JVC KD-G631: Remote controller — RM-RK50
Remote controller — RM-RK50: JVC KD-G631

Main elements and features
Remote controller — RM-RK50
Installing the lithium coin battery
1 (standby/on/attenuator) button
Aim the remote controller directly at the remote
• Turns the power on if pressed briefly or
sensor on the unit. Make sure there is no obstacle
attenuates the sound when the power is on.
in between.
• Turns the power off if pressed and held.
2 5 U (up) / D (down) ∞ buttons
• Changes the FM/AM/DAB bands with 5 U.
• Changes the preset stations (or DAB services)
• Do not install any battery other than CR2025 or its
with D ∞.
equivalent; otherwise, it may explode.
• Changes the folder of the MP3/WMA/USB.
• Do not leave the remote controller in a place
• While playing an MP3 disc on an
(such as dashboards) exposed to direct sunlight
MP3-compatible CD changer:
for a long time; otherwise, it may explode.
– Changes the disc if pressed briefly.
• Store the battery in a place where children cannot
– Changes the folder if pressed and held.
reach to avoid risk of accident.
• While listening to an Apple iPod or a JVC
• To prevent the battery from over-heating,
D. player:
cracking, or starting a fire:
– Pauses/stops or resumes playback with D ∞.
– Do not recharge, short, disassemble, heat the
– Enters the main menu with 5 U.
battery, or dispose of it in a fire.
(Now 5 U/D ∞/2 R/F 3 work as the menu
– Do not leave the battery with other metallic
selecting buttons.)*
VOL – / VOL + buttons
– Do not poke the battery with tweezers or
• Adjusts the volume level.
similar tools.
4 SOUND button
– Wrap the battery with tape and insulate when
• Selects the sound mode (iEQ: intelligent
throwing away or saving it.
5 SOURCE button
• Selects the source.
This unit is equipped with the steering wheel
remote control function.
* 5 U : Returns to the previous menu.
• See the Installation/Connection Manual (separate
D ∞ : Confirms the selection.
volume) for connection.
Continued on the next page
EN02-05_KD-G632_1_003A_pre.indd 5EN02-05_KD-G632_1_003A_pre.indd 5 10/17/06 12:29:35 PM10/17/06 12:29:35 PM
- Control panel — KD-G632 / KD-G631
- Remote controller — RM-RK50
- !
- Radio operations
- FM RDS operations
- Ÿ Select one of your favorite programme
- Disc / USB memory
- Sound adjustments
- General settings — PSM
- DAB tuner operations
- iPod / D. player operations
- ! Adjust the volume.
- Other external component
- Maintenance
- More about this unit
- Troubleshooting
- Specifications
- Bedienfeld — KD-G632 / KD-G631
- Fernbedienung — RM-RK50
- !
- Bedienung des Tuners
- UKW-RDS-Funktionen
- Ÿ Wählen Sie einen ihres gewünschten
- Disk / USB-Speicherbetrieb
- Klangeinstellungen
- Allgemeine Einstellungen
- DAB-Tuner-Funktionen
- iPod / D. player-Bedienungen
- ! Stellen Sie die Lautstärke ein.
- Bedienung von anderen externen Komponenten
- Wartung
- Weitere Informationen zu
- Störungssuche
- Technische Daten
- Панель управления — KD-G632/KD-G631
- Пульт дистанционного управления —
- !
- Операции с
- Операции с FM RDS
- Ÿ Выберите один из типов любимых
- Операции с дисками или
- Настройки звучания
- Общие настройки — PSM
- Операции с тюнером DAB
- Операции
- ! Настройте громкость.
- Другие операции с внешним устройством
- Обслуживание
- Дополнительная
- Устранение проблем
- Технические характеристики