LG KG225: KG225 Features

KG225 Features: LG KG225

KG225 Features

Parts of the phone

KG225 Features

Open view


Display screen

Favourites key

Message key

Right soft key

Left soft key

Camera key

Calendar key

Confirm key

Profile key

End/Power key

Send key

Clear/Cancel key

Phone book list key

Numeric key

Star key

Special function keys



Rear view

KG225 Features

Handstrap hole

Battery latch

Headset jack

SIM card socket


Battery terminals

Cable connector/

Hands-free car kit connector


KG225 Features

Key description

KG225 Features

The following shows key components of the phone.


Keypad description

Send Key


You can dial a phone number and answer a

call. If you press this key without entering a

Left soft key / Right soft key

number, your phone shows the most recently

Each of these keys performs the function

dialled, received and missed calls.

indicated by the text on the display

immediately above it.

Numeric keys

These keys are used mainly to dial in standby

Navigation keys

mode and enter numbers or characters in

Use to scroll through menus and move the

editing mode.

cursor. You can also use these keys for quick


When you press these keys for a long time.

access to the following functions.

• Used to call your voicemail box .

• Up navigation key ( ): A shortcut key

• Used to add the international prefix .

to access Favourites.

• Used to call Speed dials from to .

• Down navigation key ( ): A shortcut

• Used to enter a pause .

key to search the phonebook list.

• Left navigation key ( ): A shortcut key to


the Profile menu.

Used to end or reject a call. This key is also

• Right( )message inbox key : A shortcut

used as Power Key by pressing and holding

key to List of Messages

this key for a few seconds.



Clear key

KG225 Features

Deletes a character by each press. Hold the

key down to clear all input. Also use this key

to go back to the previous screen.

Side keys


Up/Down side keys

When you open the flip, you can control the

volume of key tone in the standby mode and

the volume during a call.


KG225 Features

The table below describes various display indicators

or icons that appear on the phone’s display screen.

KG225 Features

On-Screen icons

Icon/Indicator Description

Icon/Indicator Description

Tells you the strength of the

Vibrate only menu in profile.

network signal.

General profile is activated.

Call is connected.

Loud profile is activated.

You can use GPRS service.

Silent profile is activated.

Shows that you are using a

roaming service.

Headset profile is activated.

Line 1/2 is in use for outgoing calls – if

Car profile is activated.

you subscribe to the Two Line Service.

You can divert a call.

The alarm has been set and is on.

Indicates that the phone is accessing the

Tells you the status of the battery.


You have received a text message.

Indicates that you are using GPRS.

You have received a voice message.

You have received a push message.