Fagor 6H-815ACTX: Instruction manual

Instruction manual: Fagor 6H-815ACTX


Instruction manual

Important! Read the entire manual before using the oven. The documentation and accessories are

inside the oven.

The texts in the manual correspond to the numbered diagrams.

countdown to start.

. Validate by pressing (2.3.2) for the


Identifi cation

When this time has elapsed, a beep will

To nd out which model your oven is (“a”,

sound. Press any button to stop the beep.

b”, “c”, “d”) compare its control panel with the

control panels shown in the illustrations.

2.4 Before using your new oven for the fi rst

in it and with the control turned to

time, heat it up while empty (with no food

30 minutes at 250ºC). It may produce some

, for

smoke or a bad smell (this is normal and is



caused by the oven heating up grease residue

by wiping the inside with a damp cloth.

etc.). When it has cooled down, pre-clean it

1.1 Unpacking. Remove all the protective

packaging elements.

2.5 Accessories. Depending on the model,

1.2 Mains connection. Always take into account

the oven is equipped with a Standard Tray

(2.5.1), a Deep Tray

(2.5.2) and a

will be housed in (1.2.2, 1.2.3).

the measurements of the cabinet the oven

the data on the reference plate (1.2.1) and

separately. You may also combine any tray

Standard Rack

(2.5.3), which function

with the standard rack

form a unit. The half-removable rack (2.5.5)

(2.5.4) to

The appliance must be connected to the

mains with a fi xed single-phase connection

and the fully-removable rack (2.5.6, 2.5.7)

with the neutral-to-neutral (blue) connection

support the trays or the unit (2.5.8). If your

guaranteed (1.2.4). Fit the oven into the

oven has “Impulse” slide-out runners, fi rstly

space and centre it (1.2.5). Make sure there

slide them into the oven without the tray

Screw it to the fi tting using the two screws

is no excess cable in the upper part (1.2.6).

supplied (1.2.7).

Take the position of the racks into account

the food with the “Impulse” runners (2.5.11).

system (2.5.10). You must use a tray under

prevent this from happening, use the locking

when the oven is opened. Acc. model to

automatically due to the weight of the tray

(2.5.9). The “Impulse” runners will come out


Using the oven

have anti-overturn side stops (2.5.12).

when placing them inside the oven. They

Only the buttons that can be activated will

light up.

2.6 Accessory positions. The accessories

can be fi tted in 5 different positions

2.1 Setting the time. When you switch on the


time by pressing or and then press

oven, the display will fl ash (2.1.1). Adjust the

2.7 Cooking the food. Place the food in the

oven. Choose the accessory or accessories

Note: The time will need to be reset if a

to validate (2.1.2).

to be used and their recommended position,

power cut occurs.

or consult the cooking table. Close the oven


2.2 Changing the time. Switch on the oven


(2.2.1). Change the time by pressing or

and press twice. The display will fl ash

, then validate by pressing (2.2.2).

2.8 Selecting the cooking function. Press

to switch on the oven. Then press or

2.3 Beeper function. Switch on the oven .

to select the desired cooking function

Press .

will fl ash on the display

according to the model:

(2.3.1). Adjust the time by pressing


Defrost. Rapidly thaws any kind of food.

Traditional heat. For bread, cakes, cakes



with fi lling and lean meat.

High base heat. The heat from the oven

on hold, a moving dotted line will appear on

base is evenly distributed. Ideal for paellas or

the display


Low grill. For hamburgers, toast and food

it ends, a beep will sound. Press any button

process will end at the time indicated. When

(2.11.3). The cooking

with a small surface area.

Note: During the cooking process, the

to stop the beep.


sized roasts.

distributing the heat evenly. Ideal for large-

Fanned high grill. This browns the food,

bechamel sauce.

High grill. For browning pasta, souffl és and

temperature is reached, a beep will sound.

will fl ash. When the selected

2.12 Automatic switch-off. If you forget

to switch off the oven, it will switch off

central element.

Turbo plus. The heat is produced by the

automatically after a certain time. If the

Traditional fanned heat. For any kind of

temperature is lower than 100ºC, the

Delicate food. For yoghurt or dried foods

without their fl avours or smells mixing.

dish. Several dishes may be cooked at once

oven will switch off after 10 hours. If the

switch off after 3 hours.

temperature is higher than 100ºC, it will

2.13 Celeris function

trays of food at the same time.

3D heat. This enables you to cook several

(dried mushrooms, for example).

Pyrolytic oven: Select a function (2.9). Press

dishes requiring pre-heating.

. Recommended for

than with a standard grill.

4-level grill. The browning time is longer

and then press again and hold it

cooked food warm.

Keep warm function. This keeps already-

down for 5 seconds until

display. Validate by pressing . (2.13.1)

appears on the

Consult the table to fi nd out which function is

When the temperature is reached,



start cooking.

Validate by pressing , and the oven will

the most suitable for the food to be cooked.

Non-pyrolytic oven: Switch on the oven and

The oven will quickly reach the temperature

select a function (2.9). Press


2.9 Changing the temperature . When you

temperature is reached, the

required for this function. When the

have selected the programme, press .

disappear. You can now place the food in the

symbol will

Change the temperature by pressing

or . Validate by pressing . If the ºC

Note: The Celeris function is not applicable


temperature inside the oven will appear on

button is pressed and held down, the real

to some programmes.

Note: The cooking process can be stopped

the display.

2.14 Residual heat

it has been switched off,

. If the oven is still hot after

at any time by pressing .

will appear on

To switch off the oven, press .

the display. It will only disappear when the

temperature inside the oven drops below



2.10 Selecting the cooking time . When

2.15 (Button) lock function: For preventing

the programme has been selected and

With the oven cooking or completely

children from playing with the oven.

press until appears on the display

the temperature changed if necessary,

a few seconds (2.15.1). To unblock the oven,

switched off, press

and hold it down for

(2.10.1) Adjust the time by pressing or

and validate by pressing (2.10.2).

repeat the operation.

The countdown will start immediately after

On some models, with the oven cooking or

completely switched off, press and hold it

When the cooking process ends, a beep will


it, repeat the operation.

down for a few seconds (2.15.2). To unblock

sound. Press any button to stop the beep.

Note: If you block the oven when it is

2.11 Selecting the end time : Select a

switched on, you can switch it off by pressing

adjust the end of cooking time and validate

appears on the display. Press or to

time (2.10). Press until (2.11.1).

cooking function, temperature and cooking

and holding it down.

2.16 Recipe function . Switch on the oven

to select the recipe from the ones you have

. Press (2.16.1) and use and

by pressing (2.11.2). While the oven is




a b c dRecipe

Stuffed tomatoes

Note: During the cooking process, if you

button to stop the beep.


Roasted red peppers

on the recipe in progress will appear on the

and hold it down, the information


display (2.16.6).

Hake pie with prawns

Leek pastry


2.17 Interior oven light function: When the

Rabbit and rice

comes on for a few seconds, when you

oven is in power saving mode, the light only

Pizza with 4 cheeses (fresh dough)

Baked hake or cod


switched off, press the

cooking if you wish. To do this, with the oven

that the light remains permanently on during

press ºC. You can deactivate this function so




Salmon in beer


Trout and mushrooms


simultaneously and hold them down until

and buttons


King prawns



you hear a beep. To return to power saving

Monkfi sh and clams

mode, repeat the operation.

Baked sea bream


Tuna slices in onion sauce

Filleted anchovies





Maintenance and

Pork tenderloin



Roast lamb

Beef roti

3.1 Cleaning the accessories. The accessories

Roast rabbit

Roast chicken

hand, use ordinary detergent. Leave them to

are dishwasher-safe. To wash them up by

soak for easier cleaning.

Beef ribs

Stuffed tenderloin


Non-pyrolytic ovens

Stuffed meat roll

Duck in orange sauce

3.2 Smooth-walled models. Clean the oven

Roast quail

soaked in hot soapy water.

while it is warm, wiping the walls with a cloth


Traditional sponge cake


Fairy cakes

3.3 Self-cleaning rough-walled models. On

Egg fl an


these models, the rear plate and side panels

Bread, pre-cooked baguettes

that removes the grease while the oven is

are covered with a self-cleaning enamel

Almond tart

Apple tart


doubling the lifetime of the coating.

functioning. The side panels are reversible,

Petit choux


Swiss roll


If the panels are not performing the self-

Baked apples

cleaning process suf ciently, they will need

regenerating. To do this, remove all the

validate by pressing (2.16.2). Adjust the

accessories and utensils from the inside of

by pressing (2.16.3). Adjust the cooking

weight by pressing or and validate

that are not self-cleaning. Select the

the oven. Thoroughly clean the oven surfaces

degree (rare well done ) by


pressing or , and validate by pressing

(2.16.4). The oven will start functioning

Set the temperature to 250ºC and set the

time between 30 and 60 minutes, depending

require pre-heating , except on delayed

(2.16.5). The recipes marked with (*)

on how dirty the oven is.

When the cleaning programme ends and

you can programme an end-of-cooking

place the food in the oven. If you wish,

reached, a beeper will sound. You can then

programming. When the temperature is

cleaning elements with a damp sponge. They

the oven has cooled down, wipe the self-

will then be totally functional again.

is complete, a beep will sound. Press any

time (2.11.1, 2.11.2). When the cooking



Pyrolytic ovens

very high temperatures, the door safety lock

3.4 Pyrolysis cleaning

(3.4.2). When the oven has cooled down, the

is activated and

appears on the display

The cleaning process consists of the dirt being



disappears and the door can be

burnt at high temperatures.

The smoke and smells are eliminated by a

3.5 Delayed pyrolysis: You can programme the


to switch on the

accumulated a large amount of grease to

The symbol will appear on the display.

suitable pyrolysis mode (3.5.1). Press .

oven and then press to select the most

pyrolysis end time. Press

There is no need to wait until the oven has

perform the cleaning process.

Enter the cleaning end time by pressing ,

. Validate by pressing (3.5.2).

After pyrolysis, when the oven has cooled

3.6 Cleaning the inside walls. Take out the side

white ash residue.

down, wipe it with a damp cloth to remove the

has been left after the cleaning processes.

runners and clean off any grease or ash that

Before starting the pyrolysis process, take

are fi xed in two ways, either without a support

Depending on the models, the side runners

the cooking accessories and the telescopic

all the accessories out of the oven, including


When you have removed them, use a damp

(3.6.1, 3.6.2) or with a support (3.6.3, 3.6.4).

cloth to clean the side walls (3.6.5). When

If any substances are stuck to the inside of the

you have cleaned the oven walls, replace the

runners. If your oven has a fold-down grill, pull

could catch fi re or give off large amounts of

carrying out the pyrolysis process as they

oven due to spill-overs, remove them before

upwards and press to fold it down (3.6.6) and

clean the top wall with a damp cloth (3.6.7).


3.7 Cleaning the glass

During the pyrolysis process the surfaces

children away from the oven.

become hotter than during normal use. Keep

Cleaning the outside of the glass: Use a

soft cloth soaked in a glass cleaning product.

You can choose between three types of pyrolysis for

Cleaning the inside of the glass: If the inside



of the glass is dirty, you can remove it for

Pyro Turbo


: The cleaning process takes 2

When the oven has cooled down, open the door

Note: Pyrolysis cleaning is possible with this

so that they provide leverage to lift up the glass

(3.7.2). Insert the two remaining accessories

the red stops supplied in the accessory bag

as far as it will go (3.7.1) and fi x it in place with


it at level 2. First remove the excess grease

option, with the enamelled tray accessory. Place

(3.7.3). Remove the glass (3.7.4), clean it and

depending on the model, with a black stop in

unit consists of either one or two glass panels,

the whole glass panel unit inside the door. This

dry it with a cloth (3.7.5). If necessary, remove

Pyro Eco : The cleaning process takes one-

and-a-half hours.

Auto Pyro : The duration depends on how

each corner. To remove them, place your hand

dirty the oven is.

you have taken out the unit, remove the stops to

under the door and pull upwards (3.7.6). When

To activate it, switch on the oven by pressing

clean the glass panels (3.7.7).

desired cleaning mode. Validate by pressing

, then press repeatedly to select the

When the glass panels are clean (3.7.8) fi t them

(3.4.1). The pyrolysis will begin immediately.

upwards (3.7.9) and replace the glass panels so

onto the rubber stops again, with the stud facing

Note: The time and temperature parameters

that the letters “L” (left) and “R” (right) are beside


for pyrolysis are set parameters and cannot be

glass panel so that the word PYROLYTIC can

the hinges (3.7.10). Lastly, place the remaining

When the process begins, the oven reaches

close the door.

be read (3.7.11). Remove the stops (3.7.12) and




Allow the glass to cool down before

Make sure the oven is switched off.

reference plate and the electrical socket must

Never use steam cleaning machines.

removing it.

The mains circuit supplying the oven must have

have a regulatory earth connection.

3.8 Cleaning the outside of the oven: Use

neutral cleaning products. Dry the oven well

If the power cord is damaged, it must be

between contacts.

a single-pole cut-off switch with at least 3 mm

with a soft cloth.

replaced by the after-sales technical service or

Ensure the appliance is unplugged from the

by similarly qualifi ed staff, to avoid hazard.

electric shock.

mains before replacing the oven lamp, to avoid



Do not use abrasive cleaning products or metal

could scratch the surface and cause the glass

scouring pads to clean the oven door, as they

You can solve the following problems yourself:

Keep small children away from the oven. It

to shatter.

4.1 4.1 The oven is not heating up. Check it is

plugged in and switched on and that the fuse

has accessible parts that can heat up during

Do not touch the heating elements inside the


4.2 The interior light is not working. Change the


has not blown. Select a higher temperature

This appliance is not intended for use by


4.3 Smoke is coming out during cooking. Turn

bulb or replace the fuse.

people (including children) whose physical,

4.4 The pyrolysis cleaning process is not

the temperature down and/or clean the oven.

sensory, or mental capacities are reduced or

under supervision or after receiving instruction

who lack experience or knowledge, except

being carried out. Ensure the door

temperature sensor failure. Call the Technical

is correctly closed. Locking system or

regarding use of the appliance from a person

responsible for their safety. Use by children


with the appliance.

should be supervised to prevent them playing

4.5 A beep is sounding. The selected

4.6 The oven makes a noise after cooking.

cooking cycle is complete.

temperature setting has been reached. The

This is normal, as the fan keeps running until

the temperature inside and outside the oven


The Environment

4.7 Failure warnings.

is reduced.

This oven has been designed with

Temperature sensor failure.

environmental protection in mind.

Pyrolysis cannot be carried out.

Door blocked (4.7.1).

Respect the environment. Only preheat the

Door block failure.

oven when necessary (see table). Use dark

Software Failure.

coloured cake tins whenever possible. For

Power cut during cooking.

The oven automatically switches

minutes before the end of cooking time.

long cooking times, switch off the oven 5 or 10

off as it has been functioning for

Management of waste electrical and

Do not try to repair the oven yourself. Call

several hours (4.7.2).

electronic equipment.

the technical assistance service.

not be disposed of in traditional bins for domestic

The symbol

indicates that the appliance must




negative consequences for health and the

Recycling domestic appliances will prevent

Take your oven to the a special collection centre.

The oven must be installed by an authorised

environment and will allow savings on energy and

instructions and diagrams.

installer in accordance with the manufacturer’s

For further information, contact the local


The electrical installation must be dimensioned

authorities or the shop where you bought the

for the maximum power indicated on the
