Asus WL-167G: инструкция
Характеристики, спецификации
Инструкция к Wi-Fi Адаптеру Asus WL-167G

ASUS Wireless Adapter
WL-167G V3
EC Declaration of Conformity
We, the undersigned,
Address, City:
Authorized representative in Europe:
Address, City: HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN
declare the following apparatus:
Product name : 802.11b/g/n USB2.0 Adapter
Model name : WL-167G V3
conform with the essential requirements of the following directives:
2004/108/EC-EMC Directive
EN 55022:2006/A1:2007
EN 61000-3-2:2006
EN 55024:1998/A1:2001/A2:2003
EN 55013:2001+A1:2003+A2:2006
EN 61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001+A2:2005
EN 61000-4-2:1995/A1:1998 /A2:2001
EN 55020:2007
EN 61000-4-3: 1996 /A1:1998 /A2:2001
EN 61000-4-5: 1995 /A1:2001
EN 61000-4-4: 1995 /A1:2000 /A2:2001
EN 61000-4-6: 1996 /A1:2001
EN 61000-4-11: 1994 /A1:2001
1999/5/EC-R &TTE Directive
EN 300 440-2 V1.2.1(2008-03)
EN 300 440-1 V1.4.1(2008-05)
EN 300 328 V1.7.1(2006-10)
EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1(2008-04)
EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1(2002-08)
EN 301 511 V9.0.2(2003-03)
EN 301 489-4 V1.3.1(2002-08)
EN 301 908-1 V3.2.1(2007-05)
EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1(2005-11)
EN 301 908-2 V3.2.1(2007-05)
EN 301 489-9 V1.4.1(2007-11)
EN 301 893 V1.4.1(2005-03)
EN 301 489-17 V2.1.1(2009-05)
ETSI EN 62311:2008
EN 301 489-24 V1.4.1(2007-09)
EN 50371:2002
EN 302 326-2 V1.2.2(2007-06)
EN 302 326-3 V1.3.1(2007-09)
2006/95/EC-LVD Directive
EN 60950-1:2001+A11:2004
EN 60950-1:2006
2005/32/EC-EuP Directive
Regulation (EC) No. 1275/2008
Regulation (EC) No. 278/2009
EN 62301:2005
EN 62301:2005
CE marking
(EC conformity marking)
Position : CEO
Name : Jerry Shen
Declaration Date: Mar. 25, 2010
Year to begin affixing CE marking:2010
Signature : __________
WL-167G V3
ASUS Wireless Adapter
NOTE: If Autorun is disabled, run setup.exe from the root directory of the support CD.
Quick Start Guide
For more details and advanced conguration instructions, refer to the user
manual included in the support CD.
Setting up a Home Network
1. Insert the support CD into the optical drive and an autorun screen appears.
Follow the succeeding onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
1. Insert the support CD into the optical drive and an autorun screen appears. Follow the
1. Inserte el CD de soporte en la unidad óptica. Al hacerlo, aparecerá una pantalla
succeeding onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
de ejecución automática. Siga las instrucciones que se mostrarán a continuación
NOTE: If Autorun is disabled, run setup.exe from the root directory of the support CD.
en la pantalla para llevar a cabo la instalación.
2. Plug the wireless adapter into your computer's USB port.
NOTA: Si la función Autorun (Ejecución automática) está deshabilitada, ejecute el
3. The installation program is completed.
archivo setup.exe que encontrará en el directorio raíz del CD de soporte.
NOTE: For more details and advanced conguration instructions, refer to the user
2. Conecte el adaptador inalámbrico a un puerto USB de su equipo.
manual included in the support CD.
3. El programa de instalación ha nalizado.
NOTA: Si desea obtener más información o instrucciones de conguración avanzada,
consulte el manual del usuario que incluye el CD de soporte.
1. Legen Sie bitte die Support-CD in das optische Laufwerk ein. Es erscheint daraufhin
das Autorun-Fenster. Folgen Sie den Bildschirmanweisungen, um die Installation
1. Вставте компакт-диск підтримки до оптичного дисководу, і з’явиться екран
HINWEIS: Wenn Autorun nicht aktiviert ist, führen Sie die Datei setup.exe im
автозапуску. Виконуйте вказівки на наступних екранах, щоб завершити
Hauptverzeichnis der Support-CD aus.
2. Stecken Sie den Wireless-Adapter in einen freien USB-Anschluss Ihres Computers.
ПРИМІТКА: Якщо Autorun (Автозапуск) вимкнено, запустіть setup.exe з
3. Das Installationsprogramm ist fertig.
кореневої директорії на компакт-диску підтримки.
HINWEIS: Für mehr Details und die erweiterten Kongurationsanweisungen beziehen
2. Вставте бездротовий адаптер до порту USB на комп’ютері.
Sie sich bitte auf das in der Support-CD enthaltenen Benutzerhandbuch.
3. Програма інсталяції завершена.
ПРИМІТКА: Більше подробиць та вказівки щодо високотехнологічних
2. Plug the wireless adapter into your computer's USB port.
конфігурацій Ви знайдете в керівництві користувача на компакт-диску
1. Inserire il CD di supporto nell’unità ottica e apparirà la schermata di esecuzione
automatica.Seguire le istruzioni sullo schermo e completare l’installazione.
NOTA: Se la funzione di esecuzione automatica è disattivata, eseguire setup.exe dalla
directory principale del CD di supporto.
1. Insérez le CD de support dans le lecteur optique. L’écran d’exécution automatique
2. Inserire l’adattatore wireless nella porta USB del computer.
apparaît. Suivez les instructions à l’écran pour terminer l’installation.
3. Il programma di installazione è stato completato.
NOTE : si l’exécution automatique est désactivée sur votre ordinateur, localisez
NOTA: Per ulteriori informazioni e per le istruzioni sulla congurazione avanzata,
puis ouvrez le chier setup.exe situé dans le CD de support.
consultare il manuale utente nel CD di supporto.
2. Connectez l’adaptateur réseau sans l à un port USB de votre ordinateur.
3. L’installation est terminée.
NOTE : pour obtenir des instructions détaillées sur les congurations avancées,
1. Įdėkite pagalbos kompaktinį diską (CD) į optinį diskasukį, ir bus rodomas automatinės
consultez le manuel de l’utilisateur situé sur le CD de support.
paleisties (Autorun) langas. Norėdami baigti įdiegimo procesą, vadovaukitės nuorodomis
PASTABA: Jei automatinė paleistis (Autorun) neaktyvi, paleiskite setup.exe iš pagalbos
1. Plaats de ondersteunings-cd in het optische station en het autorun-scherm verschijnt.
kompaktinio disko (CD) šakninio katalogo.
Volg de opeenvolgende instructies op het scherm om de installatie te voltooien.
2. Prijunkite bevielį adapterį prie savo kompiuterio USB prievado.
OPMERKING: Als Autorun is uitgeschakeld, moet u setup.exe uitvoeren vanaf de
3. Diegimo programa baigta.
hoofdmap van de ondersteunings-cd.
PASTABA: Jei reikia daugiau informacijos ir išplėstinės kongūracijos instrukcijų, žr.
2. Sluit de draadloze adapter aan op de USB-poort van uw computer.
vartotojo vadovą, esantį pagalbos kompaktiniame diske (CD).
3. Het installatieprogramma is voltooid.
OPMERKING: Raadpleeg de handleiding op de ondersteunings-cd voor meer
informatie en geavanceerde conguratierichtlijnen.
3. The installation program is completed.
1. Ievietojiet optiskajā diskdzinī atbalsta CD un parādīsies automātiskās palaišanas
1. Εισάγετε το CD υποστήριξης στη μονάδα οπτικού δίσκου και θα εμφανιστεί
ekrāns. Sekojiet instrukcijām uz ekrāna, lai pabeigtu instalēšanu.
η οθόνη αυτόματης εκτέλεσης. Ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες που θα
PIEZĪME: Ja automātiskā palaišana ir atspējota, atbalsta CD saknes direktorijā palaidiet
εμφανιστούν στην επόμενη οθόνη για να ολοκληρώσετε την εγκατάσταση.
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Αν η δυνατότητα Αυτόματης εκτέλεσης είναι απενεργοποιημένη,
2. Pievienojiet bezvadu adapteru datora USB portam.
εκτελέστε το αρχείο setup.exe στο ριζικό κατάλογο του CD υποστήριξης.
3. Instalēšanas programma ir pabeigta.
2. Συνδέστε τον ασύρματο προσαρμογέα στη θύρα USB του υπολογιστή.
PIEZĪME: Detalizētāku informāciju un uzlabotās kongurācijas instrukcijas meklējiet
3. Η εγκατάσταση ολοκληρώθηκε.
atbalsta CD esošajā lietotāja rokasgrāmatā.
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες και οδηγίες διαμόρφωσης για
προχωρημένους, ανατρέξτε στο εγχειρίδιο χρήστη που παρέχεται στο CD
1. Introduza o CD de suporte na unidade óptica e será exibido o ecrã de execução
automática. Siga as instruções apresentadas no ecrã para concluir a instalação.
NOTA: Se a Execução automática estiver desactivada, execute o cheiro setup.exe no
1. Вставьте support CD в оптический привод Вашего компьютера, программа
directório raiz do CD de suporte.
запустится автоматически. Следуйте инструкциям на экране для
2. Ligue o adaptador de rede sem os à porta USB do seu computador.
завершения установки.
3. A instalação do programa está concluída.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Если автозапуск отключен, запустите setup.exe в корневой
NOTA: Para obter mais detalhes e instruções de conguração avançada, consulte o
директории компакт-диска.
manual do utilizador incluído no CD de suporte.
2. Подключите беспроводный адаптер к USB порту Вашего компьютера.
3. Установка программы завершена.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Дополнительную информацию и инструкции смотрите в
1. Introduceţi CD-ul de asistenţă în unitatea optică şi apare un ecran de executare
руководстве пользователя на компакт-диске.
automată. Urmaţi instrucţiunile de pe ecran pentru a încheia procesul de instalare.
NOTĂ: Dacă opţiunea Autorun (Executare automată) este dezactivată, executaţi setup.
exe din directorul rădăcină de pe CD-ul de asistenţă.
1. Sisestades tugi-CD optilisse seadmesse, kuvatakse ekraan autorun. Installi
2. Introduceţi adaptorul wireless în portul USB al computerului dvs.
lõpetamiseks järgige edasisi ekraanijuhiseid.
3. Programul de instalare este nalizat.
MÄRKUS: Kui funktsioon autorun on keelatud, siis käivitage fail setup.exe tugi-CD
NOTĂ: Pentru mai multe detalii şi instrucţiuni de congurare complexă, consultaţi
manualul inclus pe CD-ul de asistenţă.
2. Ühendage traadita adapter arvuti USB porti.
3. Installimine on lõpule viidud.
MÄRKUS: Täiendavat teavet ja täpsemaid kongureerimisjuhiseid leiate
1. Włożyć płytę CD z oprogramowaniem do napędu optycznego; powinien zostać
kasutusjuhendist, mis sisaldub seadmega kaasnenud tugi-CD-l.
automatycznie wyświetlony ekran instalacyjny. W celu skutecznego zakończenia
instalacji postępować zgodnie z instrukcjami na ekranie.
UWAGA: Jeśli funkcja automatycznego uruchamiania jest wyłączona, uruchomić
1. Helyezze be a támogató CD-lemezt az optikai meghajtóba, amire megjelenik az
program setup.exe w katalogu głównym na płycie CD z oprogramowaniem.
automatikus futtatás képernyő. Kövesse a képernyőn megjelenő utasításokat a
2. Włóż kartę bezprzewodową do gniazda USB komputera.
telepítés befejezéséhez.
3. Pogram instalacyjny zakończył działanie.
MEGJEGYZÉS: Ha az automatikus lejátszást letiltották, futtassa a setup.exe fájlt
UWAGA: Szczegółowe informacje oraz instrukcje dotyczące zaawansowanej
a támogató CD gyökérkönyvtárában.
konguracji znajdują się w podręczniku użytkownika umieszczonym na płycie CD z
2. Csatlakoztassa a vezeték nélküli adaptert a számítógép USB-csatlakozójához.
3. A telepítés ezzel befejeződött.
MEGJEGYZÉS: A további részleteket és a speciális konguráció utasításait
illetően tekintse meg a támogató CD-n lévő felhasználói útmutatót.
Q5391_WL-167G V3 QSG.indd 1 7/7/10 10:57:42 AM

Offer to Provide Source Code of Certain Software
1. Do optickej mechaniky vložte CD s podporou; zobrazí sa obrazovka
Radiation Exposure Statement:
automatického spustenia. Pre dokončenie inštalácie postupujte podľa ďalších
This product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the General
pokynov na obrazovke.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
Public License (“GPL”), under the Lesser General Public License Version (“LGPL”)
POZNÁMKA: Pokiaľ je neaktívna funkcia automatického spustenia, spustite súbor
uncontrolled environment. End users must follow compliance with FCC RF exposure
and/or other Free Open Source Software Licenses. Such software in this product is
setup.exe, ktorý nájdete v koreňovom adresári na CD s podporou.
compliance requirements, please follow operation instruction as documented in this
distributed without any warranty to the extent permitted by the applicable law. Copies
2. Pripojte adaptér bezdrôtovej komunikácie k USB portu počítača.
3. Týmto je inštalácia dokončená.
of these licenses are included in this product.
POZNÁMKA: Viac podrobností a pokyny pre rozšírenú konguráciu nájde v
Where the applicable license entitles you to the source code of such software and/or
návode na obsluhu na CD s podporou.
Declaration of Conformity for R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC
other additional data, such data should have been shipped along with this product.
Essential requirements – Article 3
You may also download it for free from
1. Po vložení podpůrného disku CD do optické jednotky se zobrazí obrazovka
Protection requirements for health and safety – Article 3.1a
automatického spuštění. Dokončete instalaci podle dalších zobrazených pokynů.
The source code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and licensed under the
POZNÁMKA: Není-li aktivována funkce automatického spuštění, spusťte soubor
Testing for electric safety according to EN 60950-1 has been conducted. These are
same license as the corresponding binary/object code.
setup.exe v kořenovém adresáři podpůrného disku CD.
considered relevant and sufcient.
2. Připojte bezdrátový adaptér k portu USB počítače.
ASUSTeK is eager to duly provide complete source code as required under various
3. Instalační program je dokončen.
Protection requirements for electromagnetic compatibility – Article 3.1b
POZNÁMKA: Podrobnější informace a pokyny pro upřesňující konguraci viz
Free Open Source Software licenses. If however you encounter any problems in
uživatelská příručka na podpůrném disku CD.
Testing for electromagnetic compatibility according to EN 301 489-1 and
obtaining the full corresponding source code we would be much obliged if you give us
a notication to the email address, stating the product and describing
EN 301 489-17 has been conducted. These are considered relevant and sufcient.
the problem (please do NOT send large attachments such as source code archives
1. Aseta tuki-CD-levy optiseen asemaan ja näkyviin tulee automaattinen
Effective use of the radio spectrum – Article 3.2
etc to this email address).
käynnistysruutu. Suorita asennus loppuun noudattamalla ruudun ohjeita.
Huomautus: Jos automaattinen käynnistys on pois päältä, suorita setup.exe tuki-
Testing for radio test suites according to EN 300 328- 2 has been conducted. These
CD-levyn juurihakemistosta.
are considered relevant and sufcient.
2. Liitä langaton sovitin tietokoneen USB-porttiin.
3. Asennus on valmis.
Huomautus: Voit katsoa tarkempia tietoja ja lisämääritysten ohjeita tuki-CD-levyllä
CE Mark Warning
Bahasa Malaysia
olevasta käyttöoppaasta.
1. Masukkan CD sokongan ke dalam pemacu optik dan skrin autorun akan muncul.
This is a Class B product, in a domestic environment, this product may cause radio
Ikuti arahan pada skrin yang berikutnya untuk melengkapkan pemasangan.
interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
NOTA: Jika Autorun dinyahdayakan, jalankan setup.exe dari direktori punca CD
1. Сложете CD диска в оптичното устройство и ще се появи екранът за
Operation Channels: Ch1~11 for N. America, Ch1~14 Japan, Ch1~13 Europe (ETSI)
автоматично зареждане. Следвайте следващите инструкции на екрана, за
2. Pasang penyesuai wayarles ke dalam port USB komputer anda.
да завършите инсталацията.
3. Atur cara pemasangan selesai.
ЗАБЕЛЕЖКА: Ако Autorun (Автоматично зареждане) е деактивирано,
NOTA: Untuk mendapatkan butiran lanjut dan arahan kongurasi lanjutan, rujuk
IC Warning
изпълнете setup.exe от основната директория на помощния CD диск.
manual pengguna yang disertakan dalam CD sokongan.
2. Включете безжичния адаптер в USB порта на компютъра.
The Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-
3. Инсталацията приключи.
Causing Equipment Regulation.
ЗАБЕЛЕЖКА: За повече информация и инструкции за разширени настройки,
вижте ръководството на потребителя намиращо се на помощния CD диск.
Cet appareil numerique de la class B respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement
sur le materiel brouilleur du Canada.
Federal Communications Commission Statement
Industry Canada Statement:
Bahasa Indonesia
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
This device complies with RSS-210 of the Industry Canada Rules. Operation is subject to
1. Masukkan CD pendukung ke dalam drive optik, kemudian layar autorun akan
ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
tampil. Ikuti petunjuk berikutnya di layar untuk menyelesaikan penginstalan.
following two conditions:
the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
Tel: +886-2-2894-3447
CATATAN: Jika Autorun dinonaktifkan, jalankan setup.exe dari direktori akar CD
• This device may not cause harmful interference.
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
Address: No. 150, LI-TE RD., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN
• This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
undesired operation.
2. Pasang adapter nirkabel ke port USB komputer Anda.
3. Program penginstalan selesai.
may cause undesired operation.
Authorised representative in Europe
CATATAN: Untuk informasi lebih rinci dan petunjuk kongurasi lanjutan, lihat
panduan pengguna yang tersedia di CD pendukung.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class
B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
Radiation Exposure Statement:
ASUS Computer GmbH
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
Address: HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN, GERMANY
1. ใส่แผ่นซีดี CD สนับสนุนลงในออปติคัลไดรฟ์ และหน้าจอ autorun จะปรากฏขึ้น
environment. End users must follow the specic operating instructions for satisfying
ปฏิบัติตามขั้นตอนบนหน้าจอให้เสร็จ เพื่อทำการติดตั้งให้สมบูรณ์
RF exposure compliance. To maintain compliance with IC RF exposure compliance
Authorised distributors in Turkey
หมายเหตุ: ถ้าคุณสมบัติ Autorun ปิดทำงาน, ให้รัน setup.exe
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
requirements, please follow operation instruction as documented in this manual.
จากไดเรกทอรีรากของแผ่น CD สนับสนุน
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
2. เสียบไวร์เลส อะแดปเตอร์ลงในพอร์ต USB ของคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณ
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
NCC Warning
Tel: +90 212 3311000
3. โปรแกรมการติดตั้งก็จะสมบูรณ์
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
หมายเหตุ:สำหรับรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมและขั้นตอนการกำหนดค่าขั้นสูง ให้ดูคู่มือผู้ใช้ที่ให้
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
มาในแผ่น CD สนับสนุน
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Tel: +90 212 3312121
1. Yardım CD’sini optik sürücüye yerleştirin, otomatik çalıştırma ekranı görüntüye
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
gelir. Kurulumu tamamlamak için takip eden ekran üstü talimatlara uyun.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
NOT: Otomatik çalışma etkin değilse, yardım CD’sinin kök dizininden setup.exe‘yi
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
2. Kablosuz adaptörü bilgisayarın USB bağlantı noktasına takın.
receiver is connected.
EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur.
3. Kurulum programı tamamlandı.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
NOT: Daha fazla bilgi ve gelişmiş yapılandırma talimatları için, yardım CD’sinde
bulunan kullanma kılavuzuna bakınız.
Any changes or modications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Complying with the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of
Prohibition of Co-location
Chemicals) regulatory framework, we published the chemical substances in our products at
ASUS REACH website at
This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction
with any other antenna or transmitter.
Q5391_WL-167G V3 QSG.indd 2 7/7/10 10:57:44 AM