LG KG300: Profiles


Profiles : LG KG300


You can set following different profiles to adapt to

Indication Icon in the idle screen

different environment conditions.

Icon Profile Mode Icon Profile Mode

Your phone provides 7 different profiles, including:

General Silent

General: Standard profile as phone defaults setting.

Meeting Headset

Meeting: Ring volume is set to be low and key tone is

switched off.

Outdoor Bluetooth

Outdoor: Ring and key tone volume is set to be loud.

Vibrate only

Vibrate only: Ring and key tone volume is set to be off

and vibrator is switched on.

To activate the Profiles

Silent: Ring volume and vibrator is set to be off and

| Profiles

only LED is switched on.

1. In Profiles menu, choose a profile followed by

pressing OK.

Headset: Profile for headset plug-in.

2. Choose Activate and press OK


Bluetooth: You might customize your BT profile for

various options.

To edit the Profiles

You can customize the General profile settings to meet

your preference.

1. In Profiles menu, choose a profile followed by

pressing OK.

2. Choose Customize and press OK




Your phone provides the following selections for your

personalize option:

Tone setup: Allows you to set ring tone depend on

your favor

Volume: Allows you to adjust the volume of ring tone

and key tone.

Alert type: Allows you to select different alert type

including Ring, Vibration only, Vibrate and ring,

Ring after vibrate, Light only and Beep once.

Intelligent call alert: Allows your phone to have a


phone number pronounced before ringing.


Ring type: Allows you to either, single, repeat or

ascending when incoming comes.

Extra tone: Allows you to either on or off other tones.

Answer mode: Allows you to choose the way to

answer the phone.

Status LED: Allows you to choose enable or disable

your status LED if there is any signal.