Asus P5E3 Premium WiFi-AP@n: Software

Software: Asus P5E3 Premium WiFi-AP@n

This chapter describes the contents of

the support DVD that comes with the

motherboard package and the softwares.




Chapter summary


5.1 Installing an operating system ................................................... 5-1

5.2 Support DVD information ............................................................


5.3 Software information ...................................................................



RAID congurations .................................................................. 5-42

5.5 Creating a RAID driver disk .......................................................


ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n

5.1 Installing an operating system


This motherboard supports Windows

XP/ 64-bit XP/ Vista™ operating systems

(OS). Always install the latest OS version and corresponding updates to maximize

the features of your hardware.

Motherboard settings and hardware options vary. Use the setup

procedures presented in this chapter for reference only. Refer to your OS

documentation for detailed information.


Make sure that you install the Windows

XP Service Pack 2 or later

versions before installing the drivers for better compatibility and system


5.2 Support DVD information

The support DVD that came with the motherboard package contains the drivers,

software applications, and utilities that you can install to avail all motherboard


The contents of the support DVD are subject to change at any time without

notice. Visit the ASUS website( for updates.

5.2.1 Running the support DVD

Place the support DVD to the optical drive. The DVD automatically displays the

Drivers menu if Autorun is enabled in your computer.

Click an icon to

display support DVD/

motherboard information

Click an item to install

If Autorun is NOT enabled in your computer, browse the contents of the support

DVD to locate the le ASSETUP.EXE from the BIN folder. Double-click the

ASSETUP.EXE to run the DVD.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-1

5.2.2 Drivers menu

The Drivers menu shows the available device drivers if the system detects installed

devices. Install the necessary drivers to activate the devices.

ASUS InstAll - Drivers Installation Wizard

Installs all of the drivers through the Installation Wizard.

Intel Chipset Inf Update Program


Installs the Intel

chipset Inf update program.

SoundMAX ADI1988 Audio Driver


Installs the SoundMAX

ADI1988 audio driver and application.

Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver

Installs the Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet driver.

Realtek RTL8110SC LAN Driver

Installs the Realtek RTL8110SC LAN driver.

JMicro JMB36X RAID Controller Driver


Installs the JMicro

JMB36X RAID controller driver.

ASUS EPU Driver + AI Gear 3 Utility

Installs the EPU + AI Gear 3 driver.

Install this driver before the ASUS AI Suite utility.


Installs the ASUS WiFi-AP @n driver.

USB 2.0 Driver

Installs the USB 2.0 driver.

5-2 Chapter 5: Software support

5.2.3 Utilities menu

The Utilities menu shows the applications and other software that the motherboard


Click to display

the next page

Click to return

to the previous


ASUS InstAll - Installation Wizard for Utilities

Installs all of the utilities through the Installation Wizard.

ASUS Update


The ASUS Update utility allows you to update the motherboard BIOS in Windows

environment. This utility requires an Internet connection either through a network

or an Internet Service Provider (ISP).


This smart utility monitors the fan speed, CPU temperature, and system voltages,

and alerts you of any detected problems. This utility helps you keep your computer

in healthy operating condition.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-3


Installs the ASUS AI Suite.

ASUS AI Direct Link

Installs the ASUS AI Direct Link application

ASUS Express Gate Updater

Installs the ASUS Express Gate™ update application.

Marvell Yukon VCT Application


Installs the Marvell

Yukon Virtual Cable Tester™ (VCT) application that

diagnoses and reports LAN cable faults and shorts using the Time Domain

Reectometry (TDR) technology.

Adobe Acrobat Reader V7.0



Installs the Adobe


Reader that allows you to open, view, and print

documents in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Microsoft DirectX 9.0c



Installs the Microsoft

DirectX 9.0c driver. The Microsoft DirectX

9.0c is a


multimedia technology that enhances computer graphics and sound. DirectX

improves the multimedia features of you computer so you can enjoy watching

TV and movies, capturing videos, or playing games in your computer. Visit

the Microsoft website ( for updates.

Anti-Virus Utility

The anti-virus application scans, identies, and removes computer viruses.

View the online help for detailed information.

InterVideo MediaOne Gallery

Installs the media library and all-in-one software.

WinDVD Copy5 Trial

Installs the WinDVD Copy5 trial version.

Ulead PhotoImpact 12 SE

Installs the PhotoImpact image editing software.

CyberLink PowerBackup

Installs CyberLink PowerBackup to back up and restore your data easily.

Corel Snapre Plus SE

Installs Corel Snapre Plus SE.

5-4 Chapter 5: Software support

5.2.4 Make disk menu


The Make disk menu contains items to create the Intel ICH9 or JMicron


RAID/AHCI driver disk.

Intel ICH9 32/64bit RAID/AHCI Driver Disk

Allows you to create an ICH9 32/64bit RAID/AHCI driver disk.

JMicron JMB36X 32/64bit RAID Driver


Allows you to create a JMicron

JMB36X 32/64bit RAID driver.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-5

5.2.5 Manual menu

The Manual menu contains a list of supplementary user manuals. Click an item to

open the folder of the user manual.


Most user manual les are in Portable Document Format (PDF). Install the Adobe



Reader from the Utilities menu before opening a user manual le.

5.2.6 ASUS Contact information

Click the Contact tab to display the ASUS contact information. You can also nd

this information on the inside front cover of this user guide.

5-6 Chapter 5: Software support

5.2.7 Other information

The icons on the top right corner of the screen give additional information on the

motherboard and the contents of the support DVD. Click an icon to display the

specied information.

Motherboard Info

Displays the general specications of the motherboard.

Browse this DVD

Displays the support DVD contents in graphical format.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-7

Technical support Form

Displays the ASUS Technical Support Request Form that you have to ll out when

requesting technical support.


Displays the contents of the support DVD in text format.

5-8 Chapter 5: Software support

5.3 Software information

Most of the applications in the support DVD have wizards that will conveniently

guide you through the installation. View the online help or readme le that came

with the software application for more information.

5.3.1 ASUS MyLogo3™

The ASUS MyLogo3™ utility lets you customize the boot logo. The boot logo is the

image that appears on screen during the Power-On-Self-Tests (POST). The ASUS

MyLogo3™ is automatically installed when you install the ASUS Update utility from

the support DVD. See section

5.2.3 Utilities menu

for details.

Before using the ASUS MyLogo3™, use the AFUDOS utility to make a copy

of your original BIOS le, or obtain the latest BIOS version from the ASUS

website. See section 4.1.4 AFUDOS utility.

Make sure that the BIOS item Full Screen Logo is set to [Enabled] if

you wish to use ASUS MyLogo3. See section 4.7.2 Boot Settings


You can create your own boot logo image in GIF, JPG, or BMP le formats.

To launch the ASUS MyLogo3™:

1. Launch the ASUS Update utility. Refer to section

4.1.1 ASUS Update utility

for details.

2. Select


from the drop down menu, then click



3. Check the option

Launch MyLogo

to replace system boot logo before

ashing BIOS, then click



4. Select

Update BIOS from a le

from the drop down menu, then click



5. When prompted, locate the new BIOS le, then click


. The ASUS

MyLogo3 window appears.

6. From the left window pane, select

the folder that contains the image

you intend to use as your boot logo.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-9

7. When the logo images appear on the

right window pane, select an image to

enlarge by clicking on it.

8. Adjust the boot image to your desired

size by selecting a value on the Ratio


9. When the screen returns to the ASUS Update utility, ash the original BIOS to

load the new boot logo.

10. After ashing the BIOS, restart the computer to display the new boot logo

during POST.

5-10 Chapter 5: Software support

5.3.2 AI NET2


The AI NET2 features the Marvell

Virtual Cable Tester™ (VCT). VCT is a cable

diagnostic utility that reports LAN cable faults and shorts using the Time Domain

Reectometry (TDR) technology. The VCT detects and reports open and shorted

cables, impedance mismatches, pair swaps, pair polarity problems, and pair skew

problems of up to 64 ns at one meter accuracy.

The VCT feature reduces networking and support costs through a highly

manageable and controlled network system. This utility can be incorporated

in the network systems sofware for ideal eld support as well as development


Using the Virtual Cable Tester™


To use the the Marvell

Virtual Cable Tester™ utility:


1. Launch the VCT utility from the Windows

desktop by clicking








Virtual Cable Tester


2. Click

Virtual Cable Tester

from the menu to display the screen below.

3. Click the


button to perform a cable test.

The VCT utility only tests Ethernet cables connected to Gigabit LAN port(s).

The Run button on the Virtual Cable Tester™ main window is disabled if no

problem is detected on the LAN cable(s) connected to the LAN port(s).

If you want the system to check the status of the LAN cable before entering

the OS, enable the item Post Check LAN Cable in the BIOS Setup.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-11

5.3.3 ASUS PC Probe II

PC Probe II is a utility that monitors the computer’s vital components, and detects

and alerts you of any problem with these components. PC Probe II senses fan

rotations, CPU temperature, and system voltages, among others. Because PC

Probe II is software-based, you can start monitoring your computer the moment

you turn it on. With this utility, you are assured that your computer is always at a

healthy operating condition.

Installing PC Probe II

To install PC Probe II on your computer:

1. Place the support DVD to the optical drive. The Drivers installation tab

appears if your computer has an enabled Autorun feature.

If Autorun is not enabled in your computer, browse the contents of the support

DVD to locate the setup.exe le from the ASUS PC Probe II folder. Double-click

the setup.exe le to start installation.

2. Click the Utilities tab, then click ASUS PC Probe II.

3. Follow the screen instructions to complete installation.

Launching PC Probe II

You can launch the PC Probe II right after installation or anytime from the





To launch the PC Probe II from the Windows

desktop, click

Start > All Programs

> ASUS > PC Probe II > PC Probe II v1.xx.xx

. The PC Probe II main window



After launching the application, the PC Probe II icon appears in the Windows

taskbar. Click this icon to close or restore the application.

Using PC Probe II

Main window

The PC Probe II main window allows you to view the current status of your

system and change the utility

conguration. By default, the main

window displays the Preference

section. You can close or restore

the Preference section by clicking

on the triangle on the main

window right handle.

Click to close the

Preference panel

5-12 Chapter 5: Software support

Button Function

Opens the Conguration window

Opens the Report window

Opens the Desktop Management Interface window

Opens the Peripheral Component Interconnect window

Opens the Windows Management Instrumentation window

Opens the hard disk drive, memory, CPU usage window

Shows/Hides the Preference section

Minimizes the application

Closes the application

Sensor alert

When a system sensor detects a problem, the main window right handle

turns red, as the illustrations below show.

When displayed, the monitor panel for that sensor also turns red. Refer to the

Monitor panels section for details.


You can customize the application using the

Preference section in the main window. Click

the box before each preference to activate or


ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-13

Hardware monitor panels

The hardware monitor panels display the current value of a system sensor such as

fan rotation, CPU temperature, and voltages.

The hardware monitor panels come in two display modes: hexagonal (large) and

rectangular (small). When you check the Enable Monitoring Panel option from the

Preference section, the monitor panels appear on your computer’s desktop.

Small display

Large display

Changing the monitor panels position

To change the position of the monitor panels in the desktop,

click the arrow down button of the Scheme options, then select

another position from the list box. Click OK when nished.

Moving the monitor panels

All monitor panels move together using a magnetic effect. If

you want to detach a monitor panel from

the group, click the horseshoe magnet

icon. You can now move or reposition the

panel independently.

Adjusting the sensor threshold value

You can adjust the sensor threshold

value in the monitor panel by

clicking the or buttons. You can

Click to


also adjust the threshold values


using the Cong window.

Click to

You cannot adjust the sensor


threshold values in a small


monitoring panel.

5-14 Chapter 5: Software support

Monitoring sensor alert

The monitor panel turns red when a component value exceeds or is lower

than the threshold value. Refer to the illustrations below.

Small display

Large display

WMI browser

Click to display the

WMI (Windows Management

Instrumentation) browser. This


browser displays various Windows

management information. Click an

item from the left panel to display on

the right panel. Click the plus sign (+)

before WMI Information to display the

available information.

You can enlarge or reduce the browser size by dragging the bottom right corner

of the browser.

DMI browser

Click to display the DMI

(Desktop Management Interface)

browser. This browser displays various

desktop and system information.

Click the plus sign (+) before DMI

Information to display the available


ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-15

PCI browser

Click to display the PCI

(Peripheral Component Interconnect)

browser. This browser provides

information on the PCI devices installed

on your system. Click the plus sign

(+) before the PCI Information item to

display available information.


The Usage browser displays real-time information on the CPU, hard disk drive

space, and memory usage. Click to display the Usage browser.

CPU usage

The CPU tab displays real-

time CPU usage in line graph

representation. If the CPU has

an enabled Hyper-Threading,

two separate line graphs display

the operation of the two logical


Hard disk drive space usage

The Hard Disk tab displays the

used and available hard disk

drive space. The left panel of the

tab lists all logical drives. Click

a hard disk drive to display the

information on the right panel.

The pie chart at the bottom of the

window represents the used (blue)

and the available HDD space.

5-16 Chapter 5: Software support

Memory usage

The Memory tab shows both

used and available physical

memory. The pie chart at the

bottom of the window represents

the used (blue) and the available

physical memory.

Conguring PC Probe II

Click to view and adjust the sensor threshold values.

The Cong window has two tabs: Sensor/Threshold and Preference. The Sensor/

Threshold tab enables you to activate the sensors or to adjust the sensor threshold

values. The Preference tab allows you to customize sensor alerts, or change the

temperature scale.

Loads the default

threshold values for

Cancels or

Loads your saved

each sensor

ignores your



Applies your

Saves your



ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-17

5.3.4 ASUS AI Suite

ASUS AI Suite allows you to launch AI Gear 3, AI N.O.S., AI Booster, AI Nap, and

Q-Fan 2 utilities easily.

Install the ASUS EPU + AI Gear 3 Driver before the ASUS AI Suite utility.

Otherwise, the ASUS AI Suite will not function properly.

Installing AI Suite

To install AI Suite on your computer:

1. Place the support DVD to the optical drive. The Drivers installation tab

appears if your computer has an enabled Autorun feature.

2. Click the Utilities tab, then click

AI Suite.

3. Follow the screen instructions to complete installation.

Launching AI Suite


You can launch AI Suite right after installation or anytime from the Windows



To launch AI Suite from the Windows

desktop, click Start > All Programs >

ASUS > AI Suite > AI Suite v1.xx.xx. The AI Suite main window appears.


After launching the application, the AI Suite icon appears in the Windows


Click this icon to close or restore the application.

Using AI Suite

Click the AI Gear 3, AI Nap, AI Booster, or Q-Fan 2 icon to launch the utility, or click

the Normal icon to restore the system to normal state.

Press to restore to normal

Press to launch AI Nap

Press to launch AI Gear 3

Press to launch Q-Fan 2

Press to launch AI Booster

5-18 Chapter 5: Software support

Other feature buttons

Click on right corner of the main window to open the monitor window.

Displays the CPU/

system temperature,


voltage, and CPU/

chassis fan speed

Displays the FSB/CPU


Click on right corner of the expanded window to switch the temperature from

degrees Centigrade to degrees Fahrenheit.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-19

5.3.5 ASUS EPU Utility -- AI Gear 3

ASUS AI Gear 3 is a utility designed to congure and support all ASUS EPU

(Energy Processing Unit) features. This easy-to-use utility provides four system

performance proles that adjusts the processor frequency and vCore voltage for

different computing needs.

After installing ASUS AI Suite from the bundled support DVD, you can launch

ASUS AI Gear 3 by double-clicking the AI Suite icon on your Windows OS taskbar

and then click the AI Gear 3 button on the AI Suite main window.

Here are some simple ways to use AI Gear 3:

Click the four gear mode buttons below, including

Turbo, High Performance,

Medium Power Saving, and Max. Power Saving, or shift the gear to the

performance setting that you like.


Calibration rst, and switch to Auto mode to have AI Gear 3

automatically adjust the system performance according to the CPU loading.


Auto mode, Click Settings to set the time for the system to enter AI

Nap mode.


Auto Mode


Turbo Mode

High Performance Mode

Medium Power Saving Mode

Max. Power Saving Mode

5-20 Chapter 5: Software support

5.3.6 ASUS AI Nap

This feature allows you to minimize the power consumption of your computer

whenever you are away. Enable this feature for minimum power consumption and

a more quiet system operation.

After installing AI Suite from the bundled support DVD, you can launch the utility by

double-clicking the AI Suite icon on the Windows OS taskbar and click the AI Nap

button on the AI Suite main window.

Click Yes on the conrmation screen.

To exit AI Nap mode, press the system power or mouse button then click Yes on

the conrmation screen.

To switch the power button functions from AI Nap to shutting down, just right

click the AI Suite icon on the OS taskbar, select AI Nap and click Use power

button. Unclick the the item to switch the function back.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-21

5.3.7 ASUS Q-Fan 2

This ASUS Q-Fan 2 Control feature allows you to set the appropriate performance

level of the CPU Q-Fan 2 or the Chassis Q-Fan 2 for more efcient system

operation. After enabling the Q-Fan 2 function, the fans can be set to automatically

adjust depending on the temperature, to decrease fan speed, or to achieve the

maximum fan speed.

After installing AI Suite from the bundled support DVD, you can launch the utility by


double-clicking the AI Suite icon on the Windows

OS taskbar and click the Q-Fan

2 button on the AI Suite main window.

Click the drop-down menu button

and display the fan names. Select

CPU Q-Fan 2 or CHASSIS Q-Fan 2.

Click the box of Enabled to activate

this function.

drop-down list button

Enabled box

Prole list appears after clicking

the Enabled box. Click the drop-

down list button and select a prole.

Optimal mode makes the fans

adjust speed with the temperature;

Silent mode minimizes fan

speed for quiet fan operation;

Performance mode boosts the fan

to achieve maximal fan speed for

click to display the

drop-down list and

the best cooling effect.

select a Q-Fan 2 mode

Click Apply at the bottom to save the setup.

5-22 Chapter 5: Software support

5.3.8 ASUS AI Booster

The ASUS AI Booster application allows you to overclock the CPU speed in



environment without the hassle of booting the BIOS.

After installing AI Suite from the bundled support DVD, you can launch the utility


by double-clicking the AI Suite icon on the Windows

OS taskbar and click the AI

Booster button on the AI Suite main window.

The options on the taskbar allow you to use the default settings, adjust CPU/

Memory/PCI-E frequency manually, or create and apply your personal overclocking


ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-23

5.3.9 ASUS AI Direct Link

ASUS AI Direct Link allows you to form a computer-to-computer network via a

network cable to share les with high transfer rate. You must rst connect two

computers (at least one of them is ASUS product) using a network cable, and then

install the utility to both computers to avail the AI Direct Link feature.

Turn off your rewall software other than Windows Firewall before

launching AI Direct Link.

The transfer rate is limited if you use a 10/100 LAN card.

Using AI Direct Link

To enable the incoming folder:


1. From the Windows

taskbar, right click on the AI Direct Link icon and

select Incoming folder > Enable incoming folder.

For Windows XP Home

edition users, click Steps of

enabling le sharing on this

pop-up message and follow

the instructions to enable the

incoming folder.

2. If you want to to verify the incoming

user, select Use my account and

set your username and password.

Otherwise, select Use public


For security’s sake, it is

recommended that you set a

username and password.

3. Click OK and the “Ready for incoming” message


To disable the incoming folder, select Incoming

folder > Disable incoming folder.

5-24 Chapter 5: Software support

4. Right click on the AI Direct Link

icon and select Incoming folder

> Open incoming folder. The

AIDirectLinkIncoming folder

opens. Put the les you want

to share into this folder. The

authorized user has full access to

this folder.

The default path of the AIDirectLinkIncoming folder is C:\Program Files\ASUS\AI

Direct Link. To change its location, disable the incoming folder rst. Then, select

Incoming folder > Change incoming folder to open the system directories,

and move the AIDirectLinkIncoming folder under another directory.

To connect to another computer:

This function is valid for ASUS products only.


1. From the Windows

taskbar, right

click on the AI Direct Link icon and

select Connect. The following screen


2. Click

Refresh. The software starts

searching for the connected computer.

3. The name of the computer found

4. If necessary, enter the authorized

is listed. Click Open to open its

username and password. Click OK

shared folder.

to log in and have full access to

this shared folder.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-25


5.3.10 AI Audio 2 (SoundMAX

High Denition Audio utility)

The ADI AD1988B High Denition Audio CODEC provides 8-channel audio


capability through the SoundMAX

audio utility with AudioESP™ software to

deliver the ultimate audio experience on your PC. The software implements high

quality audio synthesis/rendering, 3D sound positioning, and advanced voice-input


Follow the installation wizard to install the ADI AD1988B Audio Driver from the


support DVD that came with the motherboard package to activate the SoundMAX

audio utility.

You must use 4-channel, 6-channel or 8-channel speakers for this setup.


If the SoundMAX

audio utility is correctly installed, you



will nd the SoundMAX

/ SoundMAX

BlackHawk icon

on the taskbar.

5-26 Chapter 5: Software support

A. SoundMAX BlackHawk (AI Audio 2)


If you are using Windows

Vista operation system, from the taskbar, double-click



the SoundMAX

BlackHawk icon to display the SoundMAX

control panel.

Enabling AI Audio 2

Click the power button to activate digital signal processing.

AI Audio 2, with the new SoundMAX BlackHawk by Sonic Focus, brings you

more multi-media enjoyment.

Fidelity Compensation

After you click the power button, the utility would compensate for the delity

lost in the compression process and make the audio output quasi-original

when reverting the compressed audio streams back to the uncompressed


Sound Field Expansion

AI Audio 2 also expands the stereophonic sound eld to a multi-channel

one with realistic front and rear environment.

Surround Virtualization

Activating this function virtualizes surround sound with the vocal clarity

added for use with stereo speakers or headphones.


SoundMAX BlackHawk (AI Audio 2) is only available under the Windows

Vista™ operating system.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-27

Playback Settings

To congure the playback settings, click the


button on the control

panel. You can adjust the volume of the






mute the audio.

Preset settings

Click and expand the drop-down menu

to select your preferred Digital Signal

Processing (DSP) preset. Move the

sliders to customize the values of

Voice Clarity







Deep Bass

of each preset.



to save the changes to

the current preset. Or, click



discard the changes and restore the

preset to the factory defaults.

Surround settings

Allows you to change the settings

of the stereo speakers. Move the

sliders to change the listener position

or adjust the center channel volume.

Press the

Test Speakers

button to

perform speaker test.

Port settings

Click this port settings tab to display the rear panel ports conguration for

the speakers or rear panel digital port conguration for the SPDIF interface.

5-28 Chapter 5: Software support

Recording Settings

To change the recording

settings, click the


button on the control

panel. You can adjust the speaker delay of



Line In

by moving

the slider rightward or leftward.

Record testing

Port settings

Click the tab to perform test

Click the tab to display the rear

recording and play the test sample

panel ports for Microphone or

through the speakers or the SPDIF

Line In.


ANDREA settings

Allows you to select an

enhanced microphone input

features, including

No Filtering



, V

oice Recording



Directional Beam


More Settings

Click for the further congurations.


Allows you to congure and customize all the DSP presets frequencies.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-29


Allows you to adjust the

Speaker Trim


Speaker Delay



Allows you to do the Bass management.


Displays the preference options for this utility, version information,

AudioESP, etc.

5-30 Chapter 5: Software support

B. SoundMAX


If you are using Windows

XP operating system,from the taskbar, double-click on



the SoundMAX

icon to display the SoundMAX

Control Panel.

Audio Setup Wizard


By clicking the icon from the SoundMAX

control panel, you can easily

congure your audio settings. Simply follow succeeding screen instructions

and begin enjoying High Denition Audio.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-31

Jack configuration

Adjust speaker volume

This screen helps you congure

This screen helps you adjust

your computer’s audio ports,

speaker volume. Click the


depending on the audio devices

button to hear the changes you

you have installed.

have made.

Adjust microphone volume

This screen helps you adjust microphone volume. You will be asked to read

pre-written text to allow the AudioWizard to adjust the volume as you speak.

5-32 Chapter 5: Software support

Audio preferences

Click the icon to go to the Preferences page. This page allows you to

change various audio settings.

General options

Click the General tab to choose your playback and recording devices, enable/

disable the AudioESP™ feature, and enable/disable digital output.

Listening Environment options

Click the Listening Environment tab to set up your speaker, acoustic

environment, and enable/disable the Virtual Theater Surround function.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-33

Microphone options

Click the Microphone tab to optimize your microphone input settings.

Enhanced Microphone Features

Voice recording

Enables Noise Filter function. Detects repetitive and stationary noises

like computer fans, air conditioners, and other background noises then

eliminates it in the incoming audio stream while recording. You can enable

it for a better recording quality.

Directional Array

Receives only the sound coming from the reception cone and eliminates

interferences including neighboring speakers and reverberations. You can

enable it to transit clearer sound during on-line games, MSN, or Skype.

Speaker Phone

Advanced de-reverberation techniques can help to reduce echo and

minimize its effect on the speech engine. You can enable it when you have

conference call to reduce echoes in the other side.

The Directional Array and Speaker

Phonefunction only when working with the

ASUS Array Mic.

The ASUS Array Mic is purchased


If you are using Windows Vista, you have to

manually enable the directional Array and

Speaker Phone function. Go to





. Click the


tab on

the top and select


. Click the

Microphone Enhancement

tab and check

Array Mic


5-34 Chapter 5: Software support

5.3.11 ASUS Express Gate

ASUS Express Gate is an instant-on environment that gives you quick access to

web and Skype. Within a few seconds of powering on your computer, you will be

at the Express Gate menu where you can start the web browser, Skype, or other

Express Gate applications.

Express Gate is entirely self-contained on the motherboard, so you can use it at

any time, even without a hard drive attached!

The First Screen

Express Gate’s rst screen appears within a few seconds after you power on. From

here, you can immediately start the web browser or Skype.

You can also choose to continue booting normally (e.g. to your installed OS such

as Windows), enter BIOS setup, or power off.

If you don’t make any selection, Express Gate will automatically exit and boot

to your normal OS after a certain amount of time, which can be adjusted in the

BIOS. Refer to page 5-40 for more details. The timer countdown is shown on-

screen inside the “boot to OS” button. As you move the mouse or type a key, the

countdown stops and the timer disappears, so you can take your time to make a


The Express Gate Environment

The very rst time you enter the Express Gate environment (by launching either

web or Skype from the rst screen), a rst time wizard will guide you through basic

Express Gate congurations. Basic congurations include language, date and time

and screen resolution.

Once inside the Express Gate environment, click on the icons on the LaunchBar,

by default at bottom of the screen, to launch or switch between applications. You

can re-arrange, re-size and move windows. Bring a window to the foreground by

clicking within it or by clicking on its corresponding application icon. Re-size a

window by dragging any of its four corners. Move a window by dragging its title bar.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-35

Besides using the LaunchBar, you can also switch between applications by

pressing <Alt> +<Tab> on the keyboard. You can also right-click anywhere on the

desktop to bring up a menu of applications.

The red triangle on an application icon in the LaunchBar denotes that the

application is already running. This means that you can switch to it without any

delay. In the rare case where an application stops responding, right-click on its icon

to force close it.

Conguration Panel

Use the conguration panel to change various Express Gate settings.

Click on an icon to open a particular conguration tool. The following tools are


Date and Time

: set current date and time as well as time zone.

Input Method

: choose your preferred input language and method.

Language and Keyboard

: choose your language and keyboard preferences.

LaunchBar Setting

: customize your LaunchBar (where it docks, whether it auto-

hides, etc.)

5-36 Chapter 5: Software support

Network Conguration

Specify how your computer connects to the Internet. Enable all the network ports

that you may use (LAN1, LAN2, and/or wireless [optional]). LAN1 and LAN2 refer

to the two RJ-45 network ports on your computer.

You can connect the LAN cable to either port, and Express Gate will

automatically use the connected port.

The back I/O differs depending on the motherboard.

Also specify whether each port uses DHCP (most common) or static IP. For PPPoE

and wireless (optional), set the login credentials (user name, password, SSID, etc.)

as well.

Reset Express Gate

Clear Express Gate’s settings as well as any personal information stored by the

web browser (bookmarks, cookies, browsing history, etc.). This is also useful in the

rare case where settings become corrupted.

The rst time wizard will run again when you enter the Express Gate

environment after clearing its settings.

Screen Resolution

Choose the most optimal screen resolution for your display.

Volume Control

Control the volume for your speaker output, microphone input, etc.


The LaunchBar has several system icons that show you various system statuses

and let you congure individual Express Gate settings. The LaunchBar can be

congured to auto-hide, if you want more screen space for the applications. It can

also be congured to dock on any of the four sides of the screen.

shows network status; click to congure network

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-37

shows mute status; click to change volume

click to choose input language and method as well as keyboard shortcuts

(Ctrl-Space by default)

click to change LaunchBar options (auto-hide, docking position, etc)

left-click to set date and time; right-click to choose between 12-hour and

24-hour display formats

click to show ”About Express Gate”

click to open Express Gate Help

click to bring up power options window to boot to OS, restart or power


This window is also shown when you press Ctrl-Alt-Del on the keyboard.

5-38 Chapter 5: Software support




enter OS

cancel and return

to Splashtop

How Do I Get on to the Internet

If Internet doesn’t seem to be working in the Express Gate environment, check the


1. Open the Conguration Panel.

open Configuration Panel

2. Open Network tool.

open Network tool

3. Make the proper network congurations.

Each network interface is enabled immediately when you check the box next

to it.

If you use a network cable connected to a home router (which is then

connected to your DSL/cable modem), enable both LAN1 and LAN2.

Express Gate will automatically use whichever port (LAN1 or LAN2) is


If you plug the network cable into a different port while Express Gate is running

(e.g. move the cable from LAN1 to LAN2), you may need to restart Express

Gate for it to detect the change.

The most common scenario is for your computer to automatically obtain

network settings (i.e. DHCP). If this is the case, you don’t need to go into

“Setup” for either LAN1 or LAN2. If this is not the case, enter “Setup”

to congure the static IP settings manually.

If you use wireless, go into “Setup” for the WiFi option. Under the WiFi

tab, enter the SSID (name of your wireless access point). If your wireless

access point has security enabled, select the security algorithm from the

pulldown menu (e.g. WEPAUTO) and enter the password.

Then enable WiFi to establish the wireless connection.

If you use a network cable connected directly to your DSL/cable modem

(no router in between), go into “Setup” for xDSL/cable dial-up. This

method is also referred to as PPPoE. Choose whether the DSL/cable

modem is connected to your computer’s LAN1 or LAN2 port. (Refer to

the drawing in the Network tool to gure out which is LAN1 or LAN2.)

Then enter the username and password for your dial-up account.

Then enable xDSL/cable dial-up to establish the PPPoE connection.

When PPPoE is enabled, the port (LAN1 or LAN2) it uses will

automatically be unchecked and grayed out.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-39

Conguring Express Gate in BIOS Setup

Enter BIOS setup by pressing DEL key after powering on or by clicking on the

BIOS setup icon on Express Gate’s rst screen. Express Gate conguration

options are under Tools conguration menu page.


Main Ai Tweaker Advanced Power Boot Tools Exit

ASUS EZ Flash 2

Press ENTER to run

ASUS Express Gate [Enabled]

the utility to select

Reset User Data [No]

and update BIOS.

Timeout [10]

This utility doesn't

support :

ASUS O.C. Prole

1.NTFS format

Ai Net 2

Express Gate [Enabled]

Allows you to enable or disable the Express Gate feature. Set this item to [Enabled]

to activate the Express Gate feature. Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Reset User Data [No]

Allows you to clear Express Gate’s user data.

Conguration options: [No] [Reset]

When setting this item to [Reset], make sure to save the setting to the BIOS

so that the user data will be cleared the next time you enter the Express

Gate. User data includes the Express Gate’s settings as well as any personal

information stored by the web browser (bookmarks, cookies, browsing

history, etc.). This is useful in the rare case where corrupt settings prevent the

Express Gate environment from launching properly.

The rst time wizard will run again when you enter the Express Gate

environment after clearing its settings.

Timeout [10]

Sets the amount of time the system waits at the Express Gate’s rst screen

before defaulting to starting Windows or other installed OS. Choosing [Choose]

means waiting indenitely at the rst screen for user action.

Conguration options: [1 second] ~ [30 seconds]

The time length is adjusted by typing the desired values using the numeric

keypad and press the <Enter> key.

Express Gate Updater

Use the Express Gate Updater to update your existing Express Gate software to

new versions or to restore the Express Gate software if it is ever corrupted. You

can nd

Express Gate Updater Installer

on the support DVD or download it from

the ASUS support website. It runs on Windows.

New versions of the Express Gate software will be released regularly, adding

renements or new applications. You can nd original version of the software

on the support DVD or download new versions from the ASUS support website.

Express Gate software is released as an image le with .DFI extension.

5-40 Chapter 5: Software support

To install the Express Gate Updater, launch the installer and follow on-screen


To use the Express Gate Updater, launch the application and follow on-screen


The Updater can preserve your Express Gate settings and personal data (web

browser bookmarks, etc.) while doing an update. Use the checkbox “Keep user

prole” to decide whether the Updater should do so.

Clearing the user data is useful in the rare case where corrupt settings prevent the

Express Gate environment from launching properly.

The rst time wizard will run again when you enter the Express Gate

environment after clearing its settings.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-41

5.4 RAID congurations

The motherboard comes with two RAID controllers that allow you to congure

Serial ATA hard disk drives as RAID sets.




ICH9R Southbridge


includes a high performance SATA

RAID controller that supports RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 10, and RAID 5 for six

independent Serial ATA channels.





includes a high performance SATA RAID controller

that supports RAID 0, 1, and JBOD for two independent Serial ATA channels.

5.4.1 RAID denitions


(Data striping)

optimizes two identical hard disk drives to read and write

data in parallel, interleaved stacks. Two hard disks perform the same work as a

single drive but at a sustained data transfer rate, double that of a single disk alone,

thus improving data access and storage. Use of two new identical hard disk drives

is required for this setup.


(Data mirroring)

copies and maintains an identical image of data from

one drive to a second drive. If one drive fails, the disk array management software

directs all applications to the surviving drive as it contains a complete copy of

the data in the other drive. This RAID conguration provides data protection and

increases fault tolerance to the entire system. Use two new drives or use an

existing drive and a new drive for this setup. The new drive must be of the same

size or larger than the existing drive.


stripes both data and parity information across three or more hard

disk drives. Among the advantages of RAID 5 conguration include better

HDD performance, fault tolerance, and higher storage capacity. The RAID

5 conguration is best suited for transaction processing, relational database

applications, enterprise resource planning, and other business systems. Use a

minimum of three identical hard disk drives for this setup.


is data striping and data mirroring combined without parity (redundancy

data) having to be calculated and written. With the RAID 10* conguration you get

all the benets of both RAID 0 and RAID 1 congurations. Use four new hard disk

drives or use an existing drive and three new drives for this setup.



stands for Just a Bunch of Disks and refers to hard disk drives

that are not yet congured as a RAID set. This conguration stores the same data

redundantly on multiple disks that appear as a single disk on the operating system.

Spanning does not deliver any advantage over using separate disks independently

and does not provide fault tolerance or other RAID performance benets.



Matrix Storage.

The Intel® Matrix Storage technology supported by the

ICH9R chip allows you to create a RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10* function

to improve both system performance and data safety. You can also combine two

RAID sets to get higher performance, capacity, or fault tolerance provided by the

difference RAID function. For example, RAID 0 and RAID 1 set can be created by

using only two identical hard disk drives.

5-42 Chapter 5: Software support

5.4.2 Installing Serial ATA hard disks

The motherboard supports Serial ATA hard disk drives. For optimal performance,

install identical drives of the same model and capacity when creating a disk array.

To install the SATA hard disks for a RAID conguration:

1. Install the SATA hard disks into the drive bays.

2. Connect the SATA signal cables.

3. Connect a SATA power cable to the power connector on each drive.


5.4.3 Intel

RAID congurations


This motherboard supports RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 10 (0+1) and Intel


Matrix Storage congurations for Serial ATA hard disks drives through the Intel

ICH9R Southbridge chip.

Setting the RAID item in BIOS

You must set the RAID item in the BIOS Setup before you can create a RAID

set(s). To do this:

1. Enter the BIOS Setup during POST.

2. Go to the


menu, select

SATA Conguration

, then press <Enter>.

3. Select the

Congure SATA as

item, then press <Enter> to display the

conguration options.

4. Select


from the conguration options, then press <Enter>.

5. Save your changes, then exit the BIOS Setup.

Refer to the system or the motherboard user guide for details on entering and

navigating through the BIOS Setup.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-43



Matrix Storage Manager Option ROM Utility


The Intel

Matrix Storage Manager Option ROM utility allows you to create RAID 0,

RAID 1, RAID 10 (RAID 0+1), and RAID 5 set(s) from Serial ATA hard disk drives

that are connected to the Serial ATA connectors supported by the Southbridge.


To enter the Intel

Application Accelerator RAID Option ROM utility:

1. Install all the Serial ATA hard disk drives.

2. Turn on the system.

3. During POST, press <Ctrl+I> to display the utility main menu.

Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager Option ROM v5.0.0.1032 ICH9R wRAID5

Copyright(C) 2003-05 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


1. Create RAID Volume

2. Delete RAID Volume

3. Reset Disks to Non-RAID

4. Exit


RAID Volumes:

None dened.

Physical Disks:

Port Drive Model Serial # Size Type/Status(Vol ID)


Non-RAID Disk


Non-RAID Disk


Non-RAID Disk


Non-RAID Disk

[↑↓]-Select [ESC]-Exit [ENTER]-Select Menu

The navigation keys at the bottom of the screen allow you to move through

the menus and select the menu options.

The RAID BIOS setup screens shown in this section are for reference only and

may not exactly match the items on your screen.

5-44 Chapter 5: Software support

Creating a RAID 0 set (striped)

To create a RAID 0 set:

1. From the utility main menu, select 1. Create RAID Volume, then press

<Enter>. This screen appears.

Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager Option ROM v5.0.0.1032 ICH9R wRAID5

Copyright(C) 2003-05 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.




RAID Level:



Select Disks

Strip Size:



0.0 GB

Create Volume


Enter a string between 1 and 16 characters in length that can be used

to uniquely identify the RAID volume. This name is case sensitive and

cannot contain special characters.

[↑↓]-Change [TAB]-Next [ESC]-Previous Menu [Enter]-Select

2. Enter a name for the RAID 0 set, then press <Enter>.

3. When the RAID Level item is highlighted, press the up/down arrow key to

select RAID 0(Stripe), then press <Enter>.

4. When the Disks item is highlighted, press <Enter> to select the hard disk

drives to congure as RAID. This pop-up screen appears.


Port Drive Model Serial # Size Status





Select 2 to 4 disks to use in creating the volume.

[↑↓]-Previous/Next [SPACE]-Selects [ENTER]-Selection Complete

5. Use the up/down arrow key to highlight a drive, then press <Space> to

select. A small triangle marks the selected drive. Press <Enter> after

completing your selection.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-45

6. Use the up/down arrow key to select the stripe size for the RAID 0 array, then

press <Enter>. The available stripe size values range from 4 KB to 128 KB.

The default stripe size is 128 KB.

We recommend a lower stripe size for server systems, and a higher stripe size

for multimedia computer systems used mainly for audio and video editing.

7. Key in the RAID volume capacity that you want, then press <Enter>. The

default value indicates the maximum allowed capacity.

8. Press <Enter> when the Create Volume item is highlighted. This warning

message appears.


Are you sure you want to create this volume? (Y/N):

9. Press <Y> to create the RAID volume and return to the main menu, or <N> to

go back to the Create Volume menu.

5-46 Chapter 5: Software support

Creating a RAID 1 set (mirrored)

To create a RAID 1 set:

1. From the utility main menu, select 1. Create RAID Volume, then press

<Enter>. This screen appears.

Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager Option ROM v5.0.0.1032 ICH9R wRAID5

Copyright(C) 2003-05 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.




RAID Level:



Select Disks

Strip Size:




Create Volume


Enter a string between 1 and 16 characters in length that can be used

to uniquely identify the RAID volume. This name is case sensitive and

cannot contain special characters.

[↑↓]-Change [TAB]-Next [ESC]-Previous Menu [Enter]-Select

2. Enter a name for the RAID 1 set, then press <Enter>.

3. When the RAID Level item is highlighted, press the up/down arrow key to

select RAID 1(Mirror), then press <Enter>.

4. When the Capacity item is highlighted, key in the RAID volume capacity that

you want, then press <Enter>. The default value indicates the maximum

allowed capacity.

5. Press <Enter> when the Create Volume item is highlighted. This warning

message appears.


Are you sure you want to create this volume? (Y/N):

6. Press <Y> to create the RAID volume and return to main menu or <N> to go

back to Create Volume menu.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-47

Creating a RAID 10 set (RAID 0+1)

To create a RAID 10 set:

1. From the utility main menu, select 1. Create RAID Volume, then press

<Enter>. This screen appears.

Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager Option ROM v5.0.0.1032 ICH9R wRAID5

Copyright(C) 2003-05 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.




RAID Level:



Select Disks

Strip Size:




Create Volume


Enter a string between 1 and 16 characters in length that can be used

to uniquely identify the RAID volume. This name is case sensitive and

cannot contain special characters.

[↑↓]-Change [TAB]-Next [ESC]-Previous Menu [Enter]-Select

2. Enter a name for the RAID 10 set, then press <Enter>.

3. When the RAID Level item is highlighted, press the up/down arrow key to

select RAID 10(RAID0+1), then press <Enter>.

4. When the Stripe Size item is highlighted, press the up/down arrow key to

select the stripe size for the RAID 10 array, then press <Enter>. The available

stripe size values range from 4 KB to 128 KB. The default stripe size is 64


We recommend a lower stripe size for server systems, and a higher stripe size

for multimedia computer systems used mainly for audio and video editing.

5. Key in the RAID volume capacity that you want then press <Enter> when

the Capacity item is highlighted. The default value indicates the maximum

allowed capacity.

5-48 Chapter 5: Software support

6. Press <Enter> when the Create Volume item is highlighted. This warning

message appears.


Are you sure you want to create this volume? (Y/N):

7. Press <Y> to create the RAID volume and return to the main menu or <N> to

go back to the Create Volume menu.

Creating a RAID 5 set (parity)

To create a RAID 5 set:

1. From the utility main menu, select 1. Create RAID Volume, then press

<Enter>. This screen appears.

Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager Option ROM v5.0.0.1032 ICH9R wRAID5

Copyright(C) 2003-05 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.




RAID Level:



Select Disks

Strip Size:



0.0 GB

Create Volume


Enter a string between 1 and 16 characters in length that can be used

to uniquely identify the RAID volume. This name is case sensitive and

cannot contain special characters.

[↑↓]-Change [TAB]-Next [ESC]-Previous Menu [Enter]-Select

2. Enter a name for the RAID 5 set, then press <Enter>.

3. When the RAID Level item is highlighted, press the up/down arrow key to

select RAID 5(Parity), then press <Enter>.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-49

4. The Disks item is highlighted, press <Enter> to select the hard disk drives to

congure as RAID. The following pop-up screen appears.


Port Drive Model Serial # Size Status





Select 2 to 4 disks to use in creating the volume.

[↑↓]-Previous/Next [SPACE]-Selects [ENTER]-Selection Complete

5. Use the up/down arrow key to highlight the drive you want to set, then press

<Space> to select. A small triangle marks the selected drive. Press <Enter>

after completing your selection.

6. When the Stripe Size item is highlighted, press the up/down arrow key

to select the stripe size for the RAID 5 array, then press <Enter>.

The available stripe size values range from 4 KB to 128 KB. The default stripe

size is 64 KB.

We recommend a lower stripe size for server systems, and a higher stripe size

for multimedia computer systems used mainly for audio and video editing.

7. Key in the RAID volume capacity that you want, then press <Enter> when

the Capacity item is highlighted. The default value indicates the maximum

allowed capacity.

8. Press <Enter> when the Create Volume item is highlighted. This warning

message appears.


Are you sure you want to create this volume? (Y/N):

9. Press <Y> to create the RAID volume and return to the main menu or <N> to

go back to the Create Volume menu.

5-50 Chapter 5: Software support


5.4.4 JMicron

RAID Conguration


The JMicron

Serial ATA controller allows you to congure RAID 0, RAID 1 and

JBOD sets on the external Serial ATA hard disk drives.

Before creating a RAID set

Prepare the following items:

1. Two SATA HDDs, preferably with the same model and capacity.

2. A write-enabled oppy disk (Windows XP). A write-enabled oppy disk or a

USB ash disk drive (Windows Vista)



3. Microsoft


OS installation disk (Windows XP)

4. Motherboard support CD with JMB363 driver

Complete the following steps before you create a RAID set:

1. Install the two external Serial ATA hard disk drives on your system.

2. Set the

Controller Mode

item in the BIOS to [RAID]. See section


Onboard Device Conguration

for details.



Onboard Device Conguration

Enable or Disable

High Denition

High Denition Audio [Enabled]

Audio Controller

Front Panel Type [HD Audio]

J-Micron eSATA/PATA Controller [Enabled]

Controller Mode [IDE]

Realtek GigaBit LAN [Enabled]

LAN Boot ROM [Disabled]

Marvell GigaBit LAN [Enabled]

LAN Boot ROM [Disabled]

Onboard Wireless LAN [Enabled]

Agere Firewire 1394 [Enabled]

Select Screen

Serial Port1 Address [3F8/IRQ4]

Select Item

+- Change Option

F1 General Help

F10 Save and Exit

ESC Exit

v02.61 (C)Copyright 1985-2007, American Megatrends, Inc.

3. Enter the JMB363 RAID BIOS utility to set up your RAID conguration.


4. Create a JMB363 RAID driver disk for Windows

OS installation. See section

5.5 Creating a RAID driver disk

for details.


5. Install the JMB363 driver after the Windows

OS had been installed.

Always install the JMB363 driver before creating RAID sets.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-51

Entering the JMB363 RAID BIOS utility

1. During POST, press <Ctrl-J> to enter the JBM363 RAID BIOS menu.

JMicron Technology Corp. PCI-to-SATA II/IDE RAID Controller BIOS v0.97

Copyright (C) 2004-2005 JMicron Technology http://www.

HDD0 : HDS722516VLSA80 164 GB Non-RAID

HDD1 : HDS722516DLA380 164 GB Non-RAID

Press <Ctrl-J> to enter RAID Setup Utility...

2. The main JMB363 RAID BIOS menu appears.

3. Use the arrow keys to move the color bar and navigate through the items.

JMicron Technology Corp. PCI-to-SATA II/IDE RAID Controller BIOS v0.97

[Main Menu]

[Hard Disk Drive List]

Create RAID Disk Drive

Model Name Capacity Type/Status

Delete RAID Disk Drive

HDD0: HDS722516VLSA80 164 GB Non-RAID

Revert HDD to Non-RAID

HDD1: HDS722516DLA380 164 GB Non-RAID

Solve Mirror Conict

Rebuild Mirror Drive

Save and Exit Setup

Exit Without Saving

[RAID Disk Drive List]


TAB]-Switch Window [


]-Select Item [ENTER]-Action [ESC]-Exit

Creating a RAID set

1. In the main JMB363 RAID BIOS menu, highlight Create RAID Disk Drive

using the up/down arrow key then press <Enter>.

[Main Menu]

Create RAID Disk Drive

Delete RAID Disk Drive

Revert HDD to Non-RAID

Solve Mirror Conict

Rebuild Mirror Drive

Save and Exit Setup

Exit Without Saving

5-52 Chapter 5: Software support

2. When the Level item is highlighted, use the up/down arrow key to select the

RAID set that you want to create.

[Create New RAID]

[Create New RAID]

Name : JRAID

Name : JRAID

Level: 0-Stripe

Level: 1-Mirror

Disks: Select Disk

Disks: Select Disk

Block: 128 KB

Block: N/A

Size : 319 GB

Size : 159 GB

Conrm Creation

Conrm Creation

3. When the Disks item is highlighted, use the up/down arrow key to highlight

an HDD that you want to belong to the RAID set, then press the space bar to

conrm selection. Repeat the process until the HDDs are selected.

A selected HDD shows a

sign before it.

[Hard Disk Drive List]

Model Name Capacity Type/Status



4. Key in the RAID volume capacity. Use the up/down arrow to choose the block

size. The default value indicates the maximum allowed capacity.

[Create New RAID]

Name : JRAID

Level: 0-Stripe

Disks: Select Disk

Block: 128 KB

Size : 319 GB

Conrm Creation

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-53

5. When done, press <Enter> to conrm the creation of the RAID set. A dialogue

box appears to conrm the action. Press <Y> to conrm; otherwise, press


JMicron Technology Corp. PCI-to-SATA II/IDE RAID Controller BIOS v0.97

[Create New RAID]

[Hard Disk Drive List]


Model Name Available Type/Status

Level: 0-Stripe

HDD0: HDS722516VLSA80 164 GB Non-RAID

Disks: Select Disk

HDD1: HDS722516DLA380 164 GB Non-RAID

Block: 128 KB

Size : 319 GB

Conrm Creation

[RAID Disk Drive List]

Create RAID on the selected HDD (Y/N)? Y





TAB]-Switch Window [


]-Select Item [ENTER]-Action [ESC]-Exit

Pressing <Y> deletes all the data in the HDDs.

6. The following screen appears, displaying the relevant information about the

RAID set you created.

[RAID Disk Drive List]

Model Name RAID Level Capacity Status Members(HDDx)

RDD0: JRAID 0-Stripe XXX GB Normal 01

5-54 Chapter 5: Software support

Deleting a RAID set

1. In the main JMB363 RAID BIOS menu, highlight Delete RAID Disk Drive

using the up/down arrow key then press <Enter>.

[Main Menu]

Create RAID Disk Drive

Delete RAID Disk Drive

Revert HDD to Non-RAID

Solve Mirror Conict

Rebuild Mirror Drive

Save and Exit Setup

Exit Without Saving

2. Use the space bar to select the RAID set you want to delete.

A selected set shows a

sign before it. Press the <Del> key to delete the


3. A dialogue box appears to conrm the action. Press <Y> to conrm;

otherwise, press <N>.

JMicron Technology Corp. PCI-to-SATA II/IDE RAID Controller BIOS v0.97

[Main Menu]

[Hard Disk Drive List]

Create RAID Disk Drive

Model Name Capacity Type/Status

Delete RAID Disk Drive

HDD0: HDS722516VLSA80 164 GB RAID Inside

Revert HDD to Non-RAID

HDD1: HDS722516DLA380 164 GB RAID Inside

Solve Mirror Conict

Rebuild Mirror Drive

Save and Exit Setup

Exit Without Saving

[RAID Disk Drive List]


Model Name RAID Level Capacity Status



RDD0: JRAID 0-Stripe XXX GB Normal 01


TAB]-Switch Window [


]-Select Item [ENTER]-Action [ESC]-Exit

Pressing <Y> deletes all the data in the HDDs.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-55

Resetting disks to non-RAID

An HDD that has been previously congured as part of another RAID set in

another platform is called a broken RAID HDD. When you install a broken

RAID HDD, you cannot select this HDD when configuring a RAID set

through the JMB363 utility.

If you still want to use this broken RAID HDD as part of the RAID set

congured through the JMB363, you may do so by resetting the disk to non-

RAID. You will, however, lose all data and previous RAID congurations.

To reset disks to non-RAID:

1. In the main JMB363 RAID BIOS menu, highlight Revert HDD to non-RAID

using the up/down arrow key then press <Enter>.

[Main Menu]

Create RAID Disk Drive

Delete RAID Disk Drive

Revert HDD to Non-RAID

Solve Mirror Conict

Rebuild Mirror Drive

Save and Exit Setup

Exit Without Saving

2. Use the space bar to select the HDD that you want to reset to non-RAID.

A selected HDD shows a

sign before it.

3. A dialogue box appears to conrm the action. Press <Y> to conrm;

otherwise, press <N>.

Pressing <Y> deletes all the data in the HDD.

5-56 Chapter 5: Software support

Solving a Mirror conict

A Mirror conict occurs when both disks in a RAID 1 (Mirror) conguration are

unplugged from the system in turn, then plugged in again. Since both disks contain

exactly the same data, the system will be unable to determine which of the two

is the source drive. This option allows you to set the source drive and rebuild the

Mirror drive according to the contents of the source drive.

To solve a Mirror conict:

1. In the main JMB363 RAID BIOS menu, highlight Solve Mirror Conict using

the up/down arrow key then press <Enter>.

[Main Menu]

Create RAID Disk Drive

Delete RAID Disk Drive

Revert HDD to Non-RAID

Solve Mirror Conict

Rebuild Mirror Drive

Save and Exit Setup

Exit Without Saving

2. Use the space bar to select the HDD that you want to set as source drive.

The selected HDD shows a

sign before it.

3. Using the <TAB>, move to the RAID Disk Drive List menu and highlight the

RAID set that you want to rebuild. Press <Del> to begin rebuilding the Mirror


A status bar at the bottom of the screen shows the progress of the rebuilding.

JMicron Technology Corp. PCI-to-SATA II/IDE RAID Controller BIOS v0.97

[Main Menu]

[Hard Disk Drive List]

Create RAID Disk Drive

Model Name Capacity Type/Status

Delete RAID Disk Drive

HDD0: HDS722516VLSA80 164 GB RAID Inside

Revert HDD to Non-RAID

HDD1: HDS722516DLA380 164 GB RAID Inside

Solve Mirror Conict

Rebuild Mirror Drive

Save and Exit Setup

Exit Without Saving

[RAID Disk Drive List]

Model Name RAID Level Capacity Status


RDD0: JRAID 1-Mirror XXX GB Rebuild 01

Rebuilding... 01%, please wait...

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-57

Rebuilding a Mirror Drive

When one of the disks in a RAID 1 (Mirror) conguration is unplugged from the

system, then plugged in again, a dialogue box appears to ask you to rebuild the

Mirror drive. Press <Y> to conrm; otherwise, press <N>.

This option allows you to rebuild the Mirror drive later and synchronize the data

between two hard disks.

To rebuild a Mirror drive:

1. In the main JMB363 RAID BIOS menu, highlight Rebuild Mirror Drive using

the up/down arrow key then press <Enter>.

[Main Menu]

Create RAID Disk Drive

Delete RAID Disk Drive

Revert HDD to Non-RAID

Solve Mirror Conict

Rebuild Mirror Drive

Save and Exit Setup

Exit Without Saving

2. Using the <TAB>, move to the RAID Disk Drive List menu and highlight the

RAID set that you want to rebuild. Press <Del> to begin rebuilding the Mirror


A status bar at the bottom of the screen shows the progress of the rebuilding.

JMicron Technology Corp. PCI-to-SATA II/IDE RAID Controller BIOS v0.97

[Main Menu]

[Hard Disk Drive List]

Create RAID Disk Drive

Model Name Capacity Type/Status

Delete RAID Disk Drive

HDD0: HDS722516VLSA80 164 GB RAID Inside

Revert HDD to Non-RAID

HDD1: HDS722516DLA380 164 GB RAID Inside

Solve Mirror Conict

Rebuild Mirror Drive

Save and Exit Setup

Exit Without Saving

[RAID Disk Drive List]

Model Name RAID Level Capacity Status


RDD0: JRAID 1-Mirror XXX GB Rebuild 01

Rebuilding... 01%, please wait...

Saving the settings and exiting setup

When you have nished, highlight Save & Exit Setup using the up/down arrow key

then press <Enter> to save the current RAID conguration and exit the JMB363

RAID BOS utility.

A dialogue box appears to conrm the action. Press <Y> to conrm; otherwise,

press <N> to return to the JMB RAID BIOS menu.

5-58 Chapter 5: Software support

5.5 Creating a RAID driver disk


A oppy disk with the RAID driver is required when installing Windows


and later operating system on a hard disk drive that is included in a RAID set. For

Windows Vista user, you can create a RAID driver disk with a oppy disk drive or a

USB ash disk drive.

5.5.1 Creating a RAID driver disk without entering the OS

To create a RAID driver disk without entering the OS:

1. Boot your computer.

2. Press <Del> during POST to enter the BIOS setup utility.

3. Set the optical drive as the primary boot device.

4. Insert the support CD into the optical drive.

5. Save changes and exit BIOS.

6. Press any key when the system prompts “Press any key to boot from the

optical drive.”

7. When the menu appears, press <1> to create a RAID driver disk.

8. Insert a formatted oppy disk into the oppy drive then press <Enter>.

9. Follow succeeding screen instructions to complete the process.


5.5.2 Creating a RAID driver disk in Windows


To create a RAID driver disk in Windows



1. Start Windows


2. Place the motherboard support CD into the optical drive.

3. Go to the Make Disk menu, then click

Intel ICH9R 32/64 bit RAID Driver



to create an Intel

ICH9R RAID driver disk or the

Make JMicron

JMB36X 32/64-bit RAID Driver

to create a JMicron JMB363 RAID driver


4. Insert a oppy disk into the oppy disk drive or connect a USB ash disk if

you are using Windows Vista OS.

5. Follow succeeding screen instructions to complete the process.

Write-protect the oppy disk to avoid computer virus infection.

ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n 5-59

To install the RAID driver in Windows XP:

1. During the OS installation, the system prompts you to press the <F6> key to

install third-party SCSI or RAID driver.

2. Press <F6> then insert the oppy disk with RAID driver into the oppy disk


3. When prompted to select the SCSI adapter to install, make sure you select

Intel(R) SATA RAID Controller (Desktop ICH9R) and JMicron JMB363.

4. Follow the succeeding screen instructions to complete the installation.


To install the RAID driver in Windows


1. Insert the oppy disk/USB device with RAID driver into the oppy disk drive/USB


2. During the OS installation, select

JMicron JMB363.

3. Follow the succeeding screen instructions to complete the installation.

5-60 Chapter 5: Software support