LG A258: FM radio
FM radio: LG A258
of the applicable country
Listening to the radio
concerning the use of such
Press Menu and select
Media, then choose FM
FM radio
Select the channel number
Your LG-A258 has an FM radio
of the station you would like
feature so you can tune into
to listen to.
your favourite stations and
TIP! You can listen to the
listen on the move.
radio via built-in speaker. Press
During listening to the FM
Options, select Listen via
radio, you can also record a
short clip and save it.
Recording your radio
Note: You will need to insert
Press key during
your headset in order to listen
listening to the radio.
to the radio. Insert the plug into
The recording time is
the headset connector in order
displayed on your phone.
to listen to the radio and keep
If you want to stop the
the good radio reception.
recording, press Stop. If
Searching for stations
recording is done, the
Press Menu and select
recorded contents will be
Media, then choose FM
saved in Gallery as mp3 file.
Note: After recording your
Select Option and choose
radio, you can listen to all of
Auto scan then select Set.
the radio recordings you have
You can also use the left
saved by selecting Options and
and right navigation keys to
Go to Radio recordings.
search for stations.
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- Рекомендації щодо безпеки та ефективного використання
- Рекомендації щодо безпеки та ефективного використання
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- ш
- ы
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- FM-
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- Getting to know your phone
- Camera Music
- FM radio
- Bluetooth