Kenwood BL 446: English
English: Kenwood BL 446

Please unfold the front page illustrations
Use your blender for soups, sauces,
before using for the first time
drinks, pâtés, mayonnaise, dressings
1 Remove all packaging.
etc. Use your mill (if supplied) for
2 Wash the parts: see ‘cleaning’.
milling herbs, nuts and coffee beans.
햲 filler cap
CAUTION: Blending very hot
햳 lid
liquids may result in hot liquid
햴 jug
and steam being forced
햵 sealing ring
suddenly past the lid or filler
햶 blade unit
cap. Allow the liquid to cool
햷 pulse control
or reduce the quantity and
햸 speed control
select a lower speed if
햹 power unit
available. Protect your hands
햺 cord storage
with a cloth or oven gloves
mill (if supplied)
when handling the hot goblet
햻 blade unit
and lid.
햽 sealing ring
Switch off and unplug:
햾 jar
before fitting or removing parts
햿 sprinkler lid
after use
before cleaning.
to use your blender
Keep hands and utensils out of the
blender when it’s on the power unit.
1 Fit the sealing ring into the blade
Don’t touch the sharp blades.
Don’t let children or infirm people
2 Screw the jug onto the blade unit.
use the machine unsupervised.
3 Put your ingredients into the jug.
Never use a damaged machine. Get
4 Put the filler cap in the lid, then turn.
it checked or repaired: see ‘service’.
5 Screw the lid onto the jug so that the
Never use an unauthorised
thumb tab is over the handle. (To
unscrew the lid, push the thumb tab
Never leave the machine on
6 Place the blender onto the power
Don’t let children play with the
unit and turn to lock .
7 Select a speed.
When removing the blender or mill
Use speed 1 for lighter blending eg.
from the power unit:
batters, milkshakes and scrambled
wait until the blades have
completely stopped;
Use speed 2 for soups, sauces,
don’t accidentally unscrew the jug
pâtés and mayonnaise.
or jar from the blade unit.
Only use the machine for its
Use the pulse control to operate the
intended domestic use.
motor in a start/stop action. The
pulse control operates the motor
before plugging in
and keeps it running for as long as
Make sure your electricity supply is
the lever is held down - this will allow
the same as the one shown on the
you to control the texture of various
underside of the machine.
foods eg. pâtés.
This machine complies with
European Economic Community
Directive 89/336/EEC.

to use your mill
blender and mill
To ensure long life of your blender,
1 Put your ingredients into the jar. Fill it
never run it for longer than 60
no more than half full.
seconds or the mill for longer than
2 Fit the sealing ring into the blade
30. Switch off as soon as you’ve got
the right consistency.
3 Turn the blade unit upside down.
Don’t process spices – they may
Lower it into the jar, blades down.
damage the plastic.
4 Screw the blade unit onto the jar
The machine won’t work if the
until it’s finger-tight.
blender or mill is fitted incorrectly.
5 Place the mill onto the power unit
and turn to lock.
blender only
6 Select a speed or use the pulse
Don’t put dry ingredients into the
blender before switching on. If
7 After milling, you can replace the
necessary, cut them into pieces;
blade unit with the sprinkler lid and
remove the filler cap; then, with the
shake out your food.
machine running, drop them through
The sprinkler lid is not airtight.
one by one. Keep your hand over
the opening. Empty regularly.
Don’t use the blender as a storage
container. Keep it empty before and
Always switch off, unplug and
after use.
dismantle before cleaning.
Never blend more than 1
⁄2 litres
Never let the power unit, cord or
(2 pts 12 fl.oz) – less for frothy
plug get wet.
liquids like milk shakes.
Empty the jug before unscrewing it
from the blade unit.
mill only
Don’t wash any parts in your
Use for dry ingredients only.
power unit
When making mayonnaise, put all
Wipe with a damp cloth, then dry.
the ingredients, except the oil, into
Push excess cord inside the back of
the blender. Then, with the machine
the machine.
running, pour the oil into the filler cap
and let it run through.
blade unit
Thick mixtures, eg pâtés and dips,
1 Remove and wash the sealing ring.
may need scraping down. If it’s
2 Don’t touch the sharp blades –
difficult to process, add more liquid.
brush them clean using hot soapy
When crushing ice, add 15ml
water, then rinse thoroughly under
(1 tbsp) water to 6 ice cubes.
the tap. Don’t immerse the blade
Operate the blender in short bursts.
unit in water.
3 Leave to dry upside down, away
from children.
other parts
Wash by hand, then dry.

service and customer
winter warmer soup
carrots, potatoes and onions: thirty
2cm (
⁄4") cubes of each
If the cord is damaged it must, for
bacon stock
safety reasons, be replaced by
150g (6oz) red lentils, washed
Kenwood or an authorised Kenwood
375ml (
⁄4pt) vegetable stock
one and a half 400g (14oz) tins
If you need help with:
chopped tomatoes
using your machine or
salt and pepper
servicing, spare parts or repairs
300g (12oz) cooked bacon joint cut
Contact the shop where you bought
into 1cm (
⁄4") cubes
your machine.
1 Put the carrots, potatoes and onions
into the blender in that order.
2 Add bacon stock up to the 1
⁄2 litre
3 Blend for no more than 10 seconds.
4 Pour into a saucepan. Then add the
lentils, tomatoes, vegetable stock
and seasoning.
5 Bring to the boil, stirring constantly.
Then simmer for about 1 hour,
stirring regularly, until the ingredients
are cooked.
6 Add the bacon cubes and heat
through for 5-10 minutes. Serve