Ariston Aqualtis AQ7L 093 X: Trouble shooting

Trouble shooting: Ariston Aqualtis AQ7L 093 X

Trouble shooting

Your washing machine could occasionally fail to work. Before contacting the Technical Assistance Centre


(see “Assistance”), make sure that the problem cannot be not solved easily using the following list.


Possible causes / Solutions:

The washing machine does not

• Theapplianceisnotpluggedintothesocketfully,ornotenoughtomake


switch on.

• Thereisnopowerinthehouse.

The wash cycle does not start.

• Thedoorisnotclosedproperly.

• TheSTART/PAUSEbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.

• Thewatertaphasnotbeenopened.

• Adelayedstarthasbeenset.

The washing machine does not fill

• Thewaterinlethoseisnotconnectedtothetap.

with water.

• Thehoseisbent.

• Thewatertaphasnotbeenopened.

• Thereisnowatersupplyinthehouse.

• Thepressureistoolow.

• TheSTART/PAUSEbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.

The washing machine door

• Ifyouhaveselectedthe“Baby

”cycleorthe“Easyiron ” option, when

the wash cycle has finished the machine will slowly rotate the drum; to end

remains locked.




” wash cycle, the machine will end the cycle while

the laundry is soaking; to drain the water so that the laundry may be removed,


” button.

The machine continuously fills

• Thedrainhoseisnotfittedataheightbetween65and100cmfromthefloor

(see “Installation”).

with water and drains.

• Thefreeendofthehoseisunderwater(see “Installation”).

• Ifthedwellingisononeoftheupperfloorsofabuilding,theremaybe

problems relating to water drainage, causing the washing machine to fill with


and help to prevent this inconvenience.

• Thewalldrainagesystemisnotfittedwithabreatherpipe.

The washing machine does not

• Thewashcycledoesnotincludedraining:Somewashcyclesrequirethedrain

drain or spin.

phase to be started manually (see “Wash cycles and options”).

• The“Easyiron”optionisenabled:tocompletethewashcycle,pressthe

START/PAUSEbutton(“Wash cycles and options”).

• Thedrainhoseisbent(see Installation).

• Thedrainageductisclogged.

The machine vibrates a lot during

• Thedrumwasnotunlockedcorrectlyduringinstallation(see “Installation”).

the spin cycle.

• Themachineisnotlevel(see “Installation” ).

• Themachineistrappedbetweencabinetsandwalls(see “Installation”).

• Theloadisunbalanced(see “Detergents and laundry”).

The washing machine leaks.

• Thewaterinlethoseisnotscrewedonproperly(see“Installation”).

• Thedetergentdispenserisblocked(tocleanit,see “Care and maintenance”).

• Thedrainhoseisnotfixedinplaceproperly(see“Installation”).

The icons corresponding to the

• Switchoffthemachineandunplugit,waitforapproximately1minuteand


“Phase in progress” flash rapidly


at the same time as the ON/OFF

indicator light.

There is too much foam.

• Thedetergentisnotsuitableformachinewashing(itshoulddisplaythetext


• Toomuchdetergentwasused.

The washing machine door

• Performthemanualunlockingprocedure(see “Precautions and tips”).

remains locked.