Karcher K 4 Compact Car: Environmental protection
Environmental protection: Karcher K 4 Compact Car

Dear Customer.
Environmental protection
Please read and comply with
these original instructions prior
The packaging material can be recy-
to the initial operation of your appliance and
cled. Please do not place the packag-
store them for later use or subsequent own-
ing into the ordinary refuse for dispos-
al, but arrange for the proper recy-
Old appliances contain valuable ma-
Scope of delivery . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .5
terials that can be recycled. Please
Proper use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .5
arrange for the proper recycling of old
appliances. Please dispose your old
Environmental protection . . . . . EN . . .5
appliances using appropriate collec-
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .5
tion systems.
Description of the Appliance. . . EN . . .8
The extraction of water from public
Before Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .8
waters is prohibited in some coun-
Start up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .9
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .9
Work with detergents must only be
Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . .10
performed on liquid-tight work surfac-
Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . 11
es with connections to the wastewa-
Maintenance and care . . . . . . . EN . . 11
ter runoff. Do not let release deter-
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . .12
gent into waters or earth.
Accessories and Spare Parts. . EN . .12
Cleaning operations which produce
oily waste water, e.g. engine washes,
Warranty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . .12
underbody washes, may only be car-
Technical specifications . . . . . . EN . .13
ried out using washing stations
EC Declaration of Conformity. . EN . .13
equipped with an oil separator.
Notes about the ingredients (REACH)
Scope of delivery
You will find current information about the
The scope of delivery of your appliance is il-
ingredients at:
lustrated on the packaging. Check the con-
tents of the appliance for completeness
when unpacking.
In the event of missing accessories or any
Meaning of the notes
transport damage, please contact your
Pointer to immediate danger, which leads
Proper use
to severe injuries or death.
This high pressure cleaner is designed for
몇 Warning
domestic use only.
Pointer to a possibly dangerous situation,
– for cleaning machines, vehicles, build-
which can lead to severe injuries or death.
ings, tools, facades, terraces, garden-
몇 Caution
ing tools, etc. by means of a high-pres-
Pointer to a possibly dangerous situation,
sure water jet (if necessary, with addi-
which can lead to minor injuries.
tional cleaning agents).
– with accessories, replacement parts
Pointer to a possibly dangerous situation,
and cleaning agents approved by
which can lead to property damage.
KÄRCHER. Please observe the infor-
mation accompanying the cleaning
14 EN
– 5

Unsuitable electrical extension cables
Symbols on the machine
can be hazardous. Only use electrical
extension cables outdoors which have
The appliance must not be direct-
been approved and labelled for this pur-
ly connected to the public drinking
pose and have an adequate cable
water network.
cross-section: 1 -10 m: 1.5 mm
1 Risk of damage! The appli-
10 - 30 m: 2.5 mm
ance must only be operated
Always fully unreel the extension cable
laying down (horizontal).
from the cable drum.
2 The high pressure jet may
For safety reasons, we recommend that
not be directed at persons,
you operate the appliance only via a re-
animals, live electrical equipment or at
sidual current device (max. 30 mA).
the appliance itself.
3 Protect the appliance against frost.
Safe handling
Electric components
Check important components, such as
high-pressure hose, hand spray gun
Never touch the mains plug and the
and safety installations, for damage pri-
socket with wet hands.
or to every operation. Immediately re-
Check the power cord with mains plug
place damaged components. Do not
for damage prior to every use. Immedi-
operate appliance with damaged com-
ately have damaged power cord re-
placed by an authorised customer ser-
The high-pressure jet must not be di-
vice / electrician. Do not operate an ap-
rected at other persons or the user him-
pliance if the power cord is damaged.
/herself to clean clothing or footwear.
All current-conducting parts in the work-
Never use the appliance to clean ob-
ing area must be protected against jet
jects containing hazardous substances
(e.g. asbestos).
The mains plug and the coupling of an
Vehicle tyres/tyre valves are suscepti-
extension cable must be watertight and
ble to damage from the high-pressure
must never lie in water. Moreover, the
jet and may burst. The first indication for
coupling may never lie on the ground.
this is a discolouration of the tyre. Dam-
The use of cable reels that ensure that
aged vehicle tyres/tyre valves are peril-
the sockets are at least 60 mm above
ous. Keep a minimum jet distance of
the ground is recommended.
30 cm during cleaning!
Make sure that the power cord or exten-
Keep packaging films away from chil-
sion cable is not damaged by running
dren, there is a risk of suffocation!
over, pinching, dragging or the like. Pro-
몇 Warning
tect the power cords from heat, oil, and
The appliance must not be operated by
sharp edges.
children or persons who have not been
몇 Warning
instructed accordingly.
The appliance may only be connected
This appliance is not intended for use
to alternating current. The voltage must
by persons with limited physical, senso-
correspond with the type plate of the
ry or mental capacities or lacking expe-
rience and/or skills, unless such per-
The appliance may only be connected
sons are accompanied and supervised
to an electric supply that has been in-
by a person in charge of their safety or
stalled by an electrician in accordance
they have received precise instructions
on the use of this appliance and have
with IEC 60364.
understood the resulting risks.
– 6

Children must not play with this appli-
If the appliance is used in hazardous ar-
eas (e.g. filling stations) the corre-
Supervise children to prevent them
sponding safety regulations must be
from playing with the appliance.
The user must use the appliance as in-
Personal protective equipment
tended. The person must consider the
local conditions and must pay attention
Wear protective clothing and safety gog-
to other persons in the vicinity when
gles to protect against splash back contain-
working with the appliance.
ing water or dirt.
High-pressure hoses, fixtures and cou-
plings are important for the safety of the
appliance. Only use high-pressure hos-
몇 Caution
es, fixtures and couplings recommend-
Create stability for the appliance prior to
ed by the manufacturer.
any work on or with the appliance to pre-
Do not use the appliance when there
vent accidents or damage.
are other persons around unless they
The stability of the appliance is warrant-
are also wearing protective clothing.
ed when it is placed onto an even sur-
This appliance was designed to be
used with detergents which are sup-
Safety Devices
plied or recommended by the manufac-
turer. The use of other detergents or
몇 Caution
chemicals may compromise the safety
Safety installations serve the protection of
of the appliance.
the user and may not be modified or by-
몇 Caution
In case of extended breaks, switch the
Appliance switch
appliance off at the main switch / appli-
The appliance switch prevents unintention-
ance switch or pull the mains plug.
al operation of the appliance.
Keep a distance of at least 30 cm when
Lock trigger gun
using the jet for cleaning painted surfac-
es to avoid damage.
This lock locks the lever of the trigger gun
Never leave the appliance unattended
and prevents the inadvertent start of the ap-
as long as it is in operation.
Do not operate the appliance at temper-
Overflow valve with pressure switch
atures below 0 °C.
The overflow valve prevents the permissi-
Other risks
ble working pressure from being exceeded.
If the lever on the trigger gun is released
the pressure switch turns off the pump, the
Do not spray flammable liquids.
high pressure jet is stopped. If the lever is
Never draw in fluids containing solvents
pulled the pump is turned on again.
or undiluted acids and solvents! This in-
cludes petrol, paint thinner and heating
oil. The spray mist is highly inflamma-
ble, explosive and poisonous. Do not
use acetone, undiluted acids and sol-
vents, as they corrode the materials
used on the appliance.
The appliance may not be operated in
explosive atmospheres.
16 EN
– 7
- Umweltschutz
- Gerätebeschreibung
- Betrieb
- Transport
- Hilfe bei Störungen
- Technische Daten EG-Konformitätserklärung
- Environmental protection
- Description of the Appliance Before Startup
- Operation
- Transport
- Storage Maintenance and care
- Troubleshooting
- Technical specifications EC Declaration of Conformity
- Оглавление Защита окружающей среды
- Безопасность
- Описание прибора
- Начало работы
- Эксплуатация
- Транспортировка
- Помощь в случае
- Принадлежности и
- Технические данные Заявление о соответствии ЕС
- Зміст Захист навколишнього
- Безпека
- Опис пристрою
- Введення в експлуатацію
- Експлуатація
- Транспортування
- Допомога у випадку неполадок
- Приладдя й запасні деталі
- Технічні характеристики Заява при відповідність Європейського співтовариства