Sharp PN-70TB3: SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Continued)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Continued): Sharp PN-70TB3


20. Usage of the monitor must not be accompanied by fatal risks or dangers that, could lead directly to death, personal injury,


severe physical damage or other loss, including nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, medical life support system, and

missile launch control in a weapon system.

21. Do not stay in contact with the parts of the product that become hot for long periods of time. Doing so may result in

low-temperature burns.


This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may

be required to take adequate measures.

To maintain compliance with EMC regulations, use shielded cables to connect to the following terminals: HDMI input terminal,

D-SUB input terminal, and DisplayPort input/output terminals.

If a monitor is not positioned in a sufciently stable location, it can be potentially hazardous due to falling. Many injuries,

particularly to children, can be avoided by taking simple precautions such as:

• Using xing devices like wall mount brackets recommended by the manufacturer.

• Only using furniture that can safely support the monitor.

• Ensuring the monitor is not overhanging the edge of the supporting furniture.

Not placing the monitor on tall furniture (for example, cupboards or bookcases) without anchoring both the furniture and the

monitor to a suitable support.

• Not standing the monitors on cloth or other materials placed between the monitor and supporting furniture.

• Educating children about the dangers of climbing on furniture to reach the monitor or its controls.

Especially for child safety

- Don’t allow children to climb on or play with the monitor.

- Don’t place the monitor on furniture that can easily be used as steps, such as a chest of drawers.

- Remember that children can become excited while watching a program, especially on a “larger than life” monitor. Care

should be taken to place or install the monitor where it cannot be pushed, pulled over, or knocked down.

- Care should be taken to route all cords and cables connected to the monitor so that they cannot be pulled or grabbed by

curious children.


- Do not use the monitor where there is a lot of dust, where

The Power Cord

humidity is high, or where the monitor may come into contact

- Use only the power cord supplied with the monitor.

with oil or steam. Do not use in an environment where

there are corrosive gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulde,

- Do not damage the power cord nor place heavy objects on

nitrogen dioxide, chlorine, ammonia, ozone, etc.). As this

it, stretch it or over bend it. Also, do not add extension cords.

could lead to re.

Damage to the cord may result in re or electric shock.

- Ensure that the monitor does not come into contact with

- Do not use the power cord with a power tap.

water or other uids. Ensure that no objects such as paper

Adding an extension cord may lead to re as a result of

clips or pins enter the monitor as this could lead to re or


electric shock.

- Do not remove or insert the power plug with wet hands.

- Do not place the monitor on top of unstable objects or in

Doing so could result in electric shock.

unsafe places. Do not allow the monitor to receive strong

- Unplug the power cord if it is not used for a long time.

shocks or to strongly vibrate. Causing the monitor to fall or

- Do not attempt to repair the power cord if it is broken

topple over may damage it.

or malfunctioning. Refer the servicing to the service

- Do not use the monitor near heating equipment or in places


where there is likelihood of high temperature, as this may

lead to generation of excessive heat and outbreak of re.

- Do not use the monitor in places where it may be exposed to

direct sunlight.

- The AC outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall

be easily accessible.

- Do not operate the screen with a hard or pointed object such

as a ngernail or pencil.


