Indesit WISE 107 X: Detergents and laundry
Detergents and laundry: Indesit WISE 107 X

Detergents and laundry
Detergent dispenser
Preparing your laundry
Good washing results also depend on the correct
Divide your laundry according to:
dose of detergent: adding too much detergent won't
- the type of fabric/the symbol on the label.
necessarily make for a more efficient wash, and may
- the colours: separate coloured garments from
in fact cause build up on the interior of your
appliance and even pollute the environment.
Empty all pockets and check for loose buttons.
Do not exceed the weight limits stated below,
Open up the detergent
which refer to the weight when dry:
dispenser and pour in
Sturdy fabrics: max 4,5 kg
the detergent and fabric
Synthetic fabrics: max 2.5 kg
softener, as follows.
Delicate fabrics: max 2 kg
Wool: max 1 kg
How much does your laundry weigh?
1 sheet 400-500 g
1 pillow case 150-200 g
1 tablecloth 400-500 g
1 bathrobe 900-1,200 g
compartment 1: Detergent for pre-wash
1 towel 150-250 g
Before pouring in the detergent, make sure that
Special items
extra compartment 4 has been removed.
compartment 2: Detergent for the wash cycle
Curtains: fold curtains and place them in a pillow
(powder or liquid)
case or mesh bag. Wash them separately without
Liquid detergent should only be poured in
exceeding half the appliance load. Use programme 6
immediately prior to the wash cycle start.
which excludes the spin cycle automatically.
compartment 3: Additives (fabric softeners, etc.)
Quilted coats and windbreakers: if they are
The fabric softener should not overflow from the grid.
padded with goose or duck down, they can be
extra compartment 4: Bleach
machine-washed. Turn the garments inside out and
load a maximum of 2-3 kg, repeating the rinse cycle
Do not use hand wash detergent because it may
once or twice and using the delicate spin cycle.
form too much foam.
Wool: for best results, use a specific detergent,
taking care not to exceed a load of 1 kg.
Bleach cycle
Traditional bleach should be used on sturdy
white fabrics, and delicate bleach for coloured
fabrics, synthetics and for wool.
Place extra
compartment 4,
provided, into
compartment 1.
When pouring in the
bleach, be careful not to
exceed the "max" level
indicated on the central
pivot (see figure).
To run the bleach cycle alone, pour the bleach into extra
compartment 4, set the Rinse programme
enable the Stain removal function (see page 7).
To bleach during a wash cycle, pour in the detergent
and fabric softener, set the desired programme and
enable the Stain removal function (see page 7).
The use of extra compartment 4 excludes the
possibility of using the pre-wash cycle.
- Instructions for use
- Installation
- Washing machine description
- Starting and Programmes
- Personalisations
- Detergents and laundry
- Precautions and advice
- Care and maintenance
- Troubleshooting
- Service
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- Návod k pouití
- Instalace
- Popis praèky
- Uvedení do chodu a programy
- Nastavení èinnosti dle potøeb uivatele
- Prací prostøedky a prádlo
- Opatøení a rady
- Údrba a péèe
- Poruchy a zpùsob jejich odstranìní
- Servisní sluba
- Instalare
- Descrierea maºinii de spãlat
- Pornire ºi Programe
- Personalizãri
- Detergenþi ºi rufe albe
- Precauþii ºi sfaturi
- Întreþinere ºi îngrijire
- Anomalii ºi remedii
- Asistenþã
- Használati utasítás
- Üzembehelyezés
- A mosógép leírása
- Indítás és Programok
- Program módosítások
- Mosószerek és mosandók
- Óvintézkedések és tanácsok
- Karbantartás és törõdés
- Rendellenességek és elhárírásuk
- Szerviz