LG KG300: Browser
Browser: LG KG300

Service describe in the following are supported by your
Homepage [Menu *-1-1]
service provider. If you cannot connect either one of
To access the browser from the standby mode, go to
those services, you might contact with your service
WAP in Service and press Homepage. Once connected,
provider for further information.
the homepage is displayed. The content depends on the
service provider.
WAP [Menu *-1]
To exit the browser, press
S key.
Your phones support Web Browser. You can obtain
various services such as up-to date news, weather,
Bookmarks [Menu *-1-2]
sport, and other information as well as use e-mail and
You can use this menu to save URL addresses to quick
other Internet services. These services are designed
access a website.
and maintained by WAP service providers.
Your phone also provides you for the following
The WAP service use Wireless Markup Language
selections for your option.
(WML) on their WAP pages. You may not view the
• Goto: Allows you to link the website.
Internet web pages on your phone.
• Edit: Allows you to edit URL address.
! Note
• Delete: Allows you to delete the selected bookmark.
To activate WAP service, you may need to contact your
• Delete all: Allows you to delete all bookmarks at once.
service provider.
• Add bookmark: Allows you to add URL address.
! Note
Recent pages [Menu *-1-3]
Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is
You can view the recent pages you have visited. Press
prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
Goto to connect the selected page.

Enter address [Menu *-1-4]
WAP setting
You can key in the URL address and enter the address
• If the settings have made by the service provider, you
followed by selecting Done. Your phone will connect the
may begin immediately.
URL you just keyed in. After the address is entered, you
• If access profiles have assigned by your service
may select the URL and press OK to connect next time.
provider, select a profile and activate it.
• Otherwise you may key in setting manually. For
Service inbox [Menu *-1-5]
appropriate settings, contact your network operator
Your phone is able to receive service message sent
or service provider.
by your service provider. Service messages are
Key in the service settings manually
notifications of headlines or content, and they may
contain address of a WAP service. You can get updated
1. In WAP menu, choose Edit profile in Settings, and
news or new WAP settings from your service provider.
then press OK
The received WAP push message will be stored in the
2. Choose a profile, press OK, choose Edit profile, press
service inbox. You can press Options to either Accept or
Edit to start setting.
| Browser
Delete the push message(s).
You need to key in the information in Homepage, Data
account, Username, Password and IP address in your
Settings [Menu *-1-6]
phone. To get the information, you may need to contact
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a technology
your operator.
that use for sending and receiving data over the mobile
! Note
network. The applications that use GPRS are WAP
In most cases, you only need to use one of the default
services, MMS and SMS messaging and GPRS dial-up
profiles to access the Internet. The settings are different
(such as Internet and e-mail). You can set the phone
from operator to operator. Please consult your operator or
to automatically register to a GPRS network when you
service provider for the correct settings and proceed with
switch the phone on.
care. Wrong settings will cause the connection to fail.

Activate WAP settings
Clear cookies
After you complete all WAP settings (see WAP settings
Under the consideration of privacy and security issue,
function), in WAP Profile mode, please choose Activate
we would suggest you to clear cookies which may
profile, and then press OK.
contain sensitive information just in case your phone is
misplaced, lost or stolen.
Browser options
You can set the timeout value for the browser. The
Trusted certificates
purpose is to stop the browser connecting the website
This function is to indicate your trusted certificate when
if the website does not respond within the timeout.
browsing and also adding the trust list into the browser
Also, you can choose either On or Off the image while
if needed.
Service message settings
Data account [Menu *-2]
Default data accounts based on major operators at the
You can choose either receive or not receive the
service message which would be saved in the service
time this phone is manufactured are provide.
inbox sent by your service provider.
You can access WAP via GSM or GPRS.
Clear cache
• To get the analogue number or ISDN number
information, you may need to contact your operator
The information or date you have accessed are all
for the service.
stored in the cache of the phone. A cache is a file buffer
used to store date only temporarily. You can clear the
• To get the access point of GPRS, you may need to
history by selecting this option.
contact your operator for the service.

GSM data
Press Edit to change the data account settings,
including: Account name, Number, User name,
Password, Line type, Speed and DNS.
Press Edit to change the data account settings,
including: Account name, APN, User name, Password
and Auth. type.
| Browser
- Оглавление
- Общая информация
- Ваш телефон
- Подготовка
- Функции вызова
- Язык
- Схема меню
- Проигрыватель
- Вызовы
- Органайзер
- Мультимедиа
- Сообщения
- Мои папки
- Профили
- Контакты
- Инструменты
- Браузер
- Соединения
- Настройки
- Поиск неисправностей
- Вызов экстренных служб
- Аксессуары
- Технические характеристики
- Contents
- General information
- Your phone
- Getting Started
- Call functions
- Input method
- Listing of Functions
- Music player
- Call history
- Organiser
- Multimedia
- Messaging
- My stuff
- Profiles
- Contacts
- Tools
- Browser
- Connectivity
- Settings
- Troubleshooting
- Emergency calls
- Accessories
- Technical data