Olympus DS-3500: Menu items
Menu items: Olympus DS-3500

5 Press the
button to change
Work Type:
When [ PCM ST ] is selected:
the setting.
The Work Type information of the
Recording rate will be fixed at
44.1 kHz/16 bit.
• Pressing the 0 button without
recorded or uploaded files can be
pressing the OK/MENU button
edited with the menu settings of the
When [ MP3 ] is selected:
will cancel the settings and return
[ 256 kbps ] or [ 128 kbps ]
you to the previous screen.
• For further details, a complete
• Since the built-in microphone
advanced version of the manual *
6 Press the
button to
is monaural, even if you enable
(PDF format) is available for
[ PCM ST ] in [ Rec Mode ] the sound
complete the setting.
download at the OLYMPUS website.
recorded through the built-in
• You will be informed that the
* Available in English, French or
microphone will be monaural. In
settings have been established
order to do stereo recording, an
via the screen.
external stereo microphone will be
7 Press the
button to close
necessary (optional).
The recorder can display a variety of
the menu screen.
• You cannot select the [ DSS Pro QP ]
information related to the current file.
mode when setting the recorder to
the DSS Classic mode.
Menu items
For details, see “ Recording ” in the
Rec Menu
“ Customizing the recorder ”.
File Menu
Mic Sense:
The VCVA feature extends recording
You can switch between two
time and conserves memory by
microphone sensitivities to meet
By default, the F2 button is
stopping recording during silent
recording needs: [ Dictation ] for oral
programmed with the Priority
periods, which helps the playback
dictation and [ Conference ] which
function. The setting can also be
to be more efficient. When the
is suited for situations like meetings
performed from the menu.
microphone senses that sounds
and conferences with a small number
You can set a priority level on each
have reached a preset threshold
of people.
file recorded. You can select “High” or
volume level, the built-in Variable
[ Conference ]:
“Normal”. The default is Normal level.
Control Voice Actuator (VCVA) starts
High-sensitivity mode that records
[ Set ]:
recording automatically, and stops
sounds in all directions.
High level.
when the volume drops below the
[ Dictation ]:
[ Cancel ]:
threshold level.
Low-sensitivity mode suited for
Normal level.
1 Select [
• Each time the F2 ( PRIORITY )
• The setting status will appear on
2 Press the
button to start
button is pressed the Priority level
the display as [
] or [ ].
will change (High/Normal).
• When the sound volume is lower
Rec Mode:
than the preset actuation sound
You can choose between different
When you set [ Pending ] to the file,
level, recording automatically
recording formats.
the file becomes “Pending file”. If
stops after 1 second
“Download file” is set to “Finished file”
1 Select the recording format.
approximately, and [ Standby ]
by ODMS software, the [ Pending ] file
[ DSS ]:
flashes on the display. The record
is not transferred and only [ Finished ]
DSS stands for Digital Speech
indicator light turns on when
file (edited file) will be transferred
Standard, a digital audio file format
recording starts and flashes when
to your PC.
defined by a cooperative venture by
recording pauses.
[ Pending ]:
Olympus and two other companies.
Sets to a file of “Editing” and [
DSS format files are easily editable
will appear on the display.
and have a very light file size.
[ Finished ]:
[ PCM ST ] (Stereo):
Sets to a file of “already edited”.
This is an uncompressed audio
format which is used for music CDs
File Lock:
and the like.
The File lock function allows you to
[ MP3 ]:
prevent important files from being
MPEG is the international standard
accidentally erased.
established by a working group of
[ On ]:
the ISO (International Organization
Locks the file and prevents it from
for Standardization).
a VCVA indicator
being erased.
2 Select the recording rate.
b Level meter (varies according
] will appear on the display.
to the sound volume being
When [ DSS ] is selected:
[ Off ]:
[ DSS Pro QP ] (Quality Playback) or
Unlocks the file and allows it to be
[ DSS Pro SP ] (Standard Playback)

Adjust the start/stop actuation
When [Brightness] is selected:
When [Speed] is selected:
[ 01 ] [ 02 ] [ 03 ]:
You can adjust the Cue and
Sets the brightness of the
Review speed level from
While the recorder is in recording
backlight when lit.
[ Speed 1 ] to [ Speed 5 ].
mode, press the 9 or 0 button
• Cue and Review speed level
to adjust the actuation level.
becomes faster as the numerical
• The VCVA level can be set to any of
You can set it so the record indicator
value becomes larger.
15 different values.
light does not turn on.
• The higher the value is, the more
[ On ]:
Power Save:
sensitive the recorder can react to
LED light will be set.
By default, the recorder will enter
sounds. At the highest value, even
[ Off
into Power Save mode if not used for
the faintest sound will activate
LED light will be canceled.
more than 10 minutes.
[ 5minutes ] [ 10minutes ] [ 30minutes ]
• The VCVA actuation level can be
[ 1hour ]:
adjusted according to the ambient
When the Beep is set to [ On ], the
Set the length of time before the
(background) noise.
recorder will beep in case of error.
recorder will enter into Power Save
[ On ]:
Beep is enabled.
[ Off ]: Disables this function.
[ Off ]:
• If any button is pressed, time count
Beep is disabled.
will restart.
Language (Lang):
Time & Date:
You can set the language for the
Setting the time and date beforehand
recorder’s user interface.
enables easier file management.
[ Čeština ] [ Dansk ] [ Deutsch ] [ English ]
For details, see “ Setting time and
[ Español ] [ Français ] [ Nederlands ]
date [Time & Date] ”.
[ Polski ] [ Русский ] [ Svenska ]:
C Start level (moves to the right/
• The languages available may vary
USB Class:
left according to the set level)
depending on the country/region
You can set the USB class of this
• The start/stop actuation level also
where the product is purchased.
recorder with a USB connection to
varies depending on the selected
[ Composite ] or [ Storage Class ].
microphone sensitivity mode.
[ Composite ]:
• To ensure successful recordings,
Device Menu
In the 3 classes of Storage, USB
prior testing and adjustment of
audio and human interface device,
the start/stop actuation level is
Card Select:
USB connection is possible. While
connected via USB in [ Composite ],
By default, the recording media is set
the recorder can be used as the USB
to [ SD Card ] by the manufacturer.
speaker and the USB microphone in
• The recording media ([
] or [ ])
LCD/Sound Menu
addition to storage class.
will appear on the display.
[ Storage Class ]:
USB connection is possible in only
The playback sound of Cue and
storage class.
By default, the display will remain lit
for about 10 seconds when a button
Review operation and Cue and
Reset Settings:
on the recorder is pressed.
Review speed can be set.
To reset the menu settings to their
1 Select [
Lighting Time
], [
1 Select [
] or [
default values use [ Reset Settings ]
Light Time
] or [
[ Sound ]:
under [ Device Menu ], or use the
Set the playback sound of Cue
ODMS and DSS Player software.
2 Select the options.
and Review to On or Off.
When [Lighting Time] is selected:
[ Speed ]:
[ 5seconds ] [ 10seconds ] [ 30seconds ]
Set the Cue and Review speed.
Cards that have been used in non-
[ 1minute ]:
Olympus devices, or cards that are
2 Select the options.
Set the backlight duration.
not recognized by the recorder, must
When [Sound] is selected:
When [Dim Light Time] is
be formatted before they can be used
[ On ]:
with the recorder.
Activate the playback sound of
[ 30seconds ] [ 1minute ] [ 2minutes ]
• Formatting the card will erase all
Cue and Review.
the stored data, including locked
[ 5minutes ]
[ Off ]:
[ Always On ]:
Disables this function.
For details, see “ Formatting the card
Set the time after which the
[Format] ”.
backlight dims.

Card Information:
4 Press the
button to
Administrative settings:
Memory card capacity and remaining
confirm [
] selection.
❏ General
card space for the cards in use will be
5 Press the
button again to
displayed on the recorder.
select [
] option.
• You can customize / adjust / set /
System Information:
configure various settings related
System information about the
to user authorization, such as
recorder like the [ Model ], [ Version ]
prohibiting both file erasure and
and [ Serial No. ] can be displayed.
Menu settings.
• For further details, a complete
Splash Message:
advanced version of the manual *
(PDF format) is available for
• You can set the contents that
download at the OLYMPUS website.
appear in the message which is
* Available in English, French or
displayed during start-up.
Main Button Guide:
6 Press the
button again
• You can enable the Main Button
Formatting the card [Format]
to initiate the formatting process.
Guide, which shows the button
• [ Format Done ] displays when
functions on the display.
Cards that have been used in non-
formatting ends.
Olympus devices, or cards that are
not recognized by the recorder, must
• You can set occasions for the
• The time required to format a card
be formatted before they can be used
recorder’s alarm or beep noise to
varies according to the capacity of
with the recorder.
the card to be formatted.
1 Select [
] at the [
❏ Display
Do not interrupt the formatting
• You can select a default pattern for
] screen, then press the
process with the following actions.
display from 4 patterns.
Doing so may damage the data or
• The way information is displayed on
the card.
the LCD display can be customized
- Remove the card.
for three different areas.
- Remove the battery.
– The upper part of the screen
• Formatting the card will erase all
displays the recorder's basic
the stored data, including locked
− The lower part of the screen can
• When an unformatted card is
be used to display information
inserted, the format menu will be
on the file actually selected, like
displayed automatically.
Author ID, Work Type and Option
• Locked SD cards cannot be
2 Press the
button to select
− The right part of the screen can
• Memory cards will be formatted
be used to display the Main
SD Card
] or [
microSD Card
using quick format. Formatting
Button Guide indicators.
then press the
the card will reset the information
❏ Device Security
in file management, but the data
You can customize / adjust / set /
inside the card may not be deleted
configure various settings related to
completely. Be careful of data
the recorder’s device lock function.
leakage when disposing or handing
PIN code:
of the card. We recommend that
you physically destroy the card
• Password setting.
when disposing of it.
Device Lock:
• Device lock function On/Off.
• Settings related to the timing for
Customizing the recorder
setting the device lock.
3 Press the
button to select
You can customize various settings
• Changing the number of allowable
] option.
of the recorder using the ODMS
input errors (mismatches) for the
For more details, refer to the online
❏ Author List
help for ODMS software.
You can customize / adjust / set /
configure settings related to the
Common settings:
You can set the default values for
each of the recorder’s Menu items.
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Basic operations
- Advanced operations
- Menu items
- Managing files on your PC
- Other information
- Technical assistance and support
- Úvod
- Začínáme
- Základní obsluha
- Pokročilá obsluha
- 1,4,6 1, 4 , 6
- Položky nabídky
- Správa souborů v počítači
- Další informace
- Technická pomoc a podpora
- Introduktion
- Kom godt i gang
- Grundlæggende betjening
- Avanceret betjening
- Menupunkter
- Filhåndtering på din pc
- Øvrige oplysninger
- Teknisk hjælp og support
- Einführung
- Allgemeines
- Grundlegende Bedienung
- Erweiterte Anleitung
- Menüpunkte
- Verwalten von Dateien
- Zusätzliche Informationen
- Technische Hilfe und Support
- Introducción
- Para empezar
- Operaciones Básicas
- Funciones avanzadas
- Elementos del menú
- Administración de
- Otra información
- Asistencia y ayuda técnica
- Introduction
- Préparatifs
- Opérations de base
- Opérations avancées
- Eléments de menu
- Gestion des fichiers sur
- Autres informations
- Assistance technique et soutien
- Inleiding
- Aan de slag
- Basisbewerkingen
- Geavanceerde bewerkingen
- Menuopties
- Bestanden beheren op uw PC
- Overige informatie
- Technische bijstand en ondersteuning
- Wprowadzenie
- Pierwsze kroki
- Podstawowe operacje
- Zaawansowane operacje
- Pozycje menu
- Zarządzanie plikami na
- Inne informacje
- Wsparcie techniczne
- Введение
- Начало работы
- Основные операции
- Расширенные операции
- Пункты меню
- Управление файлами в
- Прочая информация
- Техническая помощь и обслуживание
- Introduktion
- Komma igång
- Grundläggande funktioner
- Avancerade funktioner
- Menyalternativ
- Hantera filer på din PC
- Övrig information
- Teknisk hjälp och support
- Olympus Service Department