Karcher EB 30/1 Professional: Operation
Operation: Karcher EB 30/1 Professional

Notes about the ingredients (REACH)
Symbols on the device
You will find current information about the
ingredients at:
– Protect the charger against moisture
and store it dry. The device is only suit-
able for use in rooms; do not expose the
device to rain.
New battery packs reach their full capacity
after approx. 5 charging and discharging
Proper use
The charger is suitable for charging the fol-
Recharge battery packs again if they have
lowing battery packs with nominal voltage
not been used for a long time.
of 3.6 V to 28.8 V:
The performance of the battery pack reduc-
es when temperature falls below –10 °C.
Storage for a long time at temperatures
above 40 °C can reduce the capacity of a
battery pack.
Insert the mains plug into the socket.
– The device conducts a self-test. Both
the LEDs glow for 1 second. The de-
battery type
Nominal capacity
Charging time,
Order number
vice then goes into the stand-by mode:
V Ah min
both LEDs get switched off.
Slide the batter pack on the battery
7,2 NiCd 1,5 50 -186.0
holder of the charger.
7,2 Li-Ion 1,3 58 -257.0
– The battery pack will be charged auto-
matically; the green LED blinks.
7,2 Li-Ion 2,6 93 -273.0
– If the battery pack is too hot or too cold,
25,2 Li-Ion 3,3 115 -183.0
the red LED glows. The charging pro-
cess starts when the battery pack has
25,2 Li-Ion 3,3 115 -255.0
reached the correct charging tempera-
25,2 Li-Ion 4,5 160 -284.0
ture (5 °C ... 45 °C).
– When the battery pack is fully charged,
Environmental protection
the green LED glows. The charger au-
tomatically switches to retention charg-
The packaging material can be recy-
cled. Please do not place the packag-
Remove the battery pack and insert it in
ing into the ordinary refuse for disposal, but
the device.
arrange for the proper recycling.
Old appliances contain valuable ma-
terials that can be recycled; these
The charged battery pack can remain on
should be sent for recycling. Batteries
the charger till it is to be used. There is no
and accumulators contain substances that
risk of over-charging.
must not enter the environment. Please
dispose off old devices, batteries and re-
chargeable batteries through suitable
waste collection systems.
– 2
- Deutsch
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- Italiano
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- Nederlands
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- Hulp bij storingen
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