LG A258: Bluetooth
Bluetooth: LG A258
TIP! To configure your recording
My address - View your
settings such as the saved
Bluetooth address.
memory, record type or Pre-
Pairing with another
recording, press Options and
Bluetooth device
select Recording settings.
Check your Bluetooth is
TIP! Pre-recording
On and Visible. You can
lets you record from some
change your visibility in the
seconds before you press the
Bluetooth Settings menu,
record button.
by selecting My device
visibility, then Visible.
Select Search new device
Changing your Bluetooth
from the Bluetooth menu.
Your LG-A258 will search for
Press Menu and select
devices. When the search is
Settings then choose
completed Add and Refresh
will appear on screen.
Select Settings
Choose the device you want
Make your changes to:
to pair with, then handset
My device visibility - Choose
create passcode by default
whether to Visible, Hidden or
everytime you connect.
Visible for 1 min your device
Your phone will then
to others.
connect to the other device.
My device name - Enter a
Your passcode protected
name for your LG-A258.
Bluetooth connection is now
Supported services - Shows
what it supports.
Language - You can change the
language for the display texts
When you use a
in your phone. This change will
Bluetooth headset, A2DP
also affect the language input
and AVRCP profiles are
not supported while
Battery status - Choose to
you play video. It means
switch the power save settings
you will not listen
Auto, Always on or Off. If you
video sound if you use
set Always on, you can save the
Bluetooth headset.
battery power.
Bluetooth file
Handset information - View the
transferring function will
technical information for your
be blocked under some
applications running.
(Voice call, Camera/
Camcorder, MusicPlayer,
Changing your phone
(Menu > Settings > Phone)
Enjoy the freedom of adapting
how your LG-A258 works for
your own style.
My navi key - You can change
the shortcuts of 4 navigation
Ukraine Restriction of Hazardous Substances
The equipment complies with requirements of the Technical
Regulation, in terms of restrictions for the use of certain
dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
- - Русский
- Знакомство с телефоном
- Установка SIM-карты и зарядка аккумулятора
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- - Українська
- Ознайомлення з телефоном
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- Диктофон
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- Інтернет
- Налаштування
- Синхронізація з ПК
- Оновлення
- Рекомендації щодо безпеки та ефективного використання
- Рекомендації щодо безпеки та ефективного використання
- Рекомендації щодо безпеки та ефективного використання
- Аксесуари
- Технічні дані
- ш
- ы
- К
- FM-
- Bluetooth
- English
- Getting to know your phone
- Camera Music
- FM radio
- Bluetooth