Karcher B 90 R Classic Bp Pack дисковая-роликовая: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting: Karcher B 90 R Classic Bp Pack дисковая-роликовая

Repeat process on the drawbar on the
opposite side.
Push the pedal for raising/ lowering the
cleaning head down.
Slide the cleaning head under the appli-
ance so that the hose points toward the
Only slide the cleaning head halfway
under the appliance.
Figure 19, see cover page
Unscrew the star handle and remove
the lid.
Figure 20, see cover page
Connect the power cord of the cleaning
head to the appliance (same colours
must meet).
Slide the lid in and screw tight.
Slide the cleaning head halfway under
the appliance.
Figure 16, see cover page
Connect the hose couplers on the
cleaning head to the hose on the appli-
Figure 21, see cover page
Insert the tab into the middle of the
cleaning head, between the fork of the
Position the lever on the pedal for rais-
ing/lowering so that the borings in the
lever and the cleaning head align.
Insert the stop pin through the bushings
and swivel the locking plate downward.
Figure 22, see cover page
Insert the cylinder pin into the boring of
the drawbar.
Slide the drawbar with the pin the guide
channel on the cleaning head all the
way to the bottom.
Insert the locking plate into the guide
channel and lock it in.
Repeat process on the drawbar on the
opposite side.
Figure 23, see cover page
Press in the locking plate and swivel the
drawbar upward.
The subsequent removal will take place in
the opposite order of the installation.
The removal will take place in the opposite
order of the installation.
Lift the cleaning head.
Figure 24, see cover page
Loosen the lock of the wiper flap.
Swivel the wiping flap out of the way.
Figure 25, see cover page
Loosen the lock of the wiper flap.
Push the bearing lid down and remove.
Pull out the brush roller.
Insert a new brush roller.
Reattach the bearing lid and the wiper
flap in reverse sequence.
Repeat process on the opposite side.
Lift the cleaning head.
Press the pedal for changing the brush-
es downward beyond its resistance.
Pull the disc brush out of the side below
the cleaning head.
Hold the new disc brush under the
cleaning head, push upward and lock.
Unscrew the right stepping platform
and remove along with the drive pedal.
Figure 26, see cover page
1 Covering lid
2 Cover
3 Hose switch
4 Pump hose
5 Rotor
Remove covering lid.
Remove cover.
Remove the hose holder with the pump
hose (turn manually to remove the rotor
Replace pump hose.
Dosing pump and appliance are
brought into operational state by per-
forming the same steps in the reverse
In case of danger of frost:
Empty the fresh and dirt water reser-
Store the appliance in a frost-protected
Risk of injury! Before carrying out any tasks
on the machine, set the main key to "0" and
remove it. Press emergency-stop button.
Place the appliance on a stable, even sur-
face and disconnect the battery.
Drain and dispose of the dirt water and
the residual fresh water.
In case of faults that cannot be remedied
using the table below please contact the
customer service.
Defective pole fuses should only be re-
placed by the service center. If these fuses
are defective, then customer service center
has to check the usage conditions and the
entire control system.
If errors appear on the display, then pro-
ceed as follows:
Set the key switch to "0" (switch off the
Wait till the text on the display has dis-
Set the main switch again to "1" (switch
on the machine). Carry out the trouble-
shooting measures in the given se-
quence only if the fault occurs again. At
such times, always bring the main
switch to the "0" position and ensure
that the emergency-stop button is de-
If the fault cannot be repaired, call cus-
tomer service and mention the error
Error messages that are not listed in the fol-
lowing table, point to errors that cannot be
fixed by the operator. If these are dis-
played, consult Customer Service.
Install R cleaning head
Remove D cleaning head
Remove R cleaning head
Replacing the brush rollers
Replacing the Disk Brushes
Replace pump hose (only Dose model)
Frost protection
Replace fuses
Fault indication
Faults with display
E: Did you press
the emergency
stop button !?!
Press emergency-stop button.
Release emergency-stop button by turning. Set the main switch to "0". Wait
until display goes off. Set the main switch back to "1".
E: Pow.module hot
Let cool down!
Control is overheated
Turn the key switch to "0". Wait at least 5 minutes to let the control cool off.
Turn the appliance back on.
E: Overload
Overload on brush motor
Set key switch to “0”. Wait for 3 seconds. Turn the appliance back on. Reduce
the brush contact pressure.
E: Hardw. failure
Interference in the integrated
charger (only Pack model)
Disconnect the power cord plug of the charger. Wait for 10 seconds. Plug in
the power cord plug. If the error message appears again: Call customer serv-
E: Failure char-
ging battery
Battery defective
Check battery.
20 EN

E: Overload
Drive motor has got overheated
due to a steep climb or locked
Allow machine to cool down at least 15 minutes. Set key switch to “0”. Wait
for 3 seconds. Turn the appliance back on. Avoid frequent uphill driving.
Seat switch!
Please sit down!
Seat contact switch has not been
Release the drive pedal. Have a seat.
Release gaspedal
The gas pedal is depressed when
the main switch is on.
Release drive pedal and reactivate.
Followup suction
Shutdown shortly
The key switch was turned to "0"
while the suction turbine was run-
The suction turbine trails with a delay of 10 seconds. Wait until the appliance
shuts itself off after 10 seconds.
Dirttank full
Cleaning stops
Dirt water reservoir is full.
Empty the dirt water reservoir.
Emergency brake
operation! Drive at
ground level
Parking brake is defective.
Danger! Do not drive over upward/downward slopes.
Park the machine on an even surface.
Secure the machine with wheel chock(s) to prevent it from rolling away.
Inform Customer Service.
Faults without display on the console
Appliance cannot be started
Insert battery plug.
Set main switch to “1”
Safety switch not activated, sit down on the seat.
The machine operates only if the operator is seated on the seat.
Release emergency-stop button.
Set the key switch to "0". Wait approx. 10 minutes before turning the key switch to "1" again. If possible,
use the unit only on level surfaces. Check immobilizing brake and foot brake if required.
Take your foot off the accelerator before switching on the main switch. If the fault recurs, call customer
Check battery; charge it, if needed
Insufficient water quantity
Check fresh water level, refill tank if necessary.
Check hoses for blockages; clean if required.
R cleaning head: Remove the water distributor strip and clean it.
Clean the fresh water filter.
Insufficient vacuum perform-
Clean the seals between dirt water reservoir and cover and check for tightness, replace if required.
Clean the flat fold filter in the waste water tank
Clean the vacuum lips on the vacuum bar, turn or replace if required
Check suction hose for blockages; clean if required.
Check the suction hose for tightness; replace if required.
Check if the cover on the dirt water discharge hose is closed
Check the setting of the vacuum bar.
Attach additional weight (accessory) to the vacuum bar.
Insufficient cleaning result
Adjust the contact pressure (not with Eco model)
Adjust the wiper flaps (not with Eco model)
Check the brushes for wear, replace if required.
Brushes do not turn
Reduce the contact pressure (not with Eco model)
Check if foreign matters block the brushes; remove foreign matter if required.
Motor overload, allow to cool down. Set the key switch to "0". Wait approx. 10 minutes before turning
the key switch to "1" again.
Drain hose for dirty water is
Open dosing equipment at the drain hose. Pull out the suction hose from suction beam and close it by
hand. Set the program selection switch to suction or vacuuming. The blockage will be sucked out from
the drain hose into the dirt water tank.
Detergent metering Dose (on-
ly Dose) does not function
Inform Customer Service.
21 EN
- Deutsch
- Vor Inbetriebnahme
- Betrieb
- Transport
- Hilfe bei Störungen
- Technische Daten
- Zubehör und Ersatzteile Garantie EG-Konformitätserklärung
- English
- Before Startup
- Operation
- Transport
- Troubleshooting
- Technical specifications
- Accessories and Spare Parts Warranty EC Declaration of Conformity
- Français
- Avant la mise en service
- Fonctionnement
- Transport
- Assistance en cas de panne
- Caractéristiques techniques
- Accessoires et pièces de re- change Garantie Déclaration de conformité CE
- Italiano
- Prima della messa in funzio- ne
- Funzionamento
- Trasporto
- Guida alla risoluzione dei guasti
- Dati tecnici
- Accessori e ricambi Garanzia Dichiarazione di conformità CE
- Nederlands
- Voor de inbedrijfstelling
- Werking
- Transport
- Hulp bij storingen
- Technische gegevens
- Toebehoren en reserveonder- delen Garantie EG-conformiteitsverklaring
- Español
- Antes de la puesta en marcha
- Funcionamiento
- Transporte
- Ayuda en caso de avería
- Datos técnicos
- Accesorios y piezas de re- puesto Garantía Declaración de conformidad CE
- Português
- Antes de colocar em funcio- namento
- Funcionamento
- Transporte
- Conservação e manutenção
- Ajuda em caso de avarias
- Dados técnicos
- Acessórios e peças sobres- salentesGarantia Declaração de conformidade CE
- Dansk
- Inden ibrugtagning
- Drift
- Transport
- Hjælp ved fejl
- Tekniske data
- Tilbehør og reservedele Garanti EU-overensstemmelseser- klæring
- Norsk
- Før den tas i bruk
- Drift
- Transport
- Feilretting
- Tekniske data
- Tilbehør og reservedeler Garanti EU-samsvarserklæring
- Svenska
- Före ibruktagande
- Drift
- Transport
- Åtgärder vid störningar
- Tekniska data
- Tillbehör och reservdelar Garanti Försäkran om EU-överens- stämmelse
- Suomi
- Ennen käyttöönottoa
- Käyttö
- Kuljetus
- Häiriöapu
- Tekniset tiedot
- Varusteet ja varaosat Takuu EU-standardinmukaisuusto- distus
- Πίνακας περιεχομένων
- Πριν τη θέση σε λειτουργία
- Λειτουργία
- Μεταφορά
- Αντιμετώπιση βλαβών
- Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά
- Εξαρτήματα και ανταλλακτικά Εγγύηση Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης των Ε . Κ .
- Türkçe
- Cihaz ı çal ı ş t ı rmaya ba ş lama- dan önce
- Çal ı ş t ı rma
- Ta ş ı ma
- Ar ı zalarda yard ı m
- Teknik Bilgiler
- Aksesuarlar ve yedek parça- lar Garanti AB uygunluk bildirisi
- Оглавление
- Перед началом работы
- Эксплуатация
- Транспортировка
- Помощь в случае непола - док
- Технические данные
- Принадлежности и запас - ные детали Гарантия Заявление о соответствии ЕС
- Magyar
- Üzembevétel el ő tt
- Üzem
- Szállítás
- Segítség üzemzavar esetén
- M ű szaki adatok
- Tartozékok és alkatrészek Garancia EK konformitási nyiltakozat
- eština
- P ř ed uvedením do provozu
- Provoz
- P ř eprava
- Pomoc p ř i poruchách
- Technické údaje
- P ř íslušenství a náhradní díly Záruka Prohlášení o shod ě pro ES
- Slovenšina
- Pred zagonom
- Obratovanje
- Transport
- Pomo č pri motnjah
- Tehni č ni podatki
- Pribor in nadomestni deli Garancija ES-izjava o skladnosti
- Polski
- Przed pierwszym uruchomie- niem
- Dzia ł anie
- Transport
- Czyszczenie i konserwacja
- Usuwanie usterek
- Dane techniczne
- Wyposa ż enie dodatkowe i cz ęś ci zamienne Gwarancja Deklaracja zgodno ś ci UE
- Românete
- Înainte de punerea în func ţ iu- ne
- Func ţ ionarea
- Transportul
- Remedierea defec ţ iunilor
- Date tehnice
- Accesorii ş i piese de schimb Garan ţ ie Declara ţ ie de conformitate CE
- Slovenina
- Pred uvedením do prevádzky
- Prevádzka
- Preprava
- Pomoc pri poruchách
- Technické údaje
- Príslušenstvo a náhradné die- ly Záruka Vyhlásenie o zhode s norma- mi EÚ
- Hrvatski
- Prije prve uporabe
- U radu
- Transport
- Otklanjanje smetnji
- Tehni č ki podaci
- Pribor i pri č uvni dijelovi Jamstvo EZ izjava o uskla đ enosti
- Srpski
- Pre upotrebe
- Rad
- Transport
- Otklanjanje smetnji
- Tehni č ki podaci
- Pribor i rezervni delovi Garancija Izjava o uskla đ enosti sa propisima EZ
- Съдържание
- Преди пускане в експлоата - ция
- Експлоатация
- Транспорт
- Помощ при неизправности
- Технически данни
- Принадлежности и резерв - ни части Гаранция Декларация за съответ - ствие на ЕО
- Eesti
- Enne seadme kasutuselevõttu
- Käitamine
- Transport
- Abi häirete korral
- Tehnilised andmed
- Lisavarustus ja varuosad Garantii EÜ vastavusdeklaratsioon
- Latviešu
- Pirms ekspluat ā cijas uzs ā k- šanas
- Darb ī ba
- Apar ā ta p ā rvietošana
- Pal ī dz ī ba darb ī bas trauc ē ju- mu gad ī jum ā
- Tehniskie dati
- Piederumi un rezerves da ļ as Garantija EK Atbilst ī bas deklar ā cija
- Lietuviškai
- Prieš pradedant naudoti
- Naudojimas
- Transportavimas
- Pagalba gedim ų atveju
- Techniniai duomenys
- Priedai ir atsargin ė s dalys Garantija EB atitikties deklaracija
- Зміст
- Перед початком роботи
- Експлуатація
- Транспортування
- Допомога у випадку неполадок
- Технічні характеристики
- Приладдя й запасні деталі Гарантія Заява при відповідність Європейського співтовариства