Zanussi FJS 974 N: Something not working?
Something not working?: Zanussi FJS 974 N

Something not working?
Problems which you can resolve yourself.
Problem Possible cause
• Check that the door is firmly closed.
• The machine does not start
• Check that the machine is plugged in and that there
is power at the socket.
• Check that the main fuse has not blown.
• Check that the programme selector dial is
positioned correctly.
• Check that the ON/OFF button has been depressed.
• Check that the water tap is open.
• The machine does not fill:
• Check that water is coming out of the tap.
• Check that the inlet hose is not squashed or
• Check that the filter in the inlet hose is not blocked.
• Check that the door is closed.
• The end of the drain hose is too low. Refer to
• The machine fills then
relevant paragraph in “water drainage” section.
empties immediately:
• Check that the drain hose is not squashed or kinked.
• The machine does not empty
• A programme which ends with water in the drum has
and/or does not spin:
been selected.
• Check that the filter is clean.
• Too much detergent or unsuitable detergent
• There is water on the floor:
(creates too much foam) has been used.
• Check whether there are any leaks from one of the
inlet hose fittings. It is not always easy to see this
as the water runs down the hose; check to see if it
is damp.
• Check that the drain hose is not damaged.
• Check that all the transit bolts and packing have
• The machine vibrates or is
been removed.
• Check that the machine is not resting against
• Check that the support feet are resting firmly on the
• Check that the laundry is evenly distributed in the
• Maybe there is very little laundry in the drum.

Problem Possible cause
• The programme is still running.
• The door will not open:
• The door lock has not been released, the door
locked light is still on.
• There is water in the drum.
• The electronic unbalance detection device has cut in
• Spinning starts late or the
because the laundry is not evenly distributed in the
machine does not spin:
drum. The laundry is redistributed by reverse
rotation of the drum. This may happen several times
before the unbalance disappears and normal
spinning can resume. If, after 10 minutes, the
laundry is still not evenly distributed in the drum, the
machine will not spin. In this case, redistribute the
load manually and reselect the spin programme.
• The machine is fitted with a type of motor which
• The machine makes an
makes an unusual noise compared with other
unusual noise:
traditional motors. This new motor ensures a
softer start and more even distribution of the
laundry in the drum when spinning, as well as
increased stability of the machine.
• Machines based on modern technology operate
• No water is visible in the
very economically using very little water without
affecting performance.
• Too little detergent or unsuitable detergent has
• Unsatisfactory washing
been used.
• Stubborn stains have not been treated prior to
• The correct temperature or programme was not
• Excessive laundry load.
• This is most problaby due to non soluble
• Detergent residue is left after
components contained in modern detergents. It is
the wash cycle:
not a sign of inadequate rinsing.
Brush or shake the garments and, if necessary,
wash them again.
• Modern detergents can produce foam even after
• Foam remains after the last
rinsing, but this will not affect the quality of the
If you are unable to identify or solve the problem,
contact our service centre. Before telephoning,
make a note of the model, serial number and
purchase date of your machine: the Service Centre
will require this information.
Mod. ..........
Prod. No. ...........
Ser. No. .........

Dlå polwzovatelå
Pered ustanovkoj i na©alom ispolwzovaniå
maßiny izu©ite vnimatelwno naßi
rekomendacii. Ih soblædenie obespe©ivaet
nadeΩnuæ rabotu maßiny. Vse polwzovateli
maßiny dolΩny znatw pravila ee
™kspluatacii. Sohranite ™tu instrukciæ na
slu©aj, esli maßinu pridetså perevozitw na
novoe mesto ili prodatw. Tot, kto posle Vas
budet eæ polwzovatwså, dolΩen imetw
vozmoΩnostw oznakomitwså s maßinoj i ee
funkciåmi, a takΩe s ukazaniåmi po ee
bezopasnoj ™kspluatacii.
O povreΩdeniåh i neispravnoståh, a takΩe ob
otsutstvii kakih-libo detalej nado soobxitw
prodavcu maßiny.
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- Content
- Warnings
- Discarding
- Technical specifications
- Installation
- Your new washing machine
- Use
- Programme table
- Maintenance
- Something not working?
- SoderΩanie
- Ukazaniå po bezopasnoj ™kspluatacii maßiny
- éı‡Ì‡ ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚
- Tehni©eskie dannye
- Ustanovka
- Opisanie maßiny
- Opisanie paneli upravleniå
- Programmy stirki
- Uhod za maßinoj i ©istka
- Esli maßina ne rabotaet