Beurer BF 100: 16. What if there are problems?
16. What if there are problems?: Beurer BF 100

Observe the local regulations for material disposal.
Possible errors Remedy
Dispose of the unit in accordance with EC Di-
Cordless connec-
Reinsert the batteries for the
rective 2002/96/EC–WEEE (Waste Electrical
tion between scale
scale and the control unit. Main-
and Electronic Equipment).
and control unit is
tain a larger distance from the
If you have any questions, please contact the local au-
following electromagnetic sourc-
thorities responsible for waste disposal.
es: high-voltage pylons, televi-
sion or wireless computer sys-
16. What if there are problems?
tems, fitness equipment, mobile
If the scale detects and error when measuring, the fol-
phones, weather stations.
lowing is displayed.
The control unit is
Reduce the distance between the
Display Cause Remedy
too far away from
scale and control unit; maximum
the scale.
distance is 2 metres.
The maximum load
Do not load the unit
capacity of 150 kg
with over 150 kg.
The batteries in the
Change the batteries (see page
was exceeded.
scale are flat or in-
16) and check that they are in-
correctly inserted.
serted the correct way round.
The batteries are
Replace the batter-
almost empty.
ies (see page 16
Incorrect weight measurement
and 23).
Possible errors Remedy
30 measurements
Transfer the meas-
have been saved.
urements to a PC,
The scale is not
Before taking a measurement,
see page 23.
zeroed correctly.
activate the scale briefly with
your foot until the
The electrical re-
Repeat the meas-
status indicator lights up.
sistance between
urement barefoot. If
Wait approximately 5 seconds
the electrodes and
necessary, moisten
and repeat the measurement.
the sole of your
the soles of your feet
For your information: because
foot is too high
slightly. If necessary,
you would normally step onto
(e.g. if you have
remove the calluses
the scale immediately, the scale
tough calluses).
from the soles of
saves the zero point when the
your feet.
scale is switched off (when the
The BIA measure-
Repeat the measure-
operating status indicator
ment was success-
ment barefoot or, if
goes out).
ful but the fat per-
necessary, moisten
Scale is on
Place the scale on a level and
centage is outside
the soles of your feet
solid surface.
the measurable
slightly. If necessary,
Stand with your feet as far apart
range (less than
change the level of
as possible without tipping the
5% or greater than
activity that you have
No display The batteries in
Replace the batter-
the control unit are
ies (see page 16).
17. Technical specifications
completely empty.
Dimensions of the scale 330 x 330 x 41 mm
The batteries in the
Check to ensure that
Scale batteries 3 x 1.5 V type AA
control unit are not
the polarity is correct
Control unit batteries 3 x 1.5 V type AA
inserted correctly.
(see page 16).
Cordless transmission 433 MHz
No measurement possible
Measuring range 5 kg to 150 kg
11 lb to 330,6 lb
Possible errors Remedy
0.79 St. to 23.61 St.
The control unit
Switch on the control unit first
Weight, bone mass unit 100 g / 0.2 lb / 0.2 lb
was not activated
before the measurement. If nec-
before you stepped
essary, wait 30 seconds, then re-
Unit for body fat, water
on the scale.
peat the measurement.
and muscle 0.1 %
BMR, AMR unit 1 Kcal
Subject to technical modifications.
The scale conforms to EC Directive 2004/108/EC +
- 3. Sicherheitshinweise
- 6. Montage des Bedienteils
- 7. Informationen
- 8. Einstellung
- 10. Bedienung
- 11. Ergebnisse bewerten
- 12. Messwerte zu einem PC 15. Entsorgen übertragen / HealthManager /
- 17. Technische Angaben
- 4. Description of the unit
- 5. Initial use
- 7. Information
- 8. Setting
- 10. Operation
- 11. Analysing results
- 13. Replacing batteries
- 16. What if there are problems?
- 3. Consignes de sécurité
- 6. Montage de l’unité de
- 7. Informations
- 8. Réglage
- 10. Utilisation
- 11. Interprétation des résultats
- 13. Remplacement des piles
- 16. Que faire en cas de
- 17. Caractéristiques techniques
- 3. Indicaciones de seguridad
- 6. Montaje del panel de mando
- 7. Información
- 8. Configuración
- 10. Manejo
- 11. Evaluación de los resultados
- 15. Eliminación
- 17. Características técnicas
- 4. Descrizione dell’apparecchio
- 6. Montaggio del pannello di
- 7. Informazioni
- 8. Impostazioni
- 10. Funzionamento
- 11. Valutazione dei risultati
- 12. Trasmissione dei valori misurati 15. Smaltimento su un PC / HealthManager /
- 17. Dati tecnici
- 4. Cihaz açıklaması
- 5. Çalıştırma
- 7. Bilgiler
- 8. Ayar
- 10. Kullanım
- 11. Sonuçların değerlendirilmesi
- 13. Pillerin değiştirilmesi
- 16. Problemle karşılaşılması
- РУССКИЙ Оглавление 1. Для ознакомления
- 2. Пояснения к символам
- 4. Описание прибора
- 6. Монтаж пульта управления
- 8. Настройка
- 9. Показания на дисплее
- 11. Оценка результатов
- 12. Перенос результатов
- 17. Технические данные
- 18. Гарантия
- 3. Wskazówki dotyczące
- 6. Montaż panelu obsługi
- 7. Informacje
- 8. Ustawienia
- 10. Obsługa
- 11. Ocena wyników
- 14. Czyszczenie i konserwacja
- 16. Co robić w przypadku