LG P990 Black: LG-P990
LG-P990: LG P990 Black

Some of contents of this manual
may not apply to your phone
depending on your phone’s
software or your service provider.
This handset is not recommended
for the visually impaired because of
its touch-screen keypad.
Copyright © LG Electronics, Inc.
All rights reserved. LG and the LG
logo are registered trademarks of
LG Group and its related entities. All
other trademarks are the property
of their respective owners.
Google™, Google Maps™,
Gmail™, YouTube™, Google
Talk™ and Android Market™ are
trademarks of Google, Inc.
LG-P990 Quick Reference Guide
This guide will help you understand your new mobile phone.
It will provide you with useful explanations of features on your phone.

Getting to know your phone
To turn on the phone, press and hold the Power key for 3 seconds.
To turn off the phone, press and hold the Power key for 3 seconds and touch
Power off.
Power/Lock key
Switch your phone
Proximity sensor
on/off by pressing and
Inner camera lens
holding this key.
Turn off and lock the
Home key
Back key
Return to home from
Return to the previous
any screen.
Search key
Menu key
Search the web and
Check what options are
contents in your phone.
NOTE: Proximity sensor
When receiving and making calls, the
Placing a heavy object on the phone
proximity sensor automatically turns
or sitting on, it can damage its LCD
the backlight off and locks the touch
and touch screen functions. Do not
keypad by sensing when the phone
cover the protective fi lm on the LCD’s
is near your ear. This extends battery
proximity sensor. This may cause the
life and prevents the touch keypad
sensor to malfunction.
from activating unintentionally during

Stereo earphone connector
Volume keys
On the home screen:
control ringer volume.
HDMI cable
• During a call: control
Power/Lock key
your In-Call volume.
• When playing a
track: control volume
Charger, micro USB cable
Back cover
Camera lens
microSD memory
card slot
SIM card slot
Internal antenna

Getting to know your phone
Unlock screen
Touch the
icon to
bring up the touch-dialling pad
To turn on the phone, press the
to make a call.
Power key. The lock screen will
appear. Touch and slide up the
Touch the Contacts icon to
lock screen to unlock your home
open your contacts.
screen. The last screen you were
Touch the
icon to
working on will open.
access the messaging menu.
Here, you can create a new
Simply swipe your finger to the
Touch the
left or right to view them.
at the bottom of the screen. You
You can also customise each
can then view all your installed
panel with widgets, shortcuts
applications. Just touch to scroll
to your favourite applications,
through your applications.
folders and wallpapers.
To open the desired application,
Some screen images may
simply touch the icon in the
be different depending on your
applications list.
phone provider.
Preloaded applications
In your home screen, you can
may be different depending on
your phone’s software or your
view quick keys on the bottom
service provider.
of the screen. The quick keys
provide easy, one-touch access to
the functions you use the most.

Setting the number of
Tap Gmail and tap Next >
home screens
Create to start the Gmail set
up wizard.
Touch the Menu key from the
home screen and select Home
Touch a text field to open the
settings. Select the desired
touch keyboard, and enter your
number of home screens and
name and username for your
press OK.
Google account. When entering
text, you can move to the next
Google Account Set-up
text field by touching Next on
The first time you open the
the keyboard.
Google application on your
When you have finished
phone, you will be required to
inputting your name and
sign in with your existing Google
username, tap Next. Your
account. If you do not have a
phone is communicating with
Google account, you will be
Google servers and checking
prompted to create one.
username availability.
Enter and re-enter your
Creating your Google
password. Then follow
the instructions and enter
On the home screen, touch
the required and optional
Applications tab
to open
information about the account.
the applications menu.
Wait while the server creates
your account.

Getting to know the viewfinder
Zoom - Zoom in or zoom out. Alternatively you can use the side
volume keys.
Convert - You can convert to the internal camera from the external one.
Video mode - Slide down this
icon to switch to video mode.
Taking a photo
Gallery - Touch to view the
last photo you captured. This
enables you to access your
gallery and view saved photos
Settings - Touch this icon to open the
from within camera mode.
settings menu.
Flash - Allows you to turn on the flash when taking a photo in a dark place.
Brightness - This defines and controls of the amount of sunlight entering
the image. Slide the brightness indicator along the bar, towards “-” to
lower the brightness of the image or towards “+” to increase it.
You can close all the shortcut options to give a clearer
viewfinder screen. Just touch the centre of the viewfinder once. To
recall the options, touch the screen again.
A shading issue may occur when you try to take a picture
indoors due to the characteristics of camera. (The meaning of
shading is a little colour-difference between centre and side.)
NOTE: In internal camera mode, you cannot enable the zoom or flash function.

Video camera
Getting to know the viewfinder
Zoom - Zoom in or zoom out. Alternatively you can use the side
volume keys.
Convert - You can convert to the internal camera from the external
Camera mode - Slide up this
icon to switch to camera mode.
Start recording
Gallery - Touch to view the
last video you recorded. This
enables you to access your
gallery and view your saved
Settings - Touch this icon to
videos from within video mode.
open the settings menu.
Flash - Allows you to turn on the flash when capturing a video in
dark place.
Brightness - This defines and controls of the amount of sunlight
entering the Video. Slide the brightness indicator along the bar, towards
“-” to lower the brightness of the video or towards “+” to increase it.

Important notice
Please check to see if any
Tap Uninstall and touch OK
problems you have encountered
to uninstall application you
with your phone are described
in this section, before taking the
2. Optimising battery life
phone in for service or calling a
service representative.
You can extend your battery's
life between charges by turning
1. Phone memory
off features that you don't
When available space on your
need constantly running in
phone memory is less than 2%,
the background. You can also
your phone can not receive new
monitor how applications and
messages. You will need to check
system resources consume
your phone memory and delete
battery power.
some data, such as applications
To extend the life of your
or messages to make more
memory available.
Turn off radio communications
To manage the application:
that you aren't using. If you
On the home screen, touch
aren't using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or
Applications tab
GPS, turn them off.
select Settings > Applications
Turn down screen brightness
> Manage applications.
and set a shorter screen
When all applications appear,
scroll and select the application
Turn off automatic syncing for
you want to uninstall.
Gmail, Calendar, Contacts, and
other applications.

Some applications you have
power source or if connected
downloaded may cause your
to a power source, how long
battery’s life to be reduced.
since your phone was last run
To check the battery charge
on battery power. The body of
the screen lists applications or
services using battery power
On the home screen, touch
from greatest amount to least.
Applications tab
select Settings > About
3. Installing an open
phone > Status.
source OS
The battery status (charging,
If you install an open source
discharging) and level (as a
OS on your phone, and you do
percentage of fully charged)
not use the OS provided by the
are displayed at the top of the
manufacturer, this may cause
your phone to malfunction.
To monitor and control what
uses the battery:
If you install and use an OS other
On the home screen, touch
than the one provided by the
Applications tab
manufacturer, your phone is no
select Settings > About
longer covered by the warranty.
phone > Battery use.
The top of the screen displays
battery usage time. This is
To protect your phone and personal
either how long since your
data, only download applications
phone was last connected to a
from trusted sources, such as

Important notice
Android Market. If some applications
are not properly installed on your
Precautions to take when using the
phone, your phone may not work
Pattern Lock
properly or serious error may
It is very important that you
occurred. You will need to uninstall
remember the unlock pattern you
these applications and all of their
set. You will not be able to access
data and settings from the phone.
your phone, untill you use correct
PIN. You have five chances to
4. Using unlock pattern
enter your unlock pattern, PIN or
Set unlock pattern to secure your
password. If you have used all five
phone. Opens a set of screens
chances, you can try again after
that guide you through drawing a
30 seconds.
screen unlock pattern.
You can draw your own unlock
If you can’t recall your unlock
pattern by connecting four or
pattern, PIN or password:
more dots.
If you have tried to log on to your
If you set a pattern, the phone
Google account on the phone
screen will lock. To unlock the
and failed to use correct pattern
phone, draw the pattern you
five times, tab the Forgot pattern
have set on the screen.
button. You will then be required
You need to create your
to sign in with your Google
Google account first before you
account to unlock your phone.
set an unlock pattern.
If you haven’t created a Google
account on the phone or you

forgot it, you need to perform a
6. Connecting to Wi-Fi
factory reset.
To use Wi-Fi on your phone, you
5. Using hard reset
need to access a wireless access
If it does not restore to the
point or “hotspot.” Some access
original condition, use Hard Reset
points are open and you can
(Factory Reset) to initialise your
simply connect to them. Others
are hidden or implement other
When the phone is turned off,
security features, so you must
press and hold the Power +
configure your phone to connect
Volume down keys at the same
to them.
time (for over ten seconds), the
Turn off Wi-Fi when you're not
phone will turn on and perform
using it to extend the life of your
factory reset immediately.
Please note, after you perform
Hard Reset, all your data and
To turn Wi-Fi on and connect to
applications on your phone will be
a Wi-Fi network:
erased. This cannot be reversed.
On the home screen, touch
Applications tab
select Settings > Wireless &
If you perform
Hard Reset
, all
networks > Wi-Fi settings.
user applications, user data and
Touch Wi-Fi to turn it on and
DRM license will be deleted.
begin scanning for available
Please remember to back up any
important data before performing a
Wi-Fi networks.
Hard Reset

Important notice
List of available Wi-Fi networks
need to quit an application before
is displayed. Secured networks
opening another. Use and switch
are indicated by a lock icon.
among several open applications.
Touch a network to connect
Android manages each application,
to it.
stopping and starting them
If the network is open, you are
as needed, to ensure that idle
prompted to confirm that you
applications don’t consume
want to connect to that network
resources unnecessarily.
by touching Connect.
To stop the application you are
If the network is secured,
you are prompted to enter a
On the home screen, touch
password or other credentials.
Applications tab
(Ask your network administrator
select Settings > Applications
for details.)
> Manage applications.
The status bar displays icons
Scroll to the desired application
that indicate Wi-Fi status.
and touch Force stop to stop
using it.
7. Opening and
Getting back to a recent
Multi-tasking is easy with Android
Touch and hold the Home key.
because open applications keep
A screen will appear listing the
running even when you open
applications you have recently
another application. There’s no

8. Installing the LG PC
Major functions of the LG PC
suite on your PC
Suite IV
Create, edit and delete phone data
To synchronise your phone with
your PC via a USB cable you need
Synchronise data from a PC
to install the LG PC suite program
or phone (contacts, calendar,
on your PC.
message (SMS), bookmark)
You can download this program
Transfer multimedia files (photo,
from the LG website (http://www.
video, music)
lg.com). Go to http://www.lg.com
conveniently with a simple drag &
and select your region, country &
drop between your PC and your
language. Visit the LG website
for more information on installing
Transfer messages from your
and using the program.
phone to your PC
As PC suite is embedded in the
S/W update without loosing your
internal memory on your phone,
and you can simply copy it to
LG-P990 does not support:
your PC.
- PC Connection via Bluetooth
- To-do in Calendar
The LG PC Suite IV is a program
- Java Application
that helps you connect your mobile
For more information, please refer
phone to a PC using a USB data
to the user's guide for LG PC Suite
communication cable, so that
IV. This can be found in the
you can use the functions of your
menu after installing LG PC Suite IV.
mobile phone on your PC.

Important notice
To Install the LG PC Suite to
* When LG PCSuite IV installation
your PC
is completed, disable Mass
Before connecting the USB
storage only mode to run LG
data cable, make sure that the
PCSuite IV.
Mass storage only mode is
NOTE: Please do not remove or
enabled on your phone. (On
delete other program file installed
the Applications tab, choose
on your memory card as this may
Settings > SD card & phone
cause damage to the pre-installed
storage, then select the Mass
applications on your phone.
storage only tick box.)
9. Connecting your
Connect your phone to your PC
phone to a computer
using the USB data cable.
(1) In the status bar, drag the
via USB
USB icon.
To transfer files in your microSD
(2) Choose USB Connected and
card using USB devices:
Turn on USB storage.
Install your microSD card on
(3) You can view the mass storage
your phone. (It may already be
content on your PC and
inserted on your phone.)
transfer the files.
Before connecting the USB
(4) Copy the ‘LGPCSuiteIV’ folder
data cable, make sure that the
on your mass storage device
Mass storage only mode is
to your PC.
enabled on your phone. (On
(5) Run ‘LGInstaller.exe’ file
the Applications tab, choose
on your PC and follow the
Settings > SD card & phone

storage, then select the Mass
TIP! To use the microSD card on
storage only tick box.)
you phone again, you need to
Use the USB cable with your
open the notification drawer and
phone to connect the phone to a
touch Turn off USB storage.
USB port on your computer. You
During this time, you can’t
will receive notification that the
access the microSD card from
USB is connected.
your phone, so you can’t use
Open the notification drawer
applications that rely on the
and touch USB connected.
microSD card, such as camera,
Touch Turn on USB storage
gallery and music functions.
to confirm that you want to
To disconnect your phone from
transfer files between your
the computer, carefully follow
phone’s microSD card and the
your computer’s instructions
for correctly disconnecting USB
When the phone is connected as
devices, to avoid losing information
USB storage, you will receive a
on the card.
notification. You phone’s microSD
Safely disconnect the USB
card is mounted as a drive on your
device on your computer.
computer. You can now copy files
Open the notification drawer
to and from the microSD card.
and touch Turn off USB
NOTE: When uninstalling PC
Suite IV, USB and Bluetooth
Drivers are not automatically
removed. Therefore, they must be
uninstalled manually.

Important notice
10. Unlock screen
back of the phone, as this will
when using data
cause loss of performance.
While making/receiving calls or
sending/receiving data, try to
Your display will go dark if
avoid holding the lower part of
untouched for a period of time
the phone where the antenna
when using data connection. To
is located. This may affect call
turn on your LCD screen, just
press the Lock/Power hard key.
13. If the screen freezes
11. Do not connect your
phone when you
If the phone does not respond to
user input or the screen freezes:
power on/off your
Remove the battery, insert it
again and switch on the phone.
Make sure you disconnect your
If it still does not work, please
phone and PC via data cable as
contact the service centre.
it might cause errors on your PC.
12. Hold your phone
Please hold your phone straight
and upright, as with a normal
phone. The LG-P990 has an
internal antenna. Be careful
not to scratch or damage the

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Regulation, in terms of restrictions for the use of certain
dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.