Asus ITX-220: 7 Routing

7 Routing: Asus ITX-220

Chapter 7

iPBX30 User Manual

7 Routing

You can use the software application specific routes for your

Internet and network data communication.

This chapter describes basic routing concepts and provides

instructions for creating static routes. Note that most users do not

need to dene static routes.

7.1 Overview of IP Routes

The essential challenge of a router is: when it receives data

intended for a particular destination, which next device should it

send that data to? When you dene IP routes, you provide the rules

that the iPBX30 uses to make these decisions.

7.1.1 DoIneedtodenestaticroutes?

Most users do not need to dene static routes. On a typical small

home or ofce network, the existing routes that set up the default

gateways for your LAN computers and for the iPBX30 provide the

most appropriate path for all your Internet trafc.

On your LAN computers, a default gateway directs all Internet

traffic to the LAN port on the iPBX30. Your LAN computers

know their default gateway either because you assigned it to

them when you modified their TCP/IP properties, or because

you congured them to receive the information dynamically from

a server whenever they access the Internet. (Each of these

processes is described in section 3.2.)

On the iPBX30 itself, a default gateway is dened to direct all

outbound Internet traffic to a router at your ISP. This default

gateway is assigned automatically by your ISP whenever the

device negotiates an Internet connection. (The process for

adding a default route is described in section 7.3.2.)

You may need to dene static routes if your home setup includes

two or more networks or subnets, if you connect to two or more ISP

services, or if you connect to a remote corporate LAN.


iPBX30 User Manual

Chapter 7

7.2 Dynamic Routing using RIP (Routing

Information Protocol)

RIP enables routing information exchange between routers; thus,

routes are updated automatically without human intervention.

It is recommended that you enable RIP in the System Services

Conguration Page.

Figure 7.1. RIP Conguration Page

7.2.1 RIPCongurationParameters

The following table denes the available conguration parameters

for static routing conguration.

Table 7.1. Static Route Conguration Parameters

Field Description

Interface Select an interface through which the routing information

is exchanged. Available options are LAN, WAN1, WAN2,

PPPoE1, PPPoE2, PPPoE3 and PPPoE4.

RIP Click the “Enable” or “Disable” radio button to enable

or disable “RIP” for the interface selected. Note that

you must enable RIP service rst in the Management /

System Services conguration page rst.


Chapter 7

iPBX30 User Manual

Field Description

Passive Mode Enable this mode if RIP congured for this interface will

only receive routing information from other routers and

not send routing information to other routers. Disable

this mode if you want this interface to send and receive

routing information to/from other routers.

R I P V e r s i o n

Select the RIP version for sending the routing


information. Three options are available: Version 1.

Version 2 and Both.

R I P V e r s i o n

Select the RIP version for receiving the routing


information. Three options are available: Version 1.

Version 2 and Both.

Authentication Click on “Enable” or “Disable” radio button to enable/

disable authentication for exchanging the routing

information. Note that all the routers exchanging routing

information must use the same authentication key.

A u t he n ti c a ti o n

Select RIP authentication mode from the drop down list.


Two modes are supported - Clear Text and MD5.

Authentication Key Enter the authentication key shared by all the routers

exchanging the routing information.

7.2.2 ConguringRIP

Follow these instructions to enable or disable RIP:

1. In the

System Services Conguration

page, click the




radio button depending on whether you want to

enable or disable RIP.

2. Select an interface from the drop-down list for routing information


3. Click the


radio button to enable RIP for the particular

interface selected.

4. Decide whether the RIP is operated in passive mode or not by

clicking the




radio button.

5. Choose RIP version for sending and receiving the routing

information. Available options are Version 1, Version 2 and Both.

6. Choose whether authentication is required by clicking the


iPBX30 User Manual

Chapter 7




radio button.

7. (Optional) If authentication is enabled, you must also select

authentication mode and the desired authentication key.

8. Click


to save the settings.

7.3 Static Route

Figure 7.2. Static Route Conguration Page

7.3.1 StaticRouteCongurationParameters

The following table denes the available conguration parameters

for static routing conguration.

Table 7.2. Static Route Conguration Parameters

Field Description

D e s t i n a t i o n

Specifies the IP address of the destination computer or


an entire destination network. It can also be specified as

all zeros to indicate that this route should be used for all

destinations for which no other route is dened (this is the

route that creates the default gateway). Note that destination

IP must be a network ID. The default route uses a destination

IP of Refer to Appendix 11 for an explanation of

network ID.


Chapter 7

iPBX30 User Manual

Field Description

Subnet Mask Indicates which parts of the destination address refer to the

network and which parts refer to a computer on the network.

Refer to Appendix 11 for an explanation of network masks.

The default route uses a for subnet mask.


Gateway IP address

Interface Available option include AUTO, Eth0 (LAN), Eth1 (WAN),

PPPoE:0 (unnumbered), PPPoE:1 (1st PPPoE session),

PPPoE:2 (2nd PPPoE session). These options are

selectable from the drop-down list. If AUTO is selected, the

router will automatically assign an interface to route the

packets based on the gateway IP address.

7.3.2 Adding Static Routes

Figure 7.3. Static Route Conguration

Follow these instructions to add a static route to the routing table.

1. Click the

Advanced ->Static Route

menu to open the



conguration page.

2. Enter static routes information such as destination IP address,

destination subnet mask, gateway IP address and the interface

in the corresponding elds.

To create a route that defines the default gateway for your

LAN, enter in both the Destination IP Address and

Subnet Mask elds.

3. Click


to add a new route.


iPBX30 User Manual

Chapter 7

7.3.3 Deleting Static Routes

Figure 7.4. Sample Routing Table

Follow these instructions to delete a static route from the routing


1. Click the

Advanced ->Static Route

menu to open the Static

Route conguration page.

2. Click on the icon of the route to be deleted in the Routing


WARNING Do not remove the route for default

gateway unless you know what you are doing.

Removing the default route will render the Internet


7.3.4 Viewing the Static Routing Table

All IP-enabled computers and routers maintain a table of IP

addresses that are commonly accessed by their users. For each of

these destination IP addresses, the table lists the IP address of the

rst hop the data should take. This table is known as the device’s

routing table.

To view the iPBX30’s routing table, click the

Advanced ->Static


menu. The Routing Table displays at the upper half of the

Static Route Conguration page.

The Routing Table displays a row for each existing route containing

the IP address of the destination network, subnet mask of

destination network and the IP of the gateway that forwards the
