func-
(alternative frequency search) on or off.
tion on or off.
! You can also turn the AF function on or off in
! Regional programming and regional networks
the menu that appears with the pressing of
are organized differently depending on the
country (i.e., they may change according to
! Only RDS stations are tuned in during seek
the hour, state or broadcast area).
tuning or BSM when AF is on.
! The preset number may disappear from the
! When you recall a preset station, the tuner
display if the tuner tunes in a regional station
may update the preset station with a new fre-
which differs from the originally set station.
quency from the station’s AF list. (This is only
! The regional function can be turned on or off
available when using presets on the F1 or F2
independently for each FM band.
bands.) No preset number appears on the dis-
play if the RDS data for the station received
differs from that for the originally stored sta-
- Contents
- Before You Start
- Operating this unit
- Operating this unit
- Operating this unit
- Operating this unit
- Operating this unit
- Operating this unit
- Operating this unit
- Operating this unit
- Operating this unit
- Connections
- Installation
- Installation
- Additional Information
- Compressed audio files
- Additional Information
- Содержание
- Перед началом эксплуатации
- Перед началом эксплуатации
- Описание элементов
- Управление данным устройством
- Управление данным устройством
- Управление данным устройством
- Управление данным устройством
- Управление данным устройством
- Управление данным устройством
- Управление данным устройством
- Управление данным устройством
- Управление данным устройством Регулировки
- Управление данным устройством
- Управление данным устройством
- Соединения
- Соединения Схема подключения
- Установка
- Установка
- Дополнительная информация Сообщения об ошибках Рекомендации по обращению
- Дополнительная информация
- Дополнительная информация