Dell Latitude X300: Dell™QuickSetFeatures

Dell™QuickSetFeatures : Dell Latitude X300


Clicking the QuickSet Icon

Double-Clicking the QuickSet Icon

Right-Clicking the QuickSet Icon

Dell™QuickSetrunsfromthe icon located in the taskbar and functions differently when you click, double-click, or right-click the icon.

Clicking the QuickSet Icon

Click the icon to perform the following tasks:

l Adjust power management settings using the Power Management Wizard.

l Adjust the size of icons and toolbars.

l Select a power scheme that you set in the Power Management Wizard.

l Turn presentation mode on or off.

Double-Clicking the QuickSet Icon

Double-click the icon to adjust power management settings using the Power Management Wizard.

Right-Clicking the QuickSet Icon

Right-click the icon to perform the following tasks:

l Enable or disable the Brightness Meter on the screen.

l Enable or disable the Volume Meter on the screen.

l Turn wireless activity on or off.

l View Dell QuickSet Help.

l View the version and copyright date of the QuickSet program installed on your computer.

For more information about QuickSet, right-click the icon in the taskbar and click Help.