Toshiba External SuperMulti Drive: инструкция
Раздел: Аксессуары для фото- и видеотехники
Инструкция к Toshiba External SuperMulti Drive

User’s Manual
TOSHIBA External SuperMulti Drive

User’s Manual
TOSHIBA External SuperMulti Drive
User’s Manual
Welcome and thank you for choosing a TOSHIBA product.
For your convenience, your TOSHIBA product is furnished with two
Quick Start Guide
comprehensive PDF User’s Manual
Table of Contents
Conventions ........................................................................................... 4
Checking the components .................................................................... 5
Safety Instructions................................................................................. 5
System Requirements ........................................................................... 7
The Grand Tour ...................................................................................... 8
Front View.............................................................................................8
Back View .............................................................................................8
Features .................................................................................................. 9
Versatile Multimedia Features ..............................................................9
DVD Recommended Disc Types ......................................................9
CD Recommended Disc Types ......................................................10
Buffer underrun free technology .....................................................10
Reading / Recording Speed............................................................10
Installing ............................................................................................... 11
Connecting to your computer..............................................................11
Removing the USB Converter Cable ..................................................12
Device Driver ......................................................................................12
Checking for USB2.0 and Installing a USB Driver ..........................12
Confirming the Installation of the Device Driver..............................13
General Use .......................................................................................... 13
How to Use the Drive ..........................................................................13
How to Use DVD±R/RW and Other Discs ......................................14

User’s Manual
TOSHIBA External SuperMulti Drive
Storing/Cleaning ...................................................................................15
Storing the Disc ..................................................................................15
Cleaning the Disc................................................................................15
When the LED blinks ..........................................................................15
Description on Laser specification .....................................................17
Copyright Statement.............................................................................21
Regulatory Statements.........................................................................22
FCC information..................................................................................22
FCC notice “Declaration of Conformity Information” ......................22
FCC Conditions ..............................................................................22
Contact ...........................................................................................22
Industry Canada Requirement............................................................23
CE Compliance...................................................................................23
Working Environment .........................................................................23
Additional Environments not Related to EMC.....................................24
REACH ...............................................................................................24
Following information is only for EU-member states: .........................24
Disposal of Products ......................................................................24

User’s Manual
TOSHIBA External SuperMulti Drive
This manual uses the following formats to describe, identify, and highlight
terms and operating procedures.
On first appearance, and whenever necessary for clarity, abbreviations
are enclosed in parentheses following their definition. For example: Read
Only Memory (ROM).
Icons identify ports, dials, and other parts of your product. The indicator
panel also uses icons to identify components.
Safety Icons
This guide contains safety instructions that must be observed to avoid
potential hazards that could result in personal injuries, damage to your
equipment, or loss of data. These safety cautions have been classified
according to the seriousness of the risk, and icons highlight these
instructions as follows:
Signal Words
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor injury
or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in property
Provides important information.
- Introduction
- Conventions
- Checking the componentsSafety Instructions
- System Requirements
- The Grand Tour
- Features
- Installing
- General Use
- Storing/Cleaning
- Specification
- Description on Laser specification
- Troubleshooting
- Copyright Statement
- Regulatory Statements
- Úvod
- Ujednání
- Kontrola sou č ástí Bezpe č nostní pokyny
- Požadavky na systém
- Seznámení se za ř ízením
- Vlastnosti
- Instalace
- Obecné použití
- Uložení/ č išt ě ní
- Specifikace
- Popis specifikace laseru
- Odstra ň ování závad
- Prohlášení o autorských právech
- Regula č ní opat ř ení
- Einführung
- Konventionen
- Überprüfen der KomponentenSicherheitshinweise
- Systemanforderungen
- Hardware-Überblick
- Merkmale
- Installation
- Allgemeine Bedienung
- Aufbewahrung/Reinigung
- Technische Daten
- Laserspezifikation
- Fehlerbehebung
- Hinweis zum Urheberrecht
- Wichtige Informationen
- Indledning
- Konventioner
- Kontrol af komponenterneSikkerhedsanvisninger
- Systemkrav
- Præsentation af computeren
- Funktioner
- Isætning
- Generel brug
- Opbevaring/rengøring
- Specifikationer
- Beskrivelse af laserspecifikation
- Fejlfinding
- Copyright-erklæring
- Regler og lovgivning
- Introducción
- Convenciones
- Comprobación de los componentesInstrucciones de seguridad
- Requisitos del sistema
- Descripción general
- Funciones
- Instalación
- Utilización general
- Almacenamiento/limpieza
- Especificación
- Descripción de la especificación de láser
- Solución de problemas
- Nota de copyright
- Marcas comerciales
- Johdanto
- Merkintätavat
- Toimitussisällön tarkastaminenTurvallisuusohjeet
- Järjestelmävaatimukset
- Tutustuminen
- Ominaisuudet
- asentaminen
- Yleinen käyttö
- Säilyttäminen ja puhdistaminen
- Tekniset tiedot
- Laserlaitteen tekniset tiedot
- Ongelmanratkaisu
- Tekijänoikeudet
- Asetusten vaatimat ilmoitukset
- Introduction
- Conventions
- Vérification des composantsConsignes de sécurité
- Configuration requise
- Présentation
- Caractéristiques
- Installation
- Utilisation générale
- Rangement/Nettoyage
- Spécifications
- Description de la spécification laser
- Dépannage
- Copyright
- Règlements
- Εισαγωγή
- Συμβάσεις
- Έλεγχος των εξαρτημάτων Οδηγίες ασφαλείας
- Απαιτήσεις συστήματος
- Λειτουργίες
- Γίνεται εγκατάσταση
- Γενική χρήση
- Αποθήκευση / καθαρισμός
- Προδιαγραφές
- Περιγραφή της προδιαγραφής λέιζερ
- Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων
- Δήλωση πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων
- Uvod
- Konvencije
- Provjera sastavnih dijelovaSigurnosne upute
- Zahtjevi sustava
- Sveukupni pregled
- Zna č ajke
- Instaliranje
- Op ć a upotreba
- Pohranjivanje/ Č iš ć enje
- Tehni č ki podaci
- Opis podataka o laseru
- Rješavanje problema
- Izjava o zaštiti prava
- Regulativne izjave
- Bevezetés
- Konvenciók
- Alkatrészek ellen ő rzése Biztonsági utasítások
- Rendszerkövetelmények
- A számítógép áttekintése
- Jellemz ő k
- Telepítés
- Általános használat
- Tárolás és tisztítás
- M ű szaki specifikáció
- A lézer specifikációi
- Hibaelhárítás
- Szerz ő i jogi nyilatkozat
- Megfelel ő séggel kapcsolatos nyilatkozatok
- Introduzione
- Conventions
- Verifica dei componentiIstruzioni per la sicurezza
- Requisiti di sistema
- Panoramica del computer
- Features
- installazione
- Uso generale
- Stoccaggio e pulizia
- Specifica
- Informazioni sull’uso del laser
- Risoluzione dei problemi
- Informazioni sui diritti d’autore
- Informazioni di conformità
- Inleiding
- Conventies
- De onderdelen controlerenVeiligheidsinstructies
- Systeemvereisten
- Rondleiding
- Kenmerken
- Installeren
- Algemeen gebruik
- Opslag/reiniging
- Specificatie
- Beschrijving van laserspecificatie
- Problemen oplossen
- Copyrightmelding
- Voorschriften
- Innledning
- Konvensjoner
- Kontrollere komponenteneSikkerhetsveiledning
- Systemkrav
- Bli kjent med maskinen
- Funksjoner
- Installere
- Generell bruk
- Oppbevare/rengjøre
- Spesifikasjoner
- Beskrivelse av laserspesifikasjon
- Feilsøking
- Copyright-erklæring
- Informasjon om regelverk
- Wprowadzenie
- Stosowane konwencje
- Sprawdzanie sk ł adników Zalecenia dotycz ą ce bezpiecze ń stwa
- Wymagania systemowe
- Funkcje
- Instalacja
- Ogólne informacje dotycz ą ce u ż ytkowania
- Przechowywanie/czyszczenie
- Specyfikacje
- Specyfikacje modu ł u laserowego
- Rozwi ą zywanie problemów
- Prawa autorskie
- Znaki towarowe
- Introdução
- Convenções
- Verificação dos componentesInstruções de segurança
- Requisitos do sistema
- Visita guiada
- Características
- Instalação
- Utilização geral
- Conservar e limpar
- Especificações
- Descrição da especificação Laser
- Resolução de Problemas
- Declaração de Direitos de Autor
- Declarações regulamentares
- Uvod
- Konvencije
- Provera komponenataBezbednosna uputstva
- Sistemski zahtevi
- Veliki obilazak
- Osnovne karakteristike
- Instalacija
- Uopšteno o upotrebi
- Skladištenje/ Č iš ć enje
- Tehni č ke karakteristike
- Opis karakteristika lasera
- Rešavanje problema
- Izjava o autorskim pravima
- Regulativne izjave
- Введение
- Условные обозначения
- Проверка наличия компонентов Правила техники безопасности
- Требования к системе
- Функциональные возможности
- Подготовка к работе
- Использование
- Хранение / чистка
- Технические характеристики
- Пояснения относительно лазерных устройств
- Возможные проблемы и способы их решения
- Заявление об авторских правах
- Отказ от ответственности
- Inledning
- Konventioner
- Kontrollera delarnaSäkerhetsanvisningar
- Systemkrav
- Beskrivning av datorn
- Funktioner
- Installera
- Generella användningsområden
- Förvaring och rengöring
- Specifikation
- Laserspecifikation
- Felsökning
- Meddelande angående kopiering
- Bestämmelser
- Úvod
- Konvencie
- Kontrola komponentovBezpe č nostné pokyny
- Systémové požiadavky
- Grand Tour
- Popis funkcií
- Prebieha inštalácia
- Všeobecné použitie
- Skladovanie/ č istenie
- Technické parametre
- Opis parametrov laseru
- Riešenie problémov
- Vyhlásenie o autorskom práve
- Regula č né vyhlásenia
- Uvod
- Pravila
- Preverjanje komponentVarnostna navodila
- Sistemske zahteve
- Predstavitev
- Nameš č anje
- Splošna uporaba
- Shranjevanje/ č iš č enje
- Tehni č ni podatki
- Opis specifikacije laserja
- Odpravljanje težav
- Izjava o avtorskih pravicah
- Pravna izjava
- Giri ş
- Genel kurallar
- Bile ş enlerin kontrol edilmesi Güvenlik Talimatlar ı
- Sistem Gereksinimleri
- Genel Bak ı ş
- Özellikler
- Takma
- Genel Kullan ı m
- Saklama/Temizleme
- Teknik Özellikler
- Lazer teknik özellikleriyle ilgili aç ı klama
- Sorun giderme
- Telif Hakk ı Aç ı klamas ı
- Yönetmelik Aç ı klamalar ı
- ةمدقم
- ليلدلا اذه يف ةعبتملا ديلاقتلا
- تانوكملا صحف
- ماظنلا تابلطتم
- ىربكلا ةلوجلا
- صئاصخلا
- بيكرتلا
- ماعلا مادختسلاا
- فيظنتلا/نيزختلا
- تافصاوملا
- رزيللا تافصاوم نايب
- لكاشملا لح
- رشنلا قوقح نايب
- ةيميظنتلا تانايبلا