Karcher KM 120/150 R P 2SB: Function Proper use

Function Proper use: Karcher KM 120/150 R P 2SB

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setting room before commissioning the 

vehicle or its electrical unit. 

Immediately inform the trade associa-

tion and the concerned trade superviso-

ry authority about accidents with gas 

cylinders or LPG units.  Store the dam-

aged parts carefully until all investiga-

tions have been completed.

Propellants or LPG cylinders must al-

ways be stored according to the regula-

tions of TRF 1996 (Technical 

Regulations for Liquid Gases, refer DA 

to BGV D34, Appendix 4). 

Always store the gas cylinders in a ver-

tical position. Use of open flames and 

smoking at the installation site of the 

cylinders and during repairs is strictly 

prohibited. Protect the stored cylinders 

against unauthorised access. Close all 

empty cylinders properly. 

Close the cylinder and main locking 

valves immediately when you switch off 

the vehicle. 

Follow the regulations for garages and 

the construction guidelines of the re-

spective State about the location and 

structure of the parking areas for LPG-

driven vehicles.  

Gas cylinders are to be stored in sepa-

rate rooms away from the parking areas 

(refer DA to BGV D34, Appendix 2). 

The electrical hand-held lamps used in 

the rooms are to be equipped with 

closed, sealed case and a strong pro-

tection cover. 

Close all cylinder and main valves be-

fore working in repair workshops and 

protect the gas cylinders against effect 

of external heat. 

A responsible person must check that 

all valves, especially the cylinder 

valves, are closed during operational 

breaks and before closing the factory.  

Do not carry out any jobs involving fire - 

such as cutting and welding jobs - in the 

vicinity of the gas cylinders.  Do not 

store gas cylinders, not even empty 

ones, in the workshops.  

The parking and storage rooms and the 

repair workshops must be ventilated 

properly. Please note that liquefied gas-

es are heavier than atmospheric air. 

They get collected on the floor, in re-

cesses and other holes in the floors and 

form a gas-air mixture that can lead to 


Figure 1

The sweeper operates using the overthrow 


The side brushes (3) clean the corners 

and edges of the surface, moving dirt 

and debris into the path of the roller 


The rotating roller brush (4) moves the 

dirt and debris directly into the waste 

container (5).

The dust raised in the container is sep-

arated by the dust filter (2) and the fil-

tered clean air is drawn off by the 

suction fan (1).

Use this appliance only as directed in these 

operating instructions.

The machine with working equipment 

must be checked to ensure that it is in 

proper working order and is operating 

safely prior to use. Otherwise, the appli-

ance must not be used.

This sweeper has been designed to 

sweep dirt and debris from outdoor sur-


Only KM 120/150 R LPG: This sweeper 

is also suitable for sweeping dirty floors 

in closed spaces provided the same are 

ventilated adequately. 

The machine can only be used on pub-

lic highways with the StVZO extension 


The machine is not suitable for vacuum-

ing dust which endangers health.

The machine may not be modified.

Never vacuum up explosive liquids, 

combustible gases or undiluted acids 

and solvents. This includes petrol, paint 

thinner or heating oil which can gener-

ate explosive fumes or mixtures upon 

contact with the suction air. Acetone, 

undiluted acids and solvents must also 

be avoided as they can harm the mate-

rials on the machine.

Do not sweep/vacuum up any burning 

or glowing objects.

The machine is only suitable for use on 

the types of surfaces specified in the 

operating instructions.

The machine may only be operated on 

the surfaces approved by the company 

or its authorised representatives.

The machine may not be used or stored 

in hazardous areas. It is not allowed to 

use the appliance in hazardous loca-


The following applies in general: Keep 

highly-flammable substances away 

from the appliance (danger of explo-



Industrial floor



Paving stones

Notes about the ingredients (REACH)

You will find current information about the 

ingredients at: 


In the installation and storage rooms as 

well as the workshops 

Function Proper use

Suitable surfaces

Environmental protection

The packaging material can be 

recycled. Please do not throw 

the packaging material into 

household waste; please send 

it for recycling.

Old appliances contain valua-

ble materials that can be recy-

cled; these should be sent for 

recycling. Batteries, oil, and 

similar substances must not 

enter the environment. Please 

dispose of your old appliances 

using appropriate collection 


Please do not release engine oil, fuel oil, 

diesel and petrol into the environment 

Protect the ground and dispose of used 

oil in an environmentally-clean manner.

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